I just want to hold his weak little body and hug him. ;_;

I just want to hold his weak little body and hug him. ;_;

Who else compassionate here?

Trump supporters are gonna get cucked. He installed his cabinet with a bunch of establishment Republicans. Goldman Sachs. George Soros. Trump played them for a fool. This guy got cucked on his death bed. SAD


And what if the greasy nerd isn't even dying?

He'll be on suicide watch.

he's been dead since summer last year

We win either way so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Top kek


Can't wait for the Latin hip hop about it tbh


Is that supposed to be sad?
I wish he'd died during that very early part of the election where it looked pretty bad for Trump.
The final moments being horror at daddy dump losing :(

dont you want to hug and comfort him?

Nice, good and socialist are perfectly capable of being mutually exclusive.

Jesus fuck that's just sad, how does anyone let their life spiral out of control like that

It's just a dying man's way of clinging to life.

I'm sure there have been a shit-ton of people who passed away with daddy Stalin/Juche/Obama 's etc. portrait in their hand and this is the same thing tbh.

I do. We Nazbols aren't sociopaths like the rest of these freaks.

Yeah but socialism lost so badly in 2016 its normal to be extremely bitter.


Go outside.

I mean with Emperor Trump and Britain gaining its Independence from the EU and stuff.

Check my flag

Its it the white flag of surrender?

It's a book, you might recognize it from television.

So its a book about Brexit and the Trump presidency?
That was quick.

Is there anything more pathetic than hiding behind the generic bookpost? Make an argument or fuck off.

There is a reason porky gets to keep exploiting them

Guess I answered my own question.

Haha oh wow

Sorry what book should I recommend on the great socialist defeat of 2016? Do you believe in giving serious responses to every smarmy, retarded teenager or are you just looking for an excuse to bitch?

When capitalism beats capitalism, the loss of socialism here is only the continued failure of socialists to have any meaningful presence. While we can't win if we don't exist, it feels wrong to say we "lost" something we were never able to show up to compete in.

Yet we own your board. Go tip over another trash can.

The bookpost is being a smarmy, retarded teenager, just in a different way. How about you creatively insult them or stop literally saying ">tfw to smart to believe in this"

Truly the most original ideology of our time.

Stop enabling them.


You dont, subversive Holla Forumscuck

literally no one takes you serious

No can do

Not a tankie in the least bit, but would love to endorse a Stalin and his crimes on my death bed over any of these other retarded faggots. At least I could die a decent meme. Whatever the bs Stalin, despite his absolutely insane insane paranoia and generally shitty theory, was a Marxist and did some good for the people of the Soviet Union between the purges/

"Read a book" has always been a leftypol motto, Holla Forumsyp

I don't normally bookpost, but he could read a fucking milk carton and be a better person for it with that level of insight.

Now who's spooked lmao

Ayy lmaoo!!

What a meme!

It's not a spook if the spook serves my ego

You'd kmow this if you read books, faggot

But capitalism beat socialism in the democratic primary. Where CNN rigged it against Bernie.

Its like when City beats United but United beats Chelsea then Chelsea beats city.

Seems like you're cucked by your inferior intellect, tho.

You can read their actions enough to tell they like it I think.

Noce, just a milimiter away from lQ posting, the Holla Forumsyp just keeps blowing his cover

It's crystal clear he is a Holla Forums agent, fix this mods

It's retarded, there's no saving it. It's the current year.

>assmad snitching again

This one is too stupid to be a Nazbol. I think Holla Forums has just become sick of being torn apart by them when posting as a Nazi.

Uphold Blackism thought! :^)

That was a capitalist caricature of socialism. Capitalism repackaged with a new name and label. It's a bit silly to think the democratic party would start down the path that ultimately intends to abolish the state. Doesn't it make a little more sense that they'd see anti-capitalist sentiment in their population and decide to use socialist symbolism for advertising their capitalist organization, which happens very often, people using socialism to sell something.

Do you legitimately have autism because that's a symptom.

*positive or negative
This keeps happening.

Being the biggest faggot in the nazbol gang is nothing to be proud of bro


Wow my feelings sure are hurt here guys.


Is there anything more pathetic than hiding behind the generic greentext? Make an argument or fuck off.

Nice reductio. Maybe one day you'll be as cool as me and can join our cool kids gang.

nothing to see here folks

Whatever it is it's worse.

Wow you sure showed us here bro.

It keeps getting worse.

Cram it diamat boy.

Remember not only to cyberabuse nazbols but to also report them

So vermin supreme is the only true socialist candidate?

This may be the thread where they've crossed over from amusing board ambiance that churns out black twitter tier memes to potential Holla Forums infiltrators for me.
Smash nazbol power.


It never gets old.

No, you are just one incredibly autistic person. I like the other nazbols.






Remember to cybersex nihilists

But spazbol, you are the garbage nazbol.

Wtf I love nazbols now

Wtf I meant ancoms not nazbols


This is precisely what I'm talking about. Go get the funny ones to take over.

I haven't seen you make anything resembling a joke user ITT, you humorless sperg. You get what you're given.

Where are the funny ones? Are they at a festival or something? Do they know you're posting unaccompanied?

Why is triggering autismal nazbols so fun?

Feel free to start making jokes any time now


Dont need to, Limonov did the best one in '93

Who the fuck is Limonov?

Does anyone have the archived thread?

The founder of the Russian nazbol party you fucking mouthbreather??

There's a real NazBol party? That's not good.


This is the nazbol we all know and love




you experience hell before you die

after is ?


shiggy diggy

The only way we can attack his position is if we translate while taking into account his position and views.
He says that any socialist who doesn't attempt to address the issue socialism tries to solve is a conartist.
We generally agree, in our hatred for armchair socialists. The socialists who do nothing don't deserve to be called socialists, as they really don't measure up to much more than a sack of potatoes in a chair with a pile of bound paper on the table next to them.
But, it's plausible he means people who don't give away all their money to the poor. Here lies the problem: there's no point in doing so if it still means we're a slave to the private property owned by the people owning them.
Yes, we temporarily marginally increased the standard of living of those people, great! But, we're still living under the oppressive thumb of the people who have the wealth, aka money, aka power to do so.
It'd help if he didn't attack a strawman, but actually attacked the liberals.



Are you telling me to read a book or are you giving me a good argument?