Anyone else /sad/ today? Feel free to talk about it

Anyone else /sad/ today? Feel free to talk about it

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I'm just not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. It's a stupid job, useless, and its only redeeming feature is that it pays somewhat well compared to other menial, minimum wage work.

Today I spent an hour moving things from one side of the shelf to the other. I didn't add anything or take anything. It was just a mirror image of stupid bullshit for retards to buy.

I wish the store I work in would burn down.

I'm back to being a NEET, but at least I have internet access with the capability of torrenting stuff again. I want to find a job though so I'm not poor :(

Completely understand that my man, I hate the place I work at too. My colleagues aren't all that great, and I get paid an astoundingly low wage. I can't drop out of it because my family will be disappointed in me, either.

Knowing you're going to wake up early tomorrow just to go to a place you hate, to toil all day doing menial shit just to fatten some porky scumbag's coffers is a very unsatisfying way to live. Hope you have some other shit to bring you through it, fam.

Why do some people seem to have limitless energy and never need to sleep. Its pretty unfair, makes life so much easier.

Thanks my dude.

They are freaks. Doesn't matter how much sleep I get, I'm in a near constant state of fatigue these days. Being awake makes things so much easier.

No worries, best of luck

They are going to burn out sooner or later.

I am blisteringly unhappy and upset, cautious, and furious, but then long bouts of anxious sadness, like a chihuahua, every waking moment of my life

Maybe your life is shit, that usually leads to unhappiness

Please kill me if the revolution does not happen soon

Sounds pretty shitty, mang. Must be really frustrating experiencing so many emotions and shit.

I aint in university, but I feel that shit man. Just working towards something you're not interested in, anxious at the future after it is over. Haven't had the opportunity to live with others yet, I hope I can manage it ok.

Yeah man, it sucks. I've not managed to talk to a girl my age (above brief communication) in a couple of years now. I'm not astonishingly awkward around them or anything, I just never get the chance. Just go to work, go home, etc. Back when I had the time I used to go for a smoke and walk on the beach or some shit, hoping I'd find someone to talk to lol. Can't even manage to do that nowadays.

It's not like, sexual desire or anything like that. It's just a longing for someone to love and be loved by. Some sense of companionship and intimacy in life. Someone to quell the vast sense of loneliness and melancholy. I've always been at my happiest around friends, and I can only suppose having a gf/bf would bring something into my life to make it worth living, and bring out the best of me. Though perhaps this is just the fantasy of someone who has never really been in love, and has never experienced its realities.

Relevant song:

Your mistake was moving out to live with "others". Other people are a waste of time unless: They have puss/love for you (if you are gay its just boi puss), they are legitimately intelligent and creative (osmosis learning is real), they are cathartic or therapeutic (you feel safe and at ease with them). If they are JUST your friends they are trash garbage, ignore or avoid them at all costs. They are vampires, stealing your time and essence. Don't give any of your valuale limited NEET energy to anyone who is not offering one of the aforementioned 3. Live by yourself or with parentals. Not worth stomaching trash humans just to feel independent. Roommates pollute your day and mind with nonsense, their nonsense that they infect you with.

and yet for some reason my depression has bounced back into bizarre hope.

Dats bipolar disorder bruh. One sec you are staring into the abyss, the next you have beatific vision. I don't know how you can be 30 yr old NEET without welfare, props to you. I wish I could be NEET


At least I'm keeping my new year's resolution to read more.

someone asked me to do something the other day for the first time in ages, but never followed through. the worst part is that i dont even like them that much, but im still pretty sad about it.

I'm still studying but i really don't know if i could be happy in the working life. I've been depressed thinking about it for a while

Just got back to /uni/ (We had a long break). Last semester really wore me down. I had no friends and spent most of my time trying to keep my grades high or shitposting on leftypol when I got tired out. I'm not sure if I can do it again.

Luckily now I'm in more philosphy-focussed classes and fewer economics classes (which oscillated between tedious and dead-wrong for most of the previous semester, >inb4 some ancap has a laff at the lefty who hates econ class). The problem is I'm not always the best at writing papers on short notice. I can usually manage but every once in a while I just get stuck.

I keep focussing on academics here but that's really cause I have nothing else in my life. I was never really a social person but lately I feel like all human interaction in my life is withering away like the state ecks dee. None of the shit that used to cheer me up works any more. I still miss this girl I had a crush on for four years in high-school but she's still totally uninterested in me.

Just fuck my shit up essentially.

so your flag is pretty accurate then :^)

I'm never sad because I've freed myself from the dogmatic prison of American Liberalism and all of its crypto-liberal "leftist" off-shoots, recovering my authentic existence.

The true power of ideology

t. crypto-liberal

Top roflmao

Sometimes, like this night I just stay up until I almost collapse to bed. It`s horrible to having to sleeping alone, without lover at your side.

you're sad deep down and you know it. If you're gonna try and be happy just by believing something and doing nothing at least go with something smart like leftcom

I assume then that you've had a lover by your side in the past. What's it like user? I'm so lonelyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

everything is liberalism now, even the spookman, you just have to accept it and move on



I never said you were spooked, nor do I engage in meme philosophy. I'm saying you're sad. Deep down. Admit it. You're fooling no one comrade. This whole nazbol phase you're going through is only further evidence of sad.

You don't get it, its not that nazbol is a super-smart ideology or anything but there's actually a team to root for in the struggle against global liberalism. You can feel like anything could happen if your special snowflake group of dictators and nationalist could succeed in shifting the balance of power and you'd be on the right-side of history.

If he became a leftcom then nothing going on politically right now is really of any consequence; you might as well just become a Christian if you want to feel like the world is fallen and can't live up to your expectations.


Top lal!!!!!

Top lal!!!!!

Explain how i follow an obscureversion of nationalism, please, embarass yourself



I've got a dead end job, working towards a degree I hate but can't change without blowing quite a few thousand at least, no close friends, and no gf. My life is working, studying, shitposting, vidya or movies, and fucking some girls I meet online who bore the fuck out of me. I wanted to direct films and bought the small business meme, 7 years out of high school I'm still a broke cletus and fell out with my friends over drug use or personal issues. Some days I wish I would have od'd on something when I had the chance. All I want now is a co-op with some comrades, doesn't even have to be cool shit like film production, and a gf I can talk to about books/philosophy with and enjoy spending my time with.

toppest of keks

Top fucking kek

What the fuck are you even sperging about, kid?

Oh nevermind, you're just not smart enough to understand. Go back to your anarchist FAQ, illegalism and Stirner-tier gibberish while you vape away at your 9-5 indulging in escapist fantasies, while I play hardball accelerationism on the global stage.

At this point I am starting to think I should stop caring about the future so much because at this rate I'll end killing myself before any of that shit happens.

Don't do it fam, there's always hope. Global capitalism is like 200 years old. It's a blink of an eye. Humans are far too incompetent to come up with anything too nefarious and enduring, and we're nothing if not adaptable.

Fuck, I am GOING to know that feel. I'm 22 and I still have at least two school years ahead of me. Hope the fucking economy doesn't crash before I get a career.

Lol ok

Almost 24 and in the exact same boat my dude.

I'm not sad at all tbh

just accept it's all pointless, and find meaning in that, or something

Is an assmad autist spastically uploads every image in his funnies folder while calling everyone else triggered autists episode #48589504.


Every nation hasn succumbed to the will of the individual, either be the tribe leader, the feudal lord or the bourgeoise

Keep throwing the wordmliberal around kid, you are just digging your hole deeper

If proles had any revolutionary potential, we would be living under socialism since the paris commune, but we aren't because proles are counter-revolutionary

If it were all meaningless, that statement would have no meaning. Thus Camus-tier shit is self-refuting. True existentialism isn't about meaninglessness, it's about the source of meaning: ourselves, in our ontological relationship to our own existence and reciprocally engaged with others. Late capitalism deprives us of this.


Whatever you say. Your impotent delusions of grandeur must be compensating for something tho…


For what?

I have no idea, but it's unhealthy that fascination you have with your own interior, and speculation about your own efficacy, morbid even. Probably got assblasted by Trump's stupid fence and never recovered.

this thread is just retards screaming liberal at each other. kill all yourselves

Wew, that surely will help!

Porky divided and conquered them, while the proles cheered at him, if anything, it should make you buttmad, aren't you the one who is putting them on a pedestal?

Your proletariat fights eachother while the egoist exploit them, how does this make you feel?

Fuck off liberal. The anarkiddie, although we quarrel, at least reads Nietzsche.

Egoists confirmed for left-ancaps once again.

Today is by far the saddest day in 2017 for me.

Some one that I cared and loved completely rejected me.
I really did loved that person.
at the beginning I couldn’t hide my feelings for him, I latter regretted it and I realized his mind was quite malleable so I talked him out of that, (I wasn’t like that) I don’t even believe how I did it, but after that he never even mentioned it.
No surprises he turned cold with me after that.
But I really missed all the flirting between us.
But I had to hide behind this new mask that I created.
Then shit got crazy I said mean stuff to him.
He kinda ignored me and didn’t take me serious, even tho, I said terrible stuff to him.
I asked him for forgiveness after that.
He did forgive me, but he was colder than ever.
After that we just got along, but he didn’t even notice me, when I was nearby.
Shit got crazy again.
I got into a fight with his best friend.
I realized that I fucked up and this could threaten our “friendship”
He got into the fight and told me to fuck off.
I thought well let’s just give it some time.
I go back and he told me definitely to fuck off.
I still love him.

i win, suck my dick liberal

Liberals are this mad, all the time. Sad!

obv member of the exploiter class, burn his house down

he is a trot.

okay kid

No you are not, you are a docile prole doing what he is told, I am well aware of it

You claim to be free of any capitalist dogma yet here we are, your sleeping self flirting with slave morality, siding with what is weak

I am mad, I need you to get mad, we need the prole to get mad, but as you proved, they have chosen to remain silent, hiding behind a wall of pure smugness, when in reality you are too ashamed of stepping out and finding out everything you know was manufactured

I am an anarchist, what makes you belive I will respect private property?

Bf just came out as trans and I can't stand him anymore. Feels bad.

so fbi then.

I'>m a piece of shit failure of a human being and therefore need a revolution that involves killing rich people and stealing their wealth so I can improve the life which I fucked up by being a lazy stupid faggot.

Further prove that leftists are just fucking failures who want to take other people's stuff by force. Fuck you, you dirty rat. I hope you die.

There will be no revolution and even if there will be, it's going be like the USSR revolution where you pathetic socialist subhumans were treated like cattle working all night and day for the dear leader and his government. Congrats.. instead of working for a private company you now are a literal slave to the state. Enjoy.


whats wrong with neo-cons? they seem to be winning unlike your idea of maybe stalin and hitler are both good

fucken trots

Top shelf ideology here

Neocons got BTFO recently.

You see this is what I get for siding with what is weak

yeah but before i go full neocon i get to rape chicks and my comrades will protect me.

I took all the redpills years ago kiddo, and I don't mean Coricidin DX.

This is the true power of ideology

You literally eat from the trashcan all the time

My girlfriend has bipolar disorder and I am.actually scared of her erratic behaviour and mood swings. To make matters worse I came in her earlier today and know that she has been feeling broody.

Not yet. You're getting there though.

Again, proving once again you cannot eating from the trashcan all the time, you go from one trashcan to another

You don't even dare tomstare at the abyss

I'm gonna be off all next week but my boyfriend will still have to go in for "training" Also, generic "I want to explore space with my friends but it'll probably be porky who does that with his harem of child sex slaves"

don't knock eating trash till you try it

How come ancoms are as meme worthy as ancaps?


I am the abyss.

Yes, it's frustrating. I feel like drowning, not moving foward at all.
Exactly! But I guess I'll never experience it because I'm just not good around women and spazz out.
Are you me? You put that so well.

I get what you're saying, man. I just hated living with others because I just like being alone at home. Not being bothered and not having to hear or walk into other people (except my parents).

Well enjoy that moment of hope.

My hours got cut back so I'm broke.

My boss took 15 minutes off in the morning because she said my shirt was ironed enough to work and made me go iron it.

They never turn off the fucking radiators even though all the customers complain about it being too hot so everyday I come home soaked in sweat with a dry ass mouth feeling like I've been in a sauna for 8 hours

Its all middle aged women who have found a little bit of something they can control in their lives and they make what should be an easy job difficult with all this pointless nonsense and I catch so much shit cos I'm the only guy. Carrying out bins, doing lifting etc.

Fuck. I didn't realise how much I needed this thread.

All of the people I know like this are incredibly insecure and neurotic underneath. The energy and drive and work is a way to prove to themselves that aren't worthless scum, but, mostly they still considers themselves worthless scum. I pity them, really I do.

If you use the term red pill by definition you are blue pilled harder than almost anyone else

Shit like that makes me seething. I know we live in a society where appearance counts but my gott everyone around me seems to accept that it's just how it is.

I'm sad. The shit with reddit has made me depressed at our inability to coordinate, organize and cooperate. The stakes are so incredibly high, we're so short on time and yet all we do is engage in petty bickering and power struggles over shitty boards. So many people seem uninterested in making the left the dominant force in society and more interested in maintaining political clubhouses. We ought to strive toward making everybody a socialist. Obviously we won't succeed, but that should be the goal. Whatever persuasion they may be, whatever their outlook, whatever their character flaws or personality type, everybody must be made aware of the flaws of capitalism and the threat it poses. Imperialism is intensifying international conflict, our destructive capabilities are massive and the ecological devastation caused by capitalism threatens us all. This necessitates a pragmatic and organized left. It's not an exaggeration to say that our survival depends on it. But it's not there. It just doesn't exist.


We're at the end of one long dialectical arc and the beginning of another. Don't despair.

I stand behind a bar and get covered in coffee all day. I literally don't need to look good I never come into contact with the customers.

Shit I just googled if Zizek had died in a coke overdose or something.

I feel sad because I have a lot to study to get my student benefits but I'm too anxious about it to actually try. Going to lectures with people I vaguely know is too anxiety inducing if I don't take sedatives first :(

Also, my life feels gray and meaningless all around, I'ma shitty student, I don't have hobbies, I'm too undisciplined to read meaningful things, all I do is sedate myself in various ways, I'm a waste of space

get up every day, go to college classes, learn nothing, am likely going into debt for college, meeting nobody new, all my peers are basically non-sentient robots, teachers sound like repeaters for neo-lib garbage ideology, campus is ugly brutalist post-modern structure, city i moved to is atomized post-industrial wasteland with crazy high rents, i am alone

I can't find work, my life is in an unmovable rut, and I want to kill myself often. Politics give me no distraction anymore besides the harsh realities of the next few years. Reddit shit, among others, has me losing belief in the left ever becoming a cohesive force (at least in the US).

Attention, everyone. This is a very important message. I was about to hang myself with my lower intestines last night, I had already cut open my stomach and my innards were ready to be tied. I was in this position because someone had asked me if Vladimir Itchy Lemons ever considered human nature and this was an impossible question. But then, right as about my soul was about to be set free into red heaven, Brother Hao came to me. He came and neatly tucked my internal organs right back into my tummy and gave me an assuring smile. He stroked my hair as he spoon fed me warm milk. I was in a trance, I saw great visions. I saw kulaks sharing their grain, I saw Rosa Luxemburg hugging a Social Democrat and I saw good old Charles Mark himself. Charles smiled at me, and that was all I needed. He didn't need words. As I came back down to earth, Brother Hao held me as I cried. Please pass this video on to anyone who is in a personal hell. This might save a life.

at least your comment was sort of beautifully written

I hope so. I'm not concerned for my individual existence anymore, I'm more concerned about the survival of the species and its ability to prosper.

Another world is possible.



You are loved and appreciated, anons.

The only reason I work there is to get my own apartment. Can't wait for this shitty system to crash.

I'm actually pretty happy famalam.

Does anyone else feel like they're just inadequate on all fronts? They have nothing that really stands out about them, they're unpopular, undesirable, dumb. They have no real place anywhere because they're just not good enough for any real type of group. They're shit at all their interests and what they study, they're lonely and will continue to be, no one ever respects them or thinks they're really competent at anything? It's difficult to put into words, but just like you always feel people either have low expectations of you, or don't think about you much to begin with.

And then sometimes you think this is all life is, there's no big change to look forward to or to pin all your problems on like you did with going to uni, this is just how things are, and if this is it, why keep going?

Or is that just me?

I am 100% sad because my leftypol comrades can't comprehend that animals have feelings.

I can; I just don't care.

Why expect any better of yourself? 99.99% of human beings do nothing of any real importance in their lives. Hell, civilization might not even make it to the end of the century at this rate. Who cares if you're widely respected or massively successful at your job? It doesn't matter in the end. Just roll with what life gives you; death doesn't improve anything and will always be there waiting for you. Consider yourself an observer of history.

veggiecommunism one day comrade

Maybe it comes from a complex of wanting to be important, or the best at everything.

I had given up on that a while ago though. By this point I'd just like to be good at something, not even the best.

I just dont know why anyone would bother associating with me if I'm just someone else on a discount.

I do. I just like aggravating the """amoral""" anarkiddies.

I have feelings, just that one of them is hunger.
I also have a sense of taste. This kills the pig.

Fucking hell mate, look around you. Do all the couples you see strike you as combinations of two incredibly interesting and unique individuals? No, it's just random plebs screwing random plebs. Same thing with groups of friends, it's just random people of no particular interests associating with each other over some shared interest or history. You're nothing special, but neither are any of the people you're likely to meet. Why do you expect everyone to demand excellence if it's generally nowhere to be found?

Thanks, it took me a while to find the words for it. Being able to put your own sadness into adequate words is a very difficult thing to do without people getting the wrong impression. I've spent a lot of time thinking about it, too.

Best of luck in the future man, I hope it gets better for us both.

I've been re-reading a manga I used to enjoy when I was younger, when I was into all that shit. Can't seem to get enjoyment out of the things I used to anymore, and I don't have much to replace them with. I just get really melancholy when looking at the things that made me happy when I was younger. I've just devolved into working and sleeping. Living life day to day like some dumb fucking animal. No plans for the future, just drifting in a void.

It's funny really, I wondered a few years back if the future me would be more/less sad and cynical, or if I'd manage to pull myself out of this rut. But I certainly haven't managed to do it yet. I've learned more, but maintaining effort to learn can be quite difficult with very little to push you forward.

Damn, man. Hopefully something comes up for you within the next couple of years. Getting into work out of education spooked me, even without going to uni. Didn't get better for me, but it does for some people. Hope it all goes alright fam

surrounded by normies who like to go out and have fun while i'm just stuck, slumped together in a state of either depression or feeling alright
I can talk well to people and stuff but I'm shit at socializing and making friends. Got one true for 10+ years, rest are just internet pals who are good friends but I know it'll disappear suddenly at some point and it'll have been a waste of my best years. I fucked once which was basically a miracle.
Whenever I drink I usually end up sitting in the bathroom in darkness crying into my hands. Or watching Seinfeld on my phone while everyone else is having fun.
I'm just waiting for my free (thanks socdem state) operation that'll unfuck my jaws and me look less fucked but i'm still sad because I reckon i still have nothing to talk about even if i look more attractive
tfw no gf etc
bad student but also too lazy to read anything that isn't uni related. I'm /r9k/ but leftist i guess.

Have a lot of trouble being able to articulate my own dissatisfaction and melancholy. Every time I try, it always feels as if the words never hit upon the feeling. I wish I was able to transmit thoughts and feels to other people, so they could finally understand it. Nothing is more frustrating than being unable to articulate your own suffering.

It feels like I burden some of my friends with my attempts to make them understand how I feel. They can't provide answers to me, so I don't know what I expect from them, really. I shouldn't do it to them, because I can understand it frustrates them, (always bringing the mood down, talking about it too often)

Basically I've reverted to being that pathetic 14 year old emo kid. nobody understnands me im lonely no future i wish i were dead xd rawr

This board is turning into /r9k/


This makes me want to kill myself more than any of the posts in this thread.

Used to spend a lot of time on /r9k/, back in the old days, so I feel at home in these. Glad I managed to get out of that shithole, though.

There are a lot of sad comrades out there, and I think venting to each other can sometimes be a good thing. Besides, it's contained to one thread.

Reminds me of that mousegirl that fucked over the Dunkster. Quite cyoot tho, but just makes me sorta sadder tbh. Like, I remember back in the /r9k/ days I used to think this girl called "katya" (some russian camwhore who robots liked) was cute. Collected a folders of pictures of her (still have it, but never look at them), but every time I looked at her I just felt a bit worse about myself. Don't know why I kept doing it.

For now. Just a few days ago there were like 3 relationship threads up, and I'm sure it'll go back to that soon enough.
Doubt it, honestly. Most of these people are just stuck in destructive thought spirals and can't break each other out because they all think the same dumb shit.

I'm also loser wannabe director who became a drug addict (clean for a year now though).

lets start a coop


going to law school for the exact same reason user only i have no friends but im not incel. im not bad at memes i think they're gay and make you autistic.

oh my fucking god she just sounds like my in-head reading voice for imageboard comments that just recently took over and is driving me mad


don't forget rapist or power mad moderator

I just got banned from Holla Forums for *essentially* arguing drugs should be decriminalized and nazism is bad moreover authoritarianism.

Im pretty sure the whole world is fucked completely and im going back to the us vs them mentality…

At least AnPrims can pretend all is going according to plan.

the likelihood of civil war in america is rising by the day

all they can do is pretend: the level of ecological destruction caused by the collapse will render primitive living extremely difficult and the survivors will not have the benefit of a lifetime's education in agriculture or hunting. millions of people trained to be computer programmers will suddenly have to farm and trap animals, in an environment less hospitable to wildlife and with soil pollution. that is assuming that imperial conflict over dwindling oil resources does not cause a nuclear exchange.

I know too many of those feels to quote them all

I can.


I've lost my passion for a lot of things that I enjoyed. I did fencing for a while but lost all incentive to do it again, I loved to immerse myself in videogames but somehow I can't enjoy them as much as I used to so I get slightly drunk just for the immersion and then play. It's absolutely retarded and makes me depressed and I'm genuinely afraid I'm gonna become an alcoholic.

Sexually I'm a fuck up. I'd like to have a girlfriend but can't seem to find one, so all I do is install dating apps and fuck random average looking girls - but the fucked thing is it turns me on when the girl is totally into me, that's why I like to meet up with below averages just to get the narcissistic feeling of someone wanting me out of it. I don't particulary care about the sex itself. Shit makes me massively depressed and guilty because obviously I dump them after.

I used to be such a nice guy, but all this stress with university and students job, the fact that I have to turn arround every penny by the end of the month, all these bills that I postpone every month, and being a workslave for the most shallow people have made me into a callous sociopath. I got a burn out. I am as Marxist-Leninist as it gets but I can't help to worry that my beliefs are fueled by a mere tankie revenge fantasy of putting every porky in a workcamp.

What makes me happy is that I'm apparently born in a time in which some major shit is going down. Probably not like WWII or something, but I feel like we are steering towards the catastrophe and the establishment and porky have no fucking idea how to counteract it. Our politicians and media executives are incompetent morons who don't understand how the world works anymore. If anything, they will just accelerate the downfall of the current system.

Sorry for long post.

You have anhedonia. A lot of people in this thread do. The usual answer is to seek treatment for depression. The unusual answer is to self-medicate with dissociative drugs, or possibly psychedelics.

this is all very accurate.


Wouldn't that make me even more dull and cause higher requirements of stimulation after a while? Because, fuck, I'm already afraid I'm going to become a legit alcoholic.

Oh, same here. I don't give a shit about the average person or even about improving my own quality of life. I just really fucking hate the ruling class which is destroying this planet.

some psychedelics have reportedly been used to cure depression. if you're using alcohol to self-medicate, a psychedelic might help you escape that trap. many psychedelics are not exactly recreational.

I always wanted to try out Salvia and stuff like that, but I'd like to have a friend with me when I do it because it might fuck my shit up. I'm pretty sensitive to suggestion already.

Usually one walk through the city center makes me want to barf seeing those average people there. It's mainly hatred for porky that drives me at this point.

I have very little interest in my own life. I do things because they're expected of me, not because I desire them. My only real motivation is a tremendous fear of what might happen if I fail to perform as is expected. I don't feel happy but also don't really feel any need to change that. I hate other people tremendously, yet I also hate myself for not being able to connect to them. I feel like my current course will take me nowhere, but have no actual ambitions or dreams I could try to strive towards. I rarely feel strong emotions, and the prevailing sensation is boredom. It's just going from day to day for no reason.

Going back to college in a few days and not sure if that will make me more or less sad. Mostly I just worry that my friends there + the girl I like will stop giving a shit about me. I spend most of my time there in my room or taking walks outside at night listening to leftist music. Also not sure if I would be happier with a gf or not.

Oh yeah, also need to find a job I can do on campus (no car) and figure out what the fuck I want to do with my education.

I've had such a fucking bad week, hopefully stuff gets better, i'm pretty sad.

My country also seems to be getting shittier too, but probably nothing will happen.

How do people get this energy from? I know people who are working for 10 hours, then they go workout, then they update their vast social media presence and they have like 30min max in which they watch a show or start watching a random movie. Then sleep for 6 hours and repeat. Even when they have a cold.

Sadness is a social construct

Probably from their death drive.

if you exercise regularly you'll feel more energetic throughout the day.

I honestly sometimes, get so fucking angry at this fucking world's government, how many people they failed, and how nobody is doing shit, and the future is going to keep getting worse

I honestly sometimes go over killing a really rich influential figure.

Like a David Koch or some shit. I honestly don't care if this sounds edgy, I'm serious, and I'd rather it be televised. Just get into some fucking conference, fucking blow the brains out of a billionaire. Do not care if I get sent to women's prison, I am just up to here right now with Capital and sometimes I feel

Something's gotta give with a porky. Something has really gotta give with a porky

Tried it; absolutely false. As you'd expect.

my laptop just broke and it's too shitty to be worth repairing. im sad for all the memes and my oc i had on it that is lost now

What's wrong with it? If the HDD is failing get an external storage and stick it in the freezer for an hour.

Send help.

Forgot I kept my shitposting flag on FML.

What country is it?

Move that dope

the screen is broken probably something else too.
thought i guess it ain't that hard to get the harddriwe out. i guess i'll do it eventually

I'm pretty sure if you can identify what type of hard drive it is you can get a USB adapter.

Hoping to immagrat in a year or two so don't want criminal record fucking that up.

fuck off we're full. stay in your own country

Where do you live?


Ok migrant user now you know where to move

Depends entirely on whether you can hold your shit together. Were you that kind of kid who went to your friends' birthday parties, gorged yourself on cake and soda right from the start and became an uncontrollable banshee? Drugs get a bad rep because all you see in the news is the cases of the idiots who can't control themselves. If you can resist temptation and keep to strict dosages at timed intervals, you're golden.

Ketamine is well documented as having a near miraculous antidepressant effect on 75-80% of treatment-resistant people, and you don't even need a tripping dose do get it. This is actually caused by a metabolite called 6-HNK, which isn't psychotropic and just might be the ultimate antidepressant and it's right within reach… except that no pharma company is interested in it because it can't be patented. Capitalism! The big downside to K is that it causes bladder damage, and it's unknown if 6-HNK is the responsible party.

Other dissociatives with reported, but not academically confirmed, antidepressant effects are others in ketamine's family (O-PCE, 3-MeO-PCP (this one is as dangerous as the name implies) etc.), as well as diphenidine and its family. Assuming it does have the antidepressant effect, O-PCE would be a great choice to self-medicate, as it's cheap, requires very small doses thus minimizes bladder risk, and honestly, it's a great trip.

These dissociatives seem to have a straight chemical effect against depression. By contrast, psychedelics may act against depression psychologically, i.e. the trip itself is what "heals" you. This is even less studied than dissos tho (thanks, drug war), and just as there are reports of people cured from depression and whatnot, there are reports of people that actually got fucked up and acquired anxiety syndrome or something. Personally, I think it's directly related with the ability to ride out a bad trip. Some people can do it, some can't.

However, there's this thing called microdosing, which is a bit of a fad right now. Basically, taking very small doses of this or that drug, usually LSD or shrooms, every few days in order to improve your overall mental health. Again, no academic studies, but anecdotal evidence for LSD microdosing is strong, including against depression. I would rank it as the safest way to self-medicate against it.

Or to clarify, 6-HNK is safer even than microdosing LSD, but you won't find that for sale.

Can I microdose on DXM???

Bladder damage sucks, I have it from being retarded and taking too many disassociatives. Now I can't have any more which is boo hoo. On the other hand I've tried all of the big ones out there so I can answer any questions about them. Microdosing is the shit doe.

Uh.. I wouldn't. Save DXM for big doses. Microdose K, O-PCE or DCK if you want to try those but be careful don't get addicted.

Good question. This is still mostly unexplored territory. I suggest looking on Leddit and Bluelight.

Sucks about your bladder bro. Did you damage it from microdoses only or recreative doses?

Also have you looked on ephinidine? It seems not to have long term side effects.

No I basically was using all day long every day for a long time. I started noticing problems and stopped also because of other reasons and everything was fine. Recently I did some and really fucked my bladder so I have pain and am uncomfortable a lot. I'm definitely staying away from all dissacociatives now because the pain was so unbearable last time I did them. I guess just psychs for me now.

I am /sad/ everyday.

Sugar high is a myth, or rather a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What's your take on the antidepressant effect durations for the various substances? Assuming you have depression.
