Alright Holla Forums where I live it's past 1 am and Trump becomes president tomorrow. I feel fucking nauseous and I'm nervous about everything he's going to do. To fix this, lets talk about organizing against his presidency. What can we do to fight him and educate people? How can we show people the light once they realize Trump stabbed them in the back?
Organizing against the Trump Presidency
Get a rifle and shoot him
FBI pls go
Wait for him to stab them in the back. He is an accelerationist after all. He won't wait long to let capital loose on the workers.
God you're so easily triggered.
trump is good for leftypol, are you even serious.
Not because he is good but because he is bad.
you shouldn't be nervous, the real fun starts tomorrow,and when he fucks up, resist the urge to say I told you so, this will force his followers to his side even if they are critical of him.
just look and nod with a smile of understanding even sympathy.
Why? What will he do? Nothing.
Yeah, to anyone new here: We were rooting for Trump, largely, with some doubters sprinkled in. Our line of thinking was this: Hillary is the status quo, she's bad for us as she is a liberal and calls herself left, and has run on a stance of complete idpol. Trump is the GOP incarnate, and the stereotypical brash American, and he markets himself like a product. Hillary losing due to idpol would make them think about what they did to Sanders, and Trump winning would put refined capitalism on trial for four years, and his ineptness would demolish the alt-right due to them no longer having the luxury of opposition, where they can remain strong and contrarian.
shut the fuck up, cunt
Hello FBI, we can argueenallmwe want butnwe havento remember not to take action, right?
Except you aren't thinking about this on a wider scale. Think of the West as a world system. Trump WILL be repeated over and over in various European countries and the movement there would have to simultaneously fail when the movement here fails.
If European "alt-right" movement doesn't fail, it leverages the movement here. If USA tradpol movement doesn't fail, it reinforces European wing.
You have to stop drinking AN, this is the second time this has happened to you tonight.
You forgot about all the refugees making this inevitable anyway. We have absolutely no chance of taking power through reforms if the status quo was allowed to continue for 5 years, then another 5 years, until 20 years has past and we've done nothing. This is accelerationism, and should be used when there are no options on the table.
except this movement is subverted like the ones before it, the so called alt-right politicians are usually rabid zionists.
Trump was probably going to be repeated accross the west regardless of who won… Actually I wouldn't be surprised if we have fewer minitrumps under trump because of trump showing what happens when you elect trump.
I, for one, wasn't rooting for Trump. I was rooting for his voter base, whom the liberals despised and belittled, and are only now slowly and bitterly admitting to need to listen and appeal to.
And I'm not exactly sure Trump will be a bad president. Sure, Republicans in power are inherently dangerous and he may well yet turn out to be an ultra-conservative pro-capitalist retard who destroys American institutions for the profit of the rich. But then again, don't assume he will. That's not what he campaigned on, and if he delivers even a few of the things he did campaign on, working classes will eat off his hand for a while. And while it would destroy conservatives and liberals in one swipe, always a good thing, it would also be a problem for the left and stall us for decades.
There are already successful mini-trumps across the globe. Orban's Hungary keeps doing well, for one.
Alt-right is meaningless in the large scale of things. It's only useful as a foil for the "alt-left" idpol liberals, to distract them from figuring out what's actually going on. Don't pay attention to them, pay attention to people who do the governing.
Remember what Zizek said about Trump? He was our candidate all along.
I think we should concentrate on identitarians TBH. Since these are largely the people that got Trump elected, and I don't mean the aut right, I'm reffering to progressives.
If you could stomach the destruction of Syria, Yemen and Libya; the mass murder of african americans in the USA; the drone bombing campaign; the expansion of state surveillance; the persucution of whistleblowers and everything else under Obama, then you can stomach Trump.
The brilliant thing about saying "It can't get worse" is that only the world itself is creative enough to make it worse than imaginable.
If you`re really crazy enough to believe Trump is influenced by Kremlin… then whats the problem?
Why is ANYONE in the left protesting this?
Russia was a bastion of socialism.
I'm not even sure who this post is pretending to be at this point.
Their current leader IS a right wing nationalist, Stalin would put him up against the wall no hesitation
So what you`re saying is ex-KGB officer is right wing nationalist?
What? Stalin himself was as nationalist as it got or are we changing stories again? I can't keep up anymore with all the it's not real communism no wait it totally was etc
yes? do you literally think every citizen has the same ideology as their leaders? like russia was just one big leftist hive-mind?
where's the part where i said shit about nationalism = right wing or anything about stalin?
meant to be read as "anything about stalin being right wing" before you sperg out
This. Progressives can be convinced of the evils of porky, especially since Trump is perhaps the epitome of it. The alt right think he's some alpha and will be convinced forever he was playing 38d korean starcraft.
We have to find the outsider so he can gives magical powers to Hillary!
people are not actually saying that right?
Trump is a retard, he'll hang himself eventually.
We may all hang with him, depending on the breaks.
Why does the left brigade as a non violent and peaceful side?
You could argue the horse shoe theory doesn't exist but at the very least you'd admit you're forceful
I actually don't think Trump will be bad enough to really gain us anything. He'll just govern as a protectionist conservative and not do much of anything other American presidents haven't also done.
We don't. You're thinking of Liberals, who are the center right masquerading as the Left. I freely admit that the Left should strive to murder any and all capitalists, and this would be a good thing.
You know what's forceful? Hundreds of millions of Chinese people working for jack dick under terrible conditions in some capitalist labor camp. Africans starving to death and living in utter misery because capitalists want to steal their resources for cheap. Youths in American cities murdering each other in criminal gangs because their situation is hopeless. Syrians drowning in the Mediterranean because capitalist interests have demolished the Middle East. If fighting back against all that evil makes us "forceful", than we'll be fucking forceful. Better than liberals idealizing non-violence whilst freely allowing all the violence against the poor to continue.
Thats not force user
It's not even aggression.
Also force against peaceful people no matter what makes you "evil" i guess
I don't think evil people exists, another thing me and your probably disagree on
while Trump may not be terrible enough to change the US, his lack of geopolitical knowledge and diplomacy will definitely change the world balance.
no country will ever trust the US again which already had a bad reputation.
you can be sure that Putin will take full advantage of the situation to the point where the US security will be at risk.
i know Holla Forumsypes fools think that Putin is a bro and the world is all about white vs non-white. but inreality its all about countries supremacy and interest. and for the pas 80 years, Russia's intrest and US have been in completion.
Putin must be jizzing his pants, his enemy became a senile old man, he'll fuck Europe all the way to Portugal !
No, I'm not seeing it
Wait, did you miss out a word? How can evil simultaneously exist without evil people?
Not him, but behind every single "mass murderer" you'll find a normal person surrounded by normal people.
Is Putin, dare I say it, a paper tiger?
But would they be evil if the never murdered anyone? Going further would they be evil if the thought never crossed their mind? Then no longer evil.
Read Beyond Good & Evil by Friedrice Nice, morality doesn't exist (but makes for good propaganda)
If you employ a million people but your factories need suicide nets then it doesn't matter if you've never trod on an ant.
Trump, Brexit, Le Pen, Jobbik, etc. are due to economic disillusionment
never said he was going to invade or some stupid shit like that, but he'll grab them by the balls and squeeze hard
I don't know if I'd call him a paper tiger, but the notion that he's some kind of Great Khan chomping at the bit to wash over the Earth is silly. With all the deep social and economic problems facing Russia I sincerely doubt it has the will much less the means to launch some kind of continental war with NATO et al. If anything I would expect Putin to try to integrate more closely with Europe to try and shore up his country's trading relations.
Russia really isn't that powerful. They'll stick their dick in Eastern Europe some more and try to keep Western and Central Europe from bothering them; that's it.
Gulag yourself, retard
i highly disagree, Russa was keept in check by huge military alliance called NATO.
why do you think NATO exist in the first place?.
but thats off topic for now, Russia has now the opportunity for hegemony and i doubt Putin is gonna let that occasion go.
He's not doing anything we haven't already been doing, what the fuck are you nervous about? Do you think right wing death squads will come for you in broad daylight?
I have an idea…. This is what we will do nothing…. nothing at all. we are leftists afterall.
Is truth that baby hands election gives us a momentum to push for lefter politics into the mainstream what we lack is an strategy on how to rise class conscience and fight rightist bullshit.
When you autistic fat commies try to educate people you will only redpill them towards fascism and Not Socialism*. So I will say Not Socialism* is the only acceptable form of Socialism.
shooting a President would just start another witch hunt, pretty nihilistic kiddie kind of action.
No, the USSR was kept in check. Russia is its shattered remnant. It barely has a larger population than Japan these days. This is like being afraid Germany will try to conquer Europe again, it's just not the same situation. Putin will be crazy lucky to even get the old empire back together, let alone more than that.
i'm not talking about a military invasion ffs !
That's exactly what has Obama and the CIA et al spooked so bad. (Not in the stirner sense). They're afraid of a German-Russo friendship forming a regional power that can resist American hegemony
I don't know why you guys are sweating Trump so much. He is a blessing. Gives the perfect opportunity to get progressives together so we can radicalize them.
No way you would see this much action against HIllary. She would have bred complacency, Trump will light a fire under people's asses
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