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This post is 100% correct.
Already did friendo. Have 3 right now actually.
I'm pretty sure Sanders understands the difference between a social democrat and a democratic socialist. If he was just lying for political purposes I'm pretty sure he'd have picked something less damaging at the time he started out.
Thank you I have other wisdom as well.
Don't cosplay or use old ML insignia or aesthetics- it turns actions into idpol-cosplay eastern front reenactments, energizes rightists and attracts liberals. STOP SAYING COMRADE
Symbols should be semiotically obvious and should NOT be references to pre-existing ideologies. This is why angry cat is best imo even though it's technically a union thing no one knows that.
Yeah, if he was a SocDem I'd have said 95%
good shit
Noguns here
Recommend me a cheap gat
Get a tokarev TT-33. It's a good socialist gun and it only costs 200 dollars. The only downside is the cost of bullets. With that said it will also pierce body armor.
Just get an ar15
Rifle and pistol here. Ready for revolution if it ever happens.
There's like a million AR variants, which one
Remember that I'm retarded
The cheapest 5.56, ask /k/
Am British.
What do?
Bolt action ar15
Assault spoon
shotgun for "hunting"
I think after a day of owning a gun I'd start pointing it at myself.
Easy suicide would be too convenient of a diversion.
They fun to own but not something you really want to fight with in 2016 get a cheap AR-15.
This. You could probably get a bolt action or a shotgun if you go through the bureaucracy.
pls help how to not get shot in revolution thank
Do I even really need a gun if I'm a brit actually?
Don't revolt.
If you're gonna take up arms, you're risking getting killed. That's the way it is.
learn from the muslims and take 30-50 porklords with you. better yet just rent a uhaul and plow it through a police academy graduation.
still need help pls
how to not get shot BY revolution many thank
What is your job?
electrical engineer
Holla Forums here
PLEASE PLEASE FUCKING PLEASE Buy guns and ammunition!
A good battle rifle, a shotgun and a handgun/sidearm.
Shoot with them all at least once and learn how to safely operate, transport, clean and store them.
Your fathers and grandfathers fought, bled and died to pass on your birth right of the basic universal human right to self defense.
Whatever your ideology, whatever form of leftism you subscribe to.
We all must champion gun rights, or none of us shall have them.
You're a cool Holla Forumsack. You remind me of the folks I used to hang out with when I was a lolbert in a militia.
youll be fine.
warms my heart
You need a good socialist gun as opposed to that plastic trash.
shit sucks fam
Holla Forums sucks because over 50% of the posters are noguns unarmed euros. They were born as unarmed noguns slaves, their grandfathers rifles, handguns and shotguns were handed over to the globalist state and melted down by their fathers.
Their birthright stolen from them.
They have no basic concept of liberty or independence. Just living under big brothers monopoly on force, begging the statists for protection. Shitposting without any means to enforce their speech.
There is no free speech, there is simply the tools to back up your words with action of violence.
They were betrayed by the very ones who brought them into this world.
No one can hand you freedom, it has to be taken with force, and kept with force.
"The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle. The conflict has been exciting, agitating, all-absorbing, and for the time being, putting all other tumults to silence. It must do this or it does nothing. If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters."
"This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - Frederick Douglass
I know we agree on nothing, but let us agree on gun rights so we never fight our wars with sticks and stones, let us never be ruled by who is born the largest, and who can heft a pole arm.
Firearms even the playing field, level it out. No one rules by strength and might. Guns are the great equalizer.
if you can't
its easy as fuck, you can find out how to do it on YouTube in 10 mins
t. also a nogunz commonwealth cuck
I own a Chinese manufactured Norinco MAK-90.
Imported to the U.S. during the Clinton Assault Weapons Ban from 1994-2004. I purchased it after the ban ended in 2005 for roughly $120.00 It shames me to picture some Maoist Chinese lovingly crafting this firearm in a factory somewhere, only to be forbidden from owning the very rifle their art, their labor produces.
please fuck off back to reddit and don't ever return, this isn't a fucking cosplay haul
Fair enough famalam.
Fuck off faggot. I've been here since 2014.
I think you meant to refer to your commie trash,
Holy shit, AK fags BTFO
i though only pol larped as revolutionaries
This is sickening
Who mentioned the soviets?
The AK is a great rifle.
Obsession from it is derived from the iconic aura and durability that it provides.
Nevermind I saw your flag, good luck killing someone with your sling tho, kek..
You forgot the part where mud was but directly into the AR's open bolt cover in an attempt to kill it, which it failed at, the AK couldn't even handle it with the safety on.
The AK tested was built from a rommy parts kit, which despite being one of the more common kits on the US market, it's up there in terms of reliability, people only shit on Romanian AKs because they assume it's a WASR, of which early versions were shitty. As for ammo, keep in mind Tula ammo/Brown Bear/ect haven't really changed their loadings since Soviet times, so the "Bottom of the barrel" ammo is exactly what the gun was designed to work with.
Are you implying I am a primi?
arr anarkkidies rook the same to me ;^)
More commie guns. I could show you all of them but I'm too lazy to pull out my entire collection.
pic is backwards but you get the idea.
I just read her article, she says no such thing.
doesn't the person who wrote that feel bad for being intentionally misleading?
Well cheers m8.
Here is my small collection
Decent collection famalam.
are you a Ruger fan?
AK is a beast. An amazing battle rifle.
I can tell you in combat, accuracy depletes unless you are far away and safe from enemy return fire with cover and concealment and backup support.
The ability to reload easily, and simply is a life saver.
Spray fucking lead out of the slav firehose.
yea a little but only because they are cheaper and more plentiful around my area then other brands
I don't have a good opinion on Romanian kits, but regardless, if you're going to compare a decent AR15 to an AK then you should be comparing it to a genuine Kalishnikov (USA), or another high end rifle manufacturer.
For example:
I am from Brazil, how do I get a AK without having to buy it from some drug dealer?
Move to America? Otherwise you'd have to buy it on the black market. With that said, at least you'd get a full auto. We only get semi-autos.
Yall got more blat gats than Tec-9
Did I miss something?
America elected a narcissistic moron president who doesn't understand economics, and just yesterday had a little over 1/100 citizens attending protests.
Got myself a new Sam7 AK a few months ago, sits nice with my 92fs and glock.
Already fired almost two thousand rounds through it, so I'm ready.
You didn't hear?
Obviously doubtful, but if it's actually true that means we strike back and get WAY more aggressive RIGHT NOW.
Is my best bet to wait for a revolution in another country that'd be willing to aid in ours? Even if I could somehow get a gun I doubt many others would be able to
You can create bombs.
Those are arguably more affective.
Put one in your backpack, take it with you to a "protest" or an event, drop it and flee from the police. Blow it up right after they move past it.
No need to skirt around the bush when you're using tails and have nothing illegal.
I genuinely hope the feds come and try to smash my shit in, I'll waste thousands of their dollars and time.
Good riddance.
Create a bomb, create toxic smoke grenades/bombs, make fireworks, make timed fire bombs for corporate cars, whatever the fuck you want it's fine and it's easy. All you need is a gas mask and basic supplies that are entirely legal.
As an aussie just go out to the outback and start cookin' for a few hours and you're all set for war.
I noticed you stole the link and posted it on Holla Forums, swine.
dafaq are you talking about. I never go to pol.
The happening begins soon!
All of these years of buying guns, ammo, gear and supplies!
Glorious based insurrection!
/k/ our day nears soon!
Can I still be useful in a revolution?
Trump voters you arent welcome here, because you are Holla Forums, outside of gambling accelerationist who decided to take a huge risk by voting for the pee pee man
We dont need Guns, it isnt legal to shoot people, i aint gonna buy a fucking gun just in the extra ordinary case of someone getting in my house only to get fucked over by the legal system if i shoot him apparently
I live in the fucking Netherlands. Any decent ranged weapons I could get?
A good slingshot maybe?
There's always a need for people pushing papers, hauling things, driving vehicles, answering phones, etc.
Yeah, we sure can't have people breaking laws when we over throw the current society.
Must be active member of gun club for 6 months to buy a gun. Except hunting rifles and shotguns. Still need job and money though…
Logistics, planning, communication, etc