What's the deal with Anarcho-Communism?

What's the deal with Anarcho-Communism?


I too want to know this.

"The state doesn't wither away, so let's make a state and call it not a state".
That's the deal.

I'm telling you Jerry, if we just remove the state no one will oppose us!


I don't understand.

Can you explain this shit a little more clearer to a guy who's never studied anarchism ever?

Basically they think post scarcity has all ready happened so they want to just give out free shit and hope everyone just volunteers to work. As a state they want a no hierarchical direct democratic union which some how isn't a state.

Sounds like every leftist ideology ever.

Ancoms have a different conception of what constitutes the "state"

Except there is literally no money ever. Everyone just gets everything for free.


How does this work? Where does the free shit come from?

I can't explain because I'm not an ancom.

The volunteer laborers make the free goods in exchange for free goods

wait what? so its not free at all?

They see the state as hierarchical and if its not hierarchical its not a state.

They may or may not want labor vouchers.

Read the goddamn bread book, cretins

By automating the means of production many necessary commodities essentially produce themselves. Cotton grows itself, machines harvest and separate the cotton, then it's sent or brought to the factory where it's turned into shirts or whatever.

Then you have things like digital commodities such as television or music that once they're on a server are essentially limitlessly replicable.

Explain ancom.

Fucking this; all these replies are made by retards.

Basic anarchist theory fampai

If we have reasonable post-scarcity work will not be required. If we have extreme scarcity, I personally see no problem giving those who work higher priority for rare luxuries.



well meme'd