I want to understand Holla Forums's demographics a little better, I will be making this in 8pol...

I want to understand Holla Forums's demographics a little better, I will be making this in 8pol, 4pol and Holla Forums and maybe some left idpol forums
I have included three strawpolls, one about racial, one about gender
(This is spooky but I want to understand leftypols demographics)

Race: strawpoll.me/12203807
Gender: strawpoll.me/12203820

Other urls found in this thread:




Yes but its still interesting to see the normie demographics of each echochamber


I intentionally put in wrong information to despook you

all the females are actually butthurt trans fems

all the males are actually dykes with penis envy.

forreal im highly offended right now


Holla Forums doesn't even need to think about reddit

mostly white men,and I can bet if you had an age one it would be mostly 18-22.Is this much of a shock though?

la femme

"white" I guess, if such a thing exists (hint: it doesn't)

Can we just do away with these racial labels under communism?

No, we can't.

We can only deprive them of their identitarian connotations.

where are the shitposters who answered transgender?

we probably have some legit trannies here.

There is some legit transgender posters on /eftypol/

Too many women tbh. I used to be more comfortable on this board when they were around 5% instead of 12%.


wtf???? thats nasty

come on,share with the class,post boi pussy

Could just mix everyone together

Would have the side effect of triggering Holla Forums too

fuck off you dumb burger. You should have done it by ethnicity or country of origin. Why do burgers think everyone abides their retarded racial classifications?

fuck off niggerposter

Kill yourself

no u

bump for interest

I'm Slav

Where do we win?


I always answer Jewish male or black woman just to piss them off.

lol get your inferiority complex in check big guy

If i remove your narcissism will you die?


why no non-binary gender option? /:


There is no winner in the identitarian game.

then gtfo.

Why exactly can't trans people be leftists?

This, we have to displace the retarded american majority from this board. Americans are not able to develop communism, they are part of the asiatic regions.

Fuck you.

Don't trigger my niggers bitch boi

Heh get rekt dataminers.

What a sausagefest!

No wonder there is so little identity politics sabotage.

you're not a race, Shlomo



It's more diverse than plebbit who have convinced themselves they're minorities to further their live action roleplaying immersion.

P-post feet


:3 cute




good metric of the proportion of shitposters

I bet we are whiter than Holla Forums

Lots of lgbt people are socialists

But why would a legit tranny pick the tranny option? That's missing the point of being a tranny in the first place.


can i be your qt

oy vey where is the chosen people?

nu sorry I need to actually work on myself first maybe some day

Real poll

can you show us the results of Holla Forums aswell?

what kind of stupid nigger are you?

wouldn't trust Holla Forumsypes, they're notoriously delusional.

4/pol/ and 8/pol/ is filled with East Asians, South Asians, Arabs, blacks, and Latinx (kek). I know this for a literal fact. I'm in a long running discord chat with a lot of black and Brown shitposters are who reactionaries now. Half meme, half full on. Mainly because of pic related. They think IdPol is retarded and literally just want to live their life and have their keks.

I guarantee this place is whiter than Holla Forums, also, tons of literal trannies on Holla Forums I remember "vaginal jew" being a meme there lmao.

Hilarious that Holla Forums only just learning this now with HWNDU, after spending most of their waking moments fretting, reacting to and complaining about Holla Forums for months to years. It's almost as if this board is a sperg haven or something.

ok, more than half of us are Fucking White Males™

If I was given the mark of the Jew do I have to answer Jew?

/pol is a bastion of retardation

how does liberal retardation validate right wing populism retardation?

it's anonymous so it's not bothersome to mark ourselves for a census

i like that you can identify insane and stupid people easily just by their profile pictures. nobody in their right mind would let themself be seen like this and even use this for a first impression.

don't get me wrong, there is odd looking, scruffy or sheepishly looking people and such, and i wouldn't put a final judgement on them based solely on their appearance, but the people in your pic just must be dismissed at first sight without even bothering to hear them out. it's not even an exaggeration, they need medication and social workers to help them get their shit together.
when i feel bad about myself and see delusionals like them i don't know if this is supposed to make me feel better about myself or just sad because i'm too self aware.

I've known 4 Holla Forumstards IRL and three of them were Latino.

The one Nazi I know is Hungarian, the other one is Polish.


No bully him. He's my nigga

Send him this german Nazi, i even looked up the lyrics in english for him to enjoy:

Polack Tango

"Keep your paws high or I'll shoot! You are supposed to tell the truth. Where did you get the ammo from?"
"I told truth. German soldiers move through forrest on their rail way patrol. Ammo heavy, it remains here always! I Care not for this…"
"You lied, you Polack!"

When I see it, I'll really get angry
Polish b__s are yelling White Power
O how much I hate this f___ing people
Since when Polacks are counted to the aryan race?

When near Danzig the Polish fleet sinks down in the sea
and the German anthem is sounding in Marienburg
Then the Wehrmacht moves in with their tanks in Breslau
And Germany's east will come home finally

Do you remember the last war?
It took us 18 days to defeat them.
They yelled, they'd be in Berlin within a week
they arrived even earlier there, as prisoners of war

When near Danzig the Polish fleet sinks down in the sea
and the German anthem is sounding in Marienburg
Then the Wehrmacht moves in with their tanks in Breslau
And Germany's east will come home finally


When near Danzig the Polish fleet sinks down in the sea
and the German anthem is sounding in Marienburg
Then the Wehrmacht moves in with their tanks in Breslau
And Germany's east will come home finally

You took our land away from us in 1945
Houses and yards are ruins today
Because they know deep inside,
We'll return someday in a gray uniform of honor

When near Danzig the Polish fleet sinks down in the sea
and the German anthem is sounding in Marienburg
Then the Wehrmacht moves in with their tanks in Breslau
And Germany's east will come home finally

When near Danzig the Polish fleet sinks down in the sea
and the German anthem is sounding in Marienburg
Then the Wehrmacht moves in with their tanks in Breslau
And Germany's east will come home finally

When near Danzig the Polish fleet sinks down in the sea
and the German anthem is sounding in Marienburg
Then the Wehrmacht moves in with their tanks in Breslau
And Germany's east will come home finally

When near Danzig the Polish fleet sinks down in the sea
and the German anthem is sounding in Marienburg
Then the Wehrmacht moves in with their tanks in Breslau
And Germany's east will come home finally


I don't really give a fuck what genitals the person sitting behind the keyboard has as long as they understand that Holla Forums is, first and foremost, an anime imageboard. If they can appreciate 2D they're welcome here.
