In current year +2 everyone including leftypol has a scapegoat
Watch out, meme magic is in full acceleration.
In current year +2 everyone including leftypol has a scapegoat
XDDd XdddDdddddd
Great post user
really worth the time
Civil war when?
Thanks for this cuckchan tier analysis op
Late 17/early 18 is my prediction, no latter then 2020
No idea who will win it will be fun as a nihilist- I dont give a fuck
we don't ascribe any agency to porky that isn't easily visible
nihilism le
T. neoliberal
Porky is just a symbol for capitalists who are a synecdoche of capitalism.
T. Non ideologue
Most of these aren't scapegoats
But Porky is the worst thing in existence right now. if it was the Catholic church in power or Monarchies then i would be calling for their heads lol
No we blame the contradictions of capitalism.
Capitalism died 100 years ago, except maybe 3rd world shitholes
The west is liberal post keynisiean/socdem
not since the 70s dude.
that's still capitalism btw
taxes are lower than ever, regulations are lower than ever, government spending on actual public goods is low. The only Keynesianism going on is military expenditure and the dying bastions of social democracy (public schools, social security, disability payments) which are necessary for capitalism to function well and are slowly being dismantled
The Republicans hate Trump though and they were already all set to blame him if they lost. Ironically it's his fault they got where the overwhelming victories they did but they still hate him. He doesn't like them either hence Trump's blacklisting of them.
America is reverting to capitalism but in western europe/canada/Australia etc its strong.
Republicans wont go full small gubermint they will just go extremely nationalistic centrist under trump.
The combination of the welfare state and capitalism has long ended any chance of a sucessful marxist revolution in 1st world countries
social democracy, Keynesianism, etc are all still capitalism you dumb fuck
im not allowed to blame the actual power structure because Holla Forums is full of statist scum bags who worship dictators and NazBol turd worldists who worship dictators
porky is definitely half of the equation and deserves to be purged entirely
I know this is ironic but you realise you sound as stupid as those rednecks who say obama is socialist or that bernie was a communist
get a fucking grip
What did you mean by this?
Post FDR america undertook a third way, a combination of social democracy and capitalism. Now since the 80's they are trending to more laas fairez style capitalism with the repealing of obamacare/less regulations/less taxes
blaming porky is exactly the wrong move. it's like when libs like to act as if all that's wrong with capitalism is "the corrupt bankers". even if you killed porky, another one will just spring up in his place.
the problem isn't corrupt or greedy individuals, or even a corrupt and greedy class. the problem is the system of private ownership of capital and market exchange. porky just acts in accordance with how society structures the relations of production
I said that you saying anyything that isnt complete marxism = capitalism is as fucking autistic as saying that obama is socialist.
Learn to read
false equivalency dickhead
look up the definition of capitalism. Keynesianism, socdem, still fall entirely under it. which of obama's policies fell under the definition of communism (hint, it's none)
You flat out denied that social democracy and keynesianism were capitalist.
When you restrict the use of capitalism or the ownership of private property in any way shape or form then its not entirely capitalism - its a blending of socialism/capitalism
capitalism = private control of the means of production, market exchange, and selling labor power for wages
liberalism is truly a disease. politics, unlike you've been told your entire life, is not some sort of neat, continuous spectrum where you can slide along between capitalism to communism
I remember being 13
First point is correct, but social democracy is about mixing horizontal and vertical distribution of wealth between the citizens of a country while still maining the exchange of capital in a more equitable manner, so its not full capitalism nor full marxism
Your second point is laughable, there is a spectrum running from complete freedom to complete government tyranny - aka marxism/fascism
And wage labor, and private ownership of the means of production (private property).
Aka capitalism.
I know you think you're being clever, but you're politically illiterate.
This user is right, lurk/read moar.
is this bait
pretty easy to tell who in this thead doesn't read books (or anything really)
The Western world (especially the United States) is definitely heading for a collapse much like the one the USSR went through. The question is how violent it will be.
More violent than the USSR's but not so bad that civilization collapses. The state that replaces it will be much, much worse than the one that exists now.
Agreed on both counts.