In my opinion, Trump supporters are fascists. Bashing fascists has and always will be a form of self-defense. Because fascism by its very nature involves hurting and killing people; Just look at /polt/
In my opinion, Trump supporters are fascists. Bashing fascists has and always will be a form of self-defense. Because fascism by its very nature involves hurting and killing people; Just look at /polt/
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Almost all of O'keefe's videos get him sued for fraud and and he loses. Just saying.
Attacking Trump supporters because of your ==feels== is going to turn them against the left forever, you COINTELCUCK.
Are you implying the spooked & classcucked boomers who voted for a candidate who promised to round up all the mexicans and muslims are going to become loyal communist comrades somehow?
Lmao. This attitude on Holla Forums of "fascist feefees are important, fuck minorities, fuck the poor, viva Trump" is pretty pathetic tbh.
I didn't know he advocated corporatism.
Porky deserves to get killed tbh
I wouldn't attack workers though even if they voted for Trump, they're just misguided.
fuck off nazi.
They aren't fascists, you utter cretin.
Assuming that, you still have to know the person's a fascist, and implying Trump or his supporters are necessarily fascists indicates you don't.
Cool response bro.
I bet you think ww2 was a war of aggression against Germany too
Trump ran as a populist, which would make his voters populists. So far he hasn't indicated fascist tendencies any more than other presidents.
Fascist is a buzzword. The proper word is tyrant. A republic is still a form of tyranny, the president no matter his or her party isn't the tyrant though: as everyone should know, the president has very little power. The guys behind the president, they are the tyrants. I don't think the liberals would be breaking windows and pretending to be anarchists if Cunton or Colonel Sanders were elected.
calling everything fascist degrades the word. Trump is no more a fascist than Angela Merkel and other center-right socdems.
But he ran his campaign on racial animosity, hyper nationalism, militarism and even his own "Only I can fix it" thing attached to his personality.
Angela Merkel didn't fucking propose to kill the families of muslims or round up all the immigrants.
Good. Killing all muslims or immigrants is retarded because many of them are workers. You're generalizing a group of people with different opinions and positions. On the other hand when you talk about capitalists and fascists you're talking specifically about the ruling class, or apologists of the ruling class. So when you round them up you can rest in ease that you didn't kill innocents.
they're mostly civic nationalists and social cons who think Trump, a guy whose aborted babies and had affairs, will deliver on his culture war bluster
Not really. Most of that is media spin. Any blase racism he has is common to most well-off white Americans. Some of his loud supporters being racist doesn't make him racist, and exploiting them to his advantage just makes him savvy.
Can't get elected dog-catcher in the US without either this or faux anti-US sentiment in line with liberal hand-wringing.
He is the opposite of an expansionist, which is a hallmark of fascism. He said over and over he wanted to kick ISIS to the curb and then leave the middle east alone.
All US politicians cultivate a personality cult.
Half your points are flat out wrong an the others are no worse for Trump than other US presidents, which is the point I was making. I hate Trump, which is why it pisses me off when liberals parrot bullshit the media generated.
that makes him racist and manipulative. he's not a fascist. he runs with crypto-fascists, his supporters are crypto-fascists, he has mob ties and ties to right wing deep state through Woolsey and other creeps around him. But, he's not a fascist
trump is verifiably racist, he dislikes blacks and latinos
He has never said shit about blacks. He has said Mexicans/immigrant men rape like there is no tommorow on the border crossing, which is true.
Trump doesn't have a paramilitary dishing out "justice" on his behalf
His politics have nothing to do with the nation as the will of the people
Trump's campaign had nothing about the sanctity of violence/action nor did he have any of the blood and soil fetishization facists do
trump isn't a fascist, if you think he is go back to r/socialism with the rest of the liberals
*add on
Trump is a racist peice of shit but that doesn't make him a fascist
if you want to learn how fascism see its self read this
Trump literally said Mexicans are rapists and murderers and wants to deport them all lmao.
doesn't make him a fascist though
They are. Drug traffickers too.
Lmao he refused to rent to black tenants in the 80's and 90's and calls their ethnic group "the Blacks"
classic white frat dad racism, fuck off with your bullshit about latinos. the vast majority of pedophiles are white, the vast majority of mass murderers are white, the vast majority of sadistic cops and judges and prosecutors are white, the US military the most prolific killing machine in human history is majority white (or was during its heyday), please spare me with the rape shit. frat faggots rape more chicks on a saturday night than Jose and Emmanuel do at a Tex-Mex border town after 20 shots of tequila. Faggot
And Holla Forums says it isn't a racist board. Fucking nazbols, the lot of you.
Drug trafficking for jewish and white euro bankers and businessmen and spooks in the alphabet mafia
Texas landowners/plantowners/industrialists bus in illegals and drugs and do business with the cartels you fucking shill faggot
go back to >>>Holla Forums you're worse than a NazBol or a Tankie
alphabet mafia sounds like a sick name for a band
The problem with calling Trump a fascist is that would imply he even knows what fascism is, or read a book.
How the fuck is this racist?
i got it from an user off here, its a fantastic and powerful little quip for demeaning the national security state
Mexican is not a race, and a lot more than Mexicans cross over from the Mexican border. IIRC he didn't even specify Mexicans with that line.
So Holla Forums, why do you continue to excuse the racism of the working class? Why do you throw minorities under the bus in hopes of turning the classcucks into leftists?
Is this secretly a nazbol board and I didn't get the memo?
Either go back to reddit or lurk more. Leftism is a movement of the workers, the common people, not the people with the correct liberal opinions.
trump is a racist peice of shit but he's no more fash than George W Bush
Nazbols are leftist fascist. read a fucking book kid.
Noone who isn't a racist calls them "The blacks". in america you call them "black people". if you're a racist hote black supremacist they're "the whites". i've never met a white or black person who said "the blacks" or "the whites" and wasn't a frothing at the mouth racist faggot. nice sidestep on my landlording comment, the guy oozes classical east coast liberal racist faggotry. trust me i grew up with these people, this breed of white people who give money to the intercity but call them "the blacks" and vote for racist zoning laws and no-go zones and all that shit. the only black people in my HS were super special bussed in minority students and rich nigerian kids. Trump's never associated with a black guy in his life outside of valets and waiters
we shouldn't tolerate these faggots their feels will flair up when shit hits the fan and when RaHoWa starts they'll go to the reactionary side. They're here because the economics of the right don't make sense. Tons of people on here are only here because of economics. But in terms of politics and sociology they are about as reactionary as you can be. Fuck them and fuck anyone who defends them
I love this meme.
agreed, idpol liberal or conservative is equally reactionary
what part of his post is saying white people are the only part of the working class?
reddit plz go
Holla Forums is literally just Holla Forums but with porky instead of Jews. But at heart they're the same alienated white guys that complain about niggers and jews every day.
Trump isn't a fascist, but neither is your typical huwhite supremacist that antifa likes to brawl with really if you want to get technical. If you just want to brawl with Trumpies, huwhite nationalists etc I'll be the last to tell you not to. Not something I'd personally do with my free time but if fighting is what makes you happy go for it.
jews and niggers are real and strong and my friend
Not an American
But from this discussion I have gathered that not even Americans even understand what Trump means, which is disintegration. Trump cannot be a racist, it doesn't matter if he personally thinks blacks are sub-human. Trump isn't a racist and neither he is a fascists.
Trump (the figure) stands for nothing, he is nothing more than a totem in which the rage of the reactionary working class is projected or a boogeyman made up by liberal ideologues.
This is a guy who blundered his way into the presidency by the sheer shittyness of Clinton and the popular rage of the working class. He is nothing more ideologically than a corporatist, and nothing the alt-right, liberals or Holla Forums will make him anything more than a sign of the declining American empire.
To say he is a fascists is an affront to all of the victims of fascism and Nazism.
The RaHoWa solution that the Church of Creativity came up with is ultimately just another form of anarchy to be honest.
libs and tankies call everything they hate fascists film at 11
It's time to stop.
You have a second grade understanding of anarchist theory.
All Jews and Dindus who are committed to freedom and destroying porky are my allies and i will protect them and their dreams with my voice and my arm
what was Church of Creativity word filtered from? or is this some esoteric reference to reactionaries i don't know yet
Negro the reason he didn't rent to blacks, like every property dealer, is the liberal trash in the building don't want to live with them, you think it was a personal or business decision?
He's Porky, not fucking George Lincoln Rockwell. And who gives a fuck about rich blacks anyway?
relgious nazis
you best be joking son, Oprah's fabulous death squads are on the way
Where did you ever point out any of those things?
So you think all worker's are racist then? Get out of here you fucking liberal.
No but we don't have time for "muh reparations", "muh holy land", "muh jihad and sharia", "muh 66 cents on the dollar", "muh bathrooms"
shit is accelerating, we were talking about how bad automation is going to be in my econ class today. its absolutely out of control and the ENTIRE left is just cheering it on because FALC or whatever gay singularifag shit. We are at a perfect point where enough people will be angry and unemployed but the state won't be powerful enough to placate them, where we can seize everything very quickly. But, if every election cycle is "muh poor impulse control uneducated black guy got shot by cop", "muh stupid bitch dressed like a hooker and was raped by ferral fraggots", "muh bathroom experience with men was scary because i wore a dress" then we are totally fucked
Ok, no.
I'm not gonna say Trump is a fascist, because I don't consider Trump a fascist. But in the context of Trump, populism is not an ideology but a campaigning approach. If we were to look at populism as a sort of political ideology, Trump lost track of it before the end of his campaign. He used populism for a while, but ended up just courting a conservative niche. Ivory tower types still were willing to call it "populism" because for them, "populist" is an insult tantamount to calling a politician dumb. This is effectively a statement about elites' opinions of what the "average person" thinks like - but Trump went on to lose the popular vote.
While I do think that populism can be an actual ideology, this isn't it. And the Nazis and Commies were both associated with populism based on their rhetoric, so it's clear that "populism" does not actually describe specific policies in most cases.
No he didn't rent to them because he didn't want his brand associated with black tenants. The guy is a racist and mob connected and is surrounded by spooks like Roy Cohn and James Woolsey. Fuck no, im not stupid im not buying any of this pragmatic fuckery.
I'm serious, why is not renting to rich Blacks for your rich whites an issue to anyone? It's the Williams Sisters should get paid more quality of activism, who gives a shit. Rich liberals in the 80's wanted to live with whites and Jews, Black rich people had their own complexes and estates.
Are you implying Trump supporters aren't racist?
Because its motivated by racism, either by supporting structural racism (muh tennants don't want dindus here) or actual racism (i don't want THE BLACKS here in my building)
throw in his obnoxious comments about mexico and you have a typical rich racist white elitist. he is EXACTLY like every other rich frat dad i've ever had the mispleasure of spending time with
It's funny because I'm in a quantitative methods class in my college and for our first assignment I decided to analyze the descriptive statistics for workers who make less than $25,000. They mostly voted democratic. About 10% voted republican in 2012.
They aint racist.
Source: 2012 American National Election Study
I think it's worth pointing out that Trump supporters aren't as working class as *certain people* would like you to believe.
I didn't say Anarchism, I said anarchy, referring to the state of anarchy. I assume that they'll be attacking a lot more than Jews, Mestizos and Negroes. They'll be fighting police, burning churches, bombing banks, etc. etc.
I was joking. The idea that everything rich people do needs to look like a box of Reices Peices is fucking dumb when you are just making the boot on the working class multi racial
Sup Holla Forums?
Fair enough. As soon as I hit "New Reply" I realized I worded that wrong. Should have said "rubes" instead of populists. As for pivoting to bog standard conservatism he did that to make sure he'd clinch the electoral votes. The populism early on was to secure his base of working class voters. Once he got them he wasn't gonna lose them, so he waited until later to get the more fickle Republicans.
Wasn't Trump more statistically more popular with the petty bourgeoisie than with workers?
Most of them live in the city and burbs. Look at rural below 25,000 or better yet
Yes, Middle Class were the source of fascism in Germany as well (and industrialists, interestingly Trump's base are these two groups; still not a fascist tho imho)
Okay fair enough
Hi Hillary
also see
it was 1972
Working class in rural america is frustrated with their economic conditions, that they haven't been able to pay off their debts, or seen a raise in 20 years, and when a populist comes around promising them manufacturing jobs it and that means they are cross burning KKK clansmen.
I'd love to get into your mind, liberals but I just can't.
Most workers are minorities.
My favourite liberals thing was when they started tweet storming out how khalesi lost to lord voldemort and now hamiliton is mad at america
This, I don't know why Holla Forums is so keen to throw minorities under the bus. The vast majority of the urban poor voted Democrat and Trump is deeply reviled by them. I'm not sure why Holla Forums wants to please the racists and potential fascists from rural middle America when the people most likely to have revolutionary potential are already there, on our cities.
Stop trying to make it seem like if Trump was the standard-beared of the working class, and Clinton was only supported by champagne liberals. Black people HATE Trump, as do practically other minorities. People of color from the cities suffer under porky too, stop trying to make it all about the proto-fascists from the South and the rust belt.
Cry more lol
First part is systemic racism. It would be a bad idea businesswise to do that at the time, which was in the 70s. Don't blame people for acting according to their interests in a fucked up system. If you honestly thing referring to black people as "the blacks" makes him racist, there's no helping your retardation I'm afraid.
Trumps supporters aren't a bloc. Many are working class.
Trump's a piece of shit who has a record of throwing the working class under the bus. It's easy to criticize him from a leftist perspective. Why are you doing it from a liberal perspective?
wew lad
what's true? that latinos as a group commit more rape? blacks commit the most rape and that's because they live in a hellscape and are trained to be rapey in prison by whitey
that latinos commit a lot of sex crimes? they're poor mestizos who were mindraped by catholicism and the spaniards conquistador mindset, their former cultures were war cultures and they live in abject poverty. if you took 11th century Danes and threw them in Ghettos and called them horrible names and fed them like shit they'd commit tons of crimes
you provided no stats, no studies, literally did not even provide an argument, it could hardly even be called a statement
Reminder that literally hundreds of "evil trump supporter hate crimes" have turned out to be made up.
That's a picture of illegals
Holla Forums go home
t. white kid who has never known a non-wealthy latino, let alone an illegal migrant.
every single thing i said in the second passage is true; whites committed mass rape in Vietnam, mass rape in Okinawa, mass rape in the Phillipines, mass rape in Germany and Poland, mass rape in Central america and massive amount of violence against civis in all aforementioned conflicts. please you dumb stormnigger, SS officers were notorious for raping slavic women and jewish women and frenchwomen and being total barbarians
im half latino you faggot anfem, why don't you go back to shitting up the board
Go back to Holla Forums.
Purge all idpol
What are you even trying to point out here? That disadvantaged communities commit more crimes? Isn't that obvious and isn't that what we want to fix?
how is it racist to say jews and niggers are good and my friends?
lol go home Holla Forums
Sorry I'm a bit non-sober right now. WHat I was taking issue with was:
Literally all of the problems in Latin America today are the result of American intervention and "aid." If America were to collapse Latin America would probably become a much happier place.
1/10 apply yourself
While you are technically right, your point ignores at what changed in this election. Which was Trump winning Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio, without which he could not have won.
Higher income voters and porkies traditionally vote Republican due to their pro-corporatists stances. It is the ignored voters in these rural areas that changed the outcome of this election.
Lets look at wiki stats on income demographics comparing 08 and 2016, and you can see the vast differences in voting preferences. Also the turnout in 08 was aso somewhat larger.
They're not even trying any more.
Its kind of funny that Holla Forums partially fell for the liberal ruse concerning Trump's voterbase.
we hate clinton too. 1/10 see me after class
Low energy
lurk more, faggot.
man daddy trump would fire your ass in a heartbeat with this weakass trolling
low energy. Sad!
Those that advocate for the most brutal of violence are the same who most loudly proclaim that it is persecution of innocent din.du's when they get a slap on the wrist.
So just like Holla Forums when they say that Pinochet was a gud boi who dindu nuffin?
i could really care less its documented and it was intentional and blatantly racist
If you stand against the revolution you deserve worse than death, especially if you are a liberal.
okay kiddo
thats 2 different people in the 2nd pic are you retarded
yes and no. they wouldn't be better off bein ruled by racist white hispanic oligarchs and military juntas. of all the places on Earth that need a revolution its Latin America
I mean I knew stormfags were retarded, but this is just sad.
Lurk more lad.
Did we trigger you sweetie? Sorry about that.
If you were a Jew in nazi germany, or an Armenian in Ottoman empire, you wouldn't be singing that tune.
Fascists posses greater cognitive dissonance and maliciousness, because they hide their intents with lies and deceit. We know you want violence but you are too afraid to expose you racism and authoritarianism to greater exposure.
At least the far-left is honest in what it wants to do and that the bourgeoisie is indeed an enemy that needs to be overturned violently. Oppression of the weak or not.
most of the coups and dictarorships were cia backed and trained though
That wasn't about Hillary, it was about majority of Trump's support base being petty bourgeoisie as opposed to working class.
A lot of those Juntas are US backed or at least they were.
forget it jake, its Holla Forums
You're a black supremacist who's trying to give the illusion that there are still nazis.
I mean, what better way to gain support and sympathy for the Nazi masturbation fantasy than to act like nazis/white supremacists are still a threat?
More or less.
No, libs are the people who actually believe you when you pretend to be a din.du after calling for genocide.
Yet everytime violent leftists get exposed, and receive a slap on the wrist even, those who are the loudest in proclaiming them to be peacefull dindus who just want to live in peace and who wouldn't hurt a fly, are the same leftists who espouse violence like you do.
When a non-communist accuses communists of wanting what communists say they want, they are called McCarthyists.
no he's a racist and i can smell a racist from a mile away. really subtle shit that only fascists and peope who study racism for a living would pick up on. nah he's a racist and i would love for more people to stop being brow beaten by Holla Forums and /r/TheDonald with "what did he do that's racist?" the guy talks like every frat faggot dad i've ever met who likes blacks on TV playing sportsball but doesn't want them in their neighborhood
lol we have like 2 Hotep tier fags on this board user