Alright, Holla Forums, let's put together a "Arguing with liberals about the riots" bingo card. I'll start.
Alright, Holla Forums, let's put together a "Arguing with liberals about the riots" bingo card. I'll start
Off to a good start lads
"this isn't what america is about" is one of my favorites, i've seen it all over twitter today
I gotchu fam
"Starbucks is a leftist company" is a real winner I saw on twitter earlier
reminds me of
The police are just keeping everyone safe!
We're so close, people!
gotta include that one Voltaire quote
Fuck– the "fair election" argument is like everyone's fallback
Any suggestions, or is this ready for use?
You guys are pathetic. . .
Well geez, man, you could've told us that before we spent an hour shitposting this together.
I would never reveal my power level hard enough to debate the riots with libs.
I win 10x over with this entire thread
needs something about small businesses.
protesters should've voted/are mad they lost the election can be combined into one
Only half are actually things would say. The only half are real critiques.
We should make one for arguing with alt-righters too
I just love how rioters think they're not the liberals.
Only the liberal state protects you from the consequences of your actions. In a socialist society, people who break things other people worked hard to build would be immediately gulaged.
Cuck would be all spaces because it's every other word they say.
Good candidate for a free space, tho
Alt-righters don't have enough distinct "arguments" for a whole bingo card
To be fair it's wrong to assume that every target attacked in a riot must always help the leftist cause. The game of power is a hell of a lot more complex than most people think, and it's not obvious how any individual action will influence the balance of power. On the one hand punching that guy makes the state look weaker by their inability to defend their citizens. On the other hand it makes the alt-right look sympathetic while the "leftist" rioters look like violent animals. Personally I'd have been focusing more on property damage if I had been there. Hurting people has the potential of backfiring.