Syrian Social Nationalist Party

Our they fascists or are they /ourguys/? Cus their ideology sounds exactly like texbook fascism despite collaborating with commies.

Can there ever be fruitful communist fascist collaboration?

No, whoever comes into power first will kill the other side.

Hi Holla Forums

No. The ideologies are antithetical.

To the SSNP's credit they do have the coolest named armed wing on the planet: the Eagles of the Whirlwind.


Being genuine here. Clearly in the Middle East it isnt such a controversial idea. SSNP have been closely alligned with Syrian communists for many years.

They've been alligned with Syrian Baathist's who are basically just Islamic fascists with some left rhetoric. They have cooperated with the PFLP in the past but you have to remember that the Middle East makes for some strange bedfellows all in the name of anti-imperialism.

turdposition fascism

"Syrian Communists" - they are the worst kind of tankie

Syria General on 4pol likes them which says a lot


Basically the Nazbol Duginists of the middle east;
They dislike capitalism the same way succdems do in the sense that 'lots of capitalism is bad but a little bit is good'. The party only became left-wing because of mixing with the Palestinian and leftist groups in the Lebanon.
There is nothing Marxist,communist nor anti-class struggle about the party at all.
They also have a retarded Duginist-like idea of geopolitics where they want to conquer over countries simply to be stronk and anti-western.

They're in Lebanon as well.

Depends on the type of fascism, but yes a collaboration can exist and work

They literally /shipositionists/

Friendly reminder:

And toward you specifically:

They're definitely left nationalists in the context of the MENA, left of the Ba'athists, Islamists etc but to the right of Rojava, the MLKP, the PFLP etc.

By that logic there can be no collaboration between Communists because Stalin had Trotsky (and many others) murdered. And that was done by Nazis, not Fascists. The two are very similar but not exactly the same, and Mussolini was more to the left than Hitler.

A core part of fascism is class collaboration which socialism vehemently opposes. The two ideologies are incompatible. Give it up Holla Forums.

Baathist parties and their affiliates aren't even meaninfully left anymore. Assad is a neoliberal reformist who tried to turn back the few good things the Ba'ath party did with nationalisation. The whole Baathist praxis these days revolves around screeching the phrase "resist imperialism", which only the tankiest of tankies can truly get on board with.

If pan Arabism is to come back again it has to be under a different guise than this dead meme

The SSNP isn't pan arab you retard.

Corporatism doesn't require class collaborationism. Corporatism without class collaboration is essentially guild socialism or syndicalism.

Absolutely not. Either we kill them or they kill us. There is no allying with fascists.