Chelsea Manning’s Sentence is commuted
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Baruch HaShem.
Oh thank God. I even sent an e-mail to "the president" requesting this when I heard she was on his shortlist.
However, I'm not thrilled about the five months thing. I realize there's procedural stuff they have to go through, but it seem like that leaves quite the opening for Trump's administration to step in if they choose. But I'm no legal expert.
assange said he'll hand himself over if this happens
Wouldn't worry about him though because trump will probably pardon him too
Even if he is freed
That still does not pay for what they've done to her. This is not forgiveness, this is wiping your hands clean. There should be no thanks to Obama, or the State, only the greatest scorn imaginable.
I'm curious how the rest of the democratic party will react to this, considering how they fucking hate Manning and were celebrating her torture just a few weeks ago.
fucking mentally ill bigot
Yup. This is just an opportunity to let Trump Kick the Dog.
I meant she I'm tired. I said her later.
It was a goof, I apologize.
If this were real life I would slap you to death with my girlcock you TERF cunt.
watch it happen
You think Assange is going to do it?
Not surprised at all
Glad Obama is making an attempt, even though it is a feeble one, to clean up his cowardly and disappointing legacy. He should've pardoned Snowden as well.
Trump wants to execute people like Snowden and Assange. Just because the DNC leaks helped him in the general doesn't change his stances. Plus even Assange called for whistleblowers to get dirt on Trump too.
Seriously though how butthurt would the dems get if he pardoned Assange next?
Assange handed him the presidency under Putin's instructions, he ll pardon him
Maybe Obama should execute assange
I don't a shit what the dems think, I'm annoyed by the idea of liberals who already turned on Assange for releasing files on Clinton making him out to be Goebbels or some shit.
*If Trump pardoned Assange
eu flag needs to be shot tbh
why does that look like a bloke pretending to be a chick?
Every cell in his body has a Y chromosome, even if he chops his dick off, he'll just be a dickless man.
Someone just graduated high school.
I'm the sort of person who will always view someone through biological sex because gender is unimportant to me, I'm not bi for example so I could never be attracted to a MTF person.
With that being said, I'm not an asshole so I respect the wishes of those who identify that way because they are already going through hell without me being rude to them.
Would it be possible for Trump to cancel this commutation?
Wow, it's almost like you're people pretending to have studied the human body.
Just for good measure.
This is what I'm concerned about.
It seems to me that to cancel the commutation would be a violation of the ban on double jeopardy–in principle, if not in word. But the word of the law is unfortunately what's important. Yeesh.
I'm pretty sure she's mentally scarred for life at this. The fucking shit she's gone through must be horrible
this point*
Trump would be smart not to anger Republicans in the House and Senate plus the intelligence community, who all want Assange and Snowden's head. That would impeach him or worse.
Kys Holla Forumstard
you're wrong, and your opinion is the minority among people who study this stuff for a living.
this and the pipeline. I think we need to give Obama maybe like 0.7% out of ten for trying
Oh look it is Holla Forums trying to shit up the board again
Social anthropology is the fakest field of science though
No, that would be scientific socialism.
What the fuck are you doing on a leftist board then? Do you actually know literally anything about sociology? getting your information on fields of study from sargon of akkad doesn't count.
If you want to be anti-intellectual, that's fine. Just fuck off and be retarded in Holla Forums
1. that's "cultural anthropology"
2. that really triggered me
It is of my opinion that people have autonomy over their bodies.
And besides, the reason for sex ressaignment is not for the sake of giving someone what they want.
It's for the sake the violence, targeted harassment, rape, murder, such, against trans women has spiked so high, due in part to lack of mental health care in America accelerating abuse/violence/rape; that there isn't much of a choice and HRT itself doesn't do it sometimes.
HRT, was a preventive measure. The truth is, that trans women are targeted, and this condition is a compulsion to wear and act and feel like the opposite sex. Honestly of all things in the DSM,
This is of the lighter material
But because it involves a highly stereotyped, highly discriminated against Other in the eyes of society, often times people with violent impulses that too need help, target them specifically for the weakness we associate with them. It's the weakness that gives these people a sense of power to target them.The treatment was made as a use of care simply because, having someone dress up as a woman and make up is obvious, and likely, at the time, you would be even more at risk. So
Hormone replacement as perhaps last possible option, was the solution. To make it seem like they were more feminine, so that it solved the problem of their body dysphoria, and kept the patient safe from violence. Unfortunately, it has done little to help.
Only plastic surgery can make someone fully pass. That and vocal therapy.
As someone who will probably deal with trans people, I have to be as unbiased as I can, and honestly I see them as far more tragic than amusing. Knowing the full history of the situation removes all humor from it.
Nah, you just have to be lucky and start early. Like eunuchs that don't grow secondary sex characteristics because they were…you know.
Hoochie Minh y u stop replying yesterday i was trying to recruit you to my cause
Found the Freudian/Lacanian, go fuck yourself and your high horse.
I've known many transpeople that wanted the surgery. None of thier wish had to do with oppression.
If that were the case they wouldn't present as the opposite sex before the surgery.
All, I mean more than 90%, of their studies are irreproducable because they p-hack their way to their desired conclusion. I've been in academia too long to believe in peer review of the bad-faith idea that following the scientific method means you create actually good observations of conclusions
It's called both or either.
So which new master do you demand we have?
read bordiga
none you fucking spook
What? Psychoanalysis is complete and utter shite m8 I don't buy into it. I'm just known on the subject because it is within my field of study, my major. Before you scream that its gender theory, it's emergency psychiatry. IE its helping people in distress and crisis.
I'm not talking about their wishes, I'm talking about why such an extreme measure was instituted in the first place.
read zizek
You ever see the suicide rates of these so-called "trans" people? It's over 50% for the ones that go all the way. Your version of "not being rude" is like letting a child eat candy for every meal. Sometimes admonition (or therapy) is appropriate.
That's pretty racist. Are you sure you don't think yourself as the master of your own fate? Why should we listen to someone spouting banal opinions?
I'm communicating on this board and this board alone, I'm not interested in making friendships or connections here, sorry. I just like hanging out with you regardless of how many people hate me. It's comfy here, and I like to engage in debate with you goofballs.
wait… why do you think they kill themselves?
Do you actually believe forcing them to stay as a gender they don't want will LOWER the suicide rates? Are you literally retarded?
this really is the opposite of Holla Forums
also who gives a shit. its not like they're reading this
I would very much rather not.
meant for
Because adding/removing hormones that allow somebody who wants to be the other sex does nothing to make them more like their preferred sex. No, it's all just hacked together therapies.
Get some real materialism and come back.
You completely missed the point of my post. Like, you went full circle.
ok, now I realize you're just trolling
That's because inmates have taken over the asylum. It's only been since DSM-5 (2013) softened the disorder to the term "gender dysphoria".
Ah so it's a conspiracy. alright mate
Well, you're actually retarded if you actually think using Stirner supports your vulgar materialism and naive realism. Read the German Ideology.
No…because previous way of treating it put our patients at risk and more psychiatric harm…so obviously it was not working as a solution.
Our duty is the safety of our patients, not moralizing over the fine details. So it was decided that hormone replacement could be a viable alternative, so our patients could be more safe.
Regardless of what you think of the matter, the bottom line of our work would be to keep our patients safe, if we cannot guarantee our treatment won't result in even further damage
We could be liable, not only liable and responsible, but also doing something worse than giving them treatment, which would be giving them a statistical liklihood of death.
Obviously you can't do that. And working with a patient only to see them die, has a very hard impact on anyone in this line of work. You could have done more, it haunts you for years.
Like I said, for a variety of reasons, it was not drugs that could handle this, as drugs were not appropriate for this condition, body dysphoria is something we know is in the brain, but where or how why to what degree is too sketchy to know.
Our hands are tied so its HRT, and that's the bottom line. Patient safety is priority.
And your opinions are those of a retard, no matter how edgy you think you are.
He did say something similar. But it seems that Manning is getting off the hook without any sort of quid pro quo deal with Assange
Seems legit.
Would you rather stats from ?
True, but he can still larp as a woman and expect to be left alone to do do so.
It pretty much is. And in 10 years your going to hear from a generation of young people who realize that they were offered transitioning as a cure for their depression (by their peers and their doctors) and now have come to regret it.
As for me, I have no problem saying to young social outcast and borderline autists and angry disaffected youth and bipolar children and suicidally depressed kids from broken homes: hey, before you decide you are a woman inside, try Lithium.
These people need Jesus in their lives
The problem you are describing barely exists
It's fucked up when it happens, but it barely exists
That is exactly the posture of today's academics towards gender research
this thread is pretty identical to every trap thread ever on /gif/
"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts" — Arthur Conan Doyle
Again, we do not fucking offer HRT like candy. You have to go through a very long process to confirm it as last possible option.
And as last possible option, it is a solution because the condition would force them to dress as women, and in the past when this was made official, that was hardly a good fucking idea or situation for our patients to be put in.
HRT, is not a treatment for depression. It is a last option to keep our patients as safe as possible from violence.
Debate the morals all you want. I will keep on repeating patient safety is priority.
There is a tremendous amount of messaging to young people– directly targeted at young people because tans advocacy says it's the most important group to talk to– that says in no uncertain terms: if you feel depressed, you need to transition right now.
Would you rather stats from ?>>1249010
No it's fucking not, stop getting your information on feminism from youtube videos
At least watch Kristi Winters debate sargon of akkad because you need to see how much of a joke "anti-sjws" are when it actually comes to data and logic
but I'm trans do I have to leave
This isn't black helicopter conspiracy stuff. It's the cultural hegemony of political correctness, which has infected universities the world over, and tarnished degrees that aren't in hard science.
Jesus christ this doesn't happen, they said the exact same thing about gay people
No one is trying to turn our children gay or transgender, stop fear mongering
You'll be safer on reddit, let me a cishet male tell you where to go
And wouldn't people say that it's a terrible injustice that is literally killing trans people that they have to jump through so many hoops to get HRT?
Well, I lied when that question was asked in the registration form. My bad :^)
From a century of massive violence against them, I agree it has become over saturated and sensationalized putting our patients even more at risk
But attention to the problem of violence against the vulnerable is not inherently a problem.
That being said making such a big deal out of it isn't a good idea either.
God damn just listen to what I'm trying to tell you.
Yes it is. The science is bad.
There are other models for HRT.
What the fuck is gender? Sounds like a made up thing. Can we measure it? Sorry, I'm an empiricist.
It could be, but hormone replacement therapy is also a very, very serious solution. It can't be handeled lightly.
If it were up to me, I don't know where I stand. I want my patients to be safe, and giving them hormones can fall under not keeping them safe, as there are problems that could result from treatment.
It's just not something to handle lightly, but contradictingly you're right that the problem described exists and puts patients at risk.
It's a situation I have no control over, and I weigh both, I have to weigh both equally.
I do not have unfeeling for these people, I chose to study this line of work to try my best to ease the suffering of others most down trodden and stuck at the bottom of the Capitalist ladder. I can't fight, but I can try and help.
Being in such a fucked up pickle of this or that does not make me any more happy than it makes you happy.
I just don't have an answer. Even if I did, it would be medically unethical of me in whatever future context, to hand out HRT so easy. It would also cost me my job. A career I want to help people.
I don't want to risk the potential I have to help others in other situations as well.
There are these things that people with language have.. It's called asking questions. I see you've managed it
Amazing argument
Like I said, trying actually listening to an academic feminist instead of attacking a straw man the whole time.
The dictionary says "sex" is a synonym for gender, but you people are attaching some other semantic to it, because you're rolling your eyes at the Y chromosome. Sorry, I'm an empiricist. And autistic.
Grab a dictionary and lookup "measure".
Rationalists are better tbh.
How do we currently measure pain?
Leave it to the Tumblr people to make this about muh vagina.
a belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response.
I am also a rationalist. Seems to be complementary to empiricism.
So, currently, we throw people into that in an ER?
What is a fact?
Generalizations can also be based upon bias, and factual in any sense is only useful if you know the facts, and not just facts, context, condition, and the material. Socdem you clearly don't know much about facts.
Blame the people who changed the topic from Chelsie's freedom to her being a trans woman
this will probably happen
Reason is all. Reason does not need your help. Reason shows that trans people benefit from HRT and sometimes but not always surgery. This is indisputable. Now go suck a lithium.
Unfortunately true
you missed
Howard Brown does this with HRT:
Not a long drawn out process here.
More info on Howard Brown:
You are implying that skyrocketing suicide rates are a benefit. What are you, some Holla Forums advocating for self-administered death squads? Cheeky.
And this is relevant to the topic in what way? Can you post anything but Non-sequiturs?
Irrelevant to previous point.
Not the same person.
I'm advocating asking the person how they feel about what sex they want to be.
You said generalizations can be factual, and I was pointing out how ridiculous such a statement is. You cannot read a situation on the surface across the board.
You have no data.
I have posted some that shows the opposite. You are fearmongering to young people with already serious problems.
You're irrelevant socdemtard. The only thing you deserve is what you ask: to be put in place.
This is as you stated, dependent on context(ie. what generalization are we talking about) and such your point is nothing more than non-sequitur.
And I'm advocating for less suicides of cute boys and tough girls, by not convincing them that they can choose things which are immutable.
We are comrades then
I resent the fact that I must google and report a commonly known stat for trans suicide rates. In fact, I'll let you google it. I'm too busy responding to asinine posts, like yours!
I'm sorry, I'm not yet in career, and know little beyond what I've studied. I will take a look at this, but for a career like mine, I want to be by the book in everything but the extreme. I can advocate for others when I'm more professional, but right now I'm not.
I've seen people in poverty, and a lot of homeless people where I grew up. It had a profound impact on me through school, and a factor that changed my politics as well. I am driven to help people in need, even if we have a bastardized health care system.
I just don't want to jeopardize what I can do, with anything outside the book once I get some job within an inpatient clinic or a hospital. Because, if I lose my job, I lose my credibility, I lose my opportunities.
Just look at it from my perspective. If I lose the option to do what I've already studied two years on, something I'm passionate about, helping people fucked over by capitalism and poverty the hardest. For the rest of my life I'm going to wonder what I could have done to help.
That would be painful. Painful as understatement. So I'm usually just, not aware of these alternatives, I'm textbook.
I have read the Swedish study. And no, it does not show that medical transition results in suicide nor suicidal ideation. The study explicitly states that such is not the case and those using this study to make that claim are using fallacious logic.
Well, no… I feel your approach results in unrealistic expectations and a culture which marginalizes those who don't "pass" and results in more suicides.
I say fat chance and good luck getting the liberal left to care about them their "fucking white males" after all.
What the fuck are you trying to say? Rephrase this insult, I demand it.
I'm saying that you should not count yourself among experts merely because you use the internet.
Nobody here cares about your career and your bougie point-of-view on people you've never dealt with.
I'm showing you a recognized real health organization (Howard Brown) that does not put trans people through the ordeal of "making sure they can deal with being the opposite sex" before HRT, and just informs them of the risks and gives them the fucking HRT.
I think you have mixed me up for somebody else.
You don't know my background. I can parse a study and pull the relevant information pretty quickly.
I didn't know trying to help people who cannot help themselves, cannot take care of themselves, elderly people bound in wheel chairs with dementia who cannot stop screaming, people who were saved from suicide attempts, and older veterans suffering from ptsd, people who were formerly homeless most their life, abuse victims, every possible combination and situation you can think of
Is bougie
But I'll try to be less "bougie"
I just want to try my best to help people who fell through the cracks
I didn't read it yet, I'm sorry.
If you are one of the many here advocating for asking people what gender they want to be, as if its something that can be changed, then you are the intended target of that remark.
Yeah, that's called being able to read.
How else are you supposed to know what sex somebody wants to be?
Literally can be externally changed through surgery and HRT.
How benevolent of you to care about classes that you don`t belong in.
The suicide rate for trans people is always higher than the general population. Hint: Trans people have gender dysphoria whether or not they transition. Your concern is a very thin veil.
We aren't talking about those things, don't move the goalposts.
Fucking amen comrade.
It's cool, just know that what you're taught in med/nurse/whatever school is usually the most conservative views. They don't want the next Kevorkian on their enrollment. It's bad for their business.
Both my parents raised me doing retail job, in south east LA. I grew up poor, the only reason I managed to move out into a different college is scolarship and such, hard work throughout my life in school.
People I grew up ended up doing sex work, I'm still in contact with them, in fact some of them are still long time friends. Some of them aren't alive anymore.
I've been around a community of the bougiest city imaginable, in a portion of it forgotten and beaten and never helped but only the hunting grounds for the LAPD.
It was not fun, it was not easy, I don't claim I am their class as of now, or maybe as of then.
But, I can't start a revolution, I can't really do anything to help bring what we want further. So, if I was to chose a career, I decided, helping people I knew never got what they needed is what I want the most out of my life. If I didn't I'd feel, like I could have done more.
Don't assume my motivations are liberal, when you're a social democrat.
I am fully aware of this and I am not happy about it, but I can bite my tongue until I get to where I'm needed.
It's wrong to help the homeless if you were never homeless?
I'd contact Howard Brown and just ask them about their process. But what do I know, I'm STEMlord.
No. Just don't have an attitude about it.
Goddamn, I find that man handsome. Not sexually attracted, just mirin.
You don't understand how cruel you're being. It's like telling someone with 90 Autism Level that they can indeed be an astronaut, and then granting them high interest loans for college. Except instead of debt, they get suicide.
Is in reply to
praise wordfilters
I'll check out his work and maybe contact him about further details. Thanks for the information user.
They seem fine with transitioning through surgery and/or HRT.
It must be so traumatic for you to have been muh privileged into higher classes thanks to your scholarships.
Your life is clearly the embodiment of leftist struggle.
Howard Brown is a medical organization.
Look at for more info:
Hey Obama, you're gonna pardon me next, right?
if a dog can make it to space so can a retard
Sure, when they're in their 20's. Find me some happy golden year traps. I bet you've never even met one. Wanna guess as to why?
Don't throw stones in glass houses for someone doing their best to get a career helping people who have nowhere to go in Capitalism, when you openly boast about being able to fuck prostitutes, and have political ambitions, you dense hypocritical weasel
how will succdems ever recovr?
xhamster can help with that.
People aren't as attracted to older people regardless of other factors?
So you guys believe in gender but not lQ…
Probably because I've never gone out of my way to find twinky oldsters. I've never met any Samoans or Inuits or fire-breathers either but I'm sure they're out there waiting to strike
I for one don`t entertain hypocritical notions of mercy nor kindness towards lumpen.
You are the most annoying poster here.
Odd to see someone with such an unwarranted sense of self importance have such hatred towards themselves.
I honestly feel nothing but hate for Obama regardless
The piece of shit tortures her until the last second and I guaran fucking tee the state isn't going to help her pay for the mental and physical health services she'll need just to love normally again
Manning Summary Judgment Denied, WikiLeaks Cited
Wow who would have ever thought Obama would go with a half-measure to try to give himself a little better PR right before leaving office? I guess that makes up for the rest of the whistleblowers he prosecuted.
What a shitstain coward.
You guys realize she used the female pronoun immediately after, right? "She" is one letter off from "he." It was clearly a typo.
Obama literally did this for the LGBT brownies for his legacy, he's pretty fucking gross and has zero principles.
So they are fucking negligent then
Live by the idpol shitpost. Die by the idpol shitpost.
I wasn't referring to that. I just make a point of insulting retards who think they're so ~special~ and important to plaster a name on all their posts
Wtf I love Obama now
Fucking god, now we'll have to listen to shitheads talk about what a fucking inspirational hero Obama was.
Fuck Obama and every other major party politician in every country, I know this shit is thrown around all the fucking time but they, truly, will be the metaphorically first against the metaphorical wall.
Truly the fucking scum of the earth.
sick of this controlled oppo bs
wat? +source
Fucking hell I can't stop forgetting my meme flags!
Nice bait. You know how many procedures people have that are done simply on informed consent?
if it's on TV it's lies comrade. the beast is massive.
Yep, this is exactly what's going to happen. Might even happen on Snowden too, Dems could pull a 180
it'll happen
i almost want to shitpost this on r/socialism
Daily reminder that TERF is a miso-gynist slur.
Already the year is off to a great start
pls stop ridiculing my right to abuse anyone who disagrees with my exclusionary oppressive idpol ok?
Fix all that warping and it would be pretty good.
Your move Trump
eh the image is already 3000 pixels long, i squashed some shit to make it fit better; i guess i'll make another if it's really that bad, but only if i'm actually going to take one for the team and shitpost
Nah I think the stretching ads that chan flavor
i thought the same thing
would it even be worth the meme though, or would i just get banned immediately with nobody seeing it
you could always make a serious post or something, and then just add an imgur link with that completely randomly. people will click on it without immediately discarding your post
He should just pardon manning, assange and snowden. It would be a good fuck you to the CIA too. Honestly you don't need to be a 4d chessmaster to see the best option here.
Obama is not the president of Sweden, so he can't pardon Assange.
Reminder: Assange is accused of rape, not some political/espionage shit.
Go back to bed, Julian
The circumstances of assanges charges are highly unusual and were brought by obviously brought against him because he's so high profile. I'm positive that if trump decided to let da whistleblowers off the hook Sweden would be left in an awkward position due to those unusual circumstances and the attitude of its government towards sexual assault
He will be of course. Reminder no woman has accused him of rape. Sweden just has a law that allows the government to bring charges of rape againt its citizens even without an accuser.
NO seriously that is the general consensus of the international community. That's why they want him so badly. Otherwise they would just let him walk, like they do with all the other """rapists""" that reside in Sweden.
i'm sick as fuck with strep so it's shitpost extreme but here u go famrades
I've heard women use the word TERF, just as I've heard women use the word cunt. Don't be either and you won't be termed accurately.
i sincerely assumed that
was being facetious
my ex gf is a straight TERF, ive never heard men describe cis women as TERF, only TERFs, trans people and other cis women
and tbh trans women have every right to call people who discriminate against them the thing that they are; regardless of justification or who is correct
My biggest problem with that poster is that they are replicating one of the most retarded things about popular feminism.
what is the meme behind seperating miso and gynist
this is sort of hypocritical bc i've done nothing but shitpost about idpol all night but REEEEE TERF IDPOL
Wait did they remove the filter? Does hatred of women and/or woman hater still filter to "hatred of women" or not? Now I just feel silly.
oh okay, yeah i thought they removed the filter
I hate TERFs. They have no right to call anyone misogynist, especially when they beat up people like Robin Tyler for standing in between them and the transpeople at their own rallies.
So, would you Chelsea?
TERFS are the worst tbh
top kek
Yeah, stay reactionary.
Feminist autism is incredible
I have a hard time imaging TERFs as anything but jealous hambeasts.
:-DDDD thanks fam i need them brocialist points
like i said, my ex gf is a TERF, there's nothing literally any TERF can argue that hasn't been screamed at me IRL while i'm being told i should be locked up
And the problem with this is???
Naw, she "tries to escape" or shoots herself in the back of the head three or four times.
Gender isn't real, and surgery and hormones doesn't change your genetics. Gender dysphoria should be treated just like body dysmorphic disorder and as far as I know they give people with body dysmorphic disorder therapy, not surgery. People can do whatever they want and I don't care either way, but gender dysmorphia is a mental illness and should be treated as such. I don't hate trans people either, I feel sorry for them, and I think they should be helped as much as possible; I just do think that the current way of doing it, especially by putting so much emphasis on believing they are whatever they say they are, is the way to do it.
this is slavery and cruel this behaviour should never be tolerated.
If it looks like a bitch, she getting fucked like a bitch.
If gender is a spook, why do you care so much about it?
"i don't care either way; people can do what they want"
you'll be saynig this right up until you meet a trans person irl.
I don't, I care about people's mental wellbeing.
I don't know what you're implying.
i'm implying people use this argument consistently when they have no personal investment in literally any transgendered individual but upon meeting one they change their minds to more reactionary shit pretty quickly
i've seen it happen plenty of times
I'm the visiting sinner, why did you cap my posts; what are you trying to prove here?
Exactly, these people subscribing to the most progressive views on gender theory are operating on imagination. I've met tons of M2F trans, and most of them sacrificed their masculinity when they discovered the joys of cross dressing or passive anal sex, and sought out a way to normalize their behavior without having to become "gay". The result is a man with a dick in another man's butt or mouth, proclaiming themselves to be heterosexual. It is insanity.
it's probably because for some reason a transition is something you have to participate in no matter what your personal desires or beliefs are
it's one thing to say something does doesn't effect you, let them do what they want
but today every individual is forced to participate in the construction of another person's identity
This isn't gay though. The straightest and most masculine thing one can do is showing their dominance over another man. If a woman sits on your face and forces you to eat her pussy you are automatically a faggot.
But it's a spook. The only way it affects you is pronouns and name. And guess what those are?
eh exactly. it's a spook so you should be able to disregard other person's self-identity and not have to construct it for them.
This is not new and it certainly isn't exclusive or even necessary for trans people. A king does not persist without the consent of the governed.
which one?
to shitpost on r/socialism about how suprisingly enough a group of people can have more than one opinion
yes, and?
what is your attachment to other people's masculinity
Even if I met hundreds of insane, really fucking annoying trans I'd still say it's their decision and they can do whatever they want because I'm not someone who decides I have a right to control other people.
If it's not necessary for trans people then why is it the ultimate taboo to misgender or deadname them?
This isn't a genuine argument. The whole issue around trans people is whether other people should have to recognize them as being legitimately woman/men.
It is not necessary because if everyone was asked their opinion on their gender they would have had no say anyway. But again, this "taboo" is not exclusive to transpeople. There are already many women who are considered so masculine in class society that they can endure extreme harassment and danger.
all evidence i have encountered supports the opposite of your argument, but fuck it; if you say so
props to sticking to principles i guess?
because the practice of misgendering someone is either
- an assumption the trans person gets way too upset over
- a deliberate bid to marginalise someone; it basically becomes a slur
The idea of a "deadname" and trans just changing their name in general makes it seem less about claiming your real gender/sex and more of trying to discard your old life.
And the issue can be solved through reason and discussion and if that fails then through people just choosing who they associate with.
It's not really any argument, just me stating what I believe.
From what I understand trans-women use what they say is experience of hatred of women as proof of their womanhood, and justify this by saying the experience of womanhood is equal to the experience of hatred of women. I've had transwomen confirm this as accurate to me.
It becomes very confusing when discussing f2m trans, but who does that lmao.
anyway it seems to imply that other people play a crucial role in making your identity.
i dunno fam everyone who has had your opinion in my experience just ends up wanting to control me but if you don't then i can't complain?
What? That's stupid. I don't know any transperson who thinks this. I mean, they even have their own term "transphobia" to distinguish it from regular sexism like "misogyny" or "misandry."
We're talking about a person so spooked that they drastically alter their physical and chemical makeup in order to distance themselves from what they considered they were. Gender is so central to their identity that of course it's about discarding their old life. Duh and/or hello.
What a retard.
I don't agree at all. It's about totally asserting to be a gender– and to have always been it. If you transition at 30 to a woman then you were a woman at 25 and a girl at 5.
it being about "discarding your old life' doesn't make sense to me. if that's the case, why does doing it make you a pariah in liberal circles? Why would everyone be hostile if you bring up someone's past just because they don't feel comfortable with it.
I wish I didn't know about "transmisogyny" and all this shit tbh.
That's good. I don't see why he's doing this:
This is the most annoying aspect of trans orthodoxy. Visit any trans forum and see posts by neophytes like "I want to become a woman" and everybody comes down on them:
Trans people who "pass" are often the most bigoted, heteronormative, trans-shaming folks you could meet.
How come whenever trans is brought up, no one wants to talk about FtM? TERFs are some of the worst suspects for this. They pretend they want to protect them because of their biology, but will then start bashing them for allegedly having "internalized misogyny," almost depriving the term of abuse of any meaning when they say the same thing for MtF. Implications that trans men are selfish traitors, the whole competition about who's more accepting of the fact that they're born female, the insulting part where "women are free to self-determination" but if they transition then they're only vying for male muh privilege, really makes even the most extreme feminists, to the most bored anti-feminists hate them.
I wonder if he's just trying to call Assange's bluff– this is a pretty good gambit for Obama. He's already fucking rekt Manning, who was just a naive idiot, and made an example of whistleblowers. There's no benefit to keeping her in prison longer.
He commutes Manning's sentence out long enough for Trump to potentially embarrass himself with it. He doesn't pardon Snowden. He gets Assange or helps discredit him. It makes himself look good. I think it's some combination of these things.
So we can't even have a discussion about a hero being released from prison without it turning into a debate about whether transgender people are 'real' or not?
Fuck this bullshit, I'm going back to reddit.
TERFs are unironically repressed/ashamed FtMs. The autism should not be surprising because autism is highly correlated with being an FtM
BY the way
I've never forgotten who Adrian Lamo. I still hate his guts.
They're spooked because they believe it exists at all and don't just consider themselves an individual who does and acts how they want without having to give themselves a label.
Sexual difference exists regardless of whether or not you believe in it. In reality, there is no labels, only those who would allow them victory and those who want to see them fail.
pic related
i don't see how you're making this specifically about trans people then. call your boss nancy and ma'am and see how long he tolerates it
I dunno which is worse tbf
name one (1) thing that isn't a spook
Lacan did nothing wrong.
>implying the way to complete zizek isn't to strip out the lacanian deviation
That's why you're a student and I'm a teacher :^)
Complete…Žižek? I'm sure he doesn't give fuckall what people think of him.
I'm asking you to clarify what you mean by completion. If it's to make Žižek accept or have room for your "more correct" theory then yes it would be about satisfying Žižek.
liberal lolcow detected.
I can't spoonfeed you the philosophical life, I'm sorry. I'm glad you learned the alt keycode for the squiggly lines tho.
Sexual differences do exist but you are born with them and wanting to change them is either being spooked or mentally ill.
His gender is also a spook. The point is most people don't ever think about it, whereas trans practically base their life around it.
There's far less FtM, which makes sense since masculinity is under attack from all directions, causing many to flee from it.
Also MtF are more interesting from a sexual fetishistic perspective for the majority audience of straight men who post on these boards.
No, you're pretty clearly a liberal. You're like the smug feminists (or even Holla Forums) who claim that the evidence is on your side, then fail to present said evidence only to call the person in disagreement a misogynist (or a kike shill in the case of Holla Forums). Do you know the image where it contrasts a feminist and the alt-right person, where the former says that "I don't have to educate you, just google feminism, it should be learned pretty quickly what is expected of you." That's you right now.
Yep, Stirnerites prove once again they're retarded.
You think a philosophical project is about sempai noticing you. You can't get much more retarded than that, anyone who understands what thought is can get it. If you even understood Zizek as you claim rather than just reciting it as rote you'd get the reference to Hegel. If that makes you mad, that I'm not catering to you but rather the observers, too bad.
The flaw in this kind of reasoning is you're clearly beholden to the authority of the thinker, as an informal fallacy it is known as argument to authority, it's just more implicit than direct in your writing. Just going to show that pumping liberals full of theory while leaving them impoverished of philosophical thought does little to cure them of their basic silliness.
That's not what I said though. I said that if you expect your own philosophical demands to be brought out in Žižek's philosophy then yes, it necessarily has to satisfy Žižek's philosophy as his own, and not yours. It's not about being noticed. Žižek doesn't have to be there for this kind of completion. It requires you not being retarded.
And no, this is not an "appeal to authority." You can't just call whatever you want Žižek's philosophy and still expect it to be Žižek. This is a reasonable demand for logic.
Completion of a philosophical project is taking someone's ideas and modifying them. Why on earth would anyone talk about trying to convince Zizek he's wrong, rather than just modifying his theoretical apparatus. Nice backpedal though.
Anyone who actually believes Lacan's psychoanalysis bullshit should be hung, shot, hanged, and then afterwards have their scrotum cut open, testicles removed, and microwaved until they explode.
Backpedal? No, this was always my argument. That you attempt to misconstrue it at every turn for the sake of "the observers" shows where your belief in some philosophical truth lies. And if you take someone's ideas, how far can you modify it until it's no longer Žižek's? Ever heard of the ship of Theseus, since you're sooooo philosophically minded?
Ok it would be Zizekian-somethingism. Does that satisfy your autistic trivial non-point?
If you take a god damn fucking word Zizek says seriously you need to be put into a shower, locked in it, with no way to escape, and the water is always ice cold
Keep getting mad I implied Zizek was not totally infallible though, and he could be improved upon. Lacanians. Not even once.
How is it a non-point? I asked you to tell me what you meant by completion and I was showing you how I was confused by what you said even if it's not what you mean. Instead of doing this however, you just claimed victory, started spouting ad homs and jerking yourself off.
Wew, and in a thread about Chelsea Manning to boot.
Yeah, that's what we've been talking about here. Whether or not Žižek is right.
Having a cold shower is not torture you bitch, I take one every day.
It's called time out zone. You are being ideologically naughty
Forcing someone into a cold shower, locked in, is in fact torture.
It's the fallacy of the heap, it's nonsensical because Zizek himself is a dialectician. Zizek claims he joins Hegel and/or Marx with Lacan, and I said maybe we should remove Lacan. A joke you would have gotten, if you had comprehended the material rather than just remembering how to write his name with the correctly. I bet you practiced pronouncing it too.
>I said maybe we should remove Lacan
Yep, Žižek never criticizes Lacan by himself. Never!
You are being ideologically naughty
Why do people even believe in Lacan.
Umm my post was just bumping the Free Leonard post higher up ITT. I don't give a shit about Mr. "I'm academia so my edgelord opinion matters".
You're the same genius that when pressured on your Zizekian understanding of the border situation about your actual plan, ultimately said the people should just be given nukes, are you not?
Obama's doing this just to take one last swipe at the military on his way out.
Notice he didn't say anything about Snowden or Assange.
And it's a pretty damn shallow swipe at that, since he had 6 years to get off his ass and do this.
And yet liberals and idpol advocates will suck his dick all the way out the door, but Snowden is stuck in Russia and Assange is stuck in an embassy suite smaller than my first apartment.
What a load of horseshit.
… Because his gender is constantly affirmed by the world. No shit he doesn't think about it.
One must be naughty for fun sometimes.
Anyway, my actual plan was a reiteration of what he said himself. Sensible immigration, limited, but precisely so that it can happen in the first place. The nukes was just a joke addon when they asked about precisely the specifics. Well, I do think training people with arms will help our borders.
>getting rekt by a nazbol, twice
So your entire belief in Lacanian psychoanalytic joojoo horseshit is actually for laughs, and you do know that psychoanalysis has past the point of being dubious into the point of being near debunked.
With all this in mind,
I forgive you.
You've literally done nothing that could be considered worthy.
Pic related is you.
I still think psychoanalysis can be useful in building rapport between analyst and analysand. But that's just me maybe.
It has no strong basis anymore as it did, its being eroded away year by year by year for decades.
How about nope?
That others do not "buy it" anymore doesn't necessarily mean it's irrelevant. More than ever today I think Freud can be useful. Because what really bothered Freud was not sexual oppression, like you have certain desires, society prohibits them, you go to an analyst, you get rid of this prohibition you can enjoy. No, Freud knew very well that there is a certain repression inscribed into desire itself. I mean, today the mode of life is hedonist, you should be true to yourself, but this is also the most frustrated society, the one that feels its impotence palpably.
It is better to have a standard than to just scream "liberal" at any opposition whatsoever.
It's beyond not buying it. It's dubious, and when something involves mental health care, anything dubious is a liability. When it jumps from psychology into this hell mesh of philosophy, it becomes nonsensical with no basis in real, material fact.
So no, I do not take Lacan very seriously. I think his body of work is representative of the anus being the body and the work being the poop.
I exposed you outright as yet another posturing pseudo-intellectual fraud, good enough for me. Liberalposting is just for added liberal salt.
I think that without the concern for some philosophical concepts like agency, attention, competence and performance, then therapy is bound to fail, or worse, start treating their patients like a cadaver with no responsibility for themselves, popping pills like nothing.
But you haven't done anything, again. You made the claim that Žižek could be Žižek without Lacan. Then when I showed that this wasn't true you changed the topic to how correct Žižek is himself, and I, albeit with the sarcasm you hate so much, made a point that Žižek already criticizes Lacan, and doesn't need your help.
And how funny that you talk about posturing, when that's literally all you've done. You made no argument and claimed victory while smugly deriding those that would call you out for it.
You made a couple of fallacious arguments, showing you incapable of adequate reasoning ability, even at the bare minimum logical level, let alone dialectically as Zizek does.
You posted a ridiculous picture trying to prove something about another board, which implied I accused you of being in a giant conspiracy lmao. Pretty desperate. Yet you're still running your mouth. It's interesting, kindof, how liberals can't ever accept that they're wrong.
First of all, pain killers are the most abused drug currently, so that's bullshit.
Second, I'm training in Emergency Psychiatry so you can shove that shit right up your ass when I have to help people like suicide attempts and people who can't help themselves and the disabled lashing out, all people alienated under Capital.
That's more than Lacan has done for ANYONE effected by Capital in his entire lifetime.
It's all nonsense that gets carved away every year, psychoanalysis is the last vestige of how we used to understand the mind contradictory to everything we know about it.
Lastly, nobody is "popping pills", unless you want to further gut American mental health care to the point we cannot even do our jobs, no matter how shit pharma is, then by all means. Let the bodies start piling up of suicide victims.
You were saying that I had a liberal brain and because of this only cared about being noticed by a Slovenian philosopher. Still, you keep calling me a liberal when it doesn't even make sense in this context and when your original reason for doing so was proven wrong.
And what about all the fallacies you continue to present here? What was it about you not having to give any evidence for your assertions because you were already right? What was it about being unable to accept when one is wrong, even in the face of reason that shows their failures?
None of this shows me that philosophy isn't relevant to psychology.
Lmao what evidence? Are you asking for scientific evidence or something? You've been screeching that "Zizek already critizes Lacan so shut the hell up" for several posts now, throwing out fallacies at an opinion. What fallacies did I make, except not conforming to an arbitrary standard of evidence that appears to revolve around intellectually satisfying you, a retard?
Philosophy is more relevant, psychology is at most relevant DBT and being equivalent of physical OT after surgery, if the comparison makes sense.
All of this outside of a medical perspective makes me loathe it. We are supposed to help people. Not sell them on this psychoanalytic BS.
None of this will bring help to the laborer become homeless, become suicidal. It will only further the conception the left is full of mental masturbation.
Let us do our fucking jobs.
You made the claim that Žižek could be Žižek without Lacan. This could be your opinion or a joke, but you weren't presenting it like so. Instead all you did was "hahahah, if you don't understand me then you didn't really read Žižek and you must be a liberal." It's not really an arbitrary standard to ask someone to clarify what they mean or how they mean especially since that's just one of the aspects of communication. If you didn't want someone questioning you with "word salad" or "screeching", then stop acting so defensive like your "joke" was literally a Godsend.
Well it went to show that you only "understand" the most surface features of what you try preach. I rest my case :^)
There is no case to rest here. Only a smug "academic" telling other people not to be smug "academics."
The aim, here, I claim, is precisely not to make "an argument" as such, but instead to irritate obnoxious blowhards in just the right way, so they unravel and in doing so reveal themselves. [sniffs haughtily]
this fucking thread
Sure, whatever you have to tell yourself.
Who gives a shit? Do you guys realize that most of the natural languages don't have gendered pronouns?
It was jokes you massive sperg
Stop posting Ren and Stempy cartoon reaction images, fucking hell its stale
Two outright fallacies and counting, all because you got assblasted over an opinion, not to mention your absurd performance in the last thread.
I don't feel like explaining my post-Zizekian theory to a petulant sarcastic little spaz such as yourself. Sorry. Maybe ask nicer next time.
Love how this turned into another trans debate.
Fuck you all.
Calling something a fallacy doesn't make it so.
Žižek wouldn't be where he is if he didn't study Lacan.
Žižek also wouldn't have such an interesting position if he didn't have some qualms about his master.
You're the one who started with the insults. When I first asked you to clarify yourself you just spouted "liberal lolcow" and smugly retreated behind "I don't have to spoonfeed you."
It's hard to tell when you're joking because in every thread you post in you come off as an entirely humorless self righteous Puritan
>people in need
This is the same arrogance as with economists, really. Marxists are told by establishment types that they are outdated, and so on, while they don't even care to look up what they criticize.
There's a special place in hell for you. :^)
I made a typo, everyone else was joking
Economists don't work with the same degree of emergency as ambulences.
You don't help shit, psychoanalysis is dead, and your help of the average worker is the help patients give themselves. That is, damage.
I mean you're not even a psychologists, you're an armchair psychoanalytic.
I work to the best of my ability to train to a job to actually help the working class alienated from everything to the point they reach the bottom, and want to die. Heroin addicts, Meth addicts, pain relief addictions, the senile who cannot stop scratching themselves until they scab and blister
The fuck do you honestly do that can help these people that have no space whatsoever in Capitalism?
All you can do is give them a fucking pep talk.
yup, thx 4 confirming :^))
Capitalism isn't an emergency? ;^)
If I can't fight with a gun, I can fight for the rights of the people who aren't cared about by people like you.
You're both wrong. The answer is: evolutionary clinical psychology!
Gods above
As long as capitalism exists, there will be anti-capitalists and communists. As long as psychiatry exists, there will be anti-psychiatrists and psychoanalyists, stupid lazy self-important devious cunt.
Then make a better alternative, than psychoanalytics, and stop pretending it's the only field of psychology
Stop playing literal armchair psychologist
I work far harder than you do, towards a future in helping people in need, then you can even help your own fucking neighbors
Evolutionary psychology is BS. It takes certain cultural norms as a given and extrapolates backwards into human history. Nothing so consistently and profusely produces baseless bullshit and as amateur attempts at combining two fields of research. It's stone-age fan-fiction written purely to justify beliefs you already have. Moreover, EP always seems to fail once relations between language and its speakers comes in to play, barring the most reductive viewpoint, which would be rather hard to get.
It's almost like you retards ignoring the entire field of psychology outside of your pet offshoots. Can the idpol Minh, it isn't about you and your snowflake career. Nor is it about this other faggot's useless Freudian revisionism, when the real answer is Jung
How the fuck did we turn from Chelsea Manning to arguing about Lacan and psychiatry
My autism tbh.
Like I always say, leftism is good in theory, it's only spoiled by actually existing leftists
Emergency Psychiatry, the special snowflake career where you rehabilitate the suicidal, people recovering from heroin addiction, recovery from decades long abusive relationships, and victims of child sex abuse who don't want to live anymore, and people formerly homeless who don't want to live anymore because they can't generate enough income not to go back to being homeless
Certainly, this field is all about me
Not helping fucking other people victimized by Capital
I'm not. I was saying there's more than one field of Psychology, and I argue they're useful in rehabilitation. Don't make shit up.
No, the answer is not Jung. The answer is not psychoanalytic.
Fucking hell m8 I haven't a clue
Yeah but you don't particularly seem objective and disinterested when talking about it. Always trying to tell everyone else they don't care without having a clue as to their experiences and knowledge of the system, even when your own holes in knowledge are exposed, meanwhile your special lived experience of caring deeply and personal bravery says to you otherwise. Aka idpol reasoning 101, which is the only reason I, personally, was hard on you about it. I thought you were going to be a desk jockey though, it's pretty commendable doing the hard work, and I don't really judge anyway, I just fire up the polemics because politics isn't supposed to be easy. We're all culpable and so should be capable of hearing blame, even if unflattering. Them's the breaks.
That's the magic of imageboards
Scientism, is in fact, not someone trying to help the needy
What do you plan on helping these people with, talks about how nice they are
You do your job, and let me do mine, yeah? All I've leave it at that.
I've explained the subtleties before, but you can't detach your personal sense of virtue from a hard look at how the system functions as a whole. You don't know what I've done and do to help the needy. This is why idpol is cancer.
I never said this
I never said this
If you were actually consistent and not a giant crybaby trying to prove how much better you are than everyone all the time maybe it would matter that details of what you say. But it doesn't matter because you can't hold to a position for a day, all that matters is how you look at that one moment. You can't accept or process legitimate criticism at all. So shut the fuck up and stop trying to give actually dangerous advice based on what you assume to know, when you're literally just falling back on consensus even though I repeatedly have shown you to be ignorant about basic facts of psychiatric medicine. Fucking put a sock in it. And I'll keep btfo the lacanian fags who tell people to abruptly stop taking their medicine cos they watched a youtube about big pharma once. Or you'll just have to cope with the anger. Truth comes before your feelings, we can't found a politics on lies and half truths just because of how strongly you happen to feel, now can we?
The suicide rate for trans people goes down after surgery. Also iirc it's thought the main cause for their anguish is societal views towards them, not gender dysphoria as such. Makes sense as we'll abolish gender some day.
I'm not reading this
And you expect to be taken seriously just because of how furious you are?
Do people actually do this, though? I mean, I often advise my friends to have caution when they accept a medicinal treatment because it can often exacerbate the condition or is just placebo. I would never say stop abruptly because of withdrawal symptoms and all that stuff, you know…
Some Freudfags on here have actually done that yeah, even though you can literally die from stopping benzo's abruptly.
Kinda scary…sorry…
I expect to be taken seriously because I am doing my best to get a career where I can go home thinking I did the best In could to help the problem of the worst forms of alienation under Capitalism. People alienated that, in one way or another, do not fit into this social darwinistic hell hole we live in.
I'm working my best here. That is all I'm saying, and I do refuse to accept out of the blue criticism from people who's contributions refuse to be stated, and/or up to include shit posting on Holla Forums.
My advice, there's a far difference between different medications, and the withdrawl can be severe.
The people I am working towards helping, really, really should not full out stop taking their prescribed dosage. Because contrary to what you think, it does help.
It isn't.
The Lacanians need to actually go to the psychiatric institution and see how antipsychotics actually work before they talk shit again.
I criticize psychiatry but it turns out reality is actually nuanced.
I don't think all medicine is bad. Just that there's a lot of bad medicine that's being pushed on people to make a profit. Of course there are some that do what they're prescribed to, but that should not be an incentive to make medicine into prescribing this and that so people do what they're supposed to, and least of all that we can do whatever we want when someone comes to the doctor with a problem.
You're right it isn't. But my contributions towards helping perhaps one laborer who is on the verge of offing themselves, is about my contributions.
I cannot stress enough the severity of responsibility that this career allows. I am stating this over and over, but so many of you have no clue how exactly mental health care in America is a damning hypocrisy of its "freedom for all".
We all get this already, etc but it seems so many of you are willing to come up with the slightest reason to pick things apart.
Indeed, I probably would benefit from being put in a psychiatric institution. Too dumb 4 the rest of the world.
I talk about what mental health practitioners, such as hypothetically (stop pretending you are one, you're not) you, do in the course of their work, and the state of mental health in the developed countries. For instance the offloading of those who need psychiatric care into the prison system. It isn't black and white but the autists here, including you, are unable to be smart about it.
You can visit without being committed you autist.
But I want to be :
Stopped reading here. I'm not framing it as personal heroism, I'm framing it as you don't do shit for working class Americans in the dark while speaking on their behalf and condemning the work of those who do regardless of legitimacy of "criticism".
I'm saying you are an armchair labor commentator and you have no right to criticize "personal heroism", when indeed it seems you want to crusade against my every post valiantly defending leftypol's honor
No I want to rid the left of narcissistic idpolers who are so wrapped up in themselves and their own virtue they are unable to even read criticism. You just happened to be wrong place, wrong time.
Point to where I said I was a hero of the working class, not just someone helping the working class.
wow, it's almost like there are people who aren't SJW shitwaffles.
You still don't even get that I'm not defending the precious AmLib working class from criticizism, I was just pointing out your deranged antagonism that was HuffPo/Tumblr-tier just because Holla Forums got on your nerves was counterproductive. You're above it all though I suppose.
There's one thing they have in common with you, I don't.
I'm actually working for advocating for the safety of working people, and like tumblr and huffpo, you do nothing but accuse people of being self righteous while being self righteous while doing fuck all to help .
Isn't about you. And once again, you have no idea what I do or don't do to help. And you still peddle dangerous advice outside of your current level of expertise. I won't stop pointing this out in case you accidentally fuck up an autist, tough luck. I have to remind myself you actually can't stop being a tripfag so I try to be gentler on you, but you have to take responsibility at some point if you're going to talk authoritatively about that which you know nothing, simply because you have decided you're helping and everyone else isn't and so you probably must know what you're talking about, even though you don't.
God will you repeat the same arguments ad nauseum all day until you cry yourself to sleep
Stop fucking getting offended to such an autistic degree about how you're being self righteous while criticizing self righteousness.
It's not hard to infer that you're self righteous when in every one of your posts you act like a self righteous tool to whoever you happen to be shitposting at at the moment
I'm not. I'm annoyed that people like you have infested the left and turned it into a hobby and a joke, and pointing out your innate narcissism, as I believe that is part of the reason why this has happened. Deal with it or stop being a tripfag so I can't use you as the example while you freak out over perceived slights. Up to you.
I'm rubber your glue what sticks to me sticks to you mother fucker
Oh ok.
kek yeah you certainly proved I'm the emotional and retarded one here. Great bait and switch.
And? Yes I am emotional. Most people are about what they're studying. Especially when it comes to people in need.
Oh fuck here I go again with my Jesus Christ Complex
Its really nice that they released him but the stress of being branded a traitor has already turned him in to a tranny so basically his life outside prison is fucked anyway.
Just stop giving bullshit "advice" and I'll leave you alone. I know how well you respond to ultimatums.
What advice have I given
forgot obligatory pic of a tranny
Encouraging people to be leftcucks.
Claiming psychiatry is just pure objective medical science just because you're an angel then going ballistic about how you're the good guy irl when people call you a heinous cunt. Your input on psychiatry isn't needed, despite your career, some of us actually know what's going on with it. It fucks up every thread and is boring, and makes me need to troll you.
lol whut
Try to pay attention and keep up.
He now thinks he is a girl even though hes a man.
My plan is working
Did not say this.
Did not say this
Things that did not happen
Does that annoy you?
Am I?
Isn't it?
Things that you're going to do the next ten posts you make
That's not what I'm loling about.
You have to go back.
We're hitting narcissism levels that shouldn't even be possible!
It is pretty funny though. And at the same time tragic.
When you get some masculine looking guy in a wig and a dress who isnt convincing anyone.
That was just 2 lines.
This guys leddit spacing is 10 times worse.
I want to whistleblow Chelsea's big she-dick
Holy shit… I guess I'm now a nazbol fml.
One of my favorite jokes.
The ancient greeks were the first to discover anal sex. The romans soon learned of it and had an epiphany. "Hey! We can do this with women too!"
Jesus fucking Christ