Thoughts on left wing nationalism ?

thoughts on left wing nationalism ?

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Nice spooks kid

The left should own nationalism while it the right completely serves the interests of international capital

Spook like all forms of statism from ancient Sumer to the Modern World.

Depends on the circumstances. Where a national struggle is likely to happen anyway you should do your best to insert the left into said struggle to basically convert a bunch of people to leftism on the cheap (see the Kurds.) When the relevant nation-state already exists I think it's likely to be the opposite, that the leftypol orthodox standpoint of you're getting the workers to identify with their national bourgeois over fellow workers is somewhat correct.

left wing nationalism makes sense in a world of international capitalism
Read Bookchin


Read paul mattick

leftcoms are a meme tbh

Completely based. The only true rejection of international capital and liberalism as a whole. Many of those on the "left" who embrace internationalism are simply serving as pawns acting in the interest of global capital. Right wing "nationalism" is a farce and arguably one of the most dangerous movements to emerge within the 21st century. Just as communist internationalism is just as misguided. The bourgeois have done a good job turning nationalism into a right wing movement. They've essentially turned 99.9% of the population into their unwitting pawns.

Based Marcos.


he's not actually a nazbol

Stop posting any time

My mind would always equate left nationalism with anti imperialist / independence movements but you could also identify anti globalist moments as nationalist.

Can localism be an answer to nationalism for anti-globalism of left?

I'm a national syndicalist. I just use the nazbol flag because they're no black front flag or Sorel flag.
By the way how did you know?

I love you too fam.

just try not to shit on your own country, its not as hard as it sounds faggot.

I've come to recognize your posts. I'm the communalist from the ill-conceived post-leftist's thread.

I think I've talked to you before. You seem alright.

It's been around since the 1920s

Close a fucking border or two and watch the public desire for something great, better than the mess we have now. Trash their countries and watch them turn murderous against those pushing it.





nations are a meme

Did someone say left-wing nationalism?

kys, ISIS collaborator


The tankie FEARS the Jew


Holla Forums is that you?

Karen National Liberation Army

Front Liberation National Corsica

Irish Republican Army

Euskadi Ta Askatasuna

Vietcong and many others



imagine claiming to be socialist and being supported by America and Israel at the same time

How is the Karen national liberation army left-wing?


Wew lad. Thanks for fap material

i cant bring myself to care more about certain people because they were born within the same set of arbitrary borders as i was. but that doesnt mean i think all cultures are equal, islam is great, etc….

what a shitty accident.

Titocat would disaprove of you
It is pretty interesting tbh.

The only way to stop people from posting Gore on your board is to laugh at it.

it will just make the psychoes happier, i don't want to see that scary socdem again…

he must have quite the headache

if it had a pussy I'd fuck it.