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This works way too well.
this is quality stuff, especially for having been made in a day
Man r/pol/cuckoldry is really getting desperate.
pin this thread
assuming that the two men in that image are the same, that means one of the intellectual leaders of the alt-right got his shit pushed in by an actual beta male cuck.
really makes you think.
Fuck off Richard. Also lay off the cuck porn.
why do leftists like to be slaves who eat shit?
i seriously don't understand this
I'm not Trump's son who until recently was Trump's living breathing bathroom choke collared to a pole in trump tower
He's an actor. He gets paid to do that. It's called a job Holla Forumsyp. Sorry to break it to you but porn is not real.
really makes you think
Kek was this in the intelligence briefing too?
No that's just about all this little vegetable can do right
WTF I love slave ray now
Why does pol love cuckold porn so much?
now imagine that being true, and then imagine him saying something along the lines of "but you got beaten in an election by a bathroom choke, ha!" as you do here
that sort of castration logic, it's like trying to dig yourself out of a hole
making a job out of it really doesn't make things look better
P-please be nice to Barron
Trump can throw a punch worse than this faggot probably
Let him live and risk letting him be the next future fucking president's son?
yeah, i'd like to see him fight in the ring with spencer
Spencer could do that
If he didn't bitch about lawyers for five seconds
mad a shit eating cuck made /yourguy/ look like a fucking mug and twitter dot com wont leave you alone about how bad the pee pee man is?
But the guy that punched him has a different hat, different colored pants, and no glasses?
Am I only one who thinks he's getting fat over time?
I hope he does, but letting this guy drop the soap in prison is pretty amusing too.
come on now, that's just weak
Fantastic 10/10
Like poetry
dont really care tbh, hitler taking his own life was pretty weak but i dont hold that against you
Are you from PR
Thank you for Correcting the Record
Really makes you think.
Uhh they don't look anything alike.
The anarchist who punched Spencer has a white brimmed hat and doesn't have glasses.
The aut-right is clinging to this meme for some reason. I think Spencer himself is peddling it.
But they're both wearing black clothing.
Damn. kinda makes me angry that so many american liberals are shit eating cucks
Holla Forums being this desperate trying to force this.
hitler got 6 million confirmed kills and he only had one ball!
ha! you got btfo by someone who only had one ball!
It's amazing how this event did nothing to harm Spencers credibility but permanently cemented antifa as literal shit-eating cucks. It's actually incredible. They are literal shit-eating cucks. Every time antifa is mentioned anywhere else they will be remembered as shit eating cucks.
No one except Holla Forumstards are paying attention to the identity of the guy who punched him.
Sure is lugenpresse in here
except polacks were the only ones who decided to look up scat porn of the guy who punched him.
please go home Holla Forums you are pathetic, none is taking the bait
It's been something since the end of world war 2
6 gorillian i think youll find
It's already happening in the other chans.
Can't wait for that
No one cares. Again. No one cares who punched him. They do however, love the fact that he was in fact punched. That's how much everyone hates you.
I think your trapped in a bubble mate. Antifa is not going to be able to forget this anonymous shit eating cuck they made their hero.
Richard Spencer punched to the tune of: Der Führers Face
what people will remember is the alt-right's hero and leader got the bitch slapped out of him by a dude who eats shit, you delusional faggot
Still trying to force your memes I guess. No wonder Holla Forums is known as the eternal newfags.
The alt right is a political minority in the midwest that's afraid of ever getting in a violent altercation
And a lot of people want you dead. Don't act like this is light.
You are a nazi now. People associate you with being furious.
Don't protest.
Not even normie reactionary conservatives like you. You are an unwanted vanguard that will end up getting purged the moment you become a liability (which will be fairly soon.)
Antifa's have no identity apart from being an instrument of the anger of others.
That's one way of not being a shit eating cuck.
Come outside and protest trump's unfair treatment and see how long you last before you get a treatment worse than his voters in San Jose
It's funny how you people openly admit that you want to murder trump supporters and then cry about muh violent police state when all you get is some pepperspray.
Really, do push it further, it's the only way to break the conditioning that you should be allowed to an open threat planning a killing spree.
Wow this guy unironically thinks that physical violence is the only kind of violence! WHat a dipshit!
Fascism must be met with violence at every opportunity in order to prevent fascists from entering liberal democratic politics. This is basic shit. If you are pro-fascism, admit it. That way we can find you guys easier.
lost it
There's violent, brutal irony too, like fighting The Man and then setting up a date for him to fuck your gf.
Exactly, now it's time to undo the farce that far-leftists should be allowed to anticipate, agitate for and organize their murderous revolution because muh freeze peach.
Feels good, man
Seriously you are obsessed with cuckshit. Seek help.
We don't. It's just bants. It's pretty funny your spergy hitler wannabe got his shit pushed in, but I don't really see petty street-level violence as an essential part of the socialist program.
I don't really see the importance that keeping a certain, more drastic type of bourgeois rule out of the normal machinery of bourgeois rule has for socialism, or why other causes must subordinate to it.
All the whinging about the need for an "united front" is literally how the Nazis beat the communists in the first place
kys my man
I'm not giving you a threat I'm giving you advice on what you shouldn't do in life.
They need to be kept out of politics because when they enter politics they use politics to fuck us (the actual leftists) over. That's why. Fascists are the weapon of last resort for capitalism. They exist to eliminate leftists. They must be removed before they obtain power or influence.
I want to kill all right wingers.
It's just amusing to see how brutally a metaphor can break the fourth wall.
You do, except the few people who don't and are called traitor reformist-revisionist socdems at every opportunity.
Why do these things always fall apart in a few years or become generic sex cults in which one guy fucks all the woman and their daughters?
I want to fill mass graves with righ-wingers and clergy.
Sup /pol.
You're thinking of hippie communes, not anarchist communes fam
That's the far right's cults. Our cults actually get shit done and kill people.
And when their bodies decompose use their bones to make phosphate fertilizer.
No usually they just end up with too many women because all the men either leave or die.
Those just become drug dens.
There aren't any far-right cults, or you must see christian cults as far-right, and they look remarkably similar to leftist cults. Unquestionable leader, brain washing, isolation, batshit ideology, sexual control exerted by the leader…
Seriously dumbass?
Which ones do you know of?
I beg to differ
In Croatia yugoslav partisans killed a lot of ustase, chetniks, German and Italian fascists soldiers and their collaborators at he end of WWII and now their grand children are whining and call antifascist communist war criminals and their fascist Ustase grandfathers heroes that fought for "independent" Croatia .
Problem is not that this people were killed problem is that Tito and partisans were too soft and they didn't killed enough of them.
Problem is that
The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord, Army of God, Montana Freemen, Hutaree
Those are just the generally violent you projected onto us.
Would you like me to get into far right religious cults that involve the polygamist rape you projected onto us as well you naive creepy bastard?
Right-wing thought must be exterminated.
No, see, the joke is the alt-right has used the term, semi-ironically referencing the Nazis, to rightly deride the MSM for its factual inaccuracies and incessant narrative-pushing. But the latter of which is what the Holla Forumsyp is doing here.
A good number of us actually voted for him, buddy. We're getting a quite a few overeager newfags since we fed the Wolff and in light of a ramping-up political situation, though.
There's a major political opportunity in a sweeping disillusionment of the "right populists" as Trump and bourgeois rule in general fail to meaningfully represent and carry out their will. It's desirable, if not necessary, while watching liberals sit in a burning house and act like everything's perfectly fine out of some misplaced sense of in-group loyalty as they have been doing for the last 8 years is the most maddening, counterproductive shit one can imagine.
Remember that it was the socdems who praised "lesser of two evilism" and explicitly directed a fight against fascists per se that led to Nazi rule. The lessons of history are plenty, if you care to look. "Support Hillary so at least we don't get a protectionist that people insist on comparing to Fascists over an insignificantly small far-right cult following" just isn't sound, reasonable politics.
It's me or Holla Forums is becoming very pathetic lately.
Not him, but
Over the coming years it will become more and more obvious they are a small minority population until they lose as much credibility as "anonymous" did back when that horrible mistake happened in 2008
So basically watch them be decimated into further depopulation
They aren't very good when they are on the defense. I guess it's hard to feel sorry for people that openly fantasize about killing entire races.
That's a cult, but not a far-right one. His recent pandering is done because he noticed those vids got more views, they serve much like the entry level of scientology.
Why don't they ever prosecute communists who plant violent revolts? Why isn't the leading light communist organisation, who openly declare they are planning a world war, not arrested this very day?
Those are all Christian cults, not far-right cults. Far-right thought is unsuitable for cults because it always emphasizes a broader race or nation instead of a select group.
If they are there, I'm interested.>>1268703
Now that they have "their" president in power, contrarianism is going to start kicking in
Look no further than the fucking Duggar clan if you want an example of what the far right christian midwest can go to.
As for examples, The Children of God is by far the most heinous example.
They preached sex among all ages was good, and should be encouraged.
I mean all ages. Head guy molested people as young as 4.
They recruited, by abusing women and mothers who in turn abused their children they had from force prostituting themselves to recruit to the church..
The amount of rape cases the Children of God created is fucking staggering, and lead one man to kill a bunch of women who molested him all at once from a toddler upwards.
That is an example of what far right christian teaching can do. Nothing the far left has done has ever come close to that level of mania.
What forbidden fruit ideology are they going to support next?
They are categorized by criminal investigators as "far right christian cults", for their rhetoric and their faith mashing with their hierarchic politics, at least get your fucking facts straight.
He stabbed them to death. He didn't think so.
Spooky sexual morality will do that to you I guess. Though perhaps they were indeed abusing him. I would need to know the facts of the case before passing judgement.
Then criminal investigators are lacking in political ontology, right-wing doesn't mean hierarchy, violence and sexual abuse.
Was Jimmy Savile a right-wing extremist?
It was abuse. Most of it was incest. He made a video, I forgot where, before he went off and did it, where he recalled his mother forcefully after prostituting herself molesting him. Over and over. For years.
And other women too. Often, many times, all at once sometimes once a week.
Sometimes with other children within the cult.
Sometimes within other siblings who were children.
"The Family International": as they now call themselves, deserve to be far more infamous than any infamy Charles Manson has ever gained for killing a few celebrities.
This is power gone rogue.
That isn't what makes them right wing per se it's that their political beliefs are literal extreme form of right wing traditionalist belief.
I mean I don't get what there's to be confused about.
Let me guess Jim "spitting on the Bible, we communist naow" Jones was a far right christian too?
Except Jim Jones wasn't a child molester? (and was a target of MKULTRA, kek)
No. Jimmy was doing it for his own sake. These people were forced against their will to molest children on the notion that heterosexual love needed to be spread to all God's children in order to fulfill the pledges of Matthew or something or other, women being obedient to be objects of love and reproduction. God knows.
If there has anything close to the Hand Maiden's Tale replicated, it's the Children of God/Family International.
Only, somehow it became worse.
It is not for the sake of pedophilia, it is for the sake of traditionalism and reactionary violence in whatever form it takes to immediately establish its authority over its faith above all others will.
You can't be this stupid.
Unless you take right wing as not-left wing, it isn't. Is a street gang right wing? Is hinduism right wing? Is rape right wing?
I thought you said Jim Saville.
Jones and The Family are quite different. In fact, the family is in many respects worse than Jones ever dreamed he could be, and is far right in its rhetoric often. A dash of commune, actually, but the reality of it all is establishing its own traditionalist kingdom or some nonsense.
So right wing political beliefs being infused with christian extremism isn't being a right wing christian extremist cult is what you're telling me, because rape and Hinduism are random examples of nothing
Except it sounds more like your stock-standard religious cult built around a leader with a magnetic personality, which - however shrouded in ostensibly "Christian" dogma - wasn't exactly limited to the Children of God.
The various yogis from India followed by faddish Boomers were also enmeshed in sexual exploitation scandals among their own followings
At least they had food to eat, unlike the 40 million Russians who resorted to cannibalism of their own children to stay alive.
A good comrade will eat their own children for the cause of leftism!
"David Brandt Berg" was its leader until his death, he raped and molested countless people.
That definitely explains their boner for authority & cops.
What I'm telling you is that something being right-wing only makes sense in a more particular political context.
An example of this context would be French supporters of the house of Bourbon being classified as ultra-monarchists, while we don't describe Qing China as an ultra-monarchist state.
For the right-left spectrum to be useful, right-wing must be something else than not-left wing.
Outside the Jew hate I don't think there's much in there that constitutes "far-Right radicalism".
You haven't given me any guidelines for what that might be at all that criminologists haven't already established
I do not like capitalism, any more than I like money lending for profit.
But your ideology has been hijacked while you weren't looking.
Leftists are now third wave feminists.
Whatever you think leftism is died when Plebbit kicked you off your own board and hijacked it under the guide of Black Lives Mtatter identity politics.
You have no home now, like a jew wandering the desert.
We shall need your guns and your fight when the next war against Islam begins.
Join us, come with us.
After this war, we will explore the universe together, and replace the third wave leg beard feminists with sex bots.
Come Home Pol Man
How new are you
topkek my dude
I'd love to see this Yeb pic made into
Would be pretty good. If I had any shopping skills i'd do it. I need to learn or stop being lazy & crack this adobe I have yet to use.
National Socialism was as well anti-capitalist, but only in name. This is no exception, its violence but encouraging massive forced rape across an entire population. They've dismissed these beliefs in all but name
Countless people, men and women alike, were seduced into this movement into incest and molestation.
The hatred for homosexuals, the need for racial division, the need for control and power to be primarily white, all these things are nothing new
The context is a western, or adopted western, political system and/or ideological framework.
nah fuck off
That does not mean shit and you have no authority on the matter.
Tsarist russia never had food security and famine relief was left to charitable societies
After the soviets russians had food security and Stalin did everything he could to prevent a famine because he was not a retard
Really makes you think!
Read Wittgenstein and dilbert man to get an idea of what I'm hinting at regarding, particularity and language games.
spoiler that shit
How old are right-wing and left-wing politics?
Regardless of your opinion on the terms, they are classified by all authorities on the matter and you can't really give the creator of Dilbert authority over people who've described their reasoning in a university peer reviewed setting
Bringing Wittgenstein into how people who even identify themselves as right wing are not actually right wing is bizarre
Lay off the TV(or your echochamber), bud, if that's what you think leftism is. This post reeks of indoctrination/ideology.
Seriously, it's time to unplug. This is someone who spends a lot of time on imageboards, telling you this.
Capped this. That's a nice, simple way to explain antifa.
Read Wittgenstein
If you believe language is determined by decree, you need Wittgenstein even more.
"Read Wittgenstein" is a non-argument. State your actual position so I can critique it or STFU.
When it comes to law defined by how much medical trauma a cult caused, and what they believe, and what they say they believe, and how easy it is to essentially bring someone into describing themselves as "right wing" in America
You should take that up for a multitude of people who aren't the messenger that ring wing christian cults exist/have existed.
Seriously, you even brought up Jim Jones to suggest the opposite, that left wing christian cults have existed
What is your angle here?
The guy who punched Spencer is clearly several pounds lighter than the mustache guy who himself has a different nose and eyebrows than Slave Ray. But I am impressed at your encylopedic knowledge of cuck porn.
I remember seeing that video diary he kept along the way. I'm sure it's still online. Insane stuff. It's the same cult that River Phoenix's family was in.
You can't understand my position because you don't have the philosophical background to understand what I'm trying to convey.
But let me make an attempt anyway. Right-wing/left-wing developed as a map in the 19th century referring to the ideological schisms in the context of western politics. If we take right-wing as simply that what is not left-wing, we deterritorialize this map to the point where it gets torn apart, rendering it useless for an understanding of ideology. Therefor, Christian sex cults are not right-wing, since they don't fall into the territory that the map covers.
I don't understand what you're trying to say here.
I give his post 6/10 Stephanie Manures
I don't understand what you're trying to say here.
Ignore him. He's one of those people that think the only reason people would ever not like sex is because of dumb spooks. After all, everyone should like having random sex with anyone who decides that you're going to fuck regardless of what you feel!
The guy who punched him immediately struck me as a younger person, too. Not some 60 year old.
Makes you feel sorry for whomever that random 60yo is, now being inundated by aut-rightists & BBC porn. The person who "found" this guy is probably someone with just a personal vendetta against them & saw an opportunity.
dis u
Turns out the random 60 year old is dead.
Holla Forums picked him out because he couldn't immediately respond, because he's dead
You've got to be kidding me, lmao. A perfect excuse to not actually confront antifa, on top of it, after claiming "war" against them.
The crazy man is never aware that he is in fact crazy.
Yup, he ded
Rip slave ray
Brings a tear to my eye
Here you go.
He died.
dis u
Live hard
Die hard
Holla Forums's ALWAYS WRONG
Does Holla Forums do even the slightest fact checking
Fact checking is the tool of non-Trump Jews.
Why do you think they support Trump? They're actually trying to argue all the footage of his inauguration has been doctored by the media
This is how your brain functions on PURE IDEOLOGY
Your problem isn't that you don't think enough; in fact, it seems like you think quite a lot. Your problem is that you don't have any discipline in your thought. You're downright delirious.
You assume that I don't buy your rhetoric because I don't think, which tells me quite a bit about you. There's a clear psychoanalytic reading to be made here, but I'll just leave that as an exercise for you bud :^)
Of coirse they do, but the beauty here is that, despite knowing he was dead, they kept pushing that narrative, not because they belive it, but because they are angry kek
All they can do is call the guy who hurt their feelings a cuck, they are really this impotent kek
You know, after a minute of thinking, I conclude it's not entirely beyond possibility that he's back from the dead to punch trumpenproles in their faces.
if Holla Forums did any fact checking whatsoever they wouldn't be nazis
They don't believe in facts. They are post-modernists to the core.
I assume you don't think because you dismiss some basic philosophical terms as buzzwords.
Antifa are literally shit eating cucks. It's too good.
:^} delicious tears
We did it Holla Forums!
You used them incorrectly. And even if you had used them correctly (which, you didn't do) It still didn't have anything to do with Wittgenstein you fucking mongoloid.
And on top of that you were using Baudrillardian philosophy (incorrectly) to try to make your point. Baudrillard is literally shit tier other than symbolic exchange and death you fucking pleb
You sound a little testy– maybe you need something to eat? There's a tasty treat for good boys in the potty. Mistress gives you permission to eat a little bit of her shit, as long as you don't spoil dinner :^)
So you admit that his ghost punched Spencer?
Nice projection :^}
I am into findom, not scat, thanks for being incluwive tho, but im not into heces
So you admit that you're a childless single man who masturbates to anime?
Naughty boys don't get to eat cum. Hum? Isnt that right. Be better or you won't get to eat the cum out of Mistress' cunt tonight.
Damn, the lengths lefties or antifa will go to just to try & discredit the right.
I used them correctly in their context, as in the stretching of the left-right map, not as a reference to Wittgenstein, I only said that reading Wittgenstein is useful to understand language and terminology.
You lack reading comprehension.
Come on man leave the dead alone
Wait, aren't you supposed to be defending Holla Forums?
Ok then, let me tell you why you're wrong dipshit.
Baudrillard uses the term 'map' to refer to symbols/signs that represent reality. This doesn't mean that ideologies are devoid of meaning you fucking moron.
Good thing this isn't how 99% of people define "right-wing" right? Defining "left-wing" as "not right-wing" is fucking stupid and useless.
Here we can see the effect of your useless definition: you're unable to identify the political ideologies held by the examples of Christian sex cults given here. You use buzzwords to hide the fact that your argumentation is shit.
I use the term map to refer the ideological conscious of a particular time and place, as is evident from how I used the term. How my post implies that ideologies are devoid of meaning, I don't see.
No, right-wing is seen as not left-wing is in this instance, not the other way around, a substantial difference. This is what happens when religious cults are described as right-wing simply because of their dictatorial nature.
They don't have a political ideology that fits into the map of the right/left dichotomy. Do we call tribes with a chief whose word is law ultra-monarchists? Do we call bushmen who have no conception of property anarchists or communists?
So let me get this straight, Holla Forums found someone, browsing cuckhold scatporn no less, who looks just like the Antifa guy who punched Spencer, and he's DEAD?
So where is the dude who punched him at?
Well that's not what that word means dipshit.
Your argument was basically "We can't identify the ideology of Christian sex cults because they don't fall under my definition of 'right-wing'", which doesn't account for the fact that ideologies have definitions outside of the ones *you* give them. Meaning exists outside of your understanding of it.
So fucking what, I got the order wrong. Your definition is still useless. If you don't define something by the characteristics that it has you won't be able to identify instances of that thing. If I defined 'tiger' as "non-birdlike creatures" that wouldn't tell you anything about what a tiger actually is. Your definition is similarly meaningless. Read Wittgenstein instead of just namedropping asshat
You *can* identify the ideological characteristics of that hypothetical tribe or those hypothetical bushmen using an ideological framework. That's what makes ideological analysis useful you fucking moron, it allows you to compare the traits of various societies on the same basis.
Wow! a baseless assertion with no analysis to back it up! great!
Not him, but "Something-Something Dragon Quest Hentai". Best I can do
It's mostly reddit at this point. The "centipedes" over there are the most braindead Trumpfags out there.
I hope he's not found. He's a hero imo.
What's important is that Holla Forums quickly jumped to the conclusion that he was a shit eating cuckold because Holla Forumstards are obsessed with that shit. How embarrassing.
someone on twitter already tried to doxx him
stopped reading there.
Spencer is literally Tom Metzger 2.0. without the skinhead aesthetics.
The first thing nazis did when they got in power was to hunt all communists.
You might say it was a consequence of the antagonism the communists bred through street violence, but would you take the risk?
Holla Forums and spencefags have gone in to a full on delusional meltdown over this punch; Holla Forums was originally bragging how they are the internet hate machine incarnate and can dox anyone.
They utterly failed and got fixated on the Sam Hyde lookalike when it isn't even the same dude, then a Holla Forumsyp found a look alike in one of his scat cuck videos and tried to meme that; of-course Holla Forums is too fucking stupid to vet that the scat cuck dude was even alive or not.
Now they are in full on freudian-projection mode and have given up on their antifa hunt.
Really makes the neurons fire.
Shouldn't this smashie be contained and eliminated?
I'll eat my shoe if you've read a single chapter of anything Wittgenstein
So I have ADD and this is a pretty long thread. I figure what happened is this: The hero of Holla Forums was punched into a coma by a 60-something BDSM cuck fetishist (>>1267923) who rose from the grave (>>1269065) to do just that.
RIP Porno Ghost Man ;_;7
I heard that Slave Ray also was a trip poster on this board and that his nick here was Rebel. Is that true?
what song
the fucking irony
He didn't even fall down, despite getting hit in the temple with a running haymaker and not being prepared in the slightest.
I don't care about Spencer and I think he's a clown, but goddamn are these antifa pussies pathetic, they REALLY need physical culture because that is fucking pathetic, the guy must have absolutely no strength and doesn't possess even the slight bit of coordination needed to throw a good punch.
They should look to the nationalists for inspiration, they all promote good physical culture and most of them have some sort of martial arts training integrated into their practice.
What a smug cunt, hope he gets punched in the face regularly. Also what's with Americans who are mortal enemies repeatedly calling each other sir? Were you all born with cocks in your assholes?
Yes, you're all very tough. I was impressed by him crouching down into his preying mantis stance and retreating a fair distance for his deadly attack, it was lucky for that anarchist he escaped in time.
He is right though, these antifa pussies are absolutely fucking pathetic physical specimens.
Say what you want about nationalists, but they all at least promote keeping in shape.
But that was what happened, the fact that a grown man can't ground another, unprepared man with a running haymaker to the temple is REALLY fucking pathetic.
it isn`t escaping
its running away like a bitch after a one lucky hit
What use is that when you can't even retaliate against a scrawny smashie? Get real Holla Forums, you guys are pussies and all front.
It wasn't a running haymaker though, was it? The guy was so small he had to use the guys shoulder to get to the same height and still Spence cowered naturally.
First off, not Holla Forums.
However, he did have a running start and hit him in the temple, which should EASILY have laid him out. WEAK.
And it is useful to be physically strong and large, have you ever seen Nordfront interacting with Antifa? Antifa usually has the numbers, but their ranks are full of women, skinny teens and fat guys, while the Nordfront guys, though generally fewer all lift and probably train fighting, whenever it becomes a struggle they absolutely btfo them easily.
Post a link.
I got the impression the punch was more about making him look like a mug than causing serious harm. I'll agree antifa have always been a skinny bunch though.
Hope we get to see a few punches on Spence as time goes by for comparison. Want to see Chowder get knocked out at some point too.
Do you not understand what practice is?
This is exactly the point I'm trying to make, thank you.
Time to stop watching Star Trek and eating like shit because "you're poor"
There's plenty of material out there. Just an example picture, they all tend to look like this precisely because they have physical culture as an integrated part of their practice. That includes exercising on your own, playing sports together and having martial arts and self-defense classes.
If he really wanted to send a message, he should have laid him out, all he accomplished was to look pathetic and weak.
I know there's a size difference, Spencer is a pretty big guy, played football and probably still works out, but even a woman would likely have been able to lay someone out like that with a properly thrown punch.
Link. "nordfront antifa" returns a band.
Please god yes. I need to put my new balaclava to use.
This is a spanish nationalist fighting off tens of Antifa guys.
This seems to be a common pattern, simply because they're a) better organized (i.e. no women and weaklings on the frontlines) and b) actually practice physical and martial culture instead of just talking about it.
Wew lad
Can't see shit. Post Nordfront.
If they really wanted to get him, they should have.
I suspect a lot of these are pretend militants, and rely on hoping to intimidate their opponents, which obviously won't work when you're up against guys that actually train for this stuff.
I was mistaken, not specifically Nordfront. Either way, compilation clip of several different groups including what I think is in Sweden.
The point was, either way, that the fascists generally consist of physically fit men, who organize in an intelligent manner for street warfare, while antifa seems to have a very poor concept of organization, putting women, scrawny guys and fatties on the frontlines and largely relying on nothing but swarm tactics (which would work, if they were actually fit)
It's the UK. Those look like hools to me. They're used to that sort of group fighting because they're hools.
No they're different places, it's Poland, UK, Sweden etc.
But this is a common signifier for all kinds of fascist groups including hooligans or whatever. Superior organization, biggest strongest guys always forward, women and weaklings in the back, always march in formation and keep it, carry shields (very smart, not illegal and useful) and a greater emphasis on physicality.
I don't know why you're arguing semantics rather than grasping my overall point.
I don't disagree with it. I just want to see clear footage.
Ok, I concede, I can't find the footage I'm looking for. Happy?
Either way, do you see my point about the fascists having superior organization and physical culture? Do you agree that this is an unnecessary disadvantage for antifascists?
No. I want to see the footage.
practicing honorabru duerring with knives prepares you for nothing but honorabru duels
Stop this.
Haha, you dick. I went through way too many 90s edm songs to find it for you. legitimately Darude - Sandstorm
Oh well.. Now I'll just share with you my favorite song when I was 11. I was such an edgy kid & loved the video. Came across it looking through those 90s songs.
Richard Spencer is pro-ethnic cleansing. This is a fact.
None of that footage shows the Nazi's outfighting antifa
I think I might be glad when Youtube finally dies.
So they are basically LARPers then?
Collectively, you'd hope.
[obligatory pic of white nationalist southerner with rotting teeth & empty Mountain Dew cans]
This seems like another might = right argument. Really doesn't work in this situation, lmao.
I'm a southerner & grew up with these people; had some in my family. Some of my friends when I was younger clung to this white nationalist bullshit. I never dated any of them because frankly, it's a weak, pathetic mindset. Not attractive in the slightest.
People who blame their life situation exclusively on race(whether they be limousine liberals or white supremacists) are missing the bigger picture of oppression. Capitalists love race-baiting, because it preys on emotion & has always been a big seller. Keep the people divided & they won't pose much of a threat to your power or system.
When did fascist get so PC and pearl clutching?
Just makes me want to see their faces caved in even more when they sit and lie about their intentions.
Is 8ch glitching or did you just delete the previous posts because you thought they didn't go through?
I always do a "test" post. When it's glitchy or my connection is fucked, a small post usually goes through & catches the thread up/loads the latest posts as well.
You haven't seen this?
TAA did a good video on him when it all happened. Turns out the courts also agreed with this perception. Crowder tried to press charges, sue & then challenged the old guy to a "sanctioned MMA fight". He's so ridiculous, on so many levels.
Crowder also did the voice for the Arthur character "Brain". See 8:40.
He's basically a former child actor who uses this "skill" to shill for ancraps & the Koch bros. This punch happened at a "Right to Work" bill protest, where just like Spencer, he was goading others to assault him for a cheap political stunt.
Oh, ok. Just stop being poor, guys. It's a really unhealthy lifestyle choice.
I have my trusty aruval(sickle).
this is coming from the same chucklefucks who "investigated" Comet Pizza
even if it were true, it makes your side look WORSE lmao
I gotta say though, I love those hilarious windows paint collages they make, compiling all the "info". Pretty priceless stuff. Really doesn't make them look crazy, at all.
No, that guy is literally dead
Hey, I made one!
Lmao, I like it. The bandanna is a nice touch.
Why lie? They look EXACTLY alike.
His death is obviously a cover so he can't be connected to him, he probably wanted to start doing leftist activism and doesn't want this slave ray persona connected to him.
Either way his house has antifa stickers in it, he's one of yours. Leftism if you're a white male is psycological cuckoldry, everyone knows it.
>I like to prep the means of production for the bull boss.
lol okay
Meanwhile you want your race (genes) to go extinct and be replaced by your bulls (non-whites) genes so their children can take everything your ancestors built. It is literal cuckoldry.
Except for one being dead.
Please tell me there's an updated windows paint collage with this on it.
Actually I find lefties particularly hot. How many layers of ideology are you on?
Post the obituary then. His name is Raymond B Bailey and from what we know he last lived in Texas and worked as a CPA. Everything indicates he cut ties with this Mandy Flores and moved to Texas from DC. His "death" seems like a cover.
It's in the picture where he is wearing a shirt saying "Mandys slave".
There's also the fact another Antifa is following the same woman
Just admit that leftist ideology IS cuckoldry. It's all about giving up control of your country to let in another people who will then replace you.
SHUT UPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that chart is the most autistic shit i've seen all day.
Just admit you like scat porn Holla Forums, there's no point in hiding it anymore.
Jesus, that's even better than I imagined, lmao.
You know all this info but can't find a simple obit? :^) Seriously though, you need to get a grip on reality. You sound batshit.
No, it's about empowering & giving workers their basic rights back.
What a weird & lazy assumption.
rumor says this is the guy
Except those two aren't the same person. Have you even watched the video of the punch? The guy who punched him has a different hat, different hair, different face, and no glasses.
Wow. It's painfully obvious you're attempting to falseflag. Poorly.
Best classcuck meme I've seen so far.
You literally can't see ANY of that from the video. He's wearing a hood and his face is covered and blurry, the pic of his face comes from a video of someone chasing him down, he has a water bottle in his back pocket.
Haha Holla Forums is still angry
Post stuff to trigger them
that's pathetic
Liberals need to be tied down and beaten to death for shit like that.
You should be able to find it. We know the real name of "slave ray", so you should be able to find his obituary.
What's batshit about leftists that like to be shat on cuckolded being weird and doing weird things?
That's literally the only thing that matters.
But you are a liberal
where's that video
According to Chapo, it was definatly Carl "Family court is more evil than the holocaust" Diggler. Please continue spreading this.
le buttpained Holla Forumsyp
I just love the way this guy talks about what his ancestors achieved. By that logic, I should own a oil tanker because my grandfather worked in a steel foundry.
Nobody is taking anything from you that didn't belong to you to begin with. You are an expendable exploited prole with meagre private property in this life as you would have been in your ancestor's time or even in a version of your life where there were no coloured people.
from the OP of the video
also, dat like/dislike ratio
If you want to get ethnically replaced. You're a cuckold. Anything else is simply mental masturbation.
lmao fuck is this nigga on
the comments give me hope
I'm really starting to see why reactionaries were just lined up against the wall and shot. They will never give up on their delusions and in the end they would rather cling to lies than embrace the truth.
The more you post, the crazier you sound.
It's batshit to find someone completely unrelated to this, who's fucking dead & involved in scat porn, then blame them for something random.
Makes sense you'd also be a single-issue voter.
We aren't the ones doing this to you. The people you are defending are. You are the cuckold here.
It's the original, I guess those who lick the boots of the bourgeoise must realise on a subconscious level how dubious their support of the ultra rich vampires and leaches are, that they feel they must project this feeling of shame onto us.
Unironically believing your identity is the BEST simply because you happen to be born into it is the height of mental masturbation.
The resemblance is uncanny, both are antifa. The only thing that makes me think it's not him is that he moves like a much younger guy. Still has antifa symbols in his house though lol.
Who am I defending according to you?
How am I being replaced? I'm an individual, not a sheep. When I'm dead, not even a clone will restore me, it is no more of a replacement than when a parent buys a cat for their child in lieu of a dead one and lying that it is the same. You don't sound like you actually care for even the white people that you aim to save with such rhetoric, you merely see them as chattel or rather marionettes to dance to your selfish fantasies.
Ethnicity is a spook
I agree with you, but word it less fedora-y next time.
bring diggler to justice
No more than family is. Then again you "people" believe in shit like communal child rearing and are mostly pedophiles.
The more I look at this guy the more I'm convinced we found our hero
let's hope the vindictive Holla Forumsyps don't find out about our boy
you're right–nuclear family is a spook
Yup the family a spook
You mean like in Plato's Republic widely considered a milestone in European literature, not that a savage fascist Philistine reactionary like you would be aware of.
Nor does that mean I care or condone such a thing as I'm more concerned with immediate issues as workers receiving the full fruits of their labour.
Exactly, you have no soul. You aren't human. You should just be killed.
Pedophilia was advocated by the left in the 60's and 70's heavily, they just dropped it when they realised it was counter productive.
Why are you responding to this limp bait?
This sounds like the same kind of reasoning that religious fundamentalists use to say that atheism promotes murder and rape because they (generalising here) don't believe in absolute morals.
Tho yeah most ancaps are pedos, too.
Come at me bro
Really happy to know your feelings got hurt btw
The extended family is the real traditional family, my boy.
And ethnicity is the extended extended family.
no it's not you dumbfuck
It quite literally is
it all makes sense now
Hah hah
Have an upvote!
That would be your village, actually. About 20 or 30 extended families. There was a reason for inter village mating, to avoid inbreeding.
Yes, and those villages would have belonged to people who would have spoken the same language and shared genes and culture in common with eachother, ie an ethnicity.
Then again, they wouldn't even by your family, since there's no blood relation, but that many large families together, there could be accidents.
Note "villages"
check this out
Thanks, comrade! If you care to, check out my other garbage videos.
Oh good another person fell forward through the time rift to 2006, maybe if we can send him back our timeline won't be so grimderp. Tell me, 2006anon, were you answering a distress call from a Klingon colony?
take your meds.
Dont worry, comr8. It's not every wanker here, just a few extremely vocal wankers autistically screching in every thread. Their spam should abate soon enough.
What do you think is more likely?
I tried to warn you lads
Is this going to turn into the new pizzagate?
I don't think pedophiles exclusively lean to the left or right. They're a mixed bunch, I'm sure.
I think that's the joke.
called it
Nice subtle Crowder in there, too. Lmao.
Aren't you supposed to be good at identifying noses?
Hegelian totality can show that right wing would indeed include those in the Christian cult side of it. But what do I know? I'm shit posting on Holla Forums
so if you punch your enemies, they win?
how's everyone edit these days? Premiere Pro from 2008 is a pain in the ass now
Is this the one Julian Assange was part of?
I am dying this is so fucking perfect
underrated post
someone add sound
really pol?
It's getting so bad, we should probably start memeing how stupid there collages are by making our own and using Jeb
isn't it more humiliating for you clowns if it turns out spencer got cold cocked by a scatcuck? whats your end goal with this one Holla Forums?
lets get this straight /pol
you arent anonymous
you didnt do anything that ever got chans into the news like project chantology and that shit did
remember it was the leftists on that site that did everything worth while and made its name
get over yourselves
Hillary Clinton gave a momentous speech about Pepe the frog during her historic, failed campaign for the presidency.
The levels of butthurt we are seeing in Holla Forums are unprecedented. Their shitposting here only drives us further beyond Holla Forums.
one would think it is almost a tradition.
Tbh liberal anti-fascism can still be pretty dope as long as it's actually militant.
No one died for gay rights and mass immigration, no one died to "fight fascism", even, at least not in the anglosphere. They died for their COUNTRIES which is an essentially nationalistic sentiment. The white American troops that fought Hitler were more racist than the Nazis by far, America was a more racist society than Germany and that is what they died to protect. You spit on their graves, commie scum.
Last time I checked, America wasn't adovcating for genocide against Slavs and jews, and weren't rounding them up in the concentration camps and prison camps.
No, it wasn't.
Who gives a fuck, fascist. We'll frame it how we want. Most Americans agree nazis are scum.
Score another one for gre American comic book writers and Hollywood movie produced that whitewash American history
I'm right regardless, though.
Most Americans agree that commies are worse.
There are way more American actively engaged in Communist parties than there are Nazi parties
No, you aren't. What are you to be right about?
What's Jim Crow? What's a god damn ghetto? Haven't you see the new Marvel Studios: the Avengers: Captain America movie? In the 1940s Anerica a brave Women scientist was teeming up with the worlds Most Virtuous Man to single handedly save civilization
Doesn't mean anything. Americans hate commies. Military and police are overwhelmingly pro-Trump, and hate commies.
Um, the fact that WW2 was not sold to allied troops as a war for mass immigration, feminism, miscegnation, globalism etc and that their opinions were far closer to Holla Forums than anything on the left. They were far to the right of Trump.
Joke's on you, Nationalism is a liberal idea
Well fuck, this is a good feeling
You really don't know shit. huh?
He knows better than to believe the false Captain America version of Americanism and American history, which puts him ahead
That's not what we were talking about. You said "most agree that commies are worse". By what metric are you judging that?
Did you forget about how the labour movement was at the height of its popularity around WW2? BUF membership was only around 20,000, while labour's had around 400,000 members at the time it was banned.
Are you from 4pol or 8pol? I like to believe that most of the users on 8pol are more intelligent than this, if only slightly.
Not worth a .webm, but I might as well post this here
The US had a strong communist and anarchist base with plenty of liberal hatred for authoritarianism at the time you know that right?
Or are we just ignoring that the US was on the knifes edge of it's own communist revolution before ww2?
Opposition to these things is considered "nazi" yet 98% of the allied troops that died fighting the nazis would have been opposed to them.
show some sources son
Yes and I'm sure most of those men in the labour movement would have loved mass immigration, feminism, gay rights, miscegnation; and everything else white working class males have traditionally loved.
Show some sources that white american working class males in the 1930's were actually reactionary compared to the modern day, and someone like Richard Spencer would have been considered an extreme liberal for his tolerance of homosexuality alone? Read a fucking book, any book.
i like how perfectly uncomfortable the fuckpillow looks
Is Spencer tolerating of homosexuality now? I have no clue.
People in the 1930s were just as spooked as today, tbh. They were easily manipulated into fighting against socialists because the government associated them with "the red enemy".
Holla Forums in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen
Holy shit the guy had a wrench, you see that?
in that case, is it true america first included the antiwar left? i've only seen them being called nazi sympathisers but that might just be the anti-trump narrative.
False flag event to make him more famous and make the "left" look evil.
is that derek black? hes chill af now
because no one on the left would ever use violence?