Normie here.
Am i alone with the idea, to turn away from most societies? Or did i just overdose on media?
Normie here.
Am i alone with the idea, to turn away from most societies? Or did i just overdose on media?
OP here. Accidentally selectes the wrong flag. BTW what is a tankie?
People who try defend atrocities committed by communist regimes. But here it's just every marxist-leninist.
someone who thinks communism means a big oppressive state
No. Those people are called retarded.
You know what you did not mention?
No it just means you're sane. Also probably depressed.
All things are nothing to me, too.
So you pretty much don't believe any ideology or at least that things will turn out good?
Think Soviet Union
Why in your opinion are all of those things shit?
Why can't more people be social Democrats without hating themselves for being a white male or wanting the entirety of the middle East to move into our ghettos?
Originally meant people who defended Khrushchev's hungarian intervention. Then it was broadened to defending the ussr to your last breath and fetishising stalin. These days its used to disparge any ML or even any marxist.
Because Social Democracy is a buzzword.
I don't really feel depressed. Just like a lot of people are going batshit crazy.
pls leave capitalist shill
Well then, you're better off than a lot of people here.
You're among friends here I think. So far you're fitting in great. Welcome aboard, comr8.
Well, everyone is trying to find someone to blaim their problems on because
Communism is objectively the most normie ideology, as you'll soon see. Welcome aboard.
sick burn
OP here. Who is this man?
I don't get it.What did I say?
Max Stirner
A guy who doesn't like spooky shit
Now please tell us what you believe and why you dislike the things that you said you dislike. Otherwise, You just sound like an edgy 19 year old.
Max Stirner (aka Johann Kaspar Schmidt) a German philosopher who associated with the Young Hegelian group. He advocated a radical egoism and individualism.
A few people here like him and he's spawned some memes regarding his idea of 'spooks' (abstractions which enslave the individual to serve them rather than be used by the individual). There are no photos or paintings of him except a sketch by Engels on which all his portrayals are based on.
We are all edgy 19 olds.
That apologists of Khrushchev's intervention are a proper subset of the dogmatists masturbating to pictures of Stalin
fuck i can't even post
I think most of these people are trying too hard to assert their ideas on other people. I'm not even saying that i would be able to come up with a better set of ideas. I don't know about most things, but i see other peoples failure to admit the very same thing.
Oh yeah. That was badly phrased. my bad.
Kek is dead. And we have killed him.
You're new, but I already like you.
Everything is shit.
Not OP, but it explains why many just shout "Spook" when seeing stuff not loved here.
I will have nothing to do with that revisionist Khrushchev. Anti-party group did nothing wrong.
Jokes on you I'm an edgy 18 year old.
That's good. I was worried you were a tankie. They're like the sort who will support horrible dictatorships in the name of fighting Western imperialism and will generally defend Cold_war era failures. Those are also shit for the most part.
You're not alone at all here I don't think. I think I actually agree with your entire OP.
Anarchist communism can be a bit unrealistic at times tbh. I think Marx's method of analysis is actually rather helpful for understanding capitalism and how communism can come about.
Basically what you probly wanna do OP is read some political theory and philosophy. It helps you cut through the bullshit and figure out what actually works. You can start with Marx or you can look somewhere else but it really helps you clarify specifically what is shit about those movements you mentioned and how to deal with 'em.
Even as one this is true. I can believe though. Just be wary if you adopt this ideology.
TFW when u normie and you hate everything and only reading old commie literature keeps u sane
Jesus fuck that is a ridiculous statement. ML's aren't uncritical of those states and I think to simply dismiss every existing socialist state the way anarchists due is political suicide and only carves open a space for right wingers. Fuck any "leftist" that buddies up with conservatives to shit on comrades
This is too true. Fuck this use of "tankie," its a baseless insult, its as bad as Nazi's calling anyone to the left of them an "SJW" because they focus on the class struggle and don't call for their shitty arguments blaming everything on da jooz
Yeah I used to call myself an ancom. I'm still pretty sympathetic to it tho. I might come back to it later but for now I'm just a regular non-tankie commie.
Kek's not dead, he was never alive.
I can excuse the unfamiliarity with Neechuh, but not that category error.
OP here again. What your "19th century edgelord says" seems - at least partly - very accurate.
I think it is not the best idea to just "be good" and defend the weak. The better idea in my opinion would be to help the weak become stronger again. Subsidiarity is in the long run way better than solidarity, since some "weak" have actually tremendous potential and are just to lazy to explore it.
This doesn't sound wrong at all. There is a high chance we are not fallen from some kind of paradise. I actually think the very opposite is true. Humanity is more like some kind of "beast" or constantly developing life form, which was - and is still - rising from some kind of zero point. It's likely that we are on our own here. And we have to help ourselves if we want to survive.
So maybe i'm an edgelord, if this is completely edgy. But it doesn't too wrong at all.
Welcome to leftcommunism, you'll fit right in.
That's Nietzsche
I still have to read On the Genealogy of Morasl (I have a copy sitting around), but if I'm not mistaken - isn't the first essay about the origins of morality, and the next two dedicated to transcending morality? Not a return to either master, or slave morality?