I think the reaction of this board to the "violence" that happened yesterday is full documentary proof of the spoiled, pampered generation of left-leaning youths we have today. Us left-wingers just aren't what we used to be, nowadays left-wingers will cry at violence, they'll cry when a dog dies or when a tree gets cut down, how do you expect us to kill a man if just the mere sight of human primitive aggression drives chills down our spine? You must understand, people, that violence is necessary to advance any cause, left-leaning or not.
I think the reaction of this board to the "violence" that happened yesterday is full documentary proof of the spoiled...
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my sides
most of the people bitching about it were Holla Forums anyway
the leftist here are either for it (fuck bofa, starbux, and mcds tbh), don't care and thinks it doesn't accomplish anything, or think it's bad pr
nobody here is crying for the poor little corporations and their property
Nigga we're fucking broke, living with our parents, working shit jobs, going to school for jobs that may or may not come up, there's global warming, impending missile crises, economical collapse (not that I'm complaining), mass extinction and whatever else and you're saying we're spoiled?
Maybe liberals, neocons, democrats, and repubs are, but leftists aren't.
copying from the n-th thread on this shit:
There's spectacular violence and transformative violence. The latter branches into two: personal and political. Personal transformative violence is when you read theory, when you move from point A to point B intellectually, when you witch hunt your ideological attachments, when you change your subjectivity itself. Political transformative violence, similarly, is when your collective actions change the political landscape itself.It seems we have very different ideas of productive action. All this: and what do you do besides reading shit is so cancerous to radical groups. It's cancerous because it promotes pseudo-activity and drooling enjoyment of the spectacle.
I'd say anyone living in the West is probably very spoiled, yes, you are living in a suburbia, you're not getting constantly targeted by drones, you're not in danger of being shot or missiled as soon as you step out of your mudshack door, I'd say in comparison to how 90% of the world lives, you ARE very very spoiled indeed.
I have a fine job, live on my own and have a perfectly pleasant live thus far. Not everyone is a leftist because they're poor. Besides, even poor people in the West are generally still better off than some Chinese factory worker or African farmer.
How else are we supposed to get rid of fascists? Or at least silence them? We know you can't kill an idea, but you can at least prevent it from being spread. The only way to do this is violence, and if you're against this I'm not sure you can call yourself Holla Forums.
Do you realize people can care for multiple things? What are people going to do? Move to a worse place?
If not dying by U.S. imperialism is spoiled, then so be it.
Well congrats, I guess?
Yes, and I can focus on multiple issues as well.
I'm not saying you should move to a worse place, I'm saying that instead of trying to defend your spoiled way of life, you should embrace it. What you can also do is you can bring the third world to fascists, you can make them fear for their lives.
To be honest I just wish the protestors didn't have cunts who'd back down at any sign of real violence. One punch to the face and they cry and run off, it's just not going to cut it. At the same time what they did is better than just shitposting on an anonymous image board.
spoiled implies their's something wrong with or harmful to ones character or beliefs in not being bombed/living in a thirdworld-slum
Yeah we all have it better. So? Even those kids getting bombed, I can point to some kid abducted by sadistic sex-trafficers and say this kid has it worse, be happy you even have a mudhut.
And it's not like we're in favor of what your talking about anyway. We're not the rightists and neoliberals
God then you could've just said that
The point is your aggressive insistence we remain nonviolence is worse than actual cointelpro.
It's good pr.
Said it in the other thread saying it here. How?
M8 the world is about image, this random pointless violence does not benefit any cause, it only labels anything connected to it as bad in the eyes of the public.
I am all for coordinated violence, targets who will have impact and the results are calculated and beneficial. That would be an assassination group, now a bunch of angry people breaking things up benefits noneone
Why are smashies so delusional?
Yes, what communists need is a rebrand.
I for one suggest Just Communism - I feel it will really test well with our focus group.
Yes you are all really spoiled brats, grow up.
Checkers go spend some time with your family, your mother misses you.
It wouldn't of gone our way either way
When it came down to Hilldawg v the dolan we were all rooting for pissbaby don.
Unless that cause is to cause damage to capitalist institutions. It serves that cause rather directly and immediately. It's also been the majority of my perception of anarchists while growing up, and now that I'm an adult I can say it hasn't been bad PR at all, it's made me like them more and more until I picked up a book about it.
Besides, why talk about the eyes of the public and then mention assassination in the same post, wouldn't you be better off participating in nonviolent representational democracy if appearances were so important?
That short term destruction is nothing in the grand scheme of things, and you might like them but the majority of people doesnt.
And sadly unless you get superpowers you ll need a way to get the people to either start a rebellion or get into the government to change it from there.
Assassinations are secret, nobody knows who does it, they can only speculate, they arent really an open thing that affects public image because they arent really publicly connected to any group, and if done right there might not even be any proof thus disposing the dangerous elements with nobody noticing.
Oh jesus christ just shut the fuck up nobody cares.
I don't think many of us are opposed to violence, but I'm not sure that smashing some windows and throwing a public tantrum really qualifies as violence in any meaningful sense anyway.
what is polemics ITT?
It expresses a discomfort with the current system.
I disagree, spontaneous revolt can spark spontaneous revolt, and I doubt your assassinations would be good for PR. I'd go as far as to say without a culture of resistance, the general public would never accept an anarchist political assassination.
Everybody knows who did it. The enemies of the dead guy.
Good propaganda and crowd cover, as well as enough of this sort of violence at once could technically break all the windows in every building everywhere and, that'd be something :^)
By that logic though if that happens you can abuse that fact to make your opposition look like they are assassinating their enemies.
Deception is a powerful tool that should be used, like fake "leaks"
speak for yourself m80, i'm 6 months from getting my MD (might continue to do a PhD afterwards), own my own appartment and have 110k in stocks.
It is. So is destruction though, I think it'd be better to destroy a pipeline than turn it off for a few hours like some have done.
That's the limitation of this model, exactly. A revolution needs more than spontaneity.
So just because I, as a frightened citizen, value security—safety, harmony, and stability of society, of relationships, and of self—with tradition—respect, commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that traditional culture or religion provide the self—along with conformity—restraint of actions, inclinations, and impulses likely to upset or harm others and violate social expectations or norms—,that I'm someone who is meant to have violence delivered onto them?
The state provided propaganda was right about all you violent minded Marists!
Doesn't mean there's any good in saying "hey don't do that" when at least it's good propaganda.
No, because you are a fascist, you will be met with violence. Your entire ideology is based on dedicating yourself to making everybody, including your own, life absolutely miserable. You deserve it. A man with a gun busting into a theatre deserves to get shot whether he thought he was saving us from gray aliens or not.
You raise a fair point. And you're right, the masses are not fired to Communist revolutionary enthusiasm by reading the theories of Karl Marx but by the promises of paradise made to the people by thousands of agitators in the service of an idea.
It was always so, and it will always be so.
Fuck off
I have no problem with smashing stuff, civil disobedience and even rioting, but I find the idea of intentionally physically harming other humans to be pretty abhorrent and only justified in immediate self defense.
Everyone accepts that rape is wrong, so what makes that wrong but other violent acts are normalised in left and right?
smashy smashy!!
Vielen Dank, Polen.
To the anons hinting at violence being a legitimate means of causing change in the current year US.
No it won't.
Police state, NSA sees everything un-encrypted, country divided 50/50.
NOW is not a time that violence can be used in any way in the US. There is not enough support for it, you will alienate half of the left and all of the right. Winning a battle, sometimes, loses the war.
What percentage of the current year US would support this violence?
If less than 75, don't bother doing it.
Civil_War2.0 much?
Political propaganda isn't of the order of the Imaginary (spectacular outbursts of violence, the imagery of two forces clashing, smashie porn) but of the Symbolic (calls for unity against a common enemy, proposals for political change, collective restructuring).
From my standing the ISIS beheading porn and the black bloc smashie porn shares a common thread, and lures people with common attributes.
Just saying it's not propaganda doesn't mean it's not propaganda. ISIS gets recruits from the west. Maybe it's working. Maybe people respond well to shows of power.
The violence is there to satisfy primal urges of the lizard brain.
Actual thought is not something these people have. They choose a Brand of "Faith" and follow it because it feels good to them to follow. it provides comfort a auto your in club with others and possible financial and social incentives to follow the herd.
Following the herd is easy that's for weak prey types. Any type of faith/ideology and people will lap it up to feel good.
Media and public schooling teach people to choose sides. You need to be apart of this or that group choose your allies and make your bed with whatever thing will make you happy.
The truth will not make you happy it will not make you friends and it will not make you rich. its the quickest surest path to destitution and loneliness. Most people want to swallow the lies any lie that conforms to whatever viewpoint they have chosen as there Firm ground to stand on.
Very few people I have met are capable of not having that firm ground. Of reasoning out why something can be good on a personal level or a societal level. why things are bad. they choose the good of what they believe and ignore the bad.
No man can be a island in regards to understanding the world and how it functions. However to blindly follow ideology. to just choose a group is disingenuous. To signal support for anything other then ideas and the direct merit of them or lack thereof is nothing more then virtue signaling. the violence committed was disgusting bland and unimportant. It was violence for the sake of violence the ideology was the excuse not the reason.
That is the truth of the matter.
The left needs to die.
I am further left than Gandhi on the political map but I can't wait until the day that I can say "The left is dead; Long live the left".
This SJW marx shit is killing it way too slowly, I need it to die faster, to limit harm to it's image.
I think it's a bastardization of the term, for a communist at least…
If what ISIS is doing is to be considered "propaganda" they are such with a rallying call for the same. The same capitalist exploitation with a different, religious face.
Black bloc is even less than that. It is a "propagation" of its form, nothing more, and systematically speaking, a non-alternative. Hence the spectacular character of smashie.
The Venus Project – however inane – does "propaganda" for a non-viable alternative.
I'd restrict myself – at least in our emancipatory context – from using the term "propaganda" so broadly. Propaganda should be a rallying call for a clear and viable alternative, a rallying call for a political subjectivity to be adopted by those it is aimed at.
You know that lizard brain stuff is shit right?
90% of the world doesn't live like that 750,000,000 whites and 1.2 billion chinese don't live like that. Sri Lankans, Ghanans, Indians and Indonesians live like that. But Euro and East Asian Cultures aren't like that at all. We're not in charge, we're all very depressed, being as close to the source of porky as we are drains you mentally and emotionally
That stupid bitch is the picture of a faggot liberal pseud, fuck yourself
No its real, your amygdala is your fear center and its enlarged in psychopaths considerably, your disgust and violence centers are bigger the more aggressive and reactionary you are. Part of the issue with leftism is that conversely leftists are highly intellectual and amenable to compromise or discussion instead of conflict while conflict tends to be the most effective means for political change
I always will.
But human death isn't a problem for me.
Yeah bro. I'm making six figures as a chef at Wendy's currently. Life is good
I hope Trump fires you, FBI. This is a sad, ineffectual waste of my tax dollars and with the national debt higher than a hippie on the third day of an open-air music festival, I think this is the exact kind of fat he needs to trim.
So instead of doing anything about those issues you attack groups of people who represent less than 1% the nation's political alignment. OP is right.
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