Thoughts on punk music?

Do you guys think punk played a role in getting more people in the hard left?

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No it's stupid as fuck

Were essentially a marketing campaign for their manager Malcolm McLaren's fashion boutique, SEX. Probably the least "punk" punks of all time.

Fashion for faggots who have a 401k

No. Every punk rocker is a capitalist faggot in denial. Cant even listen to these fucking idiots anymore. I used to go to punk shows until I realized these people only care about drugs and likes.

Likes? Like what, on the faces book?

The only punk I like is hardcore punk, which is basically just thrash metal without solos. Example:

What did he mean by this?

yes. some of it at least gets the ideas out into the world for people to see. I still like punk, but they aren't heroes by any stretch and its pretty sick all of the celebrity worship that goes on.

I love it but I prefer folk.

pretty sure its a Holla Forumsack trying to falseflag but failing due to not even knowing the most basic vernacular around here

Punk is probably one of the most "filled with anarchist thought" sorts of music out there. If you truly think it's all capitalist pseudo-anarchism for the fashion without theory, you're simply a pleb who hasn't listened to enough of it.
Folk punk is revolutionary.

Didn't get into punk until I listened to this.

Some of it's good, most of it is shit, a lot of it is socdem being edgy.


Yes, many people get their first exposition to the hard left through Punk, its one of the most powerful propaganda tools we have, one that many fascists have tright to copy unsuccessfully.

Its only the first step, but it gets the ideas and rallying cries out there.

In general the general leftist slant of many artists is what keeps the left alive despite its pathetic attempts at agitation and propaganda.

I wonder how the hell Oi and other skinhead-affiliated music came from being angry, worker oriented far-left music to nazshit. Actually, I wonder how the fuck that happened to skinheads in the first place.

Punk understands itself as the trash of a decaying society. Thus they're a dependent subculture of capitalism. They are reactionary to the core.

Punk narcissism was a social napalm
Steve Jones started doing real harm
Preaching revolution, anarchy and change
Sucked from the system that had given him his name

Oi is "apolitical" celebration of "working class culture". It is not interested in progress and chains people to the system. A working class "culture" that isn't aimed at its own abolition through overcoming capitalism is reactionary. Fascism arising out of it is no surprise.

How is punk reactionary? What status quo ante are punks trying to roll back society to?

British white power groups like National Front started to recruit young skinheads in the late 70's.

they're holding to the status quo. learn what reactionary means. stagnation sums up to regression.

Reactionaries want to return to the previous political system before the current status quo. Literally read a book.

I expected nothing less from a legitimate reactionary such as yourself.

National Front recruited kids from punk shows in the 70s and Skrewdriver jumped on when the singer's career was failing. They started calling it Rock Against Communism and sepereated from Oi! which became some apolitical or vaguely left music.
