Hi /leftypol. I am an anarchist (anarcho-communist) from Eastern Europe. When I managed to learn English a bit, I become interested in getting familiar with Western European and US anarhist movement. So I started to read sites and FB-pages of anarchist communities.
The first thing I noticed was the total domination of gay\feminist discourse. A huge amount of resources do not pay attention at class struggles, popular uprisings, strikes, instructions on direct action etc. But the only things I have read on most of them were: gender, qeer, how trans people feel themselves, ableism, lookism, "fuck white males", "fuck heteronormativities", "all men are rapists" and stuff like this. Really a lot of stuff about minorities and how opresssed they are, but not a single word about majority - working people.
When I started to argue with people there and tried to convey my position: that anarchism is fighting against state, capitalism, laws, bourgeois - first of all, and anarchism is not about using special nouns, creating safe spaces, looking for "triggers" everywhere. fighting against everyone who is "heteronormative" - I was banned eveywhere, called "racist", "bigot", "sexist", "homophobe" etc. Noone tried to explain me why I am racist, while anarcho-communism implies antifascism. Why I am sexist? I stand for equal rights, but I think modern feminism is just women's sexism and it separates people instead of uniting him in struggle. Separative feminism is reactionary. Creating safe spaces makes minorities outcasts, instead of involving them into struggle.
I was growing with ideas of Bakunin, Kropotkin, Makhno, Malatesta. I sure that anarchism is about rioting. Here in Eastern Europe anarchist movement is weak and we have a bunch of hope and idealisation of western anarchists, like - "look how numerous and cool they are". And now I am really disappointed in some extend cause I see that anarchists in Europe and mostly SJWs, and that means they will never make a revolution.
Some examples of anarchist SJWsm that made me disappointed and disapproved in western anatchists: youtube.com
Regarding this all I have a question: what are anarhcist groups\collectives in Western Europe and USA which do not obsessed with stuff as "free nipples", "fighting machism" (e.g. males), supporting LGBT and so on? I want some _normal_ (haha) anarchists to contact with.
Sorry for bad English.
Some pics that i made in anarchist communities in FB follows.