Hey, be careful with idpol, because if you are not beating it, your organisation will be dominated by university assemblies of idealist students.
Be careful with idpol
Sometimes we do need idpol to empower oppressed groups,
idpol in a country with diversity, but Spain dont need it, because don't have it
The only oppressed group is the proletariat.
Any other form of "oppression" is a spook.
How would this be different in Communism anyway? The work still has to get done.
How about both?
The lumpens are just as exploited you fucking faggot
How about we don't allow the bourgeoisie to subvert our efforts towards goal which aren't harmful to them?
How is it subverting our goals? Are you transphobic? If so we are not subverting anything.
My dios
Dude cookings eggs or pancakes should take 10 min at most and a shower that's meant for cleansing and not relaxing shouldn't take more than 5 min. Nips aren't overworked they just take too fucking long to do simple tasks.
As Zizek says about rape, I don't want to live in a world were you have to say "oh, discrimination based on sexuality is bad". I want to live in a world were you don't have to say anything, cause everyone knows it already and if anyone say otherwise they are simple laughed at and get on with it.
The reserve army of labor is part of the proletariat.
Oh! So, you have to be even more robotized, and enjoy your life even less! Ok!
Are there identity groups that suffer particular forms of oppression?
Is it leftism to adress these forms of oppression outside of the context of class struggle?
The bourgeoise blacks, homosexuals and so on have nothing in common with their equivalent in the working class. Not even their identity remains the same through class devision.
There is nothing else to be said on this topic, we had it hundred of times already and this is the only reasonable, class concious and leftist stance you can take on the matter. It is done.
Make it part of the FAQ and ban this endless stream of shitposts already.
Nothing to do with being more "efficient" in a bourgeoisie way , but even in a full blown NEET society there's no fucking way you can get anything done while taking over an HOUR to shampoo your hair and eat a bowl of cereal.
idpol is fine if it's not being used to advance a useless neoliberal agenda which it often unfortunately is nowadays.
This is literally a bourgie telling you to please go fight for trans/black/etc rights instead of doing anything to address capitalism. Surely you can see how discontent is being redirected towards goals that do not harm the ruling class?
You are like a Holla Forumstard calling everyone a jew, I support both socialism and trans rights silly.
I may be dumb as brick, I do not understand what does this means, can you explain? what rights do they need in addition to the current ones?
Depends on the country
Human rights for trans people?
Or is it the right to go to the doctor and tic "female" while you have a penis and you have prostate cancer?
The right to not be judged by alt righters like you
You are literally my nigga
ok, what for example in your state? All I can think of is that this state should have state-marriages for homosexuals, which I somehow support.
and how exactly isn't the oppression of the proletariat spooky?
I mean, I don't think it, but I want to here how you're definition of spooky doesn't include it
The proletariat is being exploited in order for capitalists to have profit. This doesn't serve any other cause and it's the bases of Capitalism. You can stop racism, homophobia, whatever, and this will still be there.
Blacks, are being "oppressed" because capitalism created ghetos and the created lumpens and so on.
Gay people and so on, are "oppressed" cause capitalism needs to keep it's "ethics" in place, or the people may start questioning.
In the end, modernity is all about creating "oppressed" groups of people, only in order for neoliberalism to keep spreading and being enforced.
The capitalists are merely forming a strong union of egoists and asserted their property. What is the spook?
Yes. Look, that WOULD be the case, if THEY asserted their poperty, instead of using the police, the army, and so on, to do it for them.
The spook is exactly their "rights" to their property.
Race is a spook, pal.
The problem is that it's becoming increasingly-obvious most of these groups are only looking out for their own oppression and not that of the working class. Notice how after both the feminists and black rights gained a lot more traction in the 60s-80s as working class movements were almost all but destroyed after the USSR ended? Liberals often co-opted these movements to the detriment of the proletariat. These assholes don't care about the working class. They want their piece of the pie, and will fuck off the instant they get their own needs satisfied.
SJW's are liberal tools, eager to get their revolution, but they are fairweather friends that will not stick to revolutionary cause once piggy feeds them some table scraps.
They get it backwards. They think we are telling them their revolution doesn't matter when we say we want to focus on the working class, but in the end that's just psychological projection: the proletariat doesn't matter to them and it's well-documented that they will abandon us when their own agenda is sufficiently fulfilled.
Don't trust them.
Small correction: gained traction as socialist movements died out from the 80s to the 2000s.