We can all agree that Japan is the most sexist country in the world.
Sexism in Japan and gaming
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Can we all agree that anfems are the fucking worst?
You misspelled "sexiest"
0/10 bait
Yes, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
You say that finding women attractive is sexist because you don't want to be seen as objects. If you are not objects then what are you? It just seems like you are whiney cunts who are afraid to express their sexuality.
hail satan
fuck, not even close
It would appear you'd prefer a public stoning rather than knowing a bunch of pixels could appear on a screen.
That's probably South Korea or Australia.
It's probably Saudi Arabia tbh
Japanese games treats women and underage girls as sexual objects, it is thousand times worse than western gaming.
got it
It does that even with man and underaged boys and nobody gives a shit. It's porn, not the best thing in the world but getting triggered by that is retarded.
We are ALL objects, to deny the sexual nature of humanity is to deny reality. I believe in sexual expression and equality which means I believe that everyone of every group should be sexually celebrated whether that be men, women or girls with dicks. Feminists are just puritans with a clever disguise.
I can.
Only applies to real rapists and murderers fem.
We are objects with sentience though. I sometimes wonder if it's an evolutionary mistake.
Well, aren't they?
We have sentience so we can enjoy being objects.
agents you dumb faggot
Really makes you thinkā¦
The internet has helped society in so many, many ways
sexualisation =\= objectification
You're just mad that you were never a cute girl lusted after by sweaty strangers on the internet.
This would be normal development in any human society that would not be tied down by slave morality. Our evolutionary psychology drives men to breed with more fertile(ie. younger) females.
Japan should be ashamed of themselves!
Friendly reminder roasties wish to totally enslave men and they are not your comrades.
And this is horrible how?
There's that word again. Also I completely deffend Jeff Goldblum regardless of his bougie nature. I can't hate him.
Slave Morality is a term used by pretentious twats who don't even understand the context used by the pretentious twats they're quoting. You could be using slave morality yourself, slave morality is such a thing that exists beyond not listening to traditional moral values, indeed it could be ascribing to them that makes one beyond slave morality or it may not.
All of it can be bogged down with questions of motives.
Anyways, read for understanding more.
NEETcheee made me a strong uberman who isn't tied down by "JOOOISH MORALITY"
Yeah we meet every day at Hot Topic to talk about feminism, exchange twitter, and talk about how best to make fun of men, buy invader zim merch, we're just like that, and you're important to all of us we have to focus on you and not actually things that actually matter
Women are subhuman and totally not me. I don't do anything that embarrassing ever, women do. All women are children, I'm a big boy who lives with mum.
well now I know you're trolling
Its like you never read NEETcheee, since he clearly puts jews to higher category than christian slave cucks.
Yeah, Japan sure is the most sexist. Other countries behead, stone or crucify their women for talking or riding bicylcles, mutillate their cunts and consider them property, but Japan made a bunch of drawings and shit. And it's not like Japan doesn't make a shitload of gay porno too.
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stop bullying no gf nazi
Yeah, but he also blamed them for inventing Christianity and overthrowing the old aristocratic morality through subversion.
Anyways, people who have nothing better to do but bitch about media amuse me.
Hyperdimension Neptunia was created by a woman.
Nice bait, Holla Forums