Can someone explain this image to me

Can someone explain this image to me

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State capitalism sucks. That's about it.

Delete this.


Why is Castro there? Was there ever a famine in Cuba?

Do you have a none imperialist source?

t. tankie

If distrusting the booj media is tankie, there are a hell of a lot of tankies in the world

"Told you the state was a bad idea"

t. bakunin

This is blatantly false. I was there recently and I asked around what the living conditions were like. And the part about there being no cats is ludicrous there were tons of cats.

After the fall of the USSR, Cuba lost it's basic trate partner and the economy went down. Same as True Korea.

I wonder why…

Also, tell me more about how Capitalism doesn't create food shortages, even worse than socialism or state capitalism, just because the price of food is too high.

You know… US 1920s.

Can we just rangeban all the murifats on Holla Forums? They have no idea of what leftism is. They are brainwashed since they are fucking 2 years old.

black flags tools of capitalism as usual

Stalinist GTFO
All forms of capitalism sucks

The "State Capitalism" meme is really divorced from reality.

Triggered tankiddie detected

food shortage

It was sold by capitalists at exorbitantly high prices.


Wow. So you WERE murifats all along.

I have a good eye for class cucks

The thing is they didn't have any food before they turned socialist