Businesses up to their ears in debt, only collapse can thin the market and restore profit rate
Beware the zombies









At the same time, corporate debt levels are still high and rising.
Good thing we're cutting corporation tax then

yeah, corporate taxes do suppress the rate of profit
Being against capitalism is also about realizing that capitalism functions better the more horrible it is for the working class

You should write a book on it.

I think that's what Capital was about


last bump and I'll let the thread die

Daily reminder:
The so-called great recession was caused by the appeal of the Glass–Steagall act by president Clinton.
This repeal allowed banks nearly free range in what security trading. The end result is that mortgages, which were by law required to be kept in-house since 1933 (Which was created as a law in the first place because banks abused securities and caused a financial panic) were now salable by banks.

So what did banks do? They gave loans who whoever the hell they could, without caring about the customers inability to pay.
Alberto Ramirez, a strawberry picker in California with a $14,000/year income was given a loan for a $750,000 house in Rancho Grande. why did the bank make a loan that would surely default?? Because they sold it as a security within a month to another investor. The loan defaulted two months later. The bank made the quick bucks and came out scott-free

And how were the banks treated for this shady-loan business? They were given a $700 billion relief plan known as TARP by Bush and continued by Obama.

This will not stop until we abolish capitalism

the capitalist state is also supposed to protect capitalists from themselves and each other. That was what seperated the dems from the repubs, because the dems remembered that until clinton

And a rose by any other name would smell as sweet

Do you got more of that artist/character/tongue?

Privatize the profits , socialize the losses.

Those kinds of decisions really highlight whose interests the governments uphold.Its kind of funny how the "first world" is proud of its democracies.

Very nice wording. Couldn't have said it better myself.

im not against democracies, but I absolutely understand what you mean. Some seem to think that we should be proud of our society where the rich feed on the poor.
I dont know about you, But I dont have enough money to loan people hundreds of thousands of dollars and live off the interest. When this shit collapsed, it should have taken those who profited off of it with it. But instead, they were bailed out.

These images make my dick confused.
