Well Holla Forums? How do you even respond? Why are you such spiritually dead class reductionists?
Traditionalists BTFO'ing liberals and Holla Forums
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Honestly, this is just the worst argument. Literally feels > reals.
Top kekerios
It's true though.
My spirit is proletarian and my soul tells me socialism is worth dying for
Evola BTFO
If only Stirner had lived to BTFO Evola.
Evola was an Aristocrat what the fuck did he ever struggle for?
what part isn't real? spiritual needs? prove they aren't real
lol you guys deserve tyranny
yup sounds like you've got some reading up to do
So were folks like Kropotkin, Marx and others.
end your life
How was Marx an aristocrat? He even lived in poverty for most of his life. As for Kropotkin, he openly renounced his aristocratic titles.
Try again
Marx was never allowed to live a comfortable life once he started his political activism and Kropotkin rejected all of that. What did Ebola ever struggle for?
Are you denying that Millenials are mentally ill, depressed and purposeless? Why do you think Holla Forums traditionalism is so popular?
I might recall incorrectly. Maybe it was Engels, not Marx. Not saying Ebola did anything ever except said one thing that was good, apparently.
Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin can openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed-interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suit on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing spirit-crushing game shows, stuffing fucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life . . . But why would I want to do a thing like that? I chose not to choose life: I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've got heroin?
Hundreds of literate faggots posting greek statues and moralling at others online is not popularity.
No one here is 15 year old girl.
That is pathetic enought to call it Holla Forums falseflag
Your ego is why you allways will lose popular opinion, entitled moron
When you consider the only ideology that is worthwhile about being having as much stuff as possible, because realz and material interests, then such is the inevitable conclusion.
As opposed to a dozen of schizophrenic degenerates posting catgirls and screaming "READ BORDIGA!!!!"?
He's absolutely right. No one gives a fuck about the technical fine points of how their society works. And why should they?
You're right. They should be reading Rousseau instead.
Day 678 in Evola's Italy:
The spaghetti god still hasn't accepted my offering for a good crop season, must perform ritual in toga and sacrifice 4th concubine for good measure.
The whole biography of Evola is a fucking joke.
Child of some no-name nobles fancy himself a baron and changes his name to "Julius". Talk about LARPing.
This is what the experience of total war does to your mind. WWI wasn't just the senseless slaughter of millions in the name of bourgeois imperialism — it also spawned an intellectual generation of drooling imbeciles who sincerely believed mindless self-sacrifice to be the apex of human existence.
And since he couldn't be bothered to do anything meaningful or productive e.g. killing himself he chose to write the plot to a mediocre J-RPG and then engage in meme magic instead.
Make of that what you will.
oh lawd my sides
how many materials have you gathered today?
Materialism is not about having as much stuff as possible. In fact, one could say that goal of communism is the establishment of a society in which "nobody will waste his life in accumulating things and the symbols for things" so that "one will live" rather than merely "exist" (Widle 1891).
Destiny BTFO'd
Prove they are.
You mean Marx and Kropotkin. Every else comes after.
If you really think you are part of some grand struggle against "degeneracy" and for Western values online then it is pretty clear you have fucking illiterate.
*Google Murray Bookchin
You find me a mass muh traditions muh West movement that has actually built anything
It is about understanding how the world works and how and why men struggle under it.
What a great man to look up to.
it is when you disregard everything on the base of it not being focused on gathering stuff, theories about a future of super-hedonism aside, that's just it's apex
The word materialist has two meanings depending on context.
it's wordfiltered. when you write z0g it automatically becomes ZOG Occupied Government
This guy is actually hilarious.
He's like the highest form of the euphoric virgin neckbeard.
nah, obviously making posts like this is
I've read sociology, listened to Baroque music, refined my graphic design skills, compiled a list of books I'd like to format into beaux-livres and fapped to finely-crafted vanilla hentai.
What did YOU do? Did you join an Indian doomsday cult? Pledge your blood to some obscure European aristocratic family? Plan a pilgrimage to Damascus so you could get blown the fuck out by a Russian air raid?
Brown Julius In The Fountain Of Modernism - The Truth About Julius Evola!
Fuck, OP you're fucking right, I'm man enough to admit it when I'm wrong. I never thought about it like that. It is just atheist materialism consumerism, its all about money, COMMUNISM and SOCIALISM is CAPITALISM FOR THE PROLETARIAT. FUCK! FUCK!
I know i am part of a movement tired of egomaniacs like you, a movement who has made the most powerful politician in the world to actually work on people's favor
-muh racism
-muh sexism
-muh pol
-muh everyone who doesn't think like me is stupid
hello retard, you lost, again
Well, i can believe the hentai part, but i'm having trouble with "finely-crafted" and "vanilla". As for the rest of it, suspension of disbelief much?
why the fuck do people take this faggot seriously?
even thought i don't agree with them on most things i stil think evola and other traditionalists are pretty cool
typical marxist, enlightment autism to the core. consumerism is the conclusion of marxist materialism
but what about the materials? after all, you're nothing but an ultimately faceless avatar of your class, and every class is focused upon gaining as much stuff as possible, because material interests
i've seen libertarian Science! STEMfags with a less autistic worldview
You are right. Trump is the embodiment of the sovereign Anarch that Evola and Junger Prophesied. A pure spiritual superman whose intellect grazes the loftiest of clouds, he.
Spooks are the only way to transcend the constraints of basic bitch human logic and conciousness.
Even something like trust in another person is a spook, but it's what allowed us to build great civilisations.
At some point you really need to choose. I know the condition of the post-modern subject's intellect is that of an atomized individual smashing together wildly contradictory ideologies, but you're pushing it.
Stay deluded, faggot.
To the surprise of no one.
Says the faggot who never read any Marx. Not even last century's extremely flawed "socialist" nations were like that. In fact they had much more of your muh values than any capitalist society today
Lol. Careful now, History's Watching. Be sure to internalize yet another eye of providence!
b-b-but marx never said it would go like that!
Wew how many layers of postmodernity are we on here
Not "more stuff". They should be communists so they can have their needs met. Which is a bit different than just more stuff.
solid materialist analysis bro
more like two sides of the same coin
as i have been repeatedly told here, marxism isn't about fulfilling needs as such but about winning the class game theory battle of the everlasting war about stuff
Reminds me of a Holla Forums attacking us for being materialists just like the capitalists we hate.
Traditionalism seems to me wholly based on romanticising a non-existent historical golden age in which the vast majority of the population lived in horrible conditions, and replacing bourgeois philosophy with the philosophy of aristocratic classes sufficiently detached from economic need to engage in spirituality and metaphysics.
Occasionally there is interesting writing to be found here but as long as we live in a world where we possess the means to eliminate starvation and homelessness but are prevented from doing so in the framework of private property relations, it's insulting to look for solutions in romantic idealism.
I'm a philosophy major myself so I'm obviously interested in highly theoretical non-material questions, hell I think medieval scholasticism is fascinating and that philosophers do themselves a disservice by ignoring it, for example. However it would be extremely naive to set aside how economic systems fundamentally structure social reality, and the fact that intellectual pursuits like philosophy have been the exclusive domain of muh privileged social groups who could afford not thinking about the actual sources of material abundance, such as slaves in "democratic" Athens.
So go away with those spooks Evola and read some theory.
This is exactly what it is. Julius Evola was obsessed with the Hindu concept of Satya Yuga — which means exactly that, "Golden Age". It's no surprise traditionalists in general and Evola in particular make so many references to mythology: all of their political models are figments of the imagination, literal fairy-tales. Why would they even lose time manipulating the historical reality of the Middle Ages when they can just rely on shit that was downright made up by some segment of that era's ruling class to feel good about themselves?
nigger i met the old gods of the greeks, that shits real.
Buddhism is not 'mindless self-sacrifice'.
No, that would be capitalism. If people aren't exploited and only need to work four hours a day, if they're freed from the capitalist culture wherein people are judged by how much stuff they have, they'll have much more scope to look beyond material things, not less. Read Oscar Wilde's The Soul of Man Under Socialism.
Yes it is. "Stilling the mind" and "letting go of the ego" are the literal goals of Buddhist practice.
Spirit will take care of itself, duh.
Stilling the mind is not a mindless thing to do, and letting go of the ego is not self-sacrifice. Linking buddhism to the mindset of total war is the dumbest thing I've read here in a while.
In fact, sacrificing oneself for the sake of a spook such as nationalism is literally the opposite of freeing oneself from ego.
So what, they'd have more purpose if they were 15th century peasants? Do they all think they'd be knights? Would being a slave in Rome give them so much joy?
What do they want? Do they know, because I don't think they do know. Their entire identity is against liberalism as far as I can see. At one time they will be anti capitalism, and at another pro capitalism because Trump. At one time they will be anti war because "warmonger Hillary" , and then pro war because "muh glory, fuck China/mudslides/Mexico etc."
They're a torrential bag of anger and emotional impotence that desires respect and some kind of transcendental experience of power and glory symbolized by ancient marble statues of strong jawed naked men looking at the horizon, but I don't see them having any idea what that means. It's just nonsense pointed at something better, something anti-liberal and stronk.
Holy fuck mate, how do you even get through life like this? The vast majority of communists and socialists talk about transcending basic human material needs in order to live their lives and get over the rat race and consumerist hellhole that is modern life.
Look at soviet Russia even. Their entire propaganda arm around material abundance was in contrast to western capitalism. They fought a propaganda war against capitalism by trying to be more abundant, more capitalist than the capitalists in many ways. But even then, Russia was the one that started the space race, Russia was the one with the reputation of having indomitable athletes and scientists. Much of this was even propaganda coming from the American side just to say "look at these robotic men who can't even enjoy a beer at the end of the day and watch the television, they are so busy with their ideology"
It's just fucking mindboggling that that is what you take from communism. Not even the capitalist media portrayed communism that way. Communism created ants as far as they were concerned who at best tried with an inhuman single-mindedness, or at worst were forced to try to be the best at whatever they were doing.
Why can't I have both nigga