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peaceful protest is the worst meme liberals ever came up with


burn up, limo

It's too violent guys, think of the poor limo owners whose propety was violated by these beasts.

I wonder how much it was insured for
And how much the plants got paid for smashing it

There's a very small chance that the owner of that limo is an Engels-type that would be a communist if he was awoken to it and probably gives a lot to charity, but I mean, it's a fuckin' limo. I wouldn't molotov it but I'd probably high-five someone who did. But also because I'm kind of a pussy

Found the Prickly

Wake me when the Koch brothers have been decapitated ISIS style. I'll jack off to that.


This. Please antifa do this. Attack actual fascists for once.


My dick is rock hard thinking about that.



Sends a message. Virtue signaling actually does do something as long as you don't make yourself look like a cunt like these guys usually do, like the RNC protesters. I think the J20 protests have been OK.

Aren't these people just creating a mess for the workers to clean up?

Slamming Zuckerbergs ugly face to the pavement repeatedly would send a very big message. Burning a random car doesn't hurt anyone. No one cares.

If their job is cleaning stuff, they would be cleaning stuff anyway.

t. internet revolutionary

Yes, but what else do you think a worker cleaning up glass or replacing trashcans would be doing instead? It's not like everytime someone breaks a window a worker gets enslaved by gpass repair companies, it's almost certainly going to be that worker's job in the first place.

Zuckerberg is forcing poor Hawaians of their land they were given as serfs in the 19th century, for his mega mansion, he found their genealogy and filed suits to force them to sell.
His limo lies unscathed.

That is a beautiful goy, I'd pump him full of estrogen to make him servile to bbc.

They may even need to hire more people, so more wealth will trickle down.

Unpaid overtime for these Mexicans

It spooks that porky, who's probably very influential, and his buddies. The BofA and Starbucks sent a better message than the limo though, I'll say that much. Really, it's the timing that makes this so effective. It makes its message very clear from just context, that we don't like the bourgeoisie going from indirect to direct control of our country.

Where is it? I'd be first.

More hours/less pay

burn up, limo

Unfortunately, I don't think the majority of proles would 'get' that message. I'm all for fucking up Zuckerberg, Gates, Musk, and all the other intellectuals of the technical apparatus but I imagine without any "ideological training" or whatever you want to kill it, we'd just appear like terrorists killing good people for no reason.

sauce? also whats the significance of finding their geneology?


Holla Forums's internalized reactionary ideology never ceases to amaze me tbh fam

Either way they are worthless.

I would think that most of us here would want a "peaceful" revolution.

So they can find out who owns each parcel of land and sue them all without having to deal with them or knock on a door.


not everyone with the ancom flag is Prickly

and to think theyre not plants is retarded

I was about to say that Trump is not a fascist, but now that I think about it his cabinet is made up of billionaires, in the same way Nazi Germany handed state departments to CEOs…
idk, strange times we're living in


I was never claiming that, retard

same logic you retarded ancom faggot

In the same way I want to have a six pack while sitting on my ass eating junk food. Unfortunately porky ain't gonna give up the MoP.

are you fucking stupid or what holy shit

Yeah he's no fascist, that's a shitty meme. He's a reactionary with similar ideas on strong-arm law enforcement and gung-ho foreign policy, sure.

I missed you, criollito!

The article is 100% "you're with us or against us" bullshit. You've got to be extra fucking special to think that they're honest to goodness, effective protesters

I'll believe they're real when the police start firing on them

Right, I didn't mean to imply that I thought he was. If anything I imagine he's a sign that fascism may be finding the grounds to rise again… as if that wasn't obvious already (given that as Zizek argues Trump will contribute to leftist revival, which is followed in tandem by reactionary forces).

No, I was agreeing with you

