Holla Forumstards leaving the alt-right for Bookchin
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how many replies are just calling him a faggot tho
Spencer being punched after mentioning Pepe is a sign that the frog God is displeased.
It's just the beggining. Kek is pissed big time.
this I want to see the thread.
Praise Communalism. It even has a normie compatible name; Libertarian Municipalism
Thats really weak bait tbh
I'm new to Holla Forums, someone pls explain this Bookchin meme
You habe to google him
There are quite a lot people who shill for Bookchin unironically, including me. He actually has a bunch of important ideas that can move the left as a whole forward.
I am not him though
I doubt it
Because moving the left forwards will be done with authoritarianism and work camps. Everyone loves those.
i thought those were two different things
i'm sure they overlap some but
Wow, such receptive responses, like
The joke is that there are people on this board right now who think we should try to appeal to these irredeemable faggots
Kek was never on anyone's side he is god of Chaos, destruction and disorder are his signs. The alt right was too formalized, faggots with no magical talent trying to summon his will through copy pasta memes and borrowed bantz. Weak content will be punished with holy fire
Come on man.
Reminder to filter and ignore all concern shills.
is this some new copypasta? because this is better than the "your are worst turk" one
The only proper argument which I could possibly gain a shread of truth from to an extent though I bet none of them have heard of Rojava, and how it's developing, which is in part to Bookchins writing
Even though globalism is technically a form of neo-liberalism
Three of the Candian's posts got dubs.
The "micronationalism" neologism is from "Nationalism and the 'National Question'". It's a really good essay.
Bookchin is just an author that has become increasingly popular on here, and with popularity comes memes
yeah sure thing kiddo
google murray bookchin
4/pol/ do, remember they were invaded by reddit during the election and most of the hardcore stormers had already left for 8/pol/
Hey remember when Holla Forums used to call themselves the alt-right as an attempt to subvert normies and then it became popular and they pretended it never happened?
I remember.
Jesus fucking Christ, the chaos warriors were servants of kek this whole time!
I remember this as well. I don't think you can equate 8pol with 4pol.
Your meme ideologue will never catch on, just like it doesn't in Rojava, where Bookshit functions as just the local aesthetic of the potemkin women's cooperatives which operate under the otherwise completely left-nationalist line of the YPG/PKK.
they are truly retarded
Confusing post.
seems pretty straight forward to me
They never considered themselves alt-right, that guy isn't a Holla Forumstard
They did. At least on 4pol, I remember when the term "alt-right" was used unironically.
to reddit maybe, embrace the memes of the people
Some of these fuckers actually believe OP is Bookchin himself advertising for his own book, even though he died in 2006.
Just another dead meme from 4pol. Holla Forums isn't concerned about lables or idealogy they will call themselves ISIS if it provides keks.
It's almost as if the only people taking this seriously are actual nazis from storm and commies from lefty.
Don't delude yourself, Holla Forums haven't done anything for keks in time, it's all politically motivated.
How sad it is you think that way m8.
I hope you start taking things less serious.
that would require them to read a book
won't happen
top kek
This looks fake to me tbh. Good idea, but whoever it was should try harder next time. Don't refer to memes ('google Murray Bookchin') that only exist here.
Yeah, sadly this was done sloppily and looked pretty dubious.
The salt is funny though.
reading change people
how many of us have been there? one book, or more that changed or views.
i just never felt like i had to make my own thread
How fascinating.
Anarchists sure do!
No, you. Trump is an easily triggered twitter fairy and the highest office in the USA can be directly trolled. Do they do that? No. Because that's not in line with their politics.
The more retarded tend to ba also the msot retards tho.
There is still the possibility of attracting lurkers coming in Holla Forums for shit and giggles.
Yes. You just haven't seen the dialectic. Dugin, Nick Land, Zizek and Bookchin have seen it to varying degrees, and once you do, there's no going back. Progressivism in its current form was a dystopian black hole leading only to a starkly totalitarian form of capitalism, Trump is a massive reset button, and that's why he's potentially completing the system of German Idealism. Trump is to Marx as Lenin is to Hegel. He's catalytically engineered structural pressure that can fix ideology propagated by the intelligentsia metaclass. Explaining this to autistic subnormals from reddit is nigh impossible, however, their faculties are putrefacted almost beyond recovery from total immersion in the superstructure, regardless of what views they ostensibly claim to hold.
Wait, but Holla Forums haven't attempted to troll Trump at all, right? Or have I been missing something.
Top kek.
Im trying to not laugh because this reality isnt funny at all anymore but that almost got me
I'm pretty sure there's like one or two guys who are forcing this meme. Bookchin basically never comes up in any theory threads here and I doubt many have read him.
You should tho
I share his articles all the time. He's been discussed plenty of times in reference to idpol, revolutionary programs etc
Or possibly people who read bookchin are distinct from people who obsess over theory?
It's a now recurring meme. Before everyone was saying read Bordiga. It's a good way to get people to branch out and read more theory even if it isn't within their particular snowflake ideology. Will be another thinker getting promoted in a few weeks.
Literally one of the most garbage writers I've ever read
you gotta replace some consonants with g's for this to be funny
You know how you can tell when the TIDF is out? When they associate the YPG and the PKK together.
It's because nazbols are either tankies or ironic.
wow, that board is genuinely full of absolute retarded children
Like, I'm not just saying it because I disagree with their politics but man, what a bunch of pathetic fucking children. What the fuck is the appeal of hanging out in such a place?
My pet theory is that at some point Holla Forums started sucking in normies
They have to be really young.
I don't want to do the whole 'everyone I disagree with is a child', but I can't imagine the replies on that thread being written by grown adults
spencer is a fucking shitstain on the robe of kek, the spawn of heket
he will get what is coming to him brothers, Kek is a tolerant deity but he shall condemn apostates to the pit of molten fire
You failed when you called yourself alt right OP, shit bait.
Only the ture special snowflake rightwingers who arnt fascists call themselfs Paleoconservatism and not ''alt-right'''.
Too bad we're in our current predicament because the Western philosophical tradition has been unable to defend itself from petulant, liberal children, and third worldists.
If one adds to this the popculturification of politics, his epiphany is nothing more than a fart in the wind. The future is anti-intellectual, iconoclastic, and radical, and if anyone thinks that muh le reason will be the dominant political force in the future, he is deluded.
We are entering a post-literate age of myth.
You might be right. One of Trump's first acts was to scrap some EPA protections aimed at protecting the wetlands.
Wanna hear a story?
I do, and with evidence.
Oh it shows, user, it shows.
Who am I kidding. Course yous do.
Right. So who here is old enough to have seen Arrested Development? Are you aware of all the allusions in it to power politics, particularly the Bushes? If not, google it. But suffice to say, the main family are modeled to some degree on the Bushes. There are 4 kids in this, three with dark hair and the forth, Lindsay who is of good Aryan stock. She's also not really a Bluth as she was adopted (from a guy who has an interesting toupee IIRC). Anyway. IN one episode Lindsay (Trump) is attempting to save the wetlands and in the process skewers a frog.
I don't have time to flesh this out but I hope for a thorough analysis when I get back.
Oh shit, they mock their ultras too
This is like a rudimentary form of Great Moments in Leftism youtube.com
You can only say that so many times, before you're actually outed as retarded.
test.. 8ch is glitchy today
that pic was supposed to be on this post >:(
No words.
Like clockwork.
And yeah, I know my format is shit; functions have been disabled so my laptop works faster. Need to undo it for a while, now.
It wasnt just spencer user, allying with a god of chaos is always a shit idea
Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders - the most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia" - but only slightly less well-known is this: "never ally yourself with a chaos god when black bloc anarchsts are about!"
ive heard the first rule, pretty sure the second one doesnt get as much coverage in the think tank crowd lmao
shit comrades