Donald Trump promises health "insurance for everybody"

He needs to get rid of Paul Ryan, the democrats would block everything he does because they are pieces of shit anyway, not to mention the Republicans.

Almost like it doesn't matter who we elect and they just keep the same policy going for another 4-8 years…

he probably will


It's almost as if he's summ finna social nationalist n shiiiiiieeeeettttt

It's literally just going to be HSAs, which are not useful at all when everything related to healthcare costs so goddamn much.

Just like Mexico will pay for the wall?

Most countries' governments make everybody get health insurance, at least in Europe. I don't think the GOPey would like that though

It could reduce costs for some people if the healthy people subsidised the sick ones though

just like trump will never win?

filter all quotes by American politicians to "Why does anyone believe this" for this specifically "Universal healthcare means more price tags on the right to be alive" and "Jesus do people really believe he gives a shit about the victims of capitalism"


"When will we stop doing this"

No they don't, you have public and private, no body has to sign up for it like a mandate.

1) His friends are all bankers and borg he claims to hate


2) He is a pathetically spooked patriot


3) He intends to implement a police state


4) He is actually really pally with the jew


5) He has created a common enemy to hate


6) Cult of personality


7) Incoherent, contradictory ideology passed off as being 'pragmatic'


8) Will ultimately solidify or exacerbate the current status quo


Yup, seems like every other two bit faggot Not Socialist retard

oh and I forgot

8) Is secretly a degenerate sex offender who talks about order but can't keep his hands to himself, the kind of guy you wouldn't want around your daughter or sister.


No matter what, Trump is /notourguy/ unless he cracks down on the pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare CEOs, who are the highest paid in any American sector.

Nazis are a hundred times more embarrassing when they try to emulate AAVE. "Finna" is short for "fixing to", as in, "getting ready to do".

Or yourself, if he fancies you.

he doesn't hate all bankers, not friends with soros, rothschild elitists etc

it's sad that he initially had a much higher tax rate for the rich than hillary, but was pressured to change it

Trumps a 70 year old man who probably hasn't had an erection in years, give it over.

I don't know why but this made me kek

He is though. Look it up

wtf i love trump now

I thought they did
I'm thinking of Germany, Belgium, Ireland
And I thought there were more too

IIRC Ireland has no mandate, they have public health care and private but it's the hospitals mainly so it's a scam if you get seriously sick there is no real benefit you are in the same queue for the same consultant. They tax you for it out of your wages which goes towards other social services, aswell as normal income tax.

watch it again, he says 'rich people can get away with it'
literally our guy

Why does Trump trigger liberals so much? He is basically just your average moderate republican. Shit, if he were a woman he could probably run as a democrat and liberals would love him/her.

he knows this because he is a rich person and he has done this

How many times does this have to be explained?

Why does he have a dog dick?

It's a funny scandal
Trump goes out and says something true
Everyone acts shocked, totally aghast.

I don't agree with this. Trump isn't your average moderate republican– I accept Zizek's analysis here, we have a processing "re-normalization" happening right now among democrats opposed to Trump.

Should he follow this, things will be interesting.
Will he be accused of being a dirty commy?

I'm a non-burger and I admit I never paid much attention to Obamacare, but I was under the impression that "insurance for everybody" was its point?

Obamacare is a neoliberal abomination that causes far more problems than it solves. What it does is establish "markets" for insurance where health insurance providers can """compete""" for customers via the government's shitty website. The only good thing it did was prevent insurers from denying people coverage based upon "pre-existing conditions."

It sort of became the point when "number of insured persons" was the only metric it improved on. Obama pundits clutched hard to that number.

Except the inability to deny people coverage usually means they make the coverage as shitty as possible to try and get rid of customers

Literally the opposite of how capitalism is supposed to work

He's already a traitor to these freaks because the CIA want to JFK him.

Trump is going to do better than the entire """left"""

not like that's hard



saying "well now there's 20/30 million more people insured" was the only positive metric they could point to, ignoring the fact that deductibles/etc are so high that most of em can't practically use the insurance when they need it

predictable consequence of the "left" settling for a republican policy from the 90s instead of passing any sort of meaningful healthcare reform

Can the chess people tell me what's happening here? Does this mean he actually is going to ban healthcare?

Trump finna take a page from Corbyn and push for maximum wage.

Getting sick will get you fined and possibly deported.

Trump is commie infiltrator, he just had to pander to fascist in order to get elected


just wait, it will come soon

even if he did, it was consensual
what the fuck is wrong with that? are you kinkshaming him?

democrats are a weird mix of socdem and ultra corporatists at the same time

what exactly is this and why didn't the dems do it in 2009

Are they? I mean Bernie Sanders is a radical socialist pretending to be a socdem (or a radical socialist turned socdem, depending on who you ask) but who else in the party is even vaguelly left?

People are pissed at him because they're gonna lose coverage and he's trying to bullshit his way out of it. This is a whole lot of hot air to distract people before the reichstag fire.



I literally wish that was a thing.

Look at the last one hundred years of false promises America has given us, and taken our politics, and censored us, destroyed us, discredited us, killed us, with no interest in sight for anything similar to what this would mean at bare minimum,

And tell me why my skepticism shouldn't be at its most extreme.

As a studying medical professional, I support nothing short of single payer for all of my future patients if this was to ever be revised.

This will not happen. It has not happened. Shit will not happen. Stop putting faith in American loony toons politics and just accept the fact we as Americans are on our own with our health

And all the consequences that carry over with that


Yeah no, sorry he's still gonna be an epic clusterfuck


Outside a bunch of Bernie Sanders followers taking over Congress and the presidency, I think single payer will first happen on the state level like in Canada.

If he does it, it will be because the people demand it.

Fuck off, pol.


The crucial part of Zizek's analysis was "far-right" flanking liberals from the left.

If Trump won't turn out to be your average republican, it's because he'll be economically far to the left of an average republican. If he does this and succeeds, it screws everyone. Conservatists, because they lose their party. Liberals, because they get exposed as frauds. But also leftists, because it'll both empower nationalists and delay for decades a need for a more radical approach to economics.

Don't forget, he's gonna jail hillary any day now. Any day…now………….

So, Holla Forums is like normal Holla Forums but with larping as soviet union?

I mean, Trump apologism really? Dude appointed like 6 people from goldman sachs and all of his appointees are typical capitalist class 101

Imageboards are dens of retardation, what do you expect?


Yeah it's almost like anyone is allowed to post here and there are nearly a thousand different posters with different opinions gosh isn't that weird

Back to reddit you go


Don't forget the part where parents could keep their kids on their health insurance until they're 25.

bernie is like THE least stereotypical democrat though

it's just old soviet propaganda against the west

how do you have time to shitpost so much


Hey, same here!


DRUMPF amiright

Who profits the most from Obamacare.

… I swear.. put a nigger in America to do something and no one will dare to speak against it.

So it will be good then

go home Holla Forums you're drunk

what is slavery

Insurance companies. Not the working class american who is now forced to pay hundreds of dollars a month in health insurance that he cant afford, thats for sure..

well… there are plenty of people who dislike everything Obama did just beacuse he is Obama

quite true. what we have now is a horrible attempt at universal health care but its not like politicians will ever be able to get a good social system working in america

heres an idea: Why dont we rework our entire welfare system to make it a 'workfare' system. If you are a poor person, but not physically disabled and you want welfare.. you should be given a governement job. Im talking put the person to work making roads, clearing fire brush, cleaning roadsides, whatever.
with this method, much of gov't labor is now paid for with the money the gov't would have spent handing out gibmes. Suddenly, all of the gibmedats now have to work for a living if they want money, no more sitting at home w/ spare time and getting into trouble. this would also only further serve to ostrasize those who legitimately dont want to work in society, because lets face it: socialism only works if everyone is contributing… if your a leach, you dont deserve shit


Guy is a pathological liar. That doesn't just mean he lies to get right-wing rednecks on board, he'll lie to get you on board too.

Guy literally paid off his multiple fraud suits a few days after the election.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't insurance prices actually rise less under Obamacare than they did during the Bush administration?

I agree that the actual product appeases insurance companies and having to pay a fine for being ALIVE and uninsured is horrible, tho.

Im not sure if this is true or not, but I would argue this by stating that I am a young, healthy person. I have no need to pay for full coverage health insurance. Maybe catastrophic health insurance or major medical insurance would be more fitting (i.e. im on my own for the small stuff that comes along, but if I loose my leg or get cancer or something, then insurance would kick in)
This is a part I dont like. tbqh, I hate doctors and I think insurance is an unethical business. Buying insurance is the same as wagering on something bad happening.
If I had my choice, I would never get health insurance for myself and would likely never see a doctor until I was dead. Call me crazy, but thats how I feel and I really hate being forced to carry health insurance

Typical mentality. You're not going to see a doc before you have to, then medical bills will be too expensive and you'll die.

^ Just wanna point out that this user replying to you is some other guy, btw.

I'm basically the same way, and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I really need to see an optometrist from years of fucking with my eyes, and I probably should look into my leg, too. I'm more-or-less apathetic to people neglecting their own bodies when it's of their own volition.