Redpill me on Communism Holla Forums. I hear it is a failed Ideology, and that any ideology that relies on the morals and goodness of humans is inherently unsustainable, is that true?
Redpill me on Communism Holla Forums. I hear it is a failed Ideology...
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We don't relly on goodness or morals. We rely on the working class and non-rich people to act for their own benefit.
Also, our "failed ideology" improved the living conditions in Cuba, China, North Korea, U.S.S.R, Bolivia, Ecuador, etc.
I don't see how it is a "failed ideology".
How about the famines? The totalitarianism in the U.S.S.R and its satellites states? The fact that China and Vietnam went back to capitalism? Why would they go back to capitalism if Communism improved their country so much? And for the fact the Communism has pretty much died in almost every single former Communist country, and has been almost completely rejected by the global community?
Have you considered that human nature and morality might be related to its material means?
Anyway, here is a bit of a more personal starter question: do you feel like whatever you do for a job (if you have one) has any noticeable effect on the world? Do you feel like the work you do is fulfilling and do feel like you see a noticeable positive impact on whatever it is you produce?
And remember, this is just a starting question. There will be many more, but I can guarantee you the end result will at least "sell" you on some of Marx's theories if nothing else.
Not op but holy shit, this is what i have been saying for fucking years before coming here, also new, you cant base a system on delusions and mental feelings like morality and goodness, instead it should be based on reality, and the fact that people want to benefit themselves so we should all work for our own selves and work together because it mutually profits all of us and not for some emotional reason like "do le good thing"
*noticeable positive impact in the world from whatever it is you produce?
No, you have been tricked by propaganda. This never happened. They are a socialist state. Said by themselves and by every other person on earth who knows about economy and politics.
The famines that existed when USSR was at war? Well, war is like that, same thing can be said about many capitalist countries. Capitalist countries have WAY more famines than communist ones
I don't have a problem with totalitarianism as long as it serves communism
Not in everyone. And It resurged in other countries. I wouldn't like to go to capilist Ukraine or capitalist Poland. They are worst than even now that they dropped socialism.
Just wanted to start at Marx on Alienation, but okay. I guess we skip to countries.
The other newfag here
What are the different types of communism? I know for example that Marx and Lenin seemed to have their own ideas on it.
Where should someone start? Are there any accurate helpful documentaries?
It indeed failed, you should look into anarchism instead.
Socialism is not generally based on morality but on economics, check kapitalism101's videos on youtube
about this, don't think of Marx as the creator of Communism but as a critic of Capitalism, I'm saying this because there's more than a dozen Marxist interpretations of post-October so-called Socialist states so you should probably read the theory first and then make up your mind, this opinion about China
also Leninism, Maoism, Juche, etc. are very different, everyone with a brain knows bringing up Venezuela or Nazi Germany as examples of "failed Socialism" is stupid but not everyone understands how silly it is to put all Eastern Bloc countries in the same bag
check this
I was going to say that for example this opinion about China is not common
Tankies are gonna try and sell you on their USSR-apologetics and their particular authoritarian brand of communism. Don't buy it, they're our version of holocaust deniers.
I love tankies. They make everything on this board more lively.
When Holla Forums says we have shit memes, they mean memes like this.
0/10 meme stars.
Totalitarianism can exist in any economic condition. Just look at PInochet, he was a capitalist and a totalitarian dictator.
read marx
not my comrade
So you know how every 15 to 20 years there's a recession or depression or crash or in some way capitalism totally shits the bed for a few years?
Yeah that's basically systemically embedded in capitalism, it's a natural outgrowth of the whole system. And some of these crisis basically bring everything to the brink of collapse. So in this respect it's actually capitalism that's unsustainable, not because of "human nature" but because of its very structure. We're basically playing russian roulette with human civilization on the line. Communism was marx's attempt at formulating a replacement that didn't have structural problems that would force it to collapse. Personally I agree with socialism (worker control and ownership of the means of production) as a way to avoid the issues with capitalism but communism (stateless classless society) has always been a little "woo" to me.
As far as famines go there are many more famines under capitalism but at least under communism when people starve it's because there's actually not enough food rather than because we can't interfere with the market which has decided these people not starving isn't profitable!
How does the saying go, again, comrades?
quads of truth
I thought Holla Forums did not think North Korea is socialist or communist.
New people coming in from Holla Forums flock to the authoritarian examples of people hijacking the left because they don't fully understand yet and the power they represent comforts them.
Ironically this describes every political ideology with communism being the only exception.
I bet you think democracy is some sacred cow too you fucking liberal.
What he said was not a critique of violent revolution…
fuck off my board
My board 800 posters newfag.