Why has this board become so liberal and counterrevolutionary lately?
People unironically supporting TPP now that Trump overturned it
How the fuck can a leftist be pro tpp
There's a few on here who have defended it.
Shut up Holla Forumstard, nobody is supporting the TPP, everyone is shitting on retards like you who post positive comments about Trump when it is clear he isnt doing it for some benevolent reason.
It is like celebrating porky for giving you a day off to reduce your dissatisfaction and thus keep him in power, you are this stupid to fall for age old manipulation.
And if you dont want to be seen as a Trump supporter then stop celebrating Trump and just say the end of TPP is good but that has nothing to do with Trump
Most of people here don't support TPP lmao. Holla Forums celebrates Trump's inauguration so they thought to come here and shitpost all over everything.
This is getting too far, comrade. Having a discussion doesn't have to come to "YOU'RE ALL POLFAGS", even though they do troll a lot.
The amount of people who celebrate or attack you if you post anything negative about Trump is worrisome.
You dont know if it is Holla Forums or just some really dumb people who fell for his petty manipulation.
You don't mean .leftypol/, do you?
Stop it.
Except their raiding the board, so that commenter is valid in saying that. Accelerationists get laughed at, here.
No they don't. That only started recently.
I've been on this board for 2 years. They get laughed at. You don't empower rightists in a capitalist system & expect it to end well.
Because, literally Drumpf!! xD
Those aren't leftists, then.
I've been on here 1 year and have noticed them getting a lot of support and little criticism until very recently.
But then again lots of retarded ideas get support here.
Please elaborate.
Such as?
They support TPP because the media decided to lean on anti-Chinese sentiment to direct hostility towards Trump– which is now likely going to lead to a serious conflict. The whole world was prepared for the next U.S. president to be Obama II. They handed over caucus belli against China to the U.S. in with the SCS ruling with the assumption that it would be used responsibly. I'm beginning to hate the whole system. But for now, we have to deal with the reality of what catastrophic events are unfolding.
Nazbol thinks it is counterrevolutionary to call a crypto-fascist a crypto-fascist. Accelerationism can be achieved without ass licking porky's greatest emissary whom actively resents and ridicules socialists economic policies and politics.
zzzzzzzzzz are you even trying Holla Forums?
Can you kindly fuck off you unfunny, bookless avatarfagging little cunt?
They've brought more to the conversation than you have.
You still haven't clarified wtf you were trying to say.
first time on an imageboard? the real leftists obviously don't support it and the people that do get called out as trolls regularly
They really haven't, it's always "le sobiet bear xDDDDD", accusing people of being from Holla Forums, and having such a massive stench of newfaggotry about them that I can smell it through my fiber connection.
Stab yourself in the neck if you think being such an utterly detestable cunt is more of a contribution than not posting at all.
Yup, you're a Leftie…
I've only seen the bear twice, so far. If they're avatar-posting then I agree it's annoying & points them out as new. But I'm looking at the content of their posts, more. I will say though, that both times I've seen them post they were bitching about Holla Forums, but seeing as how there's constant raids going atm, I can understand their frustration, especially if they're new.
Waiting on you still, to explain wtf you're talking about. Take your shit "bants" elsewhere.
yep, definitely a rightie
Yup, a Leftie indeed…
I'm incredibly hungover and he has pushed me over the edge. I must have seen this fucking bear like four times in the last few days.
Yeah, the autism all over the board the past couple of days is fucking grating, I agree.
Becoming 3rd was a mistake. Too many new people, in general. No one lurks anymore.
everyone perfectly understands your retard sperging it's not really that complex
yeah man so deep
yeah sounds lame tbh, you should probably leave
Holla Forums has always "raided" the board, nothing has changed about their presence you can smell them a mile away. What we do have an increase in, however, is newfags from whatever hellhole on the internet they came from armed with all their liberal spooks and "muh trump" whining in every thread. I must have seen at least 10 normie Trump threads since yesterday complete with bitching and moaning from both sides since yesterday.
This isn't Holla Forums, go back there trump cocksucker
wow bro this conspiracy runs pretty deep