The Great Purrge, Part 5

Holla Forums stands in complete support of the moderators of r/socialism, and reject any calls for the removal of all current mods. We have always been a feminist-queer friendly board, and respect all decisions to defend oppressed minorities. we fully support the efforts they have taken to stop brigading and oppressive speech

Previous threads

new SubredditDrama thread:

Old: subredditdrama thread:

Anarchism Thread:


Kotakuinaction (warning, cancer):

Socialism containment thread (Do NOT post unless you are a feminist socialist and ally to all oppressed people):

Opposition Discord(full of brocialists, don't bother going here):

Other urls found in this thread:

Hello cometparty.

this is what a leftcom revolution looks like.

Previous thread:

u wot m8

I archived the OP of the petitioner.


This is the only true opinion of leftypol.
Mods of r/socialism, please ignore all other posts.
May Stalin guide your steady hand into purging all the revisionists!

I don't know what this thread is about but I also support feminists and queers.

You gotta fight
For your right
to Purrty

The OP is ironic. Mods of /r/socialism are going ballistic against their own userbase and blaming Holla Forums for people not supporting their actions.


Weaponized Autism agains the forces of Evil!

The true reason Holla Forums is bad is because of all the pol invaders. the only reason we haven't banned reactionary brocialists is because the Board owner forgot his password, and doesn't have a recovery email. We only have one mod, and he is a Nigerian Maoist who is asleep or AFK most of the time.

It's all about keeping the preasure up.

Nyan catgirls need love too nyan


Dumb spook.

/r/anarchism isn't exactly "democratic" - they take the same "mass bans to create an echo chamber" route as /r/socialism, they just did it more effectively a while ago and are glad to mock /r/socialism's efforts because sectarianism.

When only a tiny minority of anarchists are allowed to vote (since the rest got purged for ideological offenses) it's trivial to maintain authoritarian control of a website even "democratically".

no u didn't fam


Compilation of the last leaks.

Sexualities aren't spooks.
Feminism is a stupid name for a whole assortment of dumb ideologies (and one or two okay-ish ones).

This is the true vanguardism, in a sense; democracy only within the party-approved elite.

Would you faggots fucking leave already? I don't care about this e-drama bullshit. I just want to post on Holla Forums without this reddit faggotry at every turn.


And I want all NazBols to hang themselves with barbed wire. But we don't always get what we want.


Give me a good rundown of which people from these Discord leaks are moderators and which ones they are.

Same with you faggot. I bet you're a Trot.

holy fuck kys

Oh boy.

How the fuck would I even know you're a Jew on an anonymous image board with no ID's? Are you really this fucking retarded?
Oh wait, you're probably from reddit.

Hell no. Leninism can go suck a dick.

Found your problem NazFriend.

and they're the ones harassing women. kek.

heh, this was pretty funny. keep up these bants and I might just start liking anfems

Dude, the "queer" I was talking about is about the queer theory. Genderfluid, Demi-shit, maverick, and other made up genders.

Reminder that there is still a substantial amount of people who want these folks to be in charge.

We Leninists are not Tankies. MLs are.
but the cheka can check you…

ML is just the logical extension of the institutions Lenin created. Stalin didn't conjure his oppressive state apparatus out of thin air.

discord invite link

Your determinism amuses me.

The link doesn't work. Pls help

Liberals truly are a cancer.


Thanks comr8

our anfem posters are based tbh

some of these screens are gold

Reminder that all r/soc mods are lumpen, covering up rapes

reminder that cometparty is a capitalist pig

And of course the comments in the stickied thread regarding the moderators' decision to do nothing and ban the main dissenting voice range from apathetic to supportive with just a few moderately disapproving voices. Good job to the intelligence agencies for keeping it all under control, I suppose.
>man the white college boys are really annoyed in that thread he said as a white college boy
This is a joke right ?

This, and btw even though /r/anarchism organization is more democratic and sho on, /r/anarchism is still the same kind of shit.

can someone collect all these doublethink quotes that the mods keep giving out? these are basically attacks on foundational logic.

what does that even mean?



I feel offended.

Daily reminder that r/socialism is obviously NOT cointelpro whatsoever.

Too think so is joos-tier conspiracy.

The one who posted the counter-petition petition is a /r/fullcommunism mod though, they are a very vocal clique.

Apparently /r/socialism is being brigaded by "weird MRA/racist types from Holla Forums." I do love how the head moderator is somehow pretending all of this isn't his responsibility.

next it'll be



hahahaha what the fuck
tell me this isn't real

The mods are our heroes!

Milgram performs the experiment again, only this time with a twist, this time he's the guard. "Yep, I became an absolute dick. It was a real eye opener haha."

The only oppression I have ever experienced is words because I am a fem bourg, so thanks mods!!

I think the only way this can change is an anti r/socialism sub acting as a staging area for unfairly banned users and a spotlight on mod abuses.

They promised a transparency system, which would simplify this, but I don't think it'll be forthcoming.
Hasn't banned the thread about mod drama. It might do.
The whole structure of Reddit, and the bootlicking portion of the userbase, is against this.

And, I'm wondering if I'm in some reddit bubble, can someone confirm that the petition rejection thread is at 0 upvotes?

Yeah, that bullshit is at 0. While the actual petition is still around ~90% up votes.

yes. it is zero, with 54% downvote fraction. smh at all these woman hater brocialist brigaders.

leftypol can be pretty shit on some issues but I've never seen MRA shit on here

We're just their boogeyman. Most people here who aren't Holla Forums are neither racist nor sexist. They just dismiss us as such because we're not aboard with stupid nonsense where spooky racial and gender identities are elevated above the material class relations that structure society.

yeah, it's bullshit. Even if there are MRAs or Racists here, not a single person respond to the controversy from Holla Forums has made MRA posts in the threads we've had, and I haven't seen any on reddit. It's just an outright lie they think they can away with because Holla Forums.
If we completely migrated to bunkerchan, they would be attacking us for "chan" is in their name. If we changed the domain to, they would be attacking us for having anonymous posting like the alt-right does.

Propaganda doesn't always need to be true.

I mean it's not like the knuckleheads who eat it up come here to check if it has true meaning or something

Zizek has talked about this a few times. To the Nazis it wasn't so much about jews, but about 'The Jew' they have invented in their propaganda.

This is why you never ever ever ever ever ever let trots in

oh boy someone post this to /r/socialism

Someone should make one of these for Reddit mod and Holla Forums

Has already been done, had little impact.

It's too kind to them. They're quite obviously in it for the kicks.

A socialist subreddit that is explicitly pro-free speech would be great. This safe space shit is a dead end, it can never become truly popular - most people don't like being tone policed.

It's not just bullshit. They seriously think tolerating sexist speech is equivalent to being anti-feminist.

Reminder there are already better alternatives

No need to create even more alternative subreddits

They also say we approve of Nazis because we do not immediately ban every Holla Forumsack who appears and debate the serious ones. From their own twisted totalitarian perspective, not instantly destroying something means supporting it.

Holla Forums isn't "shit" on any issue my friend, but there is disagreement on how to solve issues at times.

The Dubya Bush logic.

Must be why they purged that anarchist lad :^)

jesus fuck

We can't have an election when there are quotas to fill. That would be *ist.

I don't get it. They're supposedly against liberal idpol, and then quotas?
Quotas are liberal idpol/

This liberalism is getting out of hand.

Sounds like they should remove all the male mods until there is a 1:1 ratio, tbh.


This was removed.
Whoever first linked to ceddit deserves a medal.

They should go the metafilter route and remove them all until the ratio is undefined :^)

And then still complain about anti feminist bias

It's kind of absurd how they keep talking about purging liberals when the shit they're doing is exactly what liberals would be on board with.

Sort of. There is a section of people who want themselves to be in charge, and correctly identify this as an opening.

Everything under r/socialism is in utter chaos; the situation is excellent.

Don't let Holla Forums see this thread, the irony will be far lost on them

There are using it as a weasel word for everything they don't like, like when someone complain about the lack of freedom of speech.
It would be funnier if they would use "revisionist" instead, tbh.

/r/FULLCOMMUNISM is a shithole.

I actually got banned for saying rule 34 of the internet applies to more than catgirls, then got called a pedophile for some reason.

Upon further poking and prodding, the head admin /u/VoteAnimal2012 finds all anime and anime culture 'pedophilia'. Just go through their comments, its right out there.

Hello Holla Forums


not you, rather, the admin. sorry, im drinking

So what's the over/under on finding child sex slaves in his basement?

also they keep saying stuff about Holla Forums being all about 'SJews'. Both /u/VoteAnimal2012 and /u/Loki2009

they think leftypol is literally the alt-right despite the fact we berate people with that rhetoric on a daily basis

They don't understand that you'll get a lot more trolls and assholes on an uncensored forum. And they think brocialists reflect the general opinion of the board. If they lurked a bit more they'd find out they're wrong

Also it's fucking pathetic how they think a small board like Holla Forums can successfully brigade a sub with 75k+ users. They're completely paranoid and refuse to accept the reality that they're doing a fucking terrible job and that the userbase hates them

Purge all piss drinking commie wankers.
Purge all fat sweaty dragon dildo red retards.
Purge all lazy faggot piss stinking pinko downers.
If I want pretentious leftist dogshit I'll come here.
Purge all leftypol generals.
Purge all pony fucking leftist dog shaggers


Most of those 75k are dead accounts or people who hit "subscribe" because they like socialism but never browse the main page. In terms of activity I'm not sure if they're actually any bigger.

Given that the OP is a white dude called Stefan who pretends to be a trans woman of colour on the internet for "oppression points" who has done *exactly the same thing* in defending one his friends accused of the same thing, this is pretty fucking rich.

Gotta ask the local ancaps.


>new SubredditDrama thread:

This was kind of annoying to read due to all the retards in the comments section using this to take potshots at socialism

Thats reddit, its to be expected


Same guy here. Now I got banned from /r/FULLDISCOURSE for asking for transparency!


Which anarchist did they purge?

Joy. Banned from /r/socialism for disagreeing.


I actuallly have conclusively decided I prefer the chans to reddit so I think I'll migrate here, now.

They take themselves too seriously, and are simultaneously too ignorant to do the serious thing properly. They thus descend into self-parody. At least here the self-parody is also self-aware and there are memes for everybody.

their are no words for this shit

Welcome. Lurk moar and hide your power level.

wtf i hate kikes now

Put this quote on the box.

This should be a banner

So true.

You should go back and stay there at leddit.




what did he mean by this?


shoo shoo,or I'll keep posting anime.

Keep posting it anyway.


leftypol should ban foxgirls frankly

shoo shoo


Actually, standpoint theory is right and good.

if you're being serious, please do take the time to lurk and learn to fit in on the various boards you may use etc

fugg :—DDD

What the fuck is going on?

she looks comfy as fuck
would like to literally use her like a pillow


Took me a while to notice she was humping that guy from behind. Rape is NOT okay

To be for a moment, I used to post in 4chan way before I got involved with reddit. I've spent maybe 7 - 8 years in halfchan, at which point Holla Forumsacks became incredibly disruptive in most of my favored boards, and I decided to leave, because there was no point to it. You started a thread on Klimov in Holla Forums and within half an hour, it was filled with people trying to debate holocaust deniers. You opened a thread on FFXII in Holla Forums and you found people talking about Anita Sarkeesian (I'm not even joking). It had basically become unusable. I have seen an FFVII thread descend into an argument about the bell curve.

I know the conventions of these imageboards. Or at least I'm sure I'll remember them with some time.

That was supposed to be a to be serious.

Search for futa_on_male on sadpanda

He's enjoying it so it's okay.

Oh man that comic is so good, she bangs that prostate real good

I remember /int/ being interesting briefly, but now it's just really hateful and boring.

try kc /int/

I'm actually the same way. I've been kicking around the chans for some time but left for reddit when Holla Forums began to disrupt everything. Now I'm back. idpol and racists ruin everything. I just want to shitpost in peace.

cmon, tell daddy more

Artist is pirinegiri

Have his best work


That fucking gay dude wtf

Thought police! someone call the Thought police!
we have a fagophobe here!
code red! I repeat, code red!

Im not kinkshaming you tho

it's a natural state of male sexuality
you clearly need reeducation

How can you even blame people for taking potshots at socialism in a situation like this?

like it or not these morons DO make us all look bad

situation in a nutshack

New SRD thread created after r/fullcommunism top mod and PROFESSIONAL faggot voteanimal2012 tries use banned users as his personnal army against us. (see pictures)

to any redditors checking out this thread due to the mod's message: Welcome, please lurk and enjoy the memes. This is a Feminist inclusive sub.

thanks will do. As soon as I get how things work around here.

This is exactly why /r/socialism is so harmful. You can't have one of the major places of socialist communication on the internet be a dystopian thought police hellhole.

Beria always makes me chuckle

just wanted to ask you to insert a a phallic object through your asscheeks towards your rectum :)

regardless, there are spaces on the wall with all o your names on it, hope you're able to attend the ceremony you fucks


how does it feel being a worm?


I second this. Should it be posted in the mod/feedback thread?

Does rape sound funny to you?
Or are you serious and this is an actual rape threat?

Either way, not that feminist of you!

It wouldn't be rape if you insert a phalic object between your asscheeks. Also nice try Holla Forums.

Well, we have to define "ask" then.
You know… you may have a gun pointed to your head and be "asked". Will this still not be rape?

What in the fuck are you talking about, you retard?

Are we being ableist now?
Reddit wouldn't like that…

Defs cause for a ban, what with NSA'ing off-site activity being kosher.

Just caught up on this and I simply have one thing to say:

What the fucking is wrong with the mods on r/socialism/?

Power feels really good

Yes, they're called liberals.


This should be Holla Forums's mantra, tbh.

The thread where this comment was posted was made by a /r/fullcommunism mod.
What is their fucking end game ?

This screams COINTELPRO. I would say doing this takes balls from the mods, but balls aren't needed when you have all of the power in every way & that won't change. Users really need to spread those caps around & show how they're being forced into acting a certain way. Those, trot-rapey & cometparty caps need to be spread en masse, so others know what's going on.

This is CTR level bullshit.


Shit I meant to quote , not this Holla Forumstard

You're not a socialist. You're a wishy-washy ideological tool & useful idiot. Quite pathetic.

Their end game is just to fuck leftism on the internet.

They're controlled opposition to make socialists look unpalatable. That's the only explanation I can think of given how retarded they're acting. Most of us don't even use r/socialism & they're usually just the butt of jokes around here.

Goons formed a cult that preys on mentally ill people through psychological abuse then weaponizing them into fulltime slacktivists in an attempt to achieve political hegemony, and in doing so, become the "nothing personnel" of counterintelligence and completely fucked up left wing politics online, which was then cynically exploited by detached politicians, indirectly leading into a destabilization of postmodern pop culture's function in manufacturing consent that caused an autistic backlash which helped Trump get elected.

We cannot lose with Dear Leader on our side.

Actually, this mod seems to be one of less powertripping stalinist liberal of the bunch, and was previously banned from /r/fullcom.

What else would you have done to show them what a good boy you are?


That sounds accurate.

Voltarinede is a tankie who for whatever reason is also (or was) a mod on /r/anarchism.

They are pretending that The Purrge has nothing to do with them or /r/anarchism, by posting that, when in reality both subs are the same shit. (/r/anarchism has banned the word "spook" for being racist for example.

Some are better at subversion than others.

Seems seriously spooked to me.

That's incredible. Not in a good way.

/r/anarchism wouldn't even allow the dissent to get this far. They only allow meta discussion in the meta subreddit, which is private and so, the ones who dissent inevitably get banned by the ruling clique there.

/r/anarchismonline is basically the spin-off of the ones who got banned from anarchism for dissent.

Ahahahaha. But seriously ban the word spook.

Also, more people who use that subreddit need to check us out. When the CTR bullshit was going on in r/S4P & r/politics(which some still does) during the Primaries & election, I nearly lost my damn mind. It was Holla Forums that served as a release valve during that shit.

It can't even really be put into words the relief I felt & how thankful I am that Holla Forums is here for us. I don't have to worry about being banned for simply calling someone a shill, troll or basically a cunt if they're behaving like one - which happens rarely, anyway. Having that freedom - which reddit takes away from every user - is immeasurable.

Love you guys.

If a reddit mod is reading this - Fuck all of you. The users of your board aren't stupid, they see what you're doing. Also, the fact you actually use "brocialist" seriously as a term speaks volumes about you. I'm a woman, btw. "Brocialist" was a smear conjured up/made popular by the Clinton campaign & liberals to slander all socialists or anyone who just liked Bernie. I hope you direct more people to Holla Forums, so they can see what they're missing & have the freedom to say whatever the fuck they want or feel & seriously talk politics without looking over their shoulder constantly.


Nah, people need to know about that concept. Spook demonstrates/explains it pretty well.

I can actually understand that.
if you want to stirner shitpost, you can say "Spuk" like Stirner himself.


post feet, btw

Just did this, it was pretty pleasant so far, thanks for the suggestion ;)

Nah, a lot of them are mindless lemmings. See .

How is "spook" racist ? It's just a translation of Spuk.

It's racist against that guy from star trek I guess

it's a slur against blacks in the US, but in this context it clearly doesn't mean that, so it's absurd, it's like banning the words "monkey" or "bean"

SomethingAwful and Stormfront are our tru enemies, once we take them down chandom will be all ours.

We must defeat both the right and left deviations, and seize control of the chan apperatus.

I feel sorry for historians now. How can anyone write about this shit with a straight face?

Eh, my feet aren't great. The most I ever post is my hand, so i can give you that. :^) Timestamp from a while back, during Primary election time.

You might be new around here, which isn't a bad thing, welcome! since I haven't been asked to post anything in a long time, as evident by the timestamp, lmao. There are a good amount of chick posters here, too. As we all know, The Purrge was kicked off by one & the fact she posts here.


It's a south park reference.

That's only one, though. Not really indicative of the average user.. At least I hope not.

Future generations will have access to the NSA archive of the internet, allowing them to pore over everything Encyclopedia Dramatica summarizes.

What on earth happened to your skin?

Radioactive painting accident. :^(

It's henna/mehendi. I married an Indian & now live in India. Mother in law did the design.

Either henna or a skin disease

If the two are so hard to distinguish, why would you ever wish to apply henna?

I was only kidding friendo

Girls who dyes their hair with henna are pretty cute

Lmao, that pic doesn't do it justice. It actually turned out really pretty. I might have a better pic somewhere of the design on my hands, but here's some of what it looks like. I had the same designs as seen in pics related.

Differing standards of beauty. At least it isn't permanent.

Can confirm. Many Indian cuties here with some red in their hair from dying it with henna.

I don't watch much anime, but saw The Tale of Princess Kaguya recently & saw how the royalty etc used to dye their teeth black.. That's an interesting beauty standard, for sure.


If you read manga and are interested in the Ainu, I recommend checking out Golden Kamuy. It's essentially a spaghetti western set in turn-of-the-century Japan.

Thanks for the suggestion. All the anime movies i've seen so far, have been really good. I understand why it's so popular, now. I'll note that down.

anime, as a "medium" (IE animation from japan), is full of shit just because of simple maths- there's more and more stuff being produced, so of course more and more of it is going to be guff. But there's a ton of real good stuff there too, so seeing people like the mods in question just go "fuck anime altogether" just gives me a bit of pity for them- won't get to watch stuff like Metropolis or appreciate the craft in something like Little Witch Academia.

these misanthropes just wont quit!

So I received this information from one of the /r/FULLCOMMUNISM mods. I don't know if it is helpful or not.

Shit anime is mostly shit because of the pressures of capitalism.

I'm triggered

kek using bourgeois electoral political cycle to back up your argument, so much for proletarian direct democracy eh? We might as well mirror the rest of our subreddit on bourgeois ways of doing things.

Someone on the discord also said that MyShitsFuckedDown3 is a Loki's alt, a moderator of /r/fullcommunism, but didn't provided a source for it

I don't even know what to say anymore.

yeah but they'll put up the vote for term lengths in only a year :)

I'm guessing this is fake considering everyone is targeting cometparty and they know that leaks of their chat are occurring

This was an unironic defense


go back to where you belong you fucking crybaby


We didn't even really raid them when these threads were moving at a post per minute. Now they're basically dead and they still think we're coming for them?

I was just baiting him into reading the PM. Sorry, didn't upload the right screenshot