Dad ranting about how much he hates commies to me



Convert him user
They're pretty receptive and hopefully us three can learn together


What a baby.

I'd agree too.



This is what people do when they aren't quite sure how it will be received by their friends/family. Chances are, in his own mind, he already considers himself a communist but is hiding his power level.

It's more extreme even than that, he took years to wrap his head around the concept that I had different measurements (shoe size, shoulder width, neck size, etc.) than he does.

>she's been pretty chill about most political shit tbh



I'll try to get him to read Bordiga


Good Job


That's unfortunate. I'd offer my condolences if the very notion weren't just a Hallmark-tier spook.

In my family the rants are usually about Deng and Gorby

Maybe next year he'll be red too. Never nod and agree.

Yup, the pro-Israel candidate who backpedalled on all his promises to you is now President. How astute and on-topic of you to point that out.

Sadly I think this is the only way some people learn that they're not special, and they're just as much of a disposable cog in the machine as anyone

I had a good chat about communism with my family recently, I'll have them singing the Internationale is no time

When did they become individualist anarchists? I'm surprised they didn't call you a spook and chunk you in a trashcan.

I'd post mfw but I don't think anything could really summarize it.

my dad has a hammer and sickle painting on the wall for everyone to see.
I told him it represents the millions of people killed under stalin. He put it up shortly after.
is he /our guy/?



You could read straight out of Marx and Lenin, and most people would agree if they don't know the source.


what if your parent are more radical then you?


never been on any protest marches

my mum was in CND when she was younger.

user some fights aren't worth fighting, sometimes the only real thing you'd win is keeping your pride but that doesn't mean shit if you have nothing to eat. Their views wouldn't change either way.


and here I thought post-communist countries were full of fascists and drunk slavs
