Mfw a tankie btfo's fox news presenter
also someone webm please
I don't like tankies
But kudos to that kid for btfo Faux News
Yeah I'm pretty libertarian but I don't think I could be that quick thinking and confident on a national news network during a massive event
Fuckin based. Webm now
i'm on it
Yeah we can't let this video slip away like the guy that claimed Karl Marx adopted the policies of cultural Marxism live on Fox.
Goddamn tankies really have their propaganda memorised, that was like fucking clockwork
Tankies, maybe we can be friends after all
t. ancom
That reporter was pretty retarded. Does he think Russia is still Communist?
Thanks user
Huge amount of Americans still do because they think communism is authoritarianism and thus think of Putin and also Russia as communist
Okay. How did they not cut this out?
If you repeat same arguments for 80 years straight, it would be real hard not to memorize answers to them.
Unless he was either:
A) Directly engaged in militant fascist/reactionary activity
B) Directly attempting to subvert or sabotage the Soviet state
C) A direct political rival or threat to Stalin within the socialist movement
… he would probably have been fine under Stalin's regime.
To this day, after all this time, reading shit like this nearly gives me a stroke
what's wrong with it?
t. pic related
The soviets set up a part council and asked everyone to give a round of applause for comrade Stalin who wasn't even there. Then they clapped for 20 minutes all to afraid to sit down. Finally one local company owner sat down and then everyone else did. Then the police grabbed the guy who stopped applauding first and pulled him outside. He was never seen again and probably died in a gulag.
Reminder that although nazbols are autist they are our comrades against Nazis
"He's" not one of those victims of communism types, He actually admires Stalin for his conservatism. Are you denying the fact that LGBT people were sent to labor camps or just outright killed in the USSR?
Lol that's why hundreds of thousands (millions) of people disappeared into the gulags and never came back? that's your explanation?
Why would they? "Trump's detractors are in favor of a severely paranoid murderous dictatorship" makes for great propaganda.
Autistic LARPer confirmed.
[citation needed]
would nazbols side with nazis before communists?
The Gulag Archipelago
Are you denying the fact that LGBT people were sent to labor camps or just outright killed in the USSR?
90% of all people sent to Gulags were released within 5 years.
Maybe they learned their lesson from the night of the long knives.
A man can hope
that's a really shit representation of what 'identity politics' are on the left. What's wrong with learning someone's pronouns?
he was on fucking national tv, give him a break
lol so funny bro xD xD
You mean outside of being a complete waste of time to manage some autist's feelings?
what? it takes essentially no effort on your part
Like I might not think their gender is a real thing, but I'll still afford them basic human decency because why not? I'm a grown adult and can be mature about these things
Agreed, we should kill them instead.
woah! so radical and edgy!
Didn't you get really salty when a bunch of blacks did this?
Make your mind up fam.
Central State archive of the October Revolution of the USSR
Holla Forumstard triggered when we make fun of their teenage retard torture victim.
incel autistic fascists gonna all get tortured
They were before in favour of Hillary since the beginning, no?
Well, that's probably because it is US. Europe is less tolerant for stuff like this. For example, LL (annual march in Germany about Liebknecht-Luxemburg) prefers to edit Lenin out (it should've been LLL) to avoid mentioning Communists. Moreover, Bourgeoisie literally built memorial for Stalin's victims just opposite LL memorial.
They weren't. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Holla Forumsacks? Almost everyone convicted for homosexuality in USSR was either doing it with minor or it was a rape.
Holla Forumstards don't know history, or politics, or how to read, or anything besides anime and memes.
You're the only person who can say bad things about your sibling correct?
I know you're a skinny beta bitch and couldn't do anything but you get the point brah.
also completely cucked by the CIA
like, he was essentially a CIA employee, yet these autists still think they're anti-establishment and radical
what the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch?
To be fair, the countries economy had already collapsed under Allende.
Yeah and the gay people being tortured right now in Russia are just pedophiles amirite?
Funny how you always make excuses for sodomy being a crime in almost every leftist country but when America had anti sodomy laws it's all muh bigotry muh cultural marxism.
Do I sound like a libertarian? When it comes to economics I mostly agree with social demorats.
We shouldn't alienate workers by prioritizing that over socialist theory. Let them learn after.
Is not USSR.
I'm not making excuses. I'm pointing out that you are full of bullshit. Soviets never had anything equivalent to Western hysteria about homosexuality, nor systematic persecution. Nobody cared.
Even so, it doesn't vindicate the nonsensically glowing reputation Pinochet has among modern lolberts. He is living proof that they have never cared about opposing state tyranny.
Exterminating people is not quite the same as shit-talking them. If you think someone should be killed then it doesn't make sense to care who does it.
Weak attempt at derailing.
it's not prioritizing anything, it's not a fucking task of any kind
You literally have to go actively out of your way to not use someones pronouns
I agree, but it's not like Allende dindu nuffin. His land reform was pretty moronic.
I mean teaching workers why that's important, some of them might say "but there's only boy and girl!". So it's more important to teach them socialist theory, and then show how the principles of socialist theory are related to mutual respect, and emancipation regarding other aspects of society (such as gender).
You're right, they aren't being hauled off into gulags.
Yeah except Stalin who made it a crime, I guess the successors of Stalin didn't care about it being one though.
So you've never wanted to kill your family?
or you can just say "I know, but it's just gonna cause a hassle if you don't. much easier for everyone if you just go along with it" problem solved.
And then you can alienate workers who aren't as morally righteous as r/socialism.
No. And in any case, feeling the urge to do something is not the same as making it your policy.
Goalposts, put them back. You've been trying to use modern Capitalist Russia as an example of Socialist policies.
Except it was not Stalin's personal decision.
Except it was not real crime - as I already mentioned, practically everyone got sentenced for homosexual rape.
Stop your shilling.
Pics from this
For those interested in the Soviet prison system from a more radical perspective:
It's called a hypothetical.
The Stalinist regime then.
Yeah I'll take you seriously when you post evidence.
Stop making me defend faggots anyway.
Not the same poster but here is some:
I think the authors made out the position of the USSR on homosexuality to be more positive then it was but its true they didnt really consider it a crime. My understanding is they thought that homosexuality was an illness caused by capitalist society and hence they took a more therapeutic/cultural determinist approach.
Should have used the "USSR went from feudal shithole to spacefaring superpower in half a century" line IMO, but still absolutely
I found the guy's facebook and it looks like he's an anarchist so props for him to stand up for Stalin.
Also he shares a bunch of Leftypol memes so maybe he is one of us?
Hypocritical, more like it.
Is a liberal propaganda.
Is that pic selfdrawn by him?
I've already taken enough of your bait, now fuck off.
Can we meme anarcho-stalinism into reality?
You already have Anarcho-Hoxhaism. Do not demand the impossible.
And anarcho-monarchism.
he's posted quite a few Holla Forums memes on his facebook
anarcho-stalinist, n-notice me senpai
based anarcho-stalinist memes himself regularly
Also found his twitter if any of you want to send anarcho-stalinist kid any memes;
/our guy/
Meme dialectics are strong now
I was planning on posting a song making fun of tankies, but I'll save such an occasion for later.
Based lad.
I think the point he was making was that if 50 million people died under Stalin then the population would have to have declined by (roughly) 30% to 25% in the Soviet Union. Which simply didn't happen.
t. newfag
Not even Robert Conquest believes his own bullshit, just lurk more and leave your questions in the Marxism-Leninism General when it comes back.
1.6% when? Surely it was much more than that from 1927 to 1952??
How can people seriously still believe Stalin killed half the population of Russia?
Interesting. Could you provide a citation? Not the person you were replying to btw
It's true, not even Conquest believed the bs he was spewing for decades about the Holodomor being an intentional famine. I know you didn't ask for it but since other questions about the Soviet famines naturally come up I thought I'd just send some interesting screens.
Source is Bloodlies by Grover Furr but whether you like him or not the sources he quotes are all very respected and trust-worthy academic sources I wouldn't consider Conquest trustworthy but respectability is a social construction tbh
A Nazi standing up for gays, whew, and I thought I'd seen it all hehehehehhaha
I've seen enough gay nazis that I'm beginning to think that the notion of a correlation between homosexuality and fascistic woman hateric tendencies is more then just a meme.
He looks like he has a very feminine penis.
He should've said 50 million wasn't enough tbh
Another possible answer was "AND WE WILL KILL 50.000.000 MORE"
Should have said that the kulaks deserved worse
Does anyone know what the 1.6% figure he is quoting comes from?
Looking at soviet population figures it looks like population growth under stalin was higher than that assuming hes talking about average yearly population growth.
It probably is. Stalin made plenty of mistakes but killing 50 gorillion people is not one of them.
Yeah no thats not my point im not here to ask about Stalin being good, bad or ugly i just mean where does the 1.6% figure come from and what is it referring to average yearly population growth or is it birth rate specifically or what?
It's population growth during one year. 1950, I think.
Honestly man, I'd love to go to Russia even if its not communist anymore. I've always been a bit of a Russophile even when I wasn't a communist but there's so much to see related to communist history that I wouldn't turn it down if someone gave me a plane ticket.
How does the guy reply so quickly? I'd probably sperge the fuck out.
Good job tankie
Even as someone who's more aligned to anarkiddies than tankies, I tend to turn into a tankie around liberals who start spewing the "50 gorillion" shit.
He knew exactly what to say to keep the interviewer off-balance.
That just means your heart is in the right place comrade.
but there was population growth too, so in fact that population could have only decreased a tiny amount, stayed the same or even increased, even if he did kill 50mil
Don't get me wrong, I'm nobody for false statistics, I have no idea about how many were killed in the USSR regime, but I'm no tankie either
Am i supposed to side with the larper tankie just because it's fox news interviewing them?
It's funny how quickly he replied
This, honestly. If anything, it makes me depressed that my "allies" are retarded LARPers who believe Stalin did nothing wrong.
Well, that was correct behaviour. Or - not too wrong, at least.
Americans don't do this whole thinking thing really well. When you get on TV it's much more important to act convincingly than to present factually correct - but boring - information.
For general public it doesn't matter if 1.6% is a minor increase (IRL it's about 10% for Russia - double that for USSR in general), what matters is that boy is not phased by the attempts to shame him into submission with some bullshit.
Given circumstances? Why not?
What should be depressing is your unconditional trust in Capitalist propaganda.
Don't forget WW2. It's a miracle Soviets had any growth at all.
For example, Belarus lost ~20% of population during WW2. Only in mid-70s did they recover to the pre-WW2 levels.
I always thought that the population increased by 22%; 148,000,000 in 1926 to 182,000,000 in 1951.
Bet he has a shaved boipussy. Top tier Holla Forums husbando material.
he's actually an ancom
I'm pretty sure the kid knows modern Russia is shit, but it's better to play along
Must be an /r/anarchism mod