Why do you guys like AntiFa?
From my experience they are just a mix of Braindead thugs looking for an excuse to make their violence socially acceptable and LARPing Slackjawed pansy-ass Faggots with brains rotted out by Idpol bullshit Who are looking for social browniepoints?
How does any of that help us or Leftism?
Why do you guys like AntiFa?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not all of us support Anti-fa.
But they do bash the fash so, meh.
I don't like Antifa.
Always with the sticks these faggots.
Quit your fuckin' whining, fash.
Edgy crypto-libs who fortunately are not afflicted with bourgie pacifism in terms of dealing with fascists so useful idiots for sure. Some chapters are better than others.
Most of us don't.
Remember that anyone who supports "bashing the fash" is against free speech, and probably redditors.
Why would I give a fuck about a fascists free speech when they wouldn't hesitate to eliminate it if given power?
Not my comrades, but watching spencer get pummeled was mildly funny, I have to admit.
Oh, fuck -off-. Fascism is against free speech, so go ahead and let their ideas become normal until suddenly YOUR ass can't say whatever stupid shit you wanna say and you're crying for antifa back.
Leftists in the West are 99% total fucking pussies who are bookworms. Antifa actually has the nerve to confront. People love to meme about Leftcoms sitting on their asses, but face it, 99% of leftists do just that regardless of their "ideology".
It's why leftism is a fucking joke. I cheer antifa and would give them space in my home and feed them if there was activity in my area.
Why would a fascist give a fuck about a leftist's freedom of speech when they wouldn't hesitate to eliminate it if given power?
"Omg you're both exactly the same"
Fucking lol. Liberals seriously.
I'm glad that you at least acknowledge your authoritarian opinions instead of living in a perpetual cognitive dissonance.
You still need to work on it. Repeat after me: "I don't support free speech."
People can say whatever they want. Then they can face the consequences.
Lmao they don't and they would.
Freeze peach doesn't exempt you consequences or criticisms to your speech (e.g. getting yelled at and getting your ass beat)
Do you think that a society where you get lynched for wrong opinions has freedom of speech?
No, you're against free speech. It's nothing to be ashamed about, it's a popular leftist opinion these days.
That is a disgusting statement.
You're retarded.
Correct, but the consequences or criticisms can't involve physical violence, otherwise you don't support freedom of speech.
Let's assume that you're entirely cut off society after you say some stupid shit. Your landlord throws you out, you're fired from your job, and nobody wants to help you out. You die a week later homeless and hungry.
There was no violence involved, but I still don't think that I would feel comfortable with speaking out controversial opinions in a society like that. There's no freedom of speech.
Back to Reddit.
You are cancer.
Back to your faggot drum circle where you "talk it out" with Donnie, Milo, and Co.
Why do people usually pull hypthetical bullshit out of their assholes
Im wondering if it have anything to do with a persecution complex
Either way I'm against free speech for fascists
You are CLEARLY against free speech. Why can't you accept it?
It's a counterexample, tard.
You are against Free Speech then. You do not just get to pick and choose what is an ok opinion.
Go back to fucking reddit you fucking faggot. You're not welcome here.
Or in other words, against free speech.
I mean, more or less, yeah, because the only "speech" that gets heard is the speech of the colonizer, the capitalist, the mass media, and politician. The speech of the workers and the nobodies? It's like a whisper. I don't take "free speech" as some high virtue seriously because it's a fucking myth. It has never existed ever in the history of the civilized world. The only people who think so are fucking autists who never leave imageboards.
After you
Against you, then sure
Question for all my free speech champions. In a transitional society would you allow fascists to organize?
Yes. Them and everybody else.
Antifa today is an insult to the Antifaschistische Aktionsheinheit, fuck them.
We'd show up to their meetings and make fun of them
We can sabotage their work
Prevent maintenance of their arms
Provide open refutations of their positions, and share their with the public
And quote them and mock them in the public
But you will, very rarely, need to strike one
And if you kill one, they'll be martyr'd
As long as antifa pisses retards off they're okay in my book
I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. Totalitarians never have any bantz, they stay in their echo chambers and forget how to deal with dissent.
Suicide by liberal ideology.
Sure bro.
ya thats 100% what I said
go back to reddit, liberal
It's not Liberalism, It's moral consistency.
Who is "killing poc, subjugate women, enforce violent ethnocentric hierarchies" You are so full of shit.
Fascists all advocate for that shit generally? And in general, convervatives DO do this shit.
Executition of blacks by cops.
Removing female repoductive rights.
Vast majority of positions of power are made up of unanimously of white males.
The 'liberals' are the ones showing weakness and making fools of themselves by trying to shut down discussion. We're fighting a war of ideas and we can't be afraid to have our ideas challenged.
If Trump is literally Hitler (as liberals so often claim) then why won't liberals fight him?
Really got my gears turning here bud.
Go back to Tumblr or Reddit or wherever it is that you came from. Everything you just said was completely wrong.
Not true. Sure maybe some people autistically screeching on Holla Forums but show me one Far-Right political party (and especially show me a Main stream conservative party) that "kills poc, subjugates women, enforces violent ethnocentric heirarchies"
Not a thing. Abuse of police authority and over-militarization of US police forces are both very important issues but you making bullshit claims like that is what leads people to support the police unconditionally when legitimate abuses happen.
Lack of access to Abortions does not equal Slavery. Stop being hyperbolic.
You are the same fucking thing as the Strawman you built up to fight.
The idpol is real.
I don't even understand the appeal from them. Fascism isn't even present in the countries that they are present. Why are people participating in their incredibly stupid protests? Protesting against something that doesn't exist anymore, what a waste of time.
Leftists are a joke because of multiple reasons. I think the most important reason in modern day is that they can rely on only one thing to do anything in the political arena and that is identity politics. The only way they get votes is by promising whatever minorities more funding and praising equality.
For the rest their policy is garbage but they can still unity people under the banner of identity politics, rather than with arguments backed up by proof.
It's awful when you see people complain that guys who just shout are gaining influence in the west. Why? Because the opposition is doing the same, only difference is they're shouting for identity politics and the other against it. Neither comes with proof to justify policy.
Can't even tell if left is a man or woman, disgusting.
I think it is a woman. Look at the hips.
They're LARPers who beat up other LARPers. I wish we had actual left-wing guerillas in the west, but these aren't it; call me when bashing the fash involves bashing CEOs and politicians in power.
Right now they seem to instead target members of the Not Socialist Edgelord Party, with fewer members than your average trot sect.
leftypol should get along with them just fine
Honestly I think more of leftypol dislike antifa than likes them.
Personally my view of antifa is: no one wants to join weak fascists because the fascist mindset desires strength. Without a significant core fascists have a hard time attracting people outside the fascist mindset. Fascists and socialists are often trying to recruit from the same ground, so in making fascists look pathetic as fuck antifa is providing a useful service even if they themselves are a bunch of idiots.
In general a policy of "no political violence" is going to cede a shitload of ground to those who are willing to engage in political violence.
Being anti-antifa doesn't necessarily mean one is opposed to violence. IMO antifa use violence in a dumb way.
I'm not saying EVERYONE is but i think there's a good chunk even here.
What does Oprah mean?
imho, fa and antifa are the same thing:
Fascists: We hate people who are different people
Antifascists: We hate people who hate people
fascits: lets beat up some muslims for their beliefs
antifascists: lets bet up some fascists for their beliefs
fascists: we are intolerant
antifas: we are intolerant of intolerance
tbqh, forcing your belief set on anyone is fascist, I would say.
people have every right to be racist as long as they dont bring harm to others by their racism.
people have every right to hate racists as long as they dont bring harm to others by their racism
Are you referring to the text "ΠΡΠ³Π°Π½ Π¦Π΅Π½ΡΡΠ°Π»ΡΠ½ΠΎΠ³ΠΎ ΠΠΎΠΌΠΈΡΠ΅ΡΠ° ΠΠΠ‘Π‘"? If so it means Organ Transplant committee KPSS, or something like that. . . I think. My Russian is pretty terrible tbh.
if we convert those to the english equivalent its actually Osgah
was I anywhere close user?
nvm u were right
They're alright. They have the right idea: fascism has to be combated openly, as the states/capitalist machinations that bring about its rise have few reservations about using violence to protect it and suppressing the opposition. Their big problem is that, as a praxis for organization of political groups, it is highly limited. It draws too many people hailing from ideological positions that are only really bound by being loosely left wing and hating fascists. Ancoms and the like getting mixed in with violent liberals with very little theoretical considerations for what is to actually be done to reshape society. This wouldn't be a problem unto itself, but too many people involved dedicate themselves primarily to the antifa cause than to actually revolutionary ones.
Also the targets of antifa tend to be scattershot at best, often losing sight of actual fascism on the rise.
They're weak and they're supportive of the government. You'll never see Anti-Fa attack Liberals.
A core element of what the principles behind antifa are supposed to be is a sort of "preemptive self defense."
The sort of people who tend to make up Antifa are also the sort of people on the short list for a kristallnacht in the event of fascists getting entrenched. Ergo, keeping fascists from getting entrenched is keeping yourself from getting honest to god murdered.
Sounds like unjustifiable Assault and Battery to me.
You're a fucking anarchist and you think a dead ideology is the problem and not the state that murders and oppresses just fine without "fascists" being in power. What the fuck are you doing. You don't beat the fascists because they're fucking irrelevant and would permanently be without the state.
If fascists start being violent, then defend yourselves, but until then you're just attacking someone with different beliefs.
Why the fuck are supposed anarchists fearing fucking LARPers and not the state that actually gives them power? Edgy fucktards aren't the problem, it's when they gain state power, so the solution isn't to attack them, it's to attack the state. Of course, it's easier to bully skinheads then it is to smash the state and obviously if you don't want to die or go to prison you're not going to do the second, but at least admit you're a coward who isn't willing to create real change and just wants to justify being violent thugs.
Fuck, Antifa and their thinking triggers me. It fucking sucks they're at the forefront of public anarchism.
It wasn't as satisfying as I'd hoped it would be, but at least I know he can take a punch but is a gigantic pussy and would never last in a street fight.
It's not a violation of freedom of speech if non-state actors dish it out. Stop being a fucking liberal pacifist wetbag.
The portion of people who would actually be on the street in any specific part of the country would just be a tiny, insignificant fraction of the people who would support and make up a fascist government. wouldn't street violence create a narrative of militant anarchists about to overthrow the state, create the justification for an authoritarian government in the minds of most conservatives? Why would antifa only fight fascists in the street in large theatrical demonstrations, instead of murdering them in their home, or when they're out to dinner, or on the highway, or just minding their own business in town?
βAdolf Hitler
You cannot give fascists an inch. Ever. Never again.
People here seem to have more of an issue with fascists than antifascists. Christ.
Would the lynching of a Black political activist by the KKK circa 1968 not be a violation of his Rights?
Total fucking joke. Richard Spencer could be dead right now, but nope. what was he trying to do? he gave him a weak punch in the ear and ran away. What did he think would happen? Did he want to see him cry? Did he think after being punched he would realize how shitty he is and never into politics again? Are you telling me that in all the time Blacky had time to prepare and get his cool costume together, that he couldn't find a knife anywhere?
Because AntiFa are thugs attacking people with no legal reason while the Fascists are just people saying mean and stupid words.
Antifa cannot into terrorism.
It doesn't work that way. You either believe people should be able to say whatever they want without being threatened or treated with violence, or you don't. I'm not a pacifist, I just believe in trying to maintain an appreciable difference between me and my enemies.
Hitler gained power and did what he did because he assumed control of the state. Saying offensive things didn't kill anyone, the men "just following orders" because the state told them to, did. The enemy is and always has been the state, without it, it is just powerless words.
To be fair the last time Americans did they achieved nothing, save securing themselves cushy positions in academia
dude, they've literally killed people in Greece and Finland over the last few years
I don't really understand them. Smacking people they don't like doesn't really accomplish much besides making those people have a reason to feel that they continue doing what they're doing.
Like if they're in a huge group of people all wearing the same clothes then why the fuck aren't they killing their enemies who they assume want to genocide all of them.
Gang violence; now that's how you start a revolution. S-smash the state? Fuck no, let's go murder some proles.
2 murders in 3 years . . . Is that all you have? Well then, I reckon we should just start hunting them Muslime Imaams for the killins' that they done did with their words too.
I would try to parse your post, but there are too many memes and buzzwords in there. Could you re-type it in English this time?
It is funny that Fascists get triggered by them considering they had the brownshirts who murdered hundreds if not thousands of people and were significantly more vicious. That doesn't mean I support them, there existence is amusing to me that's all. Don't know why you think this board supports antifa considering there's always more posts making fun of them than supporting them on almost every leftist board or subreddit
All of the praising of them that I have seen today on here.
You appear to have quoted the wrong post.
You are thinking too much. You need to be opportunistic.
that was revenge
How can you wave the Yugoslav flag and stand by while fascists kill people? fucking hell
You're seeing something different from me user
Are you gonna address my criticism from or just try to change the subject?
If people want to go out and bash the fash, why not? You're totally killing my buzz, man.
You don't even have a solution, you haven't even realized you need a state yet.
what criticism? you clearly don't give a shit about politics beyond larping on here, piss off
The fact that if held Islamists to the same standard as Fascists, you would be out bashing in the skulls of Imam's.
But, Society wouldn't approve of that, would it?
Religion should be smashed
The difference is that Islam is not xenophobic. Everyone is a child of god! (except the infidels)
It's a problem of support for political/economic systems. Being Muslim can have many implications and can mean a lot of different things in regards to one's personal ideology, ranging from having very little impact to wanting Sharia. Obviously Sharia pushers should be suppressed, but it's of very little consequence if someone decides to not eat pork due to some spiritualistic personal restrictions.
Fascists are different. If you are a fascist, you advocate for an explicitly oppressive/exploitative system that you wish to impose on the society at large: it by definition cannot be a personal matter nor is there any ambiguity in intention. There is no innocent fascist, only those smart enough to bail on reactionary ideology before state support fails them and they wind up injured or dead.
Either way you can't kill people for what they believe, with the reason of "Well someone else who as their ideology killed someone too so it's ok"
That is not the point of my argument. He said he can kill them because members of their ideology killed other people in the past. That is not a proper justification for violence.
That's what you think.
Yeah, but you can use the same logic to justify the persecution and harassment of membership in, or allegiance to, any form extreme politics.
I don't think you'd have much luck convicing Pinochet not to throw communist activists from helicopters "because actually violent revolution that results in socialism is what the people yearn for, they've just been so cucked by capital they can't understand their true interests"
What fucking planet are you on?
antifascism is class self protection
If you think violence is justified against someone non-violent or because they do something you don't like, then that's one very big step closer to fascists. The only exception you can allow for violence is in self-defense of your body and freedom, anything else is arbitrary and quickly leads to using violence whenever you feel like it's "justified" or an easy way to solve problems, which is exactly how Fascists see it.
What planet are you living on? The media would paint it as an "Islamophobic hate crime", and promptly send it down the memory hole once that imam's actual religious leanings were popularised
I swear at times you people are living in some kind of bizarro world where J-School grads are foaming-at-the-mouth reactionaries
Yeah I'm pretty sure bashing an Islamist shariah Imam who calls for global Islamic rule would make you a social pariah. Really though what country are you in?
It's not a matter that it killed people in the past: every ideology and every institution executing ideology has a death toll to bear. But if you're goal is the liberation of the working class, you must be willing to defend that liberation against the forces of reaction. Fascism is pure reaction, and its adherents will usher in reactionary regimes/policy if given the opportunity. Like I said, there is no innocent fascist; their passive support of working class enslavement is just as culpable as anyone else involved in the ideology, perhaps even more so when observed en masse as it was often the inaction of the people that has historically allowed fascism to take root.
That's not to say we should necessarily be running through the streets shooting every skinhead we see along the way: there is a degree of pragmatism involved. But if the threat arises and the ability to take action presents itself in a way that maximizes outcomes and minimizes personal/organizational sacrifice, then deterrent actions are preferable (violent deterrence if necessary).
This persecution is already prevalent in our society. Us trying to play along with liberal ideas of "everyone should have their fair shake" does us very little, because what constitutes something being worthy of a "fair shake" by the liberal definitions is ideas that bring about only marginal changes to the underlying system. We can subsist on small changes for now, but we cannot sustain proletarian survival in the long term on it, and thus such liberal concepts must be rejected when they no longer suit our interests. The opposition has already embraced the necessity to revoke such ideas when it suits them.
Nothing would have, and that's the fault in your logic. Pinochet came into power SPECIFICALLY to throw communists out of helicopters; the CIA wouldn't have backed his coup were he more moderate by being open to ideas of "you know, maybe those communists should be left to say what they will."
If the fascists are counter-revolutionaries actively trying to kill me, then violence is justified. Until then you have no idea what role they are going to play and the only thing they have done is express the wrong views. If they act on those views, then violence is justified to defend yourself, but until then, they are solely words, without power.
This is undiale- wait. You're not from around here, are you?
Antifa are a bunch of punk kids that only exist, because society tolerates their youthful antics.
If it came to actual class war, those paint-throwing children would be crushed under the boot of fascism.
Petty terrorism is all those people are interested in or capable of.
Now that's just slanderous.
It's like they've learnt a little trick, "call everyone redditors and your word is god". It's almost like they have "FREE SPEECH" written up on a whiteboard as one of the fatal holes in our loosely affiliated board.
thanks doc!
Really don't. They are fake and government provocateurs.
the obsession chans seem to have with reddit and the forced hatred towards it is amusing
They're getting a lot of stick here recently because we triggered a refugee wave and instead of assimilating/grinning and bearing it they're trying to shift the board and demand rule changes.
Forgot my flag.
We dont
AntiFa is gulag tier
i think the state should guarantee universal human rights, like speech and criticism of the state
but when the left is strong enough and is constructing socialism/communism in a country, there should be a grassroots movement of repression against reactionaries outside of the state
It triggers statists
Collectivizing the means of repression, then?
Liberals, everybody.
How reactionary!
They're LARPing trash.
Alternate reality war reenactment tools of porky and his writers
I dont care what their personalities are, they beat the shit out of fascists and thats the only thing that matters
more than any petty bourg faggot shitposting on leftypol will ever do in his life
These guys are morons just like Islamic terrorists just less committed to their cause and less violent. Beating up random people will not help your cause similarly blowing up civilians in western countries and provoking a response will not bring about an Islamic state rather both of these strategies are counter intuitive.
Everyone against free speech and who supports using violence to achieve a situation where free speech is rejected, deserves to receive violence that stops them from having free speech.
do trump supporters count as facists?
Antifa are facists, crypto-facists.
They are labelling people as facists and attacking them, Some labelled as facists simply disagree with them or believe [incorrectly] that trump is their saviour. Violence should always be the last resort, otherwise people are silenced. Which is what facists want.
Antifa are making left look bad by association, getting worse by the day, and you might scoff now, but there will be a reaction to it.
anyone willing to take to the streets is better than a keyboard warrior snearingly dismissing them.
Including the SJW and Nazis. At least they have the guts and gumption to fucking go outside instead of just complaining safely from your little haven
My personal experience with antifa (the "hardcore" segments anyway) is usually that they're social outcasts who are really angry with the system but don't have any in-depth analysis of what's wrong with it, so they're just drawn to black hoodies and smashing the fash
I wouldn't say I'm a fan of them, but I surprisingly often find myself sympathetic towards them in specific cases
Fuck off, liberal
Reminder that the only people who dislike antifa are reactionaries and liberals.
Antifa is only useful when there are real communist organizations around to organize other revolutionary activity. If such a "vanguard" doesn't exist then they are basically just a gang of vaguely left wing people who get in street fights.
I like them because they beat up fascists and not afraid of anything.
explain your reasoning
1. you are a reactionary, your opinion doesn't matter
2. how do you plan on organizing if fascist gangs keep beating up you for trying to do it? Antifa won't be there to defend you lol
>if fascist gangs keep beating up you for trying to do it
Such as?
Antifa can be used to repel brownshirts and other filth who would otherwise be disrupting your meetings/rallies/protests/etc. If you are not doing that then they just become another street gang and eventually become filled with (often liberal) lumpen.
First off I am not a reactionary.
That's the point. In America there is no communist organization to defend. Antifa in America makes little sense.
Antifa is not an american thing and when you say "fuck antifa" you say fuck the greek, czech etc. comrades who risk being assasinated by nazi thugs by defending their communities too
all you retaded "hehe antifa is fascists i'm so enlightened xd" faggots need to hang yourselves
Yeah. German here. I'm glad that at most Nazi protests there is Antifa present to bash the fash. I just choose to believe the people shittalking Antifa here are Holla Forums trolls.
Also I'm not sure how you plan starting a communist organization while nazis terrorize the streets. Antifa is necessary everywhere and the earlier you start beating Nazis up the less problems will you have
How is antifa not doing that now dumb dumb?
I don't like them but i also don't like fascists. is there a word for that? maybe being normal.
Actually, it's called being a liberal.
yea maybe. i would assume most neo libs like antfa
dude fucking what lol
Yea i see a lot of support for antifa on social media
Why else would πππSorosπππ pay them, duh
And this shows that neolibs support antifa how?
Go to places where political violence actually matters, not shitposting, and watch your corpse rot in the desert
but this whole "opposite of liberalism" sort of thinking is retarded. It's the sort of shit that spawns trash like nazbol. Of course we can't be on principle opposed to keeping the fascists at bay if they pose any sort of threat to leftist goals, but we have to actually understand when they present a threat and how to address this threat.
/k/ here with a critical analysis of this fake staged image
1) Gun oil shown in pictures, but zero brushes or bore brushes seen, no cleaning rods.
2) None of the firearms are in the process of being cleaned or disassembled. except the one in his hands, which still has the fucking barrel attached to the lower receiver with the sporing attached to it.
3) All firearms are loaded, no one with the most basic common sense has a firearm cleaning party with all loaded firearms.
4) No ammo boxes to hold all of the loose revolver rounds.
This is a staged image. We all known the modern day leftists hate firearms and shun them as "Evil tools of oppression, nationalist fascism and racism".
Or so say your buddies on r/socialism when we inquired with them.
They told us this is an illegitimate website.
Its from a movie.
Of course it is. Leftists do not own guns anymore. They are too busy protesting for free on demand tax payer funded abortion as a form of contraception.
I dont like antifa.
most are just as fascist as the fascists
take your meds
Your a dying breed.
The last of your kind.
Hunted down with weapons of identity politics, dragged out of your spider holes until you bend to the will of the third wave feminists and Black Lives Matter.
Your leftism is an ivory tusk, eyed with greed by salivating obese leg beards with pink dyed underarm hair.
t. retard
I don't like them
not in communist countries you dont. the state owns the gun. the people are only borrowing them.
Find me any of those scary eastern block or asian nations that claimed to be living in communism,I'll wait.
Considering the Rojava population is heavily armed and each citizen undergoes firearm training; I hardly see this as a problem.
Plus Albania under Hoxha had extensive personal ownership of firearms.
They're shit-eating cucks.