Fuck Holla Forums

Fuck Holla Forums, fuck your brocialist and manarchist ass posters, and fuck your bullshit solidarity

looks like a weird city-scape

careful,i like it kinky baby


What does this mean? There's no one here, save for one nazbol poster perhaps, that isn't for the end of all forms of discrimination.

Kek. Enjoy your ban Reddit scum.

Why are there so many shitty posts right now? Not just low-qualify b8 line this but people who know jack shit about theory or history. They're crawling all over the board right now, making everything unbearable

Probably being raided by /r/Socialism.

bougie crackers can fuck off back to reddit

actual working class don't care what spoiled rich kids LARPing online think

Reddit moderators are scapegoating Holla Forums in their little roleplay civil war.


go home reddit

You banned a woman for drawing shitty anime and called her a woman hater and you're a dude.

You're a cancer to the Left and your behavior is radicalizing Nazis all over the western world.

Men are still 49 percent of the planet. You don't have to be an MRA Brocialists to notice your IDPol and kneejerk hatred of everything white and male played a huge part in the rise of Trump.

It's your fault, you dumb motherfuckers. Join the Democrats and Liberals with their absurd notion that everything will get better once Goldman Sachs hires a transgender disabled Latinx CEO.

Dumb asshole.

I just don't like “talkin bout the issues of oppressed nations or genders” as idpol. I dont want anything to do with white dudebro “marxists” who want to see “american socialism” built off of the backs of brown and black women.

You either build a multiracial coalition of black, brown, yellow, and white workers or you fucking die under fascism. It is that simple.

If you think all whites are inherently racist, you may as well embrace it.

>>>Holla Forums

i don't want anything to do with hypoctritical libs who defend a cult of rapey trots but c'est la vie


Fuck your falseflagging

no, and that's retarded.

I love you Holla Forums, love your brocialist and manarchist ass posters, and love your solidarity

Fuck the Original Sin of the IDPol left. I'm over it. I got turned down for a job today because "we are now looking for non-white, non-male candidates."

You want me to fucking starve to death in the name of historical and systemic racism? Suck my dick.

Welcome to the wonderful world of liberalism.


To destroy racism you destroy the concept race not fan the flames with non-white racism.

Then what the fuck were you talking about? The paradoxical conservative-leftism you were describing is a complete fabrication by liberals LARPing as "socialists"

Ah yes, all of those people who want this. This is certainly a very popular opinion here.

Yeah, take out your anger on the 27 year old white guy making lower class wages. Not the old, already rich white people. God forbid.

It's a fucking farce and I've had it. No wonder these midwestern dipshits are turning into Nazis. if I wasn't properly educated and not Jewish, I'd probably be easily swayed by those alt-right loons too.

That's neoliberalism for ya: Making everything worse for all poor people in the name of social justice.


If it said that it probably went through it did.


It isn't idpol and you're right. But I don't want minorities in positions of power. What I want is socialism for all ASAP so we can actually do something that makes sense. Don't you think that anything else is just plugging holes in the terrible system of capitalism?

Huh that's just plain racist. What if I said I don't want anything to do with black female liberals? Same thing you said. And what's wrong with marxism?

I'm portuguese.

Ok you're a troll. This makes no sense. Go away.

Forgot your flag Holla Forums

They abuse you, they drive you out of your board and now tell you what to do?

The crazy thing is that you have actually done everything they said you to do.

Like the abused wife from a shitty American soap who is crawling back to her abusive asshole of a husband, so stereotypical.

No dignity shown at all. Servility and docility makes bad revolutionaries.

You have to go back to your sweaty shithole full of 500-lb landwahles. Also fuck your transfags; you are not a real woman and you NEVER will be, stop shitting up our scientific endeavors.



Most of us arent against the idears of equality and personal freedom. But we dispise that those idears are often used to distract people from what is going on. The SJW and the aut-Right are just two sides of the same coin. Look at history, if you want to deregulate Wallstreet and the Banks, while reduxing taxes on the rich, you cant rech that with a republican. You need a Neoliberal like Bill Clinton, since people will vote him for his "Tolerance" and "progressive views". If you want to vote for a Person because X Person whould be the first Y in office, you ignore what that individual will do when he/she/(insertunpronouncebleidpolpronounhere) is in office. Obama did almost nothng to help POC and hillare propably whouldnt have done shit to help women. If you really want the best for all you will need to look behind identity poletics, and overcome them. Thats what this is about, an overly nationalistic, raxist homophobe is as much as an enemy to the working class as a Neoliberal progressive, LGBT Activist.


it's not a false flag, stop with the D&C, you faggot

Hi reddit.