Tfw my boss called me a favorite worker and raised my wages
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This new shitposting of treating your boss like your mother is rather disturbing
It like you get off on being a slave.
You are either a neet or a capitalist. Either way you are extracting my surplus value.
Or you are part of a co-op and are based
join a circus sideshow, if that acually happened you're a rare novelty and you'll make more dosh there
its a chan where everyones favorite fetish is ss
Either his company is going well… still why raise.. hmm…. did he raise the rest of the worker's wages? No? hmm…
Or he's a bad capitalist and the free market will make sure he gets punished for not exploiting you enough.
This pro-capitalist submissive bullshit needs to die.
b-but I want to be a submissive slave
I unironically like this meme
Then get a Dom or something.
Stop mixing sexuality and class, ya liberal cucks!
So, NEETs are bourgie kids that have a trust fund or something?
… You have enough money, but you'll be living on the street?
And people!
Start roleplaying bosses and so on! This classcuckery has to stop!
How do you do it, user? I wanna be able to take extended breaks from working through saving up money.
Just enjoying FALC.
They made an anime of Bob Black?
I believe its gugure kokkuri san
People are extremely petty and jealous of others accomplishments. Even if you do consistently outperform everyone else month after month, the other workers will start accusing staff of favoritism if they keep naming you employee of the month. Life is stupid like this.
I steal from them when they do this.
I'm chewing my headphone cord as I read this thread and I want to bite it so fucking bad. I wish I could bite your fucking face you fucking piece of fucking shit. This thread is a big piece of shit.
Stop falling for B.F Skinners operant conditioning!!!
Capitalist sell-out BTFO.
Why the fuck would he do that? The faggot that sits around jerking off covered in his own shit doesn't deserve to be paid as much as the person who actually does great work.
Too meta for you, suckdem?
it's succdem you fucking pirate
I'd rather live anywhere in western Europe than America tbh.
nice to see the dogwhistle is working, stay triggered reddits.
it's easy. just rent the cheapest possible place. buy the cheapest possible food. never go anywhere or spend money on anything aside from internet access. you can get by on very little then.
Innawoods, actually, and I do it because I wouldn't have enough money to pay rent without a job.
Plus foraging helps stretch out the war chest a bit further, staying out of the cities keeps you away from crime, and when you are looking reenter society you have "travels" to talk about and get you back in with new roommates and a new job.
You have to spend next to nothing.
It helps to have grown up poor in the country and spent some time with anarchists, to know how to dumpster dive, what plants are edible, and so on.
It is hard, but half my year is my own, and the other half spent in wage slavery is more tolerable since I'm not eating weirdass shit I picked off a tree, drowning in the rain, or freezing my dick off in side a tent in a freak snow storm.
But it's mostly true….
you could just work during the late fall, winter, and early spring. then do your hoboing other half of the year.
All of you gulag
Legitimately kill yourself.
This is literally someone who never meets other people outside of work.
I'd submit to you, user-sama.
Fuck user, short haired women in suits with power like that are literally my biggest fetish.
What did that have to do with literally anything?
This exact joke has been made about 3 times.
I always knew tankies were autistic
neck yourself
Get a load of this illiterate
This is unironically a good meme
What the fuck is wrong with me.
I am getting turned on by the thought of being impregnated and used as a woman.
But I'm a dude and I get turned off by guys.
Human sexuality is fucking weird.
You might be translez
Read lacan
So good it gets you banned.
Fuck off with your idpol faggotry
You might be a little girl deep inside you
Stop letting the patriarchy determine your sexuality. Also I find both "sides" of the heterosexual act to be quite hot.
stop trying to spook the lad
I dont feel like a girl but I would love to experience being one for a bit.
Too bad tech isnt there yet without long, dangerous irreversible medical procedures. Oh well. I would love to fly too but im not going to have feathers injected into my arms.
For now im quite content with my very well-performing imagination.
I always see this but what does lacan say and is he actually relevant for this?
you might like some crossdressing or pegging in the bedroom, just do whatever you feel like, it doesn't matter.
Oh I know I do I just gotta find someone to do it with. Can't imagine pegging is the same as vaginal intercourse though.
But having a beard isnt really helpfull for crossdressing.
I'm just trying to support my trans* comrade. Fuck off.
Why was OP banned? He didn't say if this was a good thing or a bad thing. He just made a statement. Is this place going to turn into /r/socialism?
You should start a petition
I don't care enough to start a petition tbh but it still seems weird he was banned.
Mods why the fuck was this banned?
This is my main sexual fantasy, honestly. I love imagining myself as the submissive housewife of some handsome man who gives me rough dickings from behind as I'm wearing a frilly apron and then cums all over my face. Sometimes I fantasize about being born a girl and ending up as the gf of my best friend. Guys turn me on, it's only guys fucking other guys that turn me off.
So.. *ahem* About that Socialism…
Fuck off with your spooks
All sex, gender, and other assigned symbolic orderr are a spook
The idea of getting preggo is erotic because the idea itself is erotic, it doesnt matter if your biological functionsmare the opposite, you are able to experience pleasure on ideas outside your biology
Never thought of it from that angle. Me being naturally somewhat submissive probably helps a bit too
Excellent taste comrade
Techno-Marxism best socialism.
Also maid sama and pic related are pretty good shows.
polite sage because last post was mine too
Leftypol is easily triggered if someone says a nice thing about capitalists.
And why would I need to seek help for this exactly?
Haven't a clue. Seems like a harmless fetish.
We will just mechanic heal you with drugs, you poorly functioning cog.
I'm not going to take meds for something thats not causing me harm, tanko.
My nigga, just what I needed.
You still have sage on.
What is this trash
Yes i do
Im on my phone fag
I know sorry
Sadpanda plugin was kind of fucky for firefox, has it been fixed now?
lol i've never seen that
guess you've been fapping too much
Is it rape if they like it?
You on public wifi or something? Maybe the IP has too many accesses.
Who's calling her a good girl, I don't remember that episode
I was only able to see page 4 of the comic featuring the girl with blue hair, and then my bandwith maxed out
Also I am on my father's wifi, are you telling me my dad reads hentai?
Know that we are keeping an eye on you, okay?
Feels weird, man.
Better than her fucking other men tbf
Check his internet history and find out. Maybe he has good taste and can rec some stuff for you.
Goddamn one of the best faps ive had in a while.
Being harmed isnt good for meine Eigene.
But meinen doesn't care about yours.
Blanchard is the one who should seek help. He is a repressed canadian gay catholic who thinks calling anything even slightly queer a fetish constitutes a theory and his stupid typology (ie some shit he pulled out of his arse) stops working as soon as you realise that transmen exist. If anyone posts blanchard, anne lawrence, that mouthbreather bailey or any other fucking regressive queerphobic shit I will write down your ip and hand it over to the authorities once the anfems take over so they take you to the rape dungeons and DE-COLONISE YOUR OPPRESSIVE SEXUALITY.
Just wait for virtual reality to become sufficiently advanced.
Holy fuck COINTELPRO's indoctrination techniques are getting better and better. Why aren't we doing the same shit? I'm pretty sure we could set up some kind of reeducation camp in the middle of a forest to brainwash children or something. And the best is that FBI wouldn't give a shit about us seeing how we are just a small board wich is being raided 24/7.
Didn't know Engels drew tits
I have an impregnation fetish, but I want to do the impregnating.
I wonder what three letter agency you work for my socdem "comrade"
You might be a faggot
Probably not, guys can't get impregnated.
when the mods ban you for making a joke
BO confirmed ban was a joke.
This thread is hilarious.
Full dive now.
I have both.
Why be content with just one? All the fetishes are my property.
wtf now i love capitalism.
fuck this actually made me hard kms.
You're a cute pet
We should maintain capitalist mode of production but redistribute MOP based on sexual fetishes. Dominant ones should became bourgeois, submissive proletariat and switch ones petty-bourgeois
expertly memed
Back to Holla Forums cuck.
holy shit man, what the fuck are you doing!?
You are suppose to be posting on leftypol from your mom's house while collecting autism dollars.
Has marx taught you nothing?
It feels really good that my wife finally has a real man to inseminate her.