An honest question

/r/socialism user here. there have been several discussions about this place on reddit so I decided to come over and see for myself.

I am not familiar with this posting format as of yet so apologies for any mistakes, i've never visited such a forum before.

Why do you guys hate us? What have we done to you to justify such bigotry and intolerance against us? How can you call yourselves leftists when you are against social justice, gender equality and LGBT rights? How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you unironically support violent revolution and the killing of innocents?

The truth of the matter is that /r/socialism will forever be more relevant than this bigoted shithole. This Fascist charade of a forum can under no circumstances be allowed to exist and spread it's toxic hatred. The more I browsed here the more i got triggered. The blatant racism, islamophobia, ableism and transphobia is too great for words. You are not even against trump and openly flaunt this fact. Expect a raid soon.

Pic related is me

r/socialism started all this bulllshit. They are afraid of us.

low quality bait


Maybe you should read the board title laddy
Some of us do support LGBT rights. You see, this is not a torture chambered website where everyone holds the same views.

There is just so much in your post that makes zero sense. You realize that gender is a spook, right?

But yes please bring raids. We've already been attacked by the actual fascists two boards up.

You're simply intolerant of people who hold a different philosophy than you, antifa scum.

liberation of the opressed is always a leftist issue. LGBT people are opressed, and the left has a duty to liberate them. Gender is not a "spook", it is an identity. How is being antifa bad? are you admitting to being an actual fascist?

Gender is a spook. It's a social construct and only exists because you want it to exist.

Not in America. Not in most of the EU. The only exception currently in the United States is North Carolina, which might as well not be called a democracy. The LGBT have been given everything on a silver platter. They're not oppressed at all and have just as many rights and freedoms as any other American or EU citizen.

Burning shit down and punching people is not the right way to go about liberation.


On the topic of gender as a spook.

Just wow….. You are so muh privileged that you are completely blind to the suffering of LGBT people. You need to check your own muh privilege before downplaying the suffering of the opressed.

Already caught in the redditor detectors I see.


But let's drop that topic.

I'd like you to show me a case where LGBT people are oppressed, in the United States, outside of North Carolina. I'm waiting. Show me their horrible suffering. You SJWs make the entire left look like a laughing stock and you are the reason that Trump is elected and not Sanders.

How about we liberate humanity instead of breaking up in a thousand little bickering groups, all the oppressed people need the abolition of capitalism.
this is fucking bait ain't it

Now if it means erasing them. They must be protected.

Your ignorance is showing. I am not here to educate you. You are retarded lmao

Your fucking navel gazing is why people have contempt for the left

So you try to come here, say these things, and cannot provide a single bit of information to backup your claims. You're the one that is ignorant. That Trump/Sanders line was sarcastic, just so you know.

But keep moaning and groaning about how the LGBT are so horribly oppressed. You cannot provide a Single. Example. I'm actually a transgender person myself, not that's relevant, but it probably is to you. As a Transgender person I'd actually get some of the nonexistent "privilege" that you bitch about as I'd get attention for being so fucking "brave". Gender is a social construct and is a spook.

Forgot to tie in the LGB in there too:

Lesbians can do everything that straight people can. However, bigots always exist.
This applies to gays, and bisexuals as well. They can do everything that cis/heteros can. The only exception is the Middle East, where one could migrate from. Fun fact: In Iraq it is completely legal to be gay, but it's not socially accepted and never well be. They have the choice to migrate from Iraq, however.

Do you really believe anyone is getting erased lol
And why are you acting like they are worth more than non LGTB people?
Nice ableism.

You have internalized hatred of women and transphobia. It's not my fault.

poor quality bait tbqh

I have no hatred of women nor transphobia. I believe in equality and freedom of thought. Stop moving the goal post and provide some sort of rock-solid example of the oppression.

Projecting this hard

responding to bait is board culture tbh

Then why do you hate feminism? You are transphobic and mysogynistic

I hate this attitude most of all in the "left". How the hell do you expect to convince anyone of anything if you don't even try to show them why you believe what you believe.

This is a fucking imageboard you dipshit what do you expect. If you want education seek it out at a library or university

At one point did I say that I hated feminism? You still haven't provided a single form of oppression of LGBT people in the US or EU that is happening right now. (outside of NC, and I admit that that is oppression)

How can I be transphobic If I'm transgender myself? I certainly don't hate myself, nor do I fear myself.

I'm also fine with Feminism provided Feminism doesn't try to oppress males by shouting "White male, check your muh privilege!" from the rooftops, or tries to invalidate people's opinions based on their race, or they try to set quotas for how many women need to be in a workplace based on their gender.

It's like talking to a brick wall. You can't convince intolerant fascist bigots.

LGBT are part of the working class. Therefore rights of LGBT are rights of the working class, and being transphobic, homophobic or sexist bigot is counter-revolutionaty.

Also, someone's mental problems with being a transgender, or something, or being triggered by feminism, shouldn't be discussed politically, but in therapist room or hospital.

gigantic echo chamber filled with liberals who just like the color red and like to feel edgy

We don't give a fuck who you are. Argumentation "I'm X therefore my views are right/wrong" is always ad hominem argment, and it's illogical.

This is an actual argument.

Callng me a fascist is not. I'm not a fascist, I'm a socialist. I'm also not a bigot. It seems to me like you're the one that cannot handle politically incorrect leftist ideas. By all means stick around and make up your own mind.

Your ideas aren't leftist when they are oppressive. The progressive stack was created to ensure that the left always stands by the opressed

I'm not. I support all of those things.

How do you expect to have any of those things your just listed without violent revolution?

More to the point, how do you expect solve CLASS ISSUES without a revolution? TBH right now in the west I wouldn't support a violent revolution, purely because you couldn't get the numbers. If it happened, great.

I think a far more realistic method is to build socialism in affinity groups within capitalism and grow them.

> This Fascist charade of a forum

Get out. This is the class war board.

How can you say in the same sentence we support a violent revolution but also that we support Trump?

I would like my violent revolution to include violence against Trump and his associates, the bourgeoisie.

I peed a little bit of fear

You are such a fucking a moron. We should welcome the chance to bring in and change noobs. What the fuck is this shit?

You found an edgy photo. Great. You showed it to somebody who didn't want to see it, Cool.

Man you come off as quite the dick to everyone who does not spend their time on *chans, just saying.

Listen, I am opposed to the Lena Dunham type feminism as much as anybody else here, but it really does not look good if you argue like this
All you do here is adopt the language of your typical Reddit reactionary and it makes you look unsympathetic. Instead try to formulate what you're sympathetic to in an empathic, non-hostile way. You could explain how you empathize with women's struggle in society and how the economic struggle unites all of us. You could explain how the concept of equality unites Marxist and feminist thought and how capitalism utilizes gender roles to manifest itself in society. If you go in-depth here you could emphasize how capitalism perverted feminism in co-opting the message of emancipation to integrate women into the capitalist machine. How neoliberals claim that more female CEOs and mothers taking part-time jobs all of a sudden solves inequality. You could even explain how muh privileges are indeed a thing, but that pointing them out does not solve anything when it is not followed up by fundamental critique.

You could've done all of this, but instead you come off as a dick.

I'm done talking to you. Time and time again I've waited for you to show me how the poor LGBT are oppressed and you have failed to so do. You hold no argument. The only thing that you're capable of doing is screaming "Oppression! Oppression! MUH muh privilege!" over and over again. Who do you think is actually being oppressed at Universities across the US and EU right now? Who are being given their own dorms and special treatment?


To hell with the progressive stack, it's an undemocratic POS.

You're pretentious SocDem types with a 2 inch boner for Lenin.

Didn't you attack catgrill drawfag for muh-soggy-knee because she drew fucking cat girls?

Not against these things, just against retarded idpol that gets in the way of class struggle. Gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, and so on, are spooks anyways.

Capitalists perpetuate coercion, our violence is in self-defense. If they don't comply and hand over their MoP, they will be dealt with by any means necessary.

Nice try bro, evern /r/CompleteAnarchy talks shit about you daily. You guys just got real good SEO.

Don't you guys allow tankies to worship Stalin there?

le Triggled xDDdd

Links? I don't think anyone here is islamaphobic (outside of hating organized religion), ableist (as we let retards like you post here), or transphobic (traps are cool).

Accelerationism. Read some books.

Come at us faggot.

The thing is fighting for lgbt and other minorities is not a left wing thing. its a liberal thing. there are many ancaps and free market fags who are pro minorities and are by no means leftist.

Even though the liberal movement gained significant levrage in the past decades and acomplished great things for minorities such as gay mariage weed legalization in some places and opened taboo discuccions to the public. But you haven't done shit when it comes to class struggle.

Politics are all about charisma and reputation. and right now. And liberals are professional masochists when it comes to reputation. not only that but you are draggin the whole left down with you.

r/socialism is the first discussion site that shows up when you google socialism and it only has 70k subs. that is a shame to the left. instead of beeing receptive to potential comrades you are becoming a scarecrow with word policing and powetripping adms who ban people faster than lightning.

we get raids everyday


Many of them support minorities and are right wingers

This is bait

I hope you are an anarchist then, but why then are you spending time on an oppressive tankie shithole like r/soc

You are the embodyment of the cancer that killed the left and keeps it dead
Banning us for merely saying our opinion, or banned people for having visited this board.
False, we support all these things, we just disagree with identity politics. Also "social justice" is an undefined term that can be used to mean anything, and it was originally used by the nazis.

How can you expect anyone to take you serious when you are a "socialist" which supports capitalism and is anti-worker and anti-freedom?

The only reason you are so big is because youre on reddit. This board is unfindable on google and is located on a website almost entire inhabited by nazis and ancaps. The fact that we are this big is impressive and we only continue to grow.
Fuck off cunt, your subreddit shall not be allowed to kill the left.
Boohoo. So much empty emotional words.
Most of this board supported bernie, but your shitty neoliberal candidate is just as bad as trump. It doesn't matter, they are exactly the same.
Oh im so scared, come at me bro. What are you going to do, call us brocialists?

and most of the Left does as well so what are you on about

If you were actually /r/socialism you would not have used that word so "disrespectfully". Just a pointer for more effective bait in the future.