If I take Max Stirner's philosophy to it's logical conclusion

What is stopping me from becoming a criminal?
I should just break as many laws possible, without getting caught if I wish so and it benefits me.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yup. Ever hear of the Bonnot gang?

Also have a hard time seeing how Stirner is compatible with the compassion and unselfishness which are the building blocks of leftist morality.

He's more a hangover of all the /lit/ refugees that comprised the early userbase, although he's useful since we tend to disregard moral arguments.


The regulations that are there to promote mutual profit so we dont kill each other :p

Why, though?
Morality is on our side, any Holla Forumstard claiming otherwise is delusional.

That's nice and all, but I think kindness is a better way to go.

That's nice and all, but I think you're an idiot.

Stop that, you filthy moralist.

Morality isn't one anyone's side because morality doesn't exist.

It isnt about kindness, it is about reality.

You cant expect people to care about you, it is illogical for one to care about someone he never met or is attached to.

this whole "ima a good person so i help others" is just a belief to make yourself feel better by telling yourself you are a good person, nothing more.

Thus you cant expect all people to fall for the "ima good boy" belief, many will be far more logical and act based on reality and facts, not emotion like Holla Forums who gets butthurt over different people existing.

The basis of a system should be on the idea that you cant brainwash everyone to do what you want, thus you have to be ready for people who wont be good and compassionate and base the system according that fact so it can work for all.

How to contradict yourself in less than five seconds: The Post


This quote and "The revolutionary is a doomed man" are recurring tropes in this boards existence. Righteous anger is on our side.

It's called Righteous for a reason. Because it's not left.

Fuck off.

It's all right, I know you only want a hug

Not until love envelops us all

Well we can at least pretend until we don't have to anymore

I believe people will listen more to kindness than arguments

You don't have to be so literal about everything.


Use that anger to be nice, positive, and inspire people to be the same!

Do you want that? Truly?

I support this message. I am for socialism with an empathic face.

if anarchism is based on "fuck you i do what i want" why are anarchists always so butthurt about LGBT rights and the police hitting people? are they the only ones allowed to take advantage of people?

Left your brain by the door, I see.

First off, there's no real laws like we have under a state in anarchy or true communism. Second, nothing stops people from breaking the law no matter what or else there wouldn't ever be criminals but what there always are is consequences. If you go around pissing everyone off they're going to kill you and that's why it's wise you don't do anything harmful.


Everything is ultimately about self interest. That's leftism. Most people and especially proles aren't about others, they're about themselves which is why they'd align with leftism to begin with because the side benefits them, not others. If proles truly cared so much for the compassion of others they wouldn't flock or walmart or use so many products using slave labour and we'd have leftism forever with no conflicts or wars or all the tragedy that follows lottery winners and their families but we do not because that is reality and there's nothing wrong with that. Everything is ultimately based on what can benefit themselves, politicians have tried to exploit this since civilisation began and the most and in the current case at least for the working class it's leftism.

Don't confuse liberals with anarchists. Besides, the police are symbols and soldiers of the state so of course anarchists would be against them. The whole LGBT shit? Yeah, that has nothing to do with anarchy. It's just retarded idpolers ruining the left as usual.

He's right.


Have you actually read Stirner?

I listened to a lecture on youtube.

Isn't the state just following anarchist principles anyway and doing what it wants?

Laws and punishment by other people.

Self-interest aside… what's wrong with being kind?
Lack of kindness is what makes people become Holla Forumstards, excessive kindness and love is what makes some people turn to the left even if they wouldn't personally benefit from leftist politics.

there's nothing wrong with being kind

it's just not a good theoretical foundation for a revolutionary people's movement

How can be crimes real when laws are not real?

Lack of kindness isnt what makes Holla Forumstards, Holla Forumstards are made because they are incredibly emotional and close minded which means the moment reality hits and proves the world view they have made in their head is wrong compared to reality they lash out and they try to subjugate reality to their autistic narrow minded world view their mommy taught them, and anything outside that is mentally ill or evil etc.

Kindness is just a way to make yourself feel better, nobody said you cant be kind, what we say is that you CANT EXPECT people to be kind, that is how Holla Forumstards truly appear, because they believe that everyone should do x when reality suggests otherwise and get mad when people dont follow their autism.

You can be kind, but dont expect the world to be kind, that way you have a far more flexible and realistic world view

I think it is. Being kind seems to be becoming increasingly revolutionary.

The only way to convert Holla Forumstards is by taking them by the hand, showing them how loving the left can be and how nice it is when you don't have to make an enemy out of everyone who isn't exactly like yourself.

tl;dr Read Stirner.


I really hope this is shitposting.

Not having read Stirner : the Thread

Why "my" property?
Why not "our" property?
I honestly believe that is a better to look at things.

Of course not! I think the political left as a whole is all about the desire to look out for one another at its core. This is the biggest advantage against the right we have!

Woah, right? RIGHT?




Stupid fucking anarchists

Because egoists believe that even something done altruistically is ultimately motivated by self interest. Steiner is embracing that by making an appeal for collectivism aimed directly at the ego. It's basically cutting the bullshit pretense out.


Your property is what I decide it's not mine, but yours

No. Leftists are essentially egoists that care only about their gain. I don't give a shit about anything that doesn't interest me.

The advantage we have is dialectical materialism

Why appeal to egoism when people don't want to think about themselves as selfish?

Why not appeal to the goodness in people's hearts and allow them to feel good about being good?

Being unselfish is again selfish, you do so because it feels good to you. I am for pursuing your self interest. whatever might it be. I am against forced, obliged unselfishness.



Selfishness is good to a certain degree. To deny yourself selfishness is to suppress your need to improve your lot in life.

It's all semantics, and it's all about semantics. I'm not sure how unselfishness could be forced.

Well I believe caring for others is better than caring for yourself, even for yourself!

There are many hungry bears in the forest. Please donate your precious meat calories to them.

You would sacrifice yourself to the benefit of others for no reason?
A sick ideology that I cannot understand.

There's no such thing as morals. Just interests.

They can have them all when I'm done!

Try being compassionate! Try doing something good for a fellow human being! Then you surely will understand!


That is great user! Keep at it!
You don't have to complicate things! Just do your best to be kind and good to others!

This, but unironically.


It is really simple, you make yourself consider being good a good thing, so the more good you are the better you feel for yourself.

Altruism doesnt exist

Please don't wear revealing clothing if you're fat. Man or woman.

Also don't get retarded tattoos, it just makes you look like you smell badly.


Try killing someone in a society that reveres killing and tells its people that it is a great thing for whatever reason.

They will feel better for themselves by upholding their beliefs that killing is good, the suffering of others in that society is seen as good.

You on the other hand live in current society that is peaceful and teaching people to be good, so you feel better by being good.

The thing is that both cases are the SAME, only the belief changes. You choose that belief to make yourself feel better, if you believed it was bad to help others you wouldnt be doing it.

That is the pointlessness of beliefs sometimes, they just become a tool for people to feel better at the end, they are rarely anything more

at least Stirner has a philosophy

Striner is just saying that you can be kind but you must recognize it is coz you want to be kind not coz of some innate 'goodness' or some universal need to be kind.

Even if people are led to believe killing is good by a cold-hearted society I think they are left wounded on a deeper level.

I believe people are naturally averted to killing. It's just something that might get lost due to circumstance.

1 unit of philosophy, order up!


Actually killing is easier because it makes the killer feel in power, feel superior by defeating someone else.

So you choose the beliefs you use to feel better, but dont pretend you dont feel good about yourself for being kind, because if doing what you believe is right didnt feel good you wouldnt be doing it.

And many people dont care about others, much rather spend their time enjoying their lives

You seem unusually upset.

I believe the trauma of killing goes deeper and is longer-lasting. When your heart hardens you lose an important part of yourself.

People's motivations are by large unimportant. What's important is that they keep doing good and allow themselves to enjoy it without judgment.

I believe many people would enjoy their lives even more if they dedicated them to helping others.

I have written a userscript that uses facial recognition and word filter to detect and hide all Stirner posts, and now I am no longer screaming internally all the time.

I dont, i care about my life and making it better. I dislike wasting time helping others unless it is something i would do anyway, and unlike you when i help someone by doing something i would do alone either way i am annoyed when they say thanks because i didnt do it for them, i did it for me

I think that is only because you've detached yourself from empathy. Somewhere you must've gotten the idea that it isn't worthwhile, maybe from the cynicism in media and online or maybe from trying to look cool in your circle of friends. Hopefully you can figure it out yourself.

In any case, I think that if you opened yourself up for it you'd be able to experience joy you didn't think existed.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, user.

Leftists are one of most of selfish people on Earth and absolutely nothing can change this. We are all selfish.

I don't see how non religious people can believe in morals. I believe in something in good and bad because God says certain things are moral and immoral. Explain to me if ur non religious and believe in morals.

Meet the Stirnerfag's worst enemy: the prisoner's dillema that rules so much of ecology and proves it's better to cooperate for your best interests.



He argues for exactly that you pisser




never go full retard kids

after reading him, read books and essay on him and his work. both from the left and righ

Pal. Stirner didn't say that sharing is wrong.

If you share something, it's not because you are a moral person. YOU decided that you would share because it would make YOU feel good about YOURSELF.

You can share all your posesions and still be a Stirnerist.

What did he mean by this? Can I start new revolutionary trends like a fashion statement?


"If you let yourself be made out in the right by another, you must no less let yourself be made out
in the wrong by him; if justification and reward come to you from him, expect also his arraignment
and punishment. Alongside right goes wrong, alongside legality crime. What are you? — You are a —
“The criminal is in the utmost degree the State’s own crime!” says Bettina. 67 One may let this senti-
ment pass, even if Bettina herself does not understand it exactly so. For in the State the unbridled I —
I, as I belong to myself alone — cannot come to my fulfillment and realization. Every ego is from birth
a criminal to begin with against the people, the State. Hence it is that it does really keep watch over
all; it sees in each one an — egoist, and it is afraid of the egoist. It presumes the worst about each one,
and takes care, police-care, that “no harm happens to the State,” ne quid respublica detrimenti capiat.
The unbridled ego — and this we originally are, and in our secret inward parts we remain so always
— is the never-ceasing criminal in the State. The man whom his boldness, his will, his inconsiderate-
ness and fearlessness lead is surrounded with spies by the State, by the people. I say, by the people!
The people (think it something wonderful, you good-hearted folks, what you have in the people) —
the people is full of police sentiments through and through. — Only he who renounces his ego, who
practices “self-renunciation,” is acceptable to the people."

TL;DR - You're too late, you already are one.

t. big forehead

Simple. Don't be a Stirner-fag.