Post ITT to get unbanned from reddit. Make sure to say extra-mean things or you won't get unbanned.
Official FUCK YOU LEFTYPOL thread
How many layers of chess is our board owner at?????
Apparently they aren't unbanning people anyway, I admit it's funny that they're punishing the boot lickers dumb enough to want to stay on the board though.
reddit is pointless, they don't even recognize that we're all going to die unless we establish socialism in the short term
Based BO
I think I would put the plebbitor ""socialists""" against the wall before the liberals.
/r/ing a Holla Forums edit of this
Y-you guys are n-nincompoops.
Can we stop talking about reddit now? Just let them stumble around in darkness
What the fuck is going on?
I'm thinking of sending this to piss them off. Should I?
post dick now
Nigger faggots, no one loves you. Big poopy heads, all of you.
I don't even use reddit, i just wanted to feel like i'm 12 year old again just for a minute.
mfw 30 soon
give me back my youth, fucking life
If you want to feed into their "everyone who opposes us is a reactionary brocialist from leftypol" complex go right ahead.
idk why, but the post number looks really weird to me. just, the arrangement of numbers seems awkward.
polite sage for offtopic post in a pointless shit thread
I know these feels Famrade
we are all just dust in the wind
Sounds about right
you're either incredibly well read and contemplative for a 17 year old to be able to comprehend communism beyond the high school books and to decisively choose a specific leftist sect to represent you. Or you're jumping the gun/selecting one at random. Comrade's a comrade tho.
I'm 16. What's so weird about teenage communists?
Looks like Holla Forums is upping their game
oh please
Sorry I'm pretty sure you're thinking of the r/socialism mods. Trots are a despised minority here.
how that deformed """"""workers state"""""" work for you?
Better than sitting down ever did :^)
Are Shrek memes back?
Thank you M8.
Hey Faggots,
My name is prickly, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, stalinist, bootlickers who spend every second of their day shitposting on stupid ass websites. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on /marx/.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the anarchists in the anarchist moderation league, and best mod on Holla Forums . What sites do you moderate, other than the stalinist bootlicker one? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot muke (i just banned him; Shit was SO cash). You are all bootlickers who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Can someone explain to me what's with Trots and rape?
Wherever trots go they must also rape. What aren't you getting about that?
If you're wondering about the association, one of the big international trot organizations has had a few different national branches have big rape scandals where the leadership always closes ranks around the accused rapist. If you're wondering why trots are so rapey compared to other ideology, no I'm not sure why anyone could explain that.
why do reddit hate free speech ?
Trotsky was the original brocialist.
How can you guys have volunteers? Do you feel superior to your fellow communists? How come everyone can't share board volunteer duties?
Why don;t you explain it, then?
Who /over 25/ here?
I'm 24. It's okay, it's just the same as being 23…
Because we don't want Holla Forumsyps banning people willy nilly, so we vet users before letting them become moderators.
but what if the child consents?
leftcoms in a nutshell
I'm always skeptical of people choosing a tendency at such a young age, but if you're going to arbitrarily pick one it may as well be the best tendency. ::DD
yeah, So I just want to apologize. I'm u/Kleeon on reddit, and right now our mods are just being really dumb. I like posting there just because it's a fun place to make memes, but this is retarded. I always feel more relaxed when posting on Holla Forums, which Is why I haven't been back there for some time. I hope eventually the mods will be able to see reason.
sage cause I'd rather keep this quiet.
Same here. I'm an artist (pic related) so I got especially worried when the subreddits I frequent started policing art for cats. I like r/fullcommunism, but I might start posting my art here instead.
Same. I was so spooked to post this dumb meme, because I was afraid of the Getchan connection. Fucking listening to music from the wrong sources can get you kicked out.
Dear god I hope so
that's some cool looking shit man
This has to be false flag. I bet someone wants to get rid of poor Kleeon.
That is some tattoo worthy shit comrade
Praise Kek
Very nice work
jesus christ comrade
well welcome and enjoy your stay
Oh hey, I remember those posts! That's some nice art.
How do you even draw something that good?
At least now you can of legally drinkings of Vodka, comrade.
Trots and rape go together like gin and tonic, m8
the hottest pockets on Earth
These are damn nice.
Pls post as much art as you like.
Who's the artist?
I think xir's just drunk
hey this is some good work. please post more