Happy birthday MLK!
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The dead don't have birthdays.
I came in expecting nothing short of J Edgar Hoover apologia and I was not disappointed
Yes deep enlightened one so much a tool that they bumped him off along with other prominent black leaders.
End yourself swiftly
MLK was literally pic related, apparently.
the heat increases
wait what, is all that greentext MLK?
I don't think MLK was a social democrat. He was a theologian, and you shouldn't dismiss him rejecting Marx on those grounds. He also said this:
Viewing the "bad" parts of MLK in isolation is undialectical mein comrade.
What a pleb
Hit him with some Einstein. Some Tolstoy. Maybe a little Ghandi. But you have to explain all Ghandis problems.
Does he know about how Smedley Butler was the one who uncovered George Bushes Grandfathers plot to overthrow the american govt for a fascist one, this same man who was charged with collaborating with the Nazis manufacturing weapons.
Tell him all that shit. If hes a marine, then tell him about how the dirty commies stabbed the noble anarchists in the back. Get his liberturian side purring and reel him in
"You can’t talk about solving the economic problem of the Negro without talking about billions of dollars. You can’t talk about ending the slums without first saying profit must be taken out of slums. You’re really tampering and getting on dangerous ground because you are messing with folk then. You are messing with captains of industry. Now this means that we are treading in difficult water, because it really means that we are saying that something is wrong with capitalism itself."
Not garbage.
To be honest I didn't until I got to university. I studied the book in highschool and they never mentioned it. Not one time. I was lied to in high school.
Did anyone ever attempt a dialectical spiritualism? I mean beyond Hegel's own "religious" inclinations. I don't like agreeing with Kierkegaard on much but Hegel's religion was dog shit and too systematic.
Today I was MLK pilled I always just assumed he was a Liberal
Martin "If America does not use her vast resources of wealth to end poverty and make it possible for all of God’s children to have the basic necessities of life, she too will burn in hell." Luther King
I don't think MLK was a Hegellian either. He was opposed to materialism, and took offense to Marx's "opiate of the people" comment. He was anti-capitalist, and a staunch threat to the bourgeoisie. We should respect him on those grounds, not to mention he's normie approved.
I hit him with a lot today, so I might let it sit for a little while. In the mean while I'll post some of that stuff on my normiebook. I think the light touch will do it. I get the feeling he's been reading some of the stuff I post anyway.
Post rare MLK's.
shit he wasn't just a little socialist, he was god tier. Even if I don't agree with the church stuff. He was making big statements. Fucking no wonder they killed him.
I am ashamed for my ignorance.
Fucking there needs to be a new black panthers right this second
Evidently in the UK also. Although my high school education about the USSR and Cold War was actually pretty decent although we pretty much never covered Latin america. I can remember like one slide on 'Banana Republics' but thats it.
I really want to tell my dad that MLK was a socialist. I got him Smedley Butler for Christmas. I'm slooowly gonna try and change years of entrenched liberalism
All powerful socialist figures of the 20th century are branded liberals if they were reformist, or tyrants if they were revolutionary. MLK falls into the former group.
I would say MLK is closer to the Mensheviks while Malcom X's worldview was much more revolutionary. That being said, they were both idealist and I don't think any comparison to marxist revolutionaries is really accurate. The Black Panthers were Marxist-Leninist.
oh shit fam I bet tommorow he'll have dat new comrade smell
American education's still got that red scare vibe in its curriculum unfortunately.
Yeh I know its not entirely accurate just making allusions
Some comrade was talking about how they don't believe in state education and they kinda have a point don't they
is he /our republican/?
"The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism"
There's a lot to criticize about Sanders, but I gotta give him credit for saying in live TV that MLK wasn't killed just because he was black, but because he was rallying poor people
King was never a Republican. That's a myth. His dad was, but he stayed out of partisan politics.
my favorite part of MLK day is watching liberals and conservatives alike try to downplay his radicalism.
I remember once when i was 15 and i asked my US history teacher about MLK being a socialist and she gave me such a dirty look and insisted that couldn't be true.
Malcolm X > MLK
But MLK was the one that got famous because muh christian, muh moderate.
Yeah, it's pure ideology. Especially how MLK's "non-violence" is constantly stressed and contrasted with Malcolm's horrible racist evil extremism.
But it isn't Malcom X day is it?
God Americans are so classcucked. If only they knew he was /ourguy/!
People forget MLK was literally a preacher.
He refers to his utopia as a kingdom, and he gets thesis, antithesis, and synthesis completely wrong. For one, he's got the timeline backwards, going from thesis (communism), to antithesis (capitalism), to synthesis (a "kingdom").
That said, this is just part of what he had to say. He wasn't a theoretician anyway; he was an orator.
These days it's pretty easy to teach yourself. School sucks all the joy out of learning by regimenting it and forcing kids to learn a lot of stuff they know is useless.
Bourgeois is a noun. It is the singular of bourgeoisie. It is also an adjective.
While bourgeoisie can mean a group of bourgeois, it's also singular just like flock, troop, or well group. You're correct that bourgeois is both a noun and adjective though.
the one-dollar man finally reveals the truth about MLK day
I haven't seen the video yet, is any one else masochistic enough to watch it?
Would webm it but even for just a talking head it's probably too long.
Went to a rally today. Not one mention of class struggle or the fact that King was a socialist.
What was the point of the rally?
7 minutes in
It's basically just Stefan sperging out about how the speech isn't a concrete plan, all black people's problems were because of the government and going on about white guilt and how we can't blame white people now for slave owners of the past despite the fact that has nothing to do with mlks speech.
Finished it
Stefan loses his mind and practically spits out that king was a socialist and Marxist puppet and that his ideas for wealth distribution were violent. Also he says that we practically redistributed billions to the black community (kek) through welfare etc. And that it didn't work
He also whines about muh families more and goes on another tangent about being judged for his skin because he's white.
Oh and he hilariously makes a big noise about how white people ended slavery then unintentionally goes into historical materialism and essentially argues that dialectical materialism is completely right.
I'm going to take a guess and say he doesn't mention water cannons or attack dogs.
Lol of course not
Yup he argues the industrial revolution wouldn't have happened under slavery because the slave owners would never undermine the value in their investments like that so the growing capitalism needed to end it in order to function
(One mode of production transitioning to the other etc.) Of course he doesn't ever use the term dialectic or materialism and he doesn't realize his analysis is extremely marxist.
fucking hell
God I used to have a feeling that Stefan was some sort of ironic comedian playing a part
But he just looks exactly like what he believes too much not to be genuine
Does he not know how society worked in 1950s America? No one is that clueless
Blacks could live in America, it was post-race
You didn't know about the New Black Panther Party?
Too bad it's garbage
I'm just saying they exist. Their website is atrocious.
Due to a lot of shit there will never be another like the original again though I can tell you that