Will sympathetic bourgeoise like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet be spared from going up against the wall during the revolution and gulaged instead?
Will sympathetic bourgeoise like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet be spared from going up against the wall during the...
No, he's a moralising hyprocite
I doubt you'll find them as sympathetic after they fight tooth and nail against the people to maintain their power and wealth. Aside from that, doing some humanitarianism in your free time doesn't excuse you from the willing role you play in perpetuating the cycle of misery and exploitation resulting from capital.
Bill Gates has killed an extraordinary amount of people by having medical institutions in the third world focus on his pet interests rather than more prevalent and preventable illnesses, he's pure evil
that's not really the definition of "killed". I don't know what you're talking about, but it seems like he just focused on particular things instead of others.
People dying due to the actions a powerful person takes is the definition of killed used against communists so why not capitalists as well
No, they need to die and all their estates must be torn apart.
Absolutely not.
Bill Gates is the one who said open source software is literally communism. Warren Buffet's "sympathy" is just for show like any bourgeois that claims to "care" about the proles. It's all virtue signaling to pad their images and bourgeois egos.
tl;dr On the day of revolution, they will be the first to go.
I doubt the ones with the most resources they can use to defend themselves will be the first to die.
Funny thing about Bill's charity. After all these years, it has barely spent any of it. It's nothing more than tax dodging scheme to make themselves look good.
It's precisely why they have to. They're the biggest pigs around. You don't go after the big pigs after you're exhausted from the other hunts, you go after them when you're fresh.
A revolution is a sudden eruption of popular violence. It's not a well-coordinated assassination attempt which is ready and prepared to take out the big guys right off the bat. Unless they just get unlucky and happen to be right in the middle of the violence as it breaks out, they're probably gonna flee and use all their resources to fund a White Army.
They'll be fine if they flip before or during the revolution. The way you die in a revolution is putting your life between the revolution and its goals. People who send proles to die for them don't get to surrender though.
There is no such thing as a good bourgeois, for if there were, they would have given it all up to the proles to begin with.
Tell that to the Tsar.
No they won't. This just proves what untrustworthy slime they are and they have to die. Also all liberals and socdems will die without question.
His PR guys must be top shelf.
what? how are they sympathetic?
Nicholas' family was immediately captured. Also, he didn't have access to planes and modern means of communication which make it far easier to judge the situation and escape.
Can we please have less retarded LARPers here? Liberals and SocDems form a massive part of the population. Unless you're aiming to beat Pol Pot's high score, there's no way killing them all off is a reasonable plan.
the leaders and proponents are scum
and don't deserve any quarter. all rich people should be purged period. especially young rich scum
I thought Gates' statement was referencing JFK's assassination at first.
rich kids can be class traitors too. stop trying to kill engels
turns out Gates was antifa all along
It's the first thing anyone associates with JFK, and there's no way Gates or his PR people wouldn't have thought of that.
Engels provided legendary editing skills for Marx's drunken ramblings and even more legendary sketch/charicature of Spookman
Most of these fags are frat boys and "professional travelers" they can be transported into a black hole for all i care
He's already dead. Problem solved.
It's decided then. All the porks get skewered roasted.
I wish comrade
well I didn't say it wouldn't come with an ultimatum. give up your shit and lend full support to the revolution or straight to the wall
Warren buffet is less "sympathy for show" and more "understands the problems with capitalism and is entirely willing to legislate away problems that would lead to collapse. Still really fucking loves being bougie though."
Yeah that makes him worse. He knows the problems of capitalism but wants to work extra hard to maintain it so it can continue to benefit him
They need to be worked twice as hard to make up for all their years in bourgeois bounty.
Buffett invested heavily in Goldman before taking to the airwaves with yarns about how Armageddon would befall the earth without the TARP bailout.
He had every chance to let capitalism fall but decided to cling to it for dear life and worse. If it wasn't for him and those like him, there would have been revolution ages ago and people would have seen the full truth about capitalism.
Buffet, Gates and other rich progressive liberals are not substantially different from rich reactionaries like Adelson or the Kochs. The difference is that the former want slightly higher marginal tax rates to fund bread and circuses to keep the proles happy and in blissful ignorance of their oppression.
pick one you dumb faggot.
Let him be idealistic you nazbol faggot
thicc gal
Gulag reeducation. Killing them is a waste when they're more likely to be potential comrades than most other 1%ers.
Also imagine the PR if we got them to espouse the virtues of communism.
lol at this shit. Torturing bougies with mind control instead of putting them out of their misery with wall and rifle.
You don't have to torture someone to reeducate them.
You don't need to torture people to convince them to change their beliefs, my tankie friend.
What are you talking about? It spent $5.1 billion in 2015 alone.
Makes sense. Malaria's only gone down by 50 million cases per year (a global reduction of 18%) so that's basically nothing
He's not a real friend of the downtrodden like we are
Oy vey
All those people who just need malaria nets and proper housing and food to fight off malaria infection and all those provided graciously by Gates foundation bought from big-pharma Gates is invested in and is friends with people who are invested in. One big philanthropic scheme, its perfect you have STEM which is becoming its own monolithic unquestioned force the size and power of which hasn't been seen since the catholic church. On the other hand you have finance capital and megainvestors making money off of STEM's engineered usefulness which is necessary to continue extracting value from diminishing resources and to mitigate tons of awful side effects of the capitalist death machine we're all strapped into. C'mon libshit, could you be less stupid?
It's 100% technically feasible to end malaria this year if we really wanted to, but collectively as a global society we want to believe that the invisible hand will take care of everything.
Sorry that he isn't buying mosquito nets made from armpit hair from a commune. I guess that means all those people need to go back to having malaria.
I didn't realize Bill Gates had full control over global society.
I knew I should have used linux…
Q: Do we need to avoid doing good things until we have achieved communism in every part of the world?
Yeah now they can write code for big software firms and become doctors that prescribe pharmaceuticals amirite?
I'm in favor of forgiving sins
If the revolution comes and they decide to actually fight for communism and shit, then they're good
Otherwise, wall
Is this a threat?
Bill Gates has actually said capitalism is ill suited toward necessary goals for the future and that the "public sector" will have to pick up the slack.