Daily News Thread 1/21

Trump Reverses Obama's Mortgage Fee Cuts on First Day

The new administration on Friday said it’s canceling a reduction in the Federal Housing Administration’s annual fee for most borrowers. The cut would have reduced the annual premium for someone borrowing $200,000 by $500 in the first year.

Trump signs executive order that could effectively gut Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate

President Trump signed an executive order late Friday giving federal agencies broad powers to unwind regulations created under the Affordable Care Act, which might include enforcement of the penalty for people who fail to carry the health insurance that the law requires of most Americans.

US to experience 'dangerous' global warming up to 20 years before most of the rest of the world

The heavily populated northeast will hit 3C of warming when the world average is at 2C, models predict.

Majority in U.S. Support Idea of Fed-Funded Healthcare System

Presented with three separate scenarios for the future of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), 58% of U.S. adults favor the idea of replacing the law with a federally funded healthcare system that provides insurance for all Americans.

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Kek, someon make a thread on a news boare

This is good evidence of the uselessness of liberalism and reformism unless it's continually backed up by a mass leftist movement

One day in and Trump is wasting no time enacting class warfare on the poor

You're doing really good work OP

well at least it will be warm-ish in the Northeast in winter for awhile before the US turns into a dust bowl.


How long until libshits stop saying this?


When the nukes drop

Stop the presses


Pretty sure nukes are a fear-porn lie and never existed

These info/news threads would be much better without all these cringey oriental fetish arts as their pic.

Would you look at that opportunity!

Maybe "global" warming can be advertised as "American warming!"

You could get republican voters to think about the climate, too!


This is right but misleading which raises suspicion and gives denialists validity. Warming rates are fastest toward the poles so while the Northern states will have faster warming than more Southern regions, they could have easily used Canada instead. There's clearly an agenda pushed with this sentence.

You're posting on a Chinese imageboard, what the fuck were you expecting ?

Which executive orders did Trump sign on Day One

executive actionones

Uno:Twitter my shit eating smile

Duo:grab intern by pussy

Tres:Call to thank Putin with secret phone

cuatro:hire whores to piss on bed where Obama slept

cinco:Play with shiny red button

Please don't stop posting these threads OP

and please make them everyday


Im not happy about his, but in all honesty, these cuts have only been in affect 10 days or so. Obama just did it to make himself look good. He knew Trump would appeal it.

Finally. This needs to be done. Universal health care is def a positive, but forcing every US citizen to purchase insurance isnt the way this needs to be implemented

Fear porn.
Im not fully convinced that global warming is real inb4 leftypol'ers spam me with global warming images, although I do believe the best policy is to plan as if it were real (plan for the worst, hope for the best).

That's why we dropped one in world war II.

Because hydrogen bombs never existed. ICBMs are a silly creation of the liberal media. Its not like our nuclear infrastructure is guided by command codes written to floppy disk still

Is this the birth of an epic new meme?

so, you don't want facts, right? just feels?

Climate change explained, and the myths debunked: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL82yk73N8eoX-Xobr_TfHsWPfAIyI7VAP

Please educate yourself, you might not think it matters what you believe but it really does. Your actions reflect the beliefs you hold and your beliefs should always be shaped by logic and reason to make well informed decisions. The anti-intellectual movement ends person by person.

thank you, im watching it now

Im just not 100% convinced that the current climate change is entirely caused by human action. even some climate scientists are skeptics on this issue.
Once again, while im not convinced, I believe it should be planned for as if it is 100% real

im also not a scientist tho, so what do i know.

it should be.
Ill put some work in with GIMP in a little while and meme something together

It shouldn't be.

Holla Forums?

Linux, acutally.
gimp is the best image editor on linux.




got any source other than the lib establishment?

Do I have any source that ICBMs aren't real and that climatologists and the NOAA and NASA are wrong because you don't understand what the word liberal means or how things work in reality

It's happening

do you think the revolution will be televised? keep slurping porky fear cum faggot

sure. This was produced by a conservative think tank in the UK. Because, freak climate events are becoming so common that it may no longer be a viable strategy to continue to deny climate change.


if you think that the conservatives in the UK aren't liberal you need to read a fucking book



Do I have any source that ICBMs aren't real and that climatologists and the NOAA and NASA are wrong because you don't understand what the word liberal means or how things work in reality?

Do I?

this is all shit you've learned from porky's schools and porky's television and porky's newspaper. am I crazy for questioning it or are you crazy for not?

Actually its historical fact and record keeping, satellites, oceanic instruments, and actual facts.

Just like to add in there that it's facts.

Are you accusing the scientific community of being porky's bitch? I would sure hope you have some evidence to back up such a claim. The scientific community is the closest thing we have resembling communism and you should be ashamed for attacking them.

the 'scientific community' needs money and porky doesn't give handouts

Wtf I don't trust anyone but the internet now?

it's called critical thinking and this is the is a reason porky doesn't teach it in school

Wtf, I love people without any kind of peer review on the internet now!

Muh beautiful New England ;_;

I knew this winter was fucked up.

Oh yeah critical thinking, like the scientific method you mean? Or do you mean just following any blog that alligns with your previous beliefs? I always find it funny how those who do absolutely no scientific research claim to be so critical.

Thing with the ACA, is that while I find paying the mandate penalty personally onerous, I can respect the benefits (covering 25 year olds, expamding medicaid, pre-existing conditions, etc). And I don't trust Trump not to eliminate all the good, while leaving some form of Individual Mandate.

this is doublethink in action fam

Welp, time to leave Connecticut then

Which is kinda stupid, because global warming is, you know, global

The ones who would suffer from this applaud for this, because they think they seriously wouldn't.
The reason why the USA has two right-wing parties and carry on policies, and the lower income strat carry policies which simply don't make any sense, is because they either overestimate or underestimate their situation.

Its fucking +2 in the middle of January in lower Canada. That is definetly going to fuck with the farms here. If America suffers first, it might be due to the fact they guzzle the most oil.

Should have more catgirls at least.

I certainly hope not. Then against if climate chance sets in more before automation does it will certainly fuck with porky.

Is it me, or is that REALLY not a very large amount? If you're buying a $200k+ house, $500 in a year probably isn't really that big of a deal.

I've never purchased a house, or borrowed that much money, but it seems like that would be the case. Someone please correct me if I am wrong. Was this program cut because it costs the government more than it should to make this worthwhile?


Is this fear porn?




These SJW retards should know that banning porn will lead to more rape.

all they need to do is look at Worst Korea tbh

I was thinking of India, actually.

tankies are always awful even when they roll dubs

Did he sign any? He said his real "day one" was Monday.

It's bizarre, because even a fair bit of the Republican base is in favour of increased federal heath care and welfare spending. Their representatives, however, never go for it. Might it not be a good idea to start some kind of non-partisan group that stays away from cultural issues and lobbies both republicans and democrats in senate and congress further left on these issues? I know "sounds liberal lol", but at the same time it'd both improve the power and assertiveness of proles across the board and provide a kicking-off point for a broader wave of organization among working people. Every movement has to be tactically adaptable.

A lot of poorer people who tend more left on economics often don't vote, which is a serious problem for would-be leftist movements. As third parties are typically too shitty to actually get anything done, this particular lobbying approach might actually work by involving normal outsiders in political work without tying them to either of the parties. If it could deliver them concrete gains, then they might also be more inclined to be political without bringing them into either party's tent.

Just spitballing tho

Fear porn.

It is

Is this fear porn?

I want reddit to leave


Individual mandate deserved to get gutted. Good Riddance!

kill yourself.

This board was always scientifically literate. Back to Holla Forums, newfag.

It's half a months mortgage. Not a massive sum but more than most Americans have in their bank account.

People in the thread claiming that global warming is not real because it is "fear porn" seem to be the most frightened of the fact.


global warming is real, unironically saying you're scientifically literate is pure faggotry. Are you a meteorologist or physicist or ecologist or chemist?

Yes. Next time use Zone-tan

Nice pictures, faggot. No wonder you're a male feminist…