Why are you not part of the NazBol GANG yet, /cuckpol/?
Quit being bluepilled faggots
Why are you not part of the NazBol GANG yet, /cuckpol/?
I'm not white.
But goddamn I would take a Nazbol Russia.
Nazbols > socdems tbh
I don't think you know how powerful the blue pill is and how much pleasure that can bring.
Stalinism > Nazbolism
Communism with morality is always better than nationalism with hatred between races for no reason other than creating disturbance in society for political gain, which is why its used now.
Better yet, if nations can't live with each other there's no point in forcing them doing that, forbid inside state migration. But this doesn't mean we should become racist for this matter.
Shut up Holla Forums
Pick one and only one.
daily reminder that
Stop bumping your failed bait thread. These are the replies you have.
Nazbol lacks the necessary racial components to work.
Except I'm not the OP you fucking tard.
nazbol is the gayest thing ever
After your Dad
Limonov is actually an interesting figure and a good writer too bad the rest of you are shit
cool story bro
can you be any more of a cuck?
Oh boy, I almost forgot about the Holla Forums raid
How will we ever recover
what exactly do nazbols believe. I become less and less sure every day
They don't realize we know their arguments and have read more of their books than they have.
oh well, newfag Holla Forumskiddies gonna newfag
you're confused because you consider anyone to the right of you a nazi.
are all leftists on the exact same page?
you read them with a different mindset though, and also assume everything written is taken as gospel
Because I'm not spooked faggot
There is literally no difference between nazbols and nazis.
lol no I'm confused because some of them seem like just regular communists. Some of them have this obscure German philosophical shit that they use and then a lot of other ones are like "opposite of liberalism" or even satanists. It just seems like the miscellaneous folder for degenerate ideologues.
so not all of them, right?
you get that many of them idolize Pinochet, right? Friedman economics, protected from leftists, by the military.
authoritarian government != communism