
Some one probably all ready thought of this but as a newbie to Marxism I have thought of a more incisive democracy. Everyone in a curtain area groups together into a commune. The government is a council where every town member participates. And decide by voting how to do things. They then elect a person up to a state council a larger council which deals with matters to important for the local councils but not important enough for the high council. They then elect a representative to the county wide high council which decide everything. Each person elected can only represent the person below him. This way everyone has power and with a constitution forbidding market reforms unless in case of emergency stops bourgs for getting into power via charisma. The firms would be managed in the same way. Each company has its own council of workers which elect a representative upwards into a higher council and the central workers council manages the economy and deals with the economic plan. Is this a new thing or is this part of something O haven't read?

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No, dictatorship of the proletariat is the only good system

Isn't dictatorship of the proletariat a democracy?

Thanks you solved capitalism

The term refers to the dictatorship of the working class as class over other classes. such a relation is ironically perfectly suited to direct democracy

Lelninsts are dumb, please be patient

Well if the proletariat is the majority a direct democracy would put them in charge right?

As long as you remove opposing parties, democracy is inherently orruptive and slow because of msny different group self interests. That is why based lenin didn't allow some dumb generic democracy to be formed

Also that very system of pyramidal councils was actually key in allowing Bolsheviks to take power.

a small majority in lower councils due to the election process creates total dominance of a single faction at the top

What about the system OP described?

Read bookchin, it's democracy brought to its logical conclusion instead of pretentious bourgeouis parlamentary politics

This isn't the 1920s, this needs to stop, we have technology and internet now which can create a far more proletariat dictatorship because they can connect and choose online

here's an analysis:

But this way its not vulnerable to hacking plus it lets everyone participate in a council.

That is why the system needs to be simplified and ultra secure thanks to its simplicity.

And it is quite easy to check for result manipulation, it just needs to be organized well and it ll be very effective and first time people actually get to have a voice

Don't you have to get back to destroying workers' movements and establishing state capitalism?

so the soviet system.

But in this system everyone is part of the council so a slim majority of everyone would have to be in one party and it couldn't be concentrated into one area because of the town system.

Is that what the soviet system was?

Libertarian Municipalism/Communalism my man.

It was initially, at least until the bolsheviks took over and changed the power dynamic from bottom-up to top-to-bottom

Why did they do that?

Because they believed that the people were incapable of deciding what was best for themselves.

Didn't they also loose to another party?

In the general assembly, yes, but pro-bolsheviks would say that the election was not a true representation of the people's will because of the split that happened within the SR party.

What was the split about?