Get 20 of your friends in here now!

Holla Forums almost to the #03 spot.

Political boards outrunning Holla Forums really mirrors the change of chan culture in recent times.

People have been hating Holla Forums for forever

Hating is different from being more active.

I'm glad to see the user count has rebounded after the bui shit.

They have a running, cyclical pony thread there. No small wonder it's dying.

what is different about this Holla Forums though

Are we in the big boy leagues now?

With the aut right infighting now is the time to capitalise


Wake your parents up and force them to browse here if you have to, we're so close!

Damn, Holla Forums really has been hemorrhaging users, and I'm sure that we're the only board that hasn't shrunk, let alone grown. I say give it 6 months and we'll be in spitting range of the number one spot.

Our growth has been rapid the past couple years. I think the fact we're treated as a bogeyman and get a lot of curious visits as well as the overall shitty management of other leftist communities has led to this. The general reaction of imageboard users against Holla Forums has probably also played a part. We were getting a lot of support from even non-leftists when we tried establishing a presence on 4/pol/. Was surprising because I actually left 4chan to get away from Holla Forums before they invaded Holla Forums.


I hated and stopped being active in Holla Forums the moment it became a traps' parade. I just wanna have fun in internet not my intention to catch some weird sexual fantasy.

Traps are great though.

member when those threads used to be spammed into oblivion and died?

Traps are gay –Malik Obama

Sadly, I member…


Holla Forums will be #1 and /abdl/ #2

That doesn't make them constantly relevant.

Just 9 more.

Can confirm a few small boards are doing fine as well. They're all either neutral or anti-Holla Forums to boot.

Could this be the dawn of a glorious Holla Forums era?

I hope so. Would be cool if the site went leftist or at least became neutral.

we'll probably be third soon but I can't see us reaching Holla Forums or Holla Forums any time soon

Hey fellow lurker why aren't you posting?