Been shitposting here for months and Im moving to the left
- former ancap
I'm now a moderate liberal and moving to left make it stop please
Been shitposting here for months and Im moving to the left
How do you manage to go from liking freedom but not understanding property, to disliking freedom and not understanding property?
You can't stop it.
Actually. How does posting on a board that hates liberals more than they hate ancaps, turn you into a liberal from an ancap?
In a few months he'll hate freedom and think that toothbrushes are private property.
Im still completely socially libertarian but im now in the centre of economics
I cant stop reading
Need to leave and cleanse my brain with Holla Forums to go back to the right
Your brain is already running on ideology.
How about you read the fucking bread book already?
Read the fucking book and turn yourself into an ancom already.
How the hell does this board turn you into a liberal when liberals are the most hated group here?
Why are you asking us to help? Don't be an authority worshipping retard, join the left.
Its moved me to the left
I will not allow myself to be ancom
Read What is Property. Read Mutual Aid. Read Debt. You'll be a proper anarchist in no time
The left are statist though
Plus the identity politics is the most not in my self interest way possible
I'm an upper middle class straight white male I have nothing to gain from being left :(
Become a marxist then
Anarchism as it originated was a leftist movement always.
Saying 'the left are statist' is ahistorical nonsense. The left in both its forms seeks to abolish the state eventually
if you are not part of the top 1% you have everything to gain from the left
Have you just moved to the "left" out of principle of some shit? Keep going further.
Read this right now.
I'm in the top 5%,
I will have a good university degree by 25 with the chance to become porky so why would I be leftist
No. Read.
Except better salaries than you'd get under capitalism.
liberal detected
5% doesn't cut. That 1% is in fact not its more like 1/10th of a per cent. If you were part of it you'd be sipping champagne with royalty and dealing arms you wouldn't be here
Have we stumbled upon a disorder more infantile than left communism?
Google murray bookchin
I don't think so
Maybe under social democracy but not full communism
I have a good chance to exploit others and gain profit in my own self interest, I dont get why I'd give that up
Fine i'll read
My parents net worth is about 1mil usd with 3 houses
I will be porky in my lifetime
Read What is Property by PJ Proudhon First, Also Mutual Aid by Kropotkin and also Debt: The First 5000 years By David Graeber
This is you right now
AHAAHAHA porky makes that in interest every day
Why would you want to be porky though? You'll always have to be looking over your shoulder fearful that somebody is going to steal your stuff, or that that gold-digging bitch you're with only loves you for your money. Porkies' lives can often be almost as bad in their own ways as those of the poor. That isn't to say that they shouldn't have the means of production removed from their ownership, but they keep pursuing all this wealth because they have nothing else in their lives. Is that what you want?
Im reading what the ancom linked me
If you have a pdf I will read it after
I know
Why would I give up my inheritant advantages such as being a white male and having a good starting capital?
Not all people in the 1% are bourg though.
Because I am the most individualist person you will ever meet
I only do things that arent in my self interest occasionally for my family but honestly fuck them if my interests arent being met.
I have one life, Why would I want to be a cuck to a collective that doesnt benefit me
What exactly are your interests? Do you just want to be comfortable in life? You don't need to be porky for that.
I am not a pdf reader I like paper somebody help this guy out plz
Also this is what you don't get, the bourg are the super rich, your upper middle class country club is a slum to them. This is the extent to which inequality has brainwashed you, your rich parents probably earn thousands of times less than their bosses
They are exclusively Bourg or outright Royalty.
I think capitalism is retarded but It's in my own self interests to keep it so why would I scrap it?
I have one opportunity at life, I want to have the most enjoyment as possible and the acquisition of capital suits that
I want to have the best life humanly possible and achieve as much power as possible
I dont care about other humans, I have severe Aspergers and an Autism Level of 145 - not that high for Holla Forums I imagine
I have the least amount of EQ possible - I dont even really have feelings except for close family
I never want to reproduce, I wouldnt want another human to have to my genes
Why is capitalism necessary for your enjoyment?
Because I only care about myself and my own interests and I believe capitalism is the best means for me to achieve those - not for others though
You haven't explained what you're interested in doing, other than that you have this vague idea that you need the power conferred by being a member of the capitalist class in order to be happy. You'd probably be happier if you could find someone you had something in common with. Capitalism has done a lot to alienate people from each other.
Why not just become a champagne socialist then?
I agree, except capitalism is probably going to collapse sometime in the near future to automation, climate change, the collapsing rate of profit and other such nonsense. If I believed I could just enjoy my life in a Western capitalist state without any problems with the system occurring during my life I'd be all for it, but I don't think that's realistic.
You can't stop it, your ideology has cracked and will crumble in time. There is no amount of molymeme videos or infographs that can save you now.
In case you havent noticed capitalism never fails
When it does it just switches to fascism then back again and continues the exploitation
I have good human capital and thus I could survive under any system but I think my self interests will be met the most under capitalism
I dont have an ideology
I just do whatever I believe is in my egos interests
Im a stirnist i suppose
If you care at all about the future of society and/or the well being of the planet
You're an egoist, not a stirnist.
I do not
Society or the planet wont matter once I'm dead so I'll enjoy my life while I still have it
Good luck not failing when the environment collapses or the full automation of labor makes the capitalist system completely outdated and unable to continue.
your tax bracket is not your class
Look into left-wing market anarchism. Free markets don't have to be capitalistic.
"Do you own any means of production?"
"Means of production?" The boy was covered in black, as is customary for coal miners his age. He was about 14. He brought ashen fingers up to an ashen face, trying to banish an itch that would not leave his skin. After a time, he spoke: "Now what's that? Tell me, now, why don't ya?"
"Arable land, a factory, hell, it could be an office setting if you had people in there hired for you."
"No. I don't have any of those."
"Then you're a prole, son."
"A what?" He finally awoke from underneath his coal-covered skin. Maybe he was even offended, without knowing why.
"A prole," I shifted my weight as I ashed out my Cuban cigar. "And that ain't a pejorative term, son. Don't get your hair mussed. Well, maybe if I were bourgeois…"
His poor eyes squinted at me, brimming with confusion.
"Bourgeois," I repeated, more clearly this time, mouthing it out slowly. "Boo-ooj-waa-aah."
"What's that, mister? Boojwa'ah?"
"Spooks, son, spooks."
"Like a ghost?" He asked curiously.
"Why, yes, boy! Yes, exactly like ghosts. They think that they're entitled to private property."
"I'm entitled to my property."
"No, you ain't son. Not private property."
His brows furrowed under soot, though I noticed them assume an angry stance. Like a phalanx of hedgehog spines, they jutted from his face.
"But this is my bicycle." His voice rose as he pointed at his red racer. "I bought it with my own hard-earned money."
"Why, yes, boy. That is a fine bicycle. And it was your hard-earned money that bought it," I practically leaned over him, with eyes ready to exorcise any 'ghosts' still haunting this young man - so exploited in his toiling labour. "But that ain't private property. That ain't no… Means of production."
He gasped. "It ain't no arable land, nor factory, nor office setting."
"What about this, son?" I pulled a blood-stained toothbrush out from my pocket. Then I shoved it into his face for close inspection. "Is that a means of production?"
He thought about it for a time.
"No, sir, it ain't."
My gut practically erupted with laughter. "Hoo-wee. That's where your wrong kid. This is for the space comrades of a fourth international kind. Yessir, we're rounding up as many as we can find for their research. Now hand over your toothbrush."
The coal-boy eyed me with suspicion. "Sir, I'd like you to leave now."
"Oh. Son, I ain't leaving 'til I find every bristle under your name."
The photonic weapons Posadas gave us hummed as they charged. I laid the 'barrel' of the weapon, at least what humans would consider to look like a barrel, against the head of the boy's mother. "Just do what he says, Stefan!"
Tears welled in her eyes as she wailed. She was a pretty thing, shame I had to collectivise from her. But, alas, this was what happened when individual rights were taken away in order to satiate the collective. The mother continued to beg her son to bring us the last of the toothbrushes in the house. And I told him to listen to his mee-ma carefully, to do what she said. The toothbrushes could be stashed under floorboards, behind walls, in pantries… The list was long. That's why we needed these 'interviews'.
"Remember what I said about the bourgeoisie, boy. They're out to hurt you, to extrapolate and siphon the fruits of your labour! This is for your own good." I could see the logic of my words soften the boys eyes as I spoke.
"But, but…" Stefan's eyes turned watery now. He brought dirty fingers to brush crystal tears from his prole ducts. I knew I had him now. Any moment he would turn his hard-worked fingers towards a nook or cranny somewhere, a dark place where toothbrushes were stashed.
"But… But…" He looked up, courage returning to his voice. "Would you have me shot?"
"Wai- what?"
"Would you have me SHOT?"
"What did you just say? Stefan? Your name… Stefan. It can't be…"
"It's a simple question: Would you have me SHOT?"
"Molyneux! Boys, it's Molyneux. Let's hightail outta here, it's Stefan Molyneux."
"Not even our photonic weapons can stop his Objectivism!" One of my men screamed out before the blast took him. He'd shoved the alien weapon into his mouth, opting for the coward's way - as all Communists will. I did the same once I realised what my comrade had done, and how we couldn't escape Stefan's wrath. It was an easy choice to make. I pulled the trigger, and hoped I'd see Posadas one last time. I hoped he could forgive me. I failed you, Juan.
Weak-minded af.Easily influenced.
Been shitposting here as well, but im still a fascist.
But what should i except from a AnCrap.
I'm more of a policy kind of guy tbh, I just vote and never think about any theory or political activism. I'm here for lefty memes so I can spam them against my Holla Forums friends.
Hand over the memes.
Become a porky entryist OP
Embrace the feeling in your pants.Keep going.
Here you go, soon to be comrade.
Speak for yourself.
Since you're already into anarchism, i'd recommend baby's first anarcho-leftism by looking into Noam Chomsky's stuff on Anarcho-Syndicalism. just watch out for the circle jerks in the youtube comment sections
Don't listen to these Ancoms, read this my friend:
If you do read some Anarchist literature I would suggest Kromptkin's The Conquest of Bread