/leftykink/ thread

/leftykink/ thread
Post your sexual fetishes and your ideology

Other urls found in this thread:


I am into IR cuckolding. Also gay bestiality.



BDSM (sub)



I see what you did there


(Not memeing)

Group sex and swinging


The fuck is wrong with you bruh?
Do they at least actually do sexual shit?

H-Heterosexual straight manly sex with a woman


Cheese Pizza




Only weirdos are gonna respond to this and it's gonna make us look bad so I'll be the token vanilla.

Might be a little too into muff-diving, though.


All history is the struggle of class history!

Also no because chasity is also another fetish

Are Swedes okay, or are you picky?

girls with glasses


Thus far people mostly just seem to be falseflagging to take the piss out of various ideologies.



sex machines

Class struggle* my bad

A swede girl is fine too!

Me too, fuck these degenerates tbh.


Please no gulag…




Incest, raceplay, cuckolding as the bull

Guess my ideology

mutual masturbation

Democratic Confederalism to AnCom or AnSyn.

Top into sadism and sometimes bondage, but prefer to use hands than objects. Particularly like biting, struggling, spanking, humiliation, gagging, but really almost any rough sex gets me off.


I've always dreamed of gently removing all of a Girl's organs and bones (but not the muscles), crawling inside her, and just like becoming her. Ya know?

A good one.

black nationalism

You may have gender dysphoria m8 :^)


big tit tankie girl domination

findom (sub)


Found the /r/fullcommunism


Lefty Neutral, leaning towards Syndicalism, DemSoc and the less-autistic Stirnershit, and away from Tankie, Maotist and Nazbol. Monstergirls, hips, shortstacks, some furshit twf no good artists, light bondage shit (chains, no whips), vanilla.

All this Beriaposting recently is disconcerting as fuck.

Lavrentiy Beria is a legitimate sexual orientation. Show some empathy m8.

Is checking my own quads a faux pas?


being dominated.



Ideology: Bordigist-Situationist

Fetishes: chubby/fat girls, gentle dom, lesbian bullying, mommy play, humiliation, voyeurism especially watching other women pee


All I want is a beautiful blue-haired AnFem/qt fascist loli to break me in half; preferably whilst calling me "misogynist scum"/a "degenerate cuck". Is that really too much to ask?

Explain accelerationism.


i'd do that for free. do you want a bullet in the head too? I can arrange that.
I don't have blue-hair though

Gotta go fast.


Having a fetish is booj and reactionary


Shit, I went too fast and forgot my cuckporn requesting flag.

Diaperlover scum deserve the gulag tbh

Nah brah, pretty sure you got it.

Only the autistic ones

Or else

You're posting in a datamining thread comrade.

"We need to punish the workers for not being properly leftists so we're gonna let them starve until they revolt against porky or die trying"

you don't understand the historic being of your theory.

Market Socialism

What's being sexually turned on by floor tiles called?

I love that this spam applies to the thread.

why did you post a pic of your mother?

Penile gigantism

I know that feel famalam.

Anyways, topic at hand.

Ideology: Marxism-Leninism-Maoism with councilist characteristics (working on foundation of it)
Fetish: Anal with creampie characteristics

Blanquism with Stirnerite characteristics

Femdom, Traps, Giantess, Monstergirls, vore, BDSM, straight shota, shota in general, pegging, futa on occasion but I am picky about it.

Looking into mao-spontanéisme may be of interest to you.

I like you

what is this madness?

The problem is that modern proles are quick to turn on each other, rather than the big pigs. She all of modern leftism and neoliberalism.

AnSyn I guess.

Rough sex, sadism, cuddling after sex. Don't really have a preference for acts tbh, do like surprising the bottom though.

all of them

not gonna lie, even if its considered normie, food with sex is the most disgusting thing I could possible imagine besides scat.

At the very least that should be changed to "real children" and "consenting children" added to the islands of the imaginary.

Actually, the more I look at that the more I'm annoyed by the very arbitrary categorization of fetishes. The map needs more dimensions to properly represent all the interrelationships and hierarchies.

also why the fuck is incest worse than farts?

Bodily Fluid(Vaginal Fluid)/Voyerism-Exhibitionism

I suppose there are some biological reasons why incestuous reproduction is bad, but I think the real reason is just that humans are weird and like to claim that their subjective opinions are immutable facts.

oh boy it's this faggot


you don't have to make a baby with incest if you don't want to.

Well, You cant make an inbreed baby with Farts.

P. S. Anything is possible if you dream hard enough.


Wouldn't giving a baby a dutch oven be worse?

So now it is Pedophile Fart porn?

Well, apparently we were judging fetishes based on how bad they are when babies get involved. There's literally nothing wrong with incest otherwise.

If you sterilize yourself, sure. Fuck your mother. But, if not, the chance of arm is far greater than in Fart porn.

Post-left ancom
Sick shit. Like, really sick shit. Pretty much the only thing that doesn't turn me on is literal shit.

as in you retard Sonther or Dauster will have multiple arms

Contraception should be sufficient.
To be honest, given the amount of suffering the average person causes during the course of an average day, it's hard to feel strongly about incest even without contraception. If the only harm you ever caused was having babies with your sister, you'd be a fucking saint.

You guys need to get out more and stop masturbating to porn. Seriously.

Tell that to this poor fuck.

Somehow fitting for an Accelerationist tbh


Hi Holla Forums

I've had my fetishes for as long as I can remember. Take your sex-negative bullshit back to reddit.

I think you underestimate just how much suffering the average person causes per day. Inbreeding isn't good, but neither is anything else about human society.

There's nothing wrong with masturbating. Everyone does it. Just stop using porn. How is that hard?


Porn isn't used. You seem to be confusing it with a scarce resource. You don't happen to support intellectual "property" too, do you?

What is worse than being retarded?


The corporate porn industry is fucking awful tbh.

Read Walter Benjamin.

I understand why sex industry is bad but what about amateur?

Read more in general.

Wew hew

porn is awful and fucks your sex life for ever. Literal million dollar bussiness made with people that you'll never find in real life.
The plots are retarded, there's no attention to details, women have sex while wearing shoes for some reason most of the time, the editing and framing is lazy, all guys have huge cocks and are toned af, lesbian porn is targeted at males, etc, etc.
Use your fucking brain. Escapism is the best tool for masturbation.

The male brain is wired for visual sexual stimuli, it is very rare for a male to reach climax through mental stimulation alone.

I only have a sample size of most people I've fucked though.

That is bullshit. I do it all the time.

Humanity is too stupid to get it right, so no. Not only is it a horribly authoritarian and counter-progressive idea, but it wouldn't even fucking work. It's like putting a dog in charge of refurbishing a nuclear reactor. You'd just hold a few book burnings, declare victory, and then censor every bit of evidence that your policy had failed until you were violently overthrown.
If you could demonstrate even a single instance where you were smart enough to solve a planet-scale problem, and if I was a boot-licking statist, I might actually support you. Neither of those things are true though.

Wew hew!!!

Do you really belive women dont have sex wearing heels? Do you belive peopel dont engage inBDSM irl?

The amateur scene would be great if it weren't polluted by lots and lots of fake "amateur porn" and revenge porn. Remember that basically all porn sites are run by porn distributors. Amateur porn is rarely genuine.

I quite frequently fap to fantasies. I use porn (2D only - 3DPD is pig disgusting) for inspiration, but my actual fapping is done in bed with my eyes closed.

Look at that poor woman being raped by that brute. How can you fap to that?

NazBols most wise and enlightened once again fam.

Can't you just try make sure it is genuine? I mean, if you already care enough to not support the main industry you could do a little side research. Besides using adblockers and such, denying them revenue.

Just pirate everything. Problem solved.

Can you not onlh ban the spammer but also ban these libs?

The mods don't give a shit. The Anfem flag is a free pass to shitpost. You can post the most insane, disruptive, non-arguments you can think of and still not get banned. Just try it if you have any doubts.

Not going to lie. AnFem as one of the best senses of humor here.

I've done it

Doesnt mean you arent a huge faggot tho


AnFem sock puppet detected.

I was

Theoritically speaking, there would be nothing wrong with consuming amateur porn under socialism (or capitalism, since consumption is of course always unethical so it makes little difference.) However the fact that pornographers do often lie about whether something is amateur/revenge porn is reason enough for me to steer clear of all allegedly amateur porn. I would suggest you do the same.

Why not pirate all porn?

Are /hebe/s welcome tbh?
Blz don't ban me Jim I've nowhere else to go

Sure, but it's fun to post something completely absurd and blatantly false, then see a real anfem post their enthusiastic agreement.

But you can avoid pornographers because it literally does not require anything other than a cheap camera, hell even your phone or laptop webcam. There's a difference between being an insufferable crypto right-libertarian funfem ideologue and just trying to do what's vaguely right in general by putting in 5 minutes of effort. Your inability to do this yourself says more about you than you may think.

"There is no ethical consumption under Capitalism." You should know this by know. All porn affects the way in which you relate to the object of your sexual desire. If you want your sex to be truly genuine you will avoid pornography in general.



Start deconstructing any time

Prove it.

I advocated no such thing. I am just saying that you shouldn't consume porn if you do not want your sexual impulses to be influenced by others (excepting of course your sexual partner(s).)

I was really expecting that to be much much worse than it was.

Nice try cabron. Get back to me when you've read some hard books.

You really just said that, after spending an entire thread arguing for people to only consume ethically under capitalism?
Fuck off. Also please stop drawing false equivalence between tangible goods (eg. clothes made by slave labor) and information which can be infinitely duplicated at zero cost.

How can you even pretend to be an anarchist when you're advocating for the digital equivalent of book burnings?

Still yet to prove this. Experience indicates the contrary. Edge cases aside.

Glad you accept it so I can report you for shitposting


I am a strict follower of maoism-xexizy thought!!

You'll never see any evidence. Demanding evidence makes you a filthy brocialist.

Please, please fucking do it. If you can find a way to make the mods here actually lift a fucking finger, I'll be overjoyed.

Western Feminist standard of evidence is: "well I'm a woman and a chronic shitposter and it seems right to me".

I want someone to call me a good girl and hold me and pat my head and bite my boobs and tie me up and hold me down and kiss me aggressively and stuff

t. Your average feminist

also im leftcom

[spoilers] someone to love me [/spoilers]

lol I'm retarded

We can see that by your flag.

These posts always make me feel so lonely. I wish I had a cool leftist gf to aggressively fuck, but the best I get is a vanilla liberal who thinks being called a whore is kinky.

im just a tranny anyway

No you are not


I've fucked trannies before

My kink is when my gf listens to my ramblings about communism and agrees with me about identity politics

Feels good, comrade

spanking, sometimes femdom, painal,

hug her and tell her you love her

who else here is a gay furry communist

pic related but only pretend

how was it?

man even in a potrait Beria looks rapey as fuck

I do, there are no words to describe how much I appreciate her existence


the madman!

Why would he risk raping Stalin's daughter?


who is this semen demon btw?

Worth it, tbh.

It was ok.


Serious question: Do transwomen get offended if you touch their dicks?

it depends
most hate it, i hate it, but some people are ok with it
ask before touching

usually only if you dont ask first

Wait so what are you supposed to do with the girldick then? Just let it hang? Seems like a wasted opportunity.

What you posted is a crossdresser, not a trans.
I'm sure crossdressers would be ok with it.

African tribalist

Pyronecrobeastiality. I light dead animals on fire before having sex with them. It brings me magic sexual and fighting powers.

Is there really much of a difference though? I'm not a TERF or anything but why make such a distinction?

you can enjoy crossdressing (i do) and not want to live life as a woman (i dont)

Yeah I'm sure most crossdressers don't want to get sex reassignment surgery.


crossdressers by definition doesn't want hrt or srs. Even a lot of transgenders dont want srs for lot of different reasons.

Glorious leader.

Really? Why would a girl be so insecure about her dick? It's even better than a pussy really.


Post boipuss

Pussies are feminine in the worst way possible. It's much better to have a dick. Males are extremely lucky that they are born being able to both fuck and be fucked.



We have technology, we can fix that

He's right though gaylord


Furry traps + bdsm.

Personally, I'd say vaginas look like a flesh would with roast beef attached to it, so I'd consider a tranny who plans on never undergoing SRS and doesn't mind her dick to be ideal.

Can someone hit me up with that blue pencil sketch of her getting railed from behind?


I like pussies a lot but ive never seen a psuedovag than I liked. I'm sure theyre getting better but its still really bad looking. If I ever dated a transgirl id be hoping for no rsr.

You can do more than just look at them fam.


Sure is hard to find caveman porn. Can't even find good written smut about it.

Paizuri, pretty tame tbh


does Holla Forums have any lewds of libertarian catgirl? I've got a thing for her

You first, dumb anfem.


Qt asian grills/ yellow fetush


Market socialism
I like fat, submissive matures

Marxist Leninist
Forced Feminization of nazi shotas by ugly slav hordes

i like your style

Futa on male
(2d) traps


She didn't. She stroked it herself while I was fucking her though which was a little weird, but her ass was tight so I didn't stop.

fucking baby LARPers

something about getting someone else's blood on you makes you feel way closer; like ~they're~ on you. the revolution is gonna be wild.

accelerationism isn't a political ideology, it's a tactic you dip.
read a fucking book

I can get behind this

Ancom in the sense that I think it's what will actually work, but I think it's more important for leftists to band together and support each other, regardless of tendency. Even failed attempts at socialism are better than capitalism at this point.

Women should really have dicks tbh. That way they know what it's like to have one and they can pee standing up. Just, like, genetically engineer the clit to be the size of a dick and for the urethra to run through it like on a man. I dunno, that's not so much a fetish just something I think we should do. It is related though because…

My biggest fetish is probably pre-op trannies. Vid related. I'm not even close to transgender, but I remember fantasizing about men and women having opposite genitals before I was even aware this kind of thing existed. For some reason I thought it made more sense that way. Maybe because dicks and balls are floppy and bouncy like women but twats stay in one place.

Psychoanalyze me, fam.

This one?

fuck I just realized I don't know how to spoiler images on Holla Forums whoops

I've been here for a fucking year

why, it worked just fine, unless you're a different user. in this case, under "show post options" and tick "spoiler images".

this is bad. and so wrong. i love it.

Good picture.

No thanks. Transgirls please keep your dicks. They are cute.

BDSM (maledom), ddlg

Yes. No proofs of negative effects, just empty moralizing.


you mean these?


Gentle and somewhat gentle femdom.

Role reversal.


A screenshot from a forum, you could almost be a Wikipedia source!

Sugar daddies.

OH almost forgot:

Dominant women
Women in uniforms (that are dominant)
Tall women
Short haired women
Women in nazi uniforms tying me up
Traps, which kind of tie into the whole androgynous theme we have going on here
Slight humiliation, ties into gentle femdom

Into chubbier/bigger girls. Not sure if that's a preference or fetish tho.

What if I told you I discovered my fetishes through IRL sex?

I'd call bullshit becauss we all know leftcoms don't do anything.

I found mine that way too. Most sadist porn is shit and only good in stills anyways

Should be easy for you to refute then!

basically none.

Lame as fuck

Pff, get on my level of boring. I'd actually happily fap to basically all of these in a story or artwork or whatever, but the thought of doing it myself with a real person disgusts me.


Council communist.
Lolis & traps.

Gentle rape, virgin sluts, clean scat, and handless handholding.

Ulyana is best girl.

Android girls, Malevolent AI with a female persona (ala SHODAN), Kuudere girls, Efficient Administration and gfd+rr.



Of fucking course.

caveman tom toilet seat complexion cave beasts

Ulyana X Rodina when?

I would say that you are a rare species these days.


What are these from?

He. Truly. Did. Nothing. Wrong.


What a shit-taste

Fuck off petfag.

I know

I'm not entirely sure what my ideology is, at least in terms of it's label, I just feel that it's wrong for a society to be structured in a way that the needs of the many are ignored in favor of the wants of the few, especially when the few's wants only end up increasing the severity of the many's needs.

Fetishes: gyaru, chubby girls, orgasm denial.


R Kelly pls go


None of you can understand my pain. None of you can ever understand my pain.

PS: This test doesn't cover all the bases.

Wow guys nice theory you got here.

Shouldn't you be crashing a plane into a building?

post my political fetish and sexual ideology, amidoinitrite?

top kek, an hero son.


toasting in an NSA thread

who will?

Nobody. That's the worst part about it.

that sucks.

Holla Forums

the crux of 8ch

been on this ride too long fam.


I can't get off unless I imagine I'm a girl

Planes are so 2001, trucks are the hot new shit.

hand holding, public displays of affection


Excellent taste, comrade.

The good shit.

10/10 taste

I don't have any fetishes, I just want to pleasure my partner and make her feel loved and happy :)
The only reason I can think of as to why I don't have any fetishes is because I do not lust, and thus I do not lust after specific body parts.
No need to fetish some specific act when every moment with them is bliss, and no need to fetish a body part when they're beautiful everywhere.

Anrcho-Communist here.

Reminder if you say things like this during the revolution I'll put a bullet in your head. You're no different than the bigots and fascists.

Clearly made by a retard, kids definitely can consent more than animals.

Ancom's like this are the reason I'm a tankie



What's the issue?

Mind explaining to me why diapers are attractive?
sinner hebephiles and normies always say I like diapers because I like toddlers and babies which wear them.
It's fucking annoying.
Diapers aren't attractive to me, they're covering the cuties bits; why would they be attractive?

I'd kill people for hating, discriminating against, promoting or supporting acts of violence, or anything of the sort against the vast majority if not all fetishes.
If someone says something anti-pedophile the bottom line is I won't trust you any longer and you now are a threat, and I will eliminate that threat when given the chance.

It's not my fault I'm plain, the ones I love are perfect. I have no reason to develop a fantasy about a specific body part or act to try to make things interesting.

This thread is a Holla Forums honeypot. Don't fall for it, you fucking kulaks.

light femdom I guess


You should be thrown in the gulag with all the other degenerate like you

I wouldn't mind at all, comrade. :3 Allow me to explain the best I can.

For me, diapers are kind of a self-insertion thing at times, but seeing them projected on others is really nice too. They're kind of symbolic of absence of control and dependency on a comforting protection, a helplessness that can be attributed to submission, which satisfies me whether I'm feeling more dommy or subby, because I can either take advantage of it or insert myself into it.

Plus, have you ever actually worn diapers before? They feel AWESOME. Like a fucking cloud on your butt, man. It's ecstatic. And if it's your cup of tea, they feel even better to use. So wonderfully convenient…

Plus, they just look really cute, I guess, and infantilizes the wearer, therefore making them more submissive… or even, if the case applies, more hardcore attractive, because they probably wear them to use on purpose because they don't give a fuck. That's pretty sexy too.

I could go on, as it's a pretty broad spectrum, but that's what comes to me off the top of my head. Does this help at all so far?

Wew lad, I think you accidentally clicked the Wrong flag. Here I found the right one for you.

Tankie tankie tankie…sily tankie, what's degenerative about a little baby'lovin' my komrade? Babies need love too. So do toddlers, as do little children as a whole.

Pedophilia just makes sense. We're the natural caretakers of children, and will be, in Communism, the main caregivers for children.
The bottom line is normal people, especially men, do not particularly like affection from children, do not like playing with them, often think they're generally annoying and gross, do not genuinely care about how the child feels, etc, etc.
Pedophiles are always present, always caring about how the cuties feel, rarely if ever think they're annoying or gross (at least the gender they like), NEVER get sick of kids or "need a break" like most people do, and absolutely adore and REQUIRE affection (from children) to be happily healthy individuals.

We are there for you when you want some alone time with your wife, we're there for you when you get pregnant but don't want the child nor an abortion, we're there for you when you are laying in a casket and need someone to love your kids, we're there for you when you simply want to continue your bloodline but don't want to have kids in your care, and we're there for you when you're too incompetent to care for your children in general.

You need us.
Your children need us.
We need your children.

The only way to stop fascism and bigotry is to return the favor unto thee.

Helps a little, thanks m8.
I actually have adult diapers in case SHTF and I need to be extra-efficient to say the least.
I guess I can see the dom/sub side of it and stuff, although I'm still plain af, if anything I'm sub though, that'd be a little awkward having ME wear the diaper I'd imagine :^)

Hi USSR blob.

It's true though, you can't give them a root until society is properly educated.
When that happens they'll be treated like pedos are now, or more-so like schizophrenics are. It'll be seen for what it is: a mental illness.

When they're a dominant force in this sick society thanks to being capitalists and having a stupid base to manipulate you have to get rid of them.
If they won't listen to the facts and stop being such hateful violent psychopaths, treat them. If they won't be fixed, get rid of them.

We aren't going to win a revolution and those fascists not flip their shit and try to fuck everything up, so get rid of them.

Happy I could help! :D Glad you see the practicality to the usage of diapers, too. Not many people do, because they're plagued with the "diapers are for babies" propaganda we use to "effectively" potty train our kids. :P There's plenty of other ways to do it without being so fucking discriminatory… but I digress.

It's up to you, but I highly recommend trying them out to see how they feel. And if you plan to wear for extensive periods, baby powder is important to prevent sweating and/or chafing, in which case I advise you use corn starch over talcum because it's better for the body.

Fuck off cunt.

my ass you dont. If you didn't you wouldn't have sex.

Fucking business women in the butt

Good taste my man

Dominant ones are the best though.

Same. I love brutally and violently fucking women who act dominant, smug, and bitchy irl and making them feel like cum buckets. If they have Neo-Liberal political aspirations (almost all of them do) it makes it even better.

Russian Tutor who is also grad student and is working very hard all the time and is distracted during tutoring session. i offer her glass of wine and impecabbly well blown piece of over 5k glass and ask her to take a hit and relax. conversation shifts to politics and she makes smart jokes about Putin and Xi. I ask how she feels about Putin, she says he is better than gorby but worse than what her people deserve, which is…freedom. She is 5'8 exactly and has nearly bleach white hair and piercing light blue eyes, cute little nose and wide hips, medium sized perky tits and beautiful pussy. this is my fantasy do with it what you will

Why? Such a fucking waste.

What is her first name?

I watch these girls treat the people in the positions below them terribly all day long.

>>>/liberty/ where you belong

You sound kind of reactionary user

I had not thought of a good generic russian mistress name user

Elena or Oksana are strong candidates


How so?

Comrade please I can only get so erect.

trans-girls in robot bodies with nazi uniforms tie me to the hull of my all lesbian space ship while we fall into the sun

You took too long to show up camrade

You're being too permissive, porky women should not be toerated



Do you know who is the artist for that pic?

I know handicap people who refuse to wear diapers or even pads even though they're wheel-chair bound and can't move anything but their head.
Too much pride so instead of wetting a diaper they wet their fucking chair and jeans.

What's the issue, kargs?

I don't want sex because it would wet my dick, take my virginity, or calm my hard dick.
I want to have sex because I know my cutie girlfriend would have a blast, and it'd bring us even closer together, and make our bond tighter.

I want to have sex because I love her, emotionally & romantically, so much that I want to do whatever to make her happier, healthier, and generally better off.
Sex is part of that :)

Sorry I'm not a speciest bigot.
Animals shouldn't be raped and injured for our pleasure when it's entirely unnecessary.
If you want to suck your dogs dick, I guess that'd fall into the grey area, but even having sex with a baby is WAY more moral than that.
But if you want to stick your dick up your dog's ass, I'm sorry, but you can't communicate that with your dog, and that's not going to be pleasurable or desirable to your dog. That's wrong.

I'm okay here too thank you very much fam

Reminder you should invent a machine and then kill yourself because humanity is inferior in every way.
Either throw humanity away or keep it separate :)


d-did i do good?

as for my ideology, i'm slowly transitioning from an alt-right neckbeard to a feminist tranny? i guess? i'm kind of in between ideologies right now.

What are your favorite books and what does your ideal world look like?

there is no ideal world
-ideally- we'd have small communities able to govern themselves independently, but these would prove ineffective against larger nationstates
it's hard to balance practical ideals with hedonistic ideals
a simpler life would be -better-, but our consumerist society has its pleasures which would be harder to maintain without globalism

as for favorite books, i've never been an avid reader, but i liked
possibly brave new world, but it triggered an embarrassing manic period

I say this to everybody but, read Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy. Notes from the Underground (especially Notes from the Underground) and The Death of Ivan Ilyich would serve you well. And you seem to be pretty centrist. What is your preferred economic System?

like I said, I'm a bit in between ideologies at the point, it's a bit hard to switch from right to left

it's hard to say. capitalism -works- but can result in extremely unfair living situations for low-ranking citizens, as well as the danger of megacorporations. a "free" market that's heavily moderated (livable minimum wage, power cap on corporations) would probably work best

being called nigger (I'm white btw but racial slurs are hot af)

Look up Market Socialism. It is a mixed model. I used to be a Holla Forumsack before coming here and it is what worked best for me.
Also I cannot stress enough that you read Notes from the Underground.

yeah, i'll check the books out and see if they work for me

Oh and ask a lot of questions while you're here.
Though this may not be the best thread for having a political revelation in. . .
Good luck and hope I could help.

Ancrap go home

Reformist DemSoc

I like B/S incest, hentai, and asians.



i've always wanted to cuck a rich doctor or businessman and spiritually awaken his wife with my cock OR fuck a former close friends MILF mother (i have at least 3 people i dislike who fit this criteria) and go on secret vacations as her young lover and maybe ruin her marriage

Never understood why guys' often treat their mother's like their sexual property.

I think it's supposed to be how your mother births you and nurses you and she's some kind of sacred object in that regard, and sex is viewed as defilement. Sex with the father is seen as gross, but necessary because it results in you.

its not like that. i want to violate the boundaries between me and a former friend's family by consumating with the woman who birthed him. i'm going before his existence and adding my essence to something that in some instances could result in another version of him. i also dig MILF's and women aged 25-40 who have beautiful blue eyes, raven hair and flat tummy+toned ass and back/arms


What was your relationship with your mother like user?

Cuddles are better than fucking tbh
And I'm a man (male)

no post-coital bliss and afterglow is better. dry cuddles without ensuing sex or preceding sex are a huge source of frustration for me

Really though fuck this guy

Diaz was a SJW before it was cool. Hypocrisy, egomania, self-righteousness, it was all there.

Not saying screw sex and only cuddles.
I'm saying I like it more, and would choose it over sex (if I had to, cuddles before and after sex is def the way to go)


Fuck off

Apologies for my tardiness, comrade. My homeplanet needed me.



i have a thing for brown girls. don't tell anyone

Monstergirls. Marxist-Leninist.

On a related note, why does /monster/ think you guys are raiding them.

Are you white?

I don't get it

fear porn lovin socialist

It's fucked up that you consider that a fetish

proof that Ancoms aren't legit socialists

post a pic of a brown qt

Somebody made a thread on this board about what could be done to remove Holla Forumsyp from other boards, mentioning /monster/ and Holla Forums. /monster/'s BO and some of the users are paranoid about lefties/furfags/the gays/islam/joos/communism, which to them are all the same thing, thought the thread meant we were planning to or had already started invading/raiding them and some of them started autistically screeching in the thread until it died from that and the reddit and /desu/ shit. They probably assume the BO hotpockets shit fast enough that they don't see it.

Gentle femdom, chubby-ish woman (although it's more my type than a actual fetish), feets, "MILFs", pale woman and tits. I am absolutely fascinated with tits, no matter the size. Does Freud says something about it?

Well I'm a scat fetishist and a cuckholding fetishist, not that interesting. Most other antifa I've met are the same way, which is great. It's been really easy to get in with the local community.

Nice try.

Either Holla Forums does not understand what meme is forced, in which case they are not with Kek, and cannot know him, or they understand which meme is forced, and so force it, in which case they blaspheme against Kek, and cannot know him.


Oh shit, we can officially start pic related


gulag yourselves

We could but then we'd be those people.

I know, that pic is ment to be a joke

I mean he's a tankie what do you expect?

autistic and socially awkward boys like Barron Trump and Elliot Rodger

cowgirl position

jealous of you guys. penis envy and ecstasy whenever that happens.

Given most of the stuff posted in this thread.
That is positively vanilla, fam.

Well I am gay, and I like butts, and its not like theres an alternative.

Yes pls
I was falling so hard for this short, twiggy, awkward, nasal-voiced weeb fag at work
I still miss him bad, like oneitis tier

disappointed there are only two macrophiles here.

Army girls dominating me

I like strong girls and monster or anthro girls

approve of this!

Good taste lads

There's three of us now?

four actually

Fansadox comics

The line between fetish and waifu doesn't exist for me anymore.

Good taste

I didn't expect to encounter another fan of Miracle Girls here. I'm actually still working my way through the episodes at the moment. I've watched up to 25 so far and I'm loving how comfy it is.

I was also the one who made the edit on the right. Here's another, even less vanilla version which I didn't post on /a/.

What's Miracle Girls about?

It mostly just follows the daily lives of a pair of identical twins in secondary school. They have magic powers - mainly just teleportation and telepathy - and the only people who know about their powers are their boyfriends. There's also the science teacher who suspects they have some kind of ESP powers and is constantly trying to catch them out. There are no major villains or anything - they mostly just deal with day-to-day problems, although magic often plays a role. The major focus is on the interactions between the characters rather than the problem-of-the-week.

It's a very Japanese style of show and I don't think there are any similar things in the west. There's very little slap-stick comedy and it was obviously intended for an audience of older girls. On the other hand, the relationship drama is less frequent and intense than you'd see in western teen dramas. Comfy is really the best word to describe it.

you have great taste and I hope you have a nice day


Reverse Traps are the best

Is Alunya voring a Holla Forumstard here or something?

Is it too much to ask to pork my hot, smart, non-existant sister day in and day out?

Anything fetishy happens or what is the context for those pics with text on the background?

Edits I made. The actual scene doesn't have any text. I think she's just listening to music.
You can see the unedited images in the thread on >>>/a/587567
One user has been posting lots of screencaps, so I've been having fun editing them in various (mostly lewd) ways.

Nothing fetishy happens in the show - at least the half I've seen - but it hasn't stopped me from fapping to my own imaginings of what Mikage and Tomomi might be getting up to. If you want more explicit implications of lewdness, watch something like Yuru Yuri or Kanamemo. Kanamemo in particular has some fun fetish-related scenes. Pics related.

Anyone who doesn't have thing fro brown qts just has shit taste.


Wouldn't call her cute.

Of course not.

You both have depressingly normal taste.

Pic related

What's wrong with that?


Crossdressing without full-on forced feminization.

I like to be dominant, grab the girl by her neck/choke, spank, slap and talk dirty.
Dating a virgin girl atm so when we fuck I have to be very slow and romantic I'm scared because I never had that kind of sex

I like CFNM the most but only if the women is some kind of authority figure or porky.

Aww well

Don't despair user. I've got something to cheer you up.


traps with masculine penises

She's sexy, not cute. Would smash, would not want to get to know.


Being a Japanese female voice actor in moe shits has to be the cringiest job in the world.

Well if you've fucked her she's no longer a virgin. Shame about the romancefag fucking though, you gonna try to ease her into sadism?

You didn't received the amount of motherly love and affection you needed as a child.

So you're a girl?

i don't why but i think its kinda hot when a girl speaks french its a very feminine langauge

Only if you're the sort of person who obsesses over how "cringe" various things are and judges their own worth based on Western celebrity gossip.



we'll all float on okay

i'm a liberal, and i don't have any gross sex fetishes


_ __ __ ___.

I dated a liberal once.
The whole time she asked me if I consent on doing this or consent on doing that. Consent, consent, consent. It's a fetish at this point.

Did she give you precompiled forms to sign before the act?

libertarian left

bdsm, dom
dd/lg, dom

If she did, I wouldn't

Im a girl who likess being dominated and simulating rape, which admittedly is an extreme fetish but being obsessed with consent is a turn off for me

Astral Projection


What the fuck is going on here?

where can I find some more alunya/rodina lewdness



my dream is to be tied up and be sexually abused by a bunch of hebe/teen girls.

guess you can call that hebedom

w-what did you do user


I met a sub girl who was into bdsm and we did a lot of stuff.

What the hell is this shit? I came to Holla Forums for political discussion, not kinkshit.

It's a datamining thread which starts off as a joke but eventually devolves into teenager leftists blogging about their sex lives.


Why are you bumping this shitty thread with one word one flag stereotypical comment?



getting money


There is no point in having sex..

COINTELPRO is getting really weird

Transbianism (it's not really my fetish, it's just my romantic preference actually, but my fetishes could be summed up in that PNG)

So you wouldn't date CIS women?

I mean i would but i'd prefer a transgirl Like my gf :3c