How much is this Ayn Rand faggot going to set us back?
Do you think Trump has the cognitive ability to even comprehend some of the legislation Ryan gives him?
How much is this Ayn Rand faggot going to set us back?
The world economy is going to collapse sometime within Trump's 1st (and only) term. It could happen as early as sometime later this year
sounds like interest in the ideology than in itself
Stirner was a hack.
Are you the autistic Roblox player that spams half/pol/?
Why do ancaps like you like statists?
the good news is, if the republican tea partiers enact all of the libertarian legislation the american people will never elect them back to anything.
Too triggered to answer the question, analcap?
Why does he always have that stupid forced-melancholy look on his face. His face and demeanor is always in a permanent "my job is to introduce shock treatment to the economy" face.
"This is going to hurt, but we need to share the sacrifice of [blah blah bullshit bullshit]"
Read c4ss until you agree.
-Alan Greenspan, Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1987 to 2006
It will happen when Trump tries to balance the trade deficit. This will be a disaster.
why would this be the case? these people got elected somehow. much of America likes these policies, because even if it hurts them, the justice of the market is meted out upon the niggers and leeches.
Video related
Why do you believe so?
Wait there are people actually in this thread legitimately unironically defending this manlet without a soul
What the fuck is wrong with you
What asbestos were you force fed as a child
we've never gone more than a decade before an economic downturn, each period of "bust" since the 1970s has been worse. 2007-9 was the worst since 1929
Not neccisarily true. The 70's was far far far far far far fucking worse than the 90's and the 80's. However, we are more than likely going to reach a 70's level downturn.
Hopefully this one will bring about genuine change.
Recent political history has felt like an echo of the 70s and 80s. Maybe we're about to do the right thing this time and turn the clock back.
Or maybe we're about to go off the deep end, in which case I only prey it takes the death-squad route instead of continuing the path to neofeudalism.
I dunno, the worst of the 70s seemed to be the oil crisis as opposed to the general economic cycle. Inflation being the big issue.
Ending Breton Woods was a mistake.
Not many people know it, but the 70's was hardly economic paradise compared to the 80s and 90s. It was far worse, and civil unrest was heavy.
Crime swelled, cities were dirty, and the American public lost faith in its government, on top of economic uncertainty and low time. As well as racism.
You see this in film as well, it largely reflected the 70s. Parties and drugs weren't popular for the hell of it, it was release from a stressful environment. And films like Alien reflected labor paranoia and fear of rape and kidnapping.
Basically the 70's was the era where America learned it wasn't the best. It was the closest to the 30s we've had since, the 30s.
If anything, we're seeing a revival of similar circumstances, Trump being our probably less constructive Nixon.
Housing crisis was much worse than the oil crisis.
Rand was a hack. and I don't even like Stirner.
I said naive prosperity of the 80s and 90s, not the 2000s. The 2000s and 2010s will continue on a downward slope
You must be really insulated from the effects of the great recession.
Entire towns were emptied of their residents, there were car towns at rest stops across the country. Bankers were hanging themselves, hundreds of thousands died because they couldn't afford healthcare.
Ending Bretton Woods was amazing for America. It can indefinitely run a trade deficit and print money with little consequence.
no you said
We have already gone past a 70s level downturn.
Undialectical af fam. He's going to surge us forward by heightening the contradictions.
The 70s were shit, but they were the dying days of Keynesianism and I'll probably go to my grave angry about the fact that if they'd held on a little longer then they could've probably saved it in some measure, since the primary pressures came from oil more than anything else.
How shit they were is greatly exaggerated, though. America's decline was more perceived than actual. In terms of crime, wage-productivity gap, and so on. In militaristic terms Russia appeared to be on the rise, but the USSR was a paper tiger outside the nuclear field and undergoing it's own deep internal stagnation.
Thatcher and Reagan are memes. (Although Carter is to blame for a lot of deregulation that Reagan got the credit for, and James Callaghan's government was forced by the IMF to engage in some proto-Thatcherism…)
I would consider the 2008 crisis to be our 1971 or 1973 (hey, take a pick, it's a distorted echo.), particularly because of the UK referendum on leaving the EU and the rising Scottish nationalists - both 70s phenomenon.
Breton Woods had to end for that reason, a disaster for - at the least the first - world.
Such a shame (unless you want raw accelerationism) Mr. Keynes Bancor wasn't used as the central currency instead of the USD.
So who prints the bancor?
International Clearing Union.
Strictly speaking it would never be printed though, since it's a unit of account instead of a currency.
i just chose the closest flag, this is better
i don't know man,(this isn't the thread for this) Rand seems like nietzsche(i know its not nietzsche we're talking about here) weak version, i side with him the only thing we need is truth(ubermensch) we need a system that can hold us until we find such truth, and work it. i don't know. enlighten me more please.