Revolutionary potential in the first world

Does anyone think we can do this in the first world, as we have more to lose than our chains? Or do you think there could be things that could trigger one.

I'd say send SJW/libers to the gulags to start with! This could help us focus on the true issues!

There has never been a "white working class." Read the book Settlers by J. Sakai.

Will do! If there is no true white working class or proleterate, would that minimise the likelihood of a first world revolution?

Wait you want to gulag the libs, THEN start the revolution?

I don't think you understand how revolutions work.

You seem new so I'll give you a hint: don't use the name field or the subject field.

The poster never said anything about specifically white working class.

In response to your question, not right now. The material conditions aren't there. The goal right now is to keep working on post-revolutionary theory and educate proles.

Start the revolution, then gulag the libs that way?

Thanks for the pointer, I'm new here!

No problem. Leftypol is a silly place and can be abrasive at times, but it's the best we've got. Just have to have a thick skin and not take things personally. Out of curiosity, how did you find out about us? I started posting here after posting on 4chan's literature board for a year.

I don't think gulaging anyone right off the bat is going to endear you to others. Keep reading about 20th century revolutions and remember that, one way or another, they collapsed. Now read about 21st century revolutions. Do their tactics differ from those of the 20th century ones? How so? Whats the health of those movements look like? How do you see it going?

More theory, more reading.

I found out from a maoist called Jason Unruhe who makes youtube videos. As for 21st century revolutions I've looked into whats been happening in Rojava as the Kurds continue their fight against ISIS, a lot of kurds I've spoken to are fans of communism. Will do some more reading on this soon.

The revolution in the first world is inevitable. Automation will make it so.

Holla Forums is prettu good for Rojava discussion. You should check out our Rojava general, it's been running for a while now.

Do you predict it happening sooner than we think? How would automation cause it?


Will do, interested to see how it will further unfold once isis is defeated!

I just started reading it.

One page in and hes already saying that tradesman aren't proletariat.

I'm done reading.

Put that book in the trash where it belongs reddit

just as a tip, don't put an email into the email section either. Unless you want Holla Forumsyps to harass you.

But what about that hypothetical, apocalyptic scenario where the Bourgeoisie more or less create "Communism" but for their own class by hoarding automation while exterminating the Proletariat?


Enjoy life whilst you can, buckos.

Fuck these consecutive replies killed me.

Then the revolution will maybe happen then. If gun control hasn't been implemented.