Can we form a non-cucked communist party USA?
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And yet add to the long list of shitty impotent leftist american parties?
There are only 2000 members. You'd be better off just taking the damn thing over through entryism.
You're not dealing with just one party and its internal affairs though, they're basically an arm of the Democrats.
Most non-cucked here is probably the Socialist Equality Party
leftypol should organic centralism irl
Are you yank cunts blessed with an S.E.P that isn't a pile of turd?
Our Ausfag S.E.P removed all references to worker's self management and general socialist policies for election time last year and replaced it with "v-venezuela is g-great and we need to protect the womyn!"
Would take too long. We have enough posters on here to just create our own organization and then siphon off the legitimate people from other parties.
Every fucking non-entity leftist organization has thought so.
Insert enough people that do not desire to be an arm of the democrats and they will no longer be an arm of the democrats.
It would be easier to take over the CPUSA because they already have a few members have made a name for themselves and a website.
There already is, and I'm not even kidding, a Hoxhaist party in the USA.
In short, yes. It's one of the only parties here that stands firmly against idpol
Source on this?
anyone know what the iww in san diego is like?
APL has a pretty good publication called the Phoenix. I wish they'd fill it with more articles about Hoxhaism and fewer fluff pieces written for woke normies tho
Yes.. You're getting there.
Around election time, my friends and I got some beers open and decided to laugh at our Ausfalian political parties.
Looking over their website, I'm doubting I'm remembering things right. For trots, they seem pretty based. I know two of our several socialist parties tried their luck at it, Socialist Alternative most likely being one of them.
That being said, it seems as though all of our socialist parties have cleaned the femenshit from their pages and put information about socialism first. It's a nice change.
Can we just make the leftypol party already? Doing entryism we'd probably infiltrate a dozen organizations and get discouraged when we are unable to actually change anything because everyone else is in a separate party dealing with idpolers and liberals
I wouldn't trust any of you to run a homeless shelter, to be honest.
Aww, why not?
A Holla Forums homeless shelter sounds like a great idea. Who arms them, who trains them?
We can recruit ledditors.
i'm down
anarchist reparations
Entryism into the Green Party sounds like a better idea.
There too big to be changed with a few hundred members.
No, we give them books and get them attention medication prescribed (because for some reason they aren't able to read them), so they'll be so high and focused on those books they'll wind up being somewhat knowledgeable in leftist theories.
Now we just need to make the necessary theory so easy to read it's fun. Make a fucking children's book about it, whatever.
I'm working on it.
Oh, that makes sense. The different national SEPs seem to have pretty consistent leadership and programs, far as I've seen.
Kek, they've always been shit. Good if they're shaping up on idpol, but far too reformist.
Looks like we also share one of the shittiest ones lmao
I'm surprised that there still are 「«‘“socialists”’»」 out there that defend the Venezuelan government.
Hey! they deserve to be defended against USA imperialism!