Why do feminists support Islam, a religion inherently opposed to the core values of Feminism? What do you think of Islam Holla Forums?
Why do feminists support Islam, a religion inherently opposed to the core values of Feminism...
they support the women
not the biggest fan of abrahamic beliefs tbh. But you know Islam (in its mainstream form of practice) is pretty backward, when you have Muslims preaching reform of the faith. (Maajid Nawaz, Ayaan Al Hisri, Rojavans etc)
Support Muslim women for what exactly?
What do you think? What is feminism about? Oppression against women maybe?
literally shills the later of whom is literally married to Dutch Happa Crusader Geert Wilders.
Being religious in the is silly.
Then why aren't they protesting against Islam?
They are. They're protesting against oppression of women.
Religion, as i see it, may be silly. But as long as your beliefs don't hurt or infringe on anyone else's beliefs or freedoms then you can believe in a religion. I'm definitely not the kind of guy to go full *tips fedora* on a religious person, as long as they don't force their beliefs on to me.
not true
Weird how so many people care about Muslim women all of a sudden huh
Not most. Many feminists seem to praise Islam.
this is your brain on nu-atheism
most feminists are liberals so they are retarded, but even then, so are many right-wingers, amerifat atheists against islam who have this schizo conception of liberalism.
White women are cancer they're going to corrupt the last pure waifus in the world.
Two? How many, exactly? What percentage?
Finally I agree on something with a nazi
I would group in anzn women as well if I didn't see all those Jav videos where they whore out for a thousand yen.
They would like to see Islam as something like modern Christianity(refrmed or pussified depending on your worldview) which is why they feel an obligation to defend it from western conservatives, as them being mean apparently block the chance to make islam deminist and gay-friendly
That or because are infected with orientalist.
Then why don't they support every sexist ideology that has women in it?
supporting the women=supporting the ideology
The KKK had women in it, and the Nazi party did too! We should support those guys!
They are being oppressed? How many KKK and Nazi women are being oppressed right now?
Please think before posting.
Thinking is for smart people, screw that shit
but they do support islam, what they support being islamic women in particular doesn't create an intrinsic difference between the women and the ideology
All of them, according to feminist theory not being oppressed is impossible.
1. They practice intersectionality, as in you support other peoples causes and in turn they will support you. They see fascists as a bigger threat then poor Muslim immigrants.
2. Dividing the world into victims and oppressors, in which Islam must fall into one even though it exists in both. Since mulisms categorically are victims, they have oversight for shit like forced marriages and honor culture. No time for self criticism when your fighting a war.
Islam was actually a massive improvement in women's rights over the previous status quo (half a man's inheritance is kinda shitty but certainly better than no inheritance whatsoever.) Do whatever flaws may be are certainly not INHERENT flaws.
Women had more power in Mohammed's time than they do in modern day Saudi Arabia, Mohammed's first wife was 15 years his senior and basically his boss. Pre Islamic Arabic pagans worshipped a fertility goddess.
But no, parot the PC muslimcuck narrative like the good redditor you are.
So again, it's clearly not inherent to the religion. Other factors must be at least partly involved in the current state of things.
Then why not support everything that is better than something that came before?
They're women. Are trying to tell me it's possible for women to not be oppressed? They earn just 70% of what their male colleagues earn, assuming they're allowed to work at all.
Have I said anything in active support of Islam? No: I have only argued against a single asserting in the OP: that Islam is INHERENTLY against women. I haven't even argued that Islam isn't currently against women!
It is inherently sexist, there's simply no way around that.
Even when you control for same job, same seniority, hasn't taken time off to have children you still end up with 92 cents on the male dollar.
Oh my sweet summer child you have so much to learn
Gonna do anything beyond making unbacked assertions?
Even ironically it's stale as fuck
Are the women in the OP supporting Islam or Muslim women? I think it's the latter, and so I see no problem
because they're stupid liberals and not real feminists
I think Islam and middle eastern cultures can probably be reformed from the inside given the right material conditions. Being a christian commie, I'm also sympathetic to the idea that maybe there is a more heterodox way of interpreting the Quran that might be a bit more progressive. Whether muslims eventually stop being religious or their religion undergoes some social reform from the inside doesn't really matter much to me tho. Just change the material conditions and crazy beliefs will change with 'em
I've thought this for a long time too but apparently Jesus is /ourguy/ and Christianity is inherently socialist while Mohammed is a capitalist pedo warmonger and Islam is always devil spawn. That seems to be the default position of this board so I don't bother with trying to change anyone's mind
What are you smoking ? There may be are disagreements with some of Islam's practices but more than half of this board is willing to defend it from right wingers.
Same reason women support Christianity. It answers spiritual questions, they just ignore the parts they don't like or reinterpret them.
Islam is way more equitable to women than Christianity as far as I can tell
Eh I think the majority of the board would disapprove but also that's mostly on the back of people going "perhaps the same could be said of all religion."
Christianity has the benefit of Jesus having both said he's here to uphold everything from the old testament and also that the old testament is obsolete so you can easily pick and choose which parts he was upholding/casting out to get basically whatever result you want. Islam is harder to torture into a desired interpretation.
Your opinion matters. I think it's the former.
modern feminists are neoliberal.
Neoliberalism is built around the relation of oppressor and victim in every aspect of life.
If someone is seen as a victim, no matter why, neoliberals will defend them to feel better about themselves. They will then go buy some fresh columbian organic coffee harvested and roasted by a columbian farmer who doesn't even own the land he cares for and is basically treated as a slave in his own farm. Because it makes them feel good about themselves.
Feeling good about helping someone who's a victim, feeling good for buying the right product and feeling special for engaging in taboos and defending them as normal things.
I agree, the Quran and Hadith's supposed infallibility is probably why we haven't seen a reformed Islam yet.
I also think shia Islam will reform sooner because it has a bunch of practices (mut'ah and ijtihad for example) which can easily be worked into Reformation of Islam (it already has in fact)
And I say that as a former sunni. No disrespect
Goodnight Raped And Stoned Side
Oh god it's like someone smothered shit into some moldy bread
The hijab is oppressive when you can be punished by the state for not wearing one.
A non-autistic criticism of feminism on leftypol. The world really is changing
they support universal rights, like the right to practice any religion
basically they're more american than you
Islam is one of the greatest threats to humanity currently in existence.
Not only should Islam be destroyed in its totality (as a practiced religion).
But it should be condemned to Damnatio Memoriae; All aspects of its faith from places of worship, holy items/artifacts and items of scripture should be destroyed and all references to them removed.
Our species will never be safe from the blight that is Islam until so much information regarding the religion is destroyed as to render it unpracticable and forgotten (like how Manichaeism is today).
Lel, absolutely fucking not. Islam is a right-wing ideology and only a confused liberal would actually defend it. When it's 'defended' here, that's just people complaining about fixating on identitarian issues.
Are you OK with self-declared fascists migrating to your country? What's the difference between a toxic religious ideology and a toxic non-religious ideology?
Surely there's a difference between defending the ideology of Islam and not wanting Muslims to be persecuted. Have some nuance
Because they arent very smart
Stop trying to divide the working class, porky
How do you even function being that retarded?