Daily reminder the EU is an emerging imperialist superpower.
Daily reminder Brexit and the "refugees problem" will not break the goal the European Bourgeoisie has been working toward for the last hundred years.
What will the future be, though?
I've highlighted candidate countries, candidate-to-candidate (association agreement) countries, and then a non-exhaustive list of countries that are or have been unstable/at war since 2010 and the military interventions of France and UK (the armed wings of the EU as of now). Just look how it forms a ring around the territory surrounded by the gray border, which is the border of a potential 2025 enlarged Europe.
What do you think will come next?
European Union
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Nah, it's an American puppet.
hurrr durrr im fucking retarded
All of EU's member states are still in, though. Plus, as you can see, a lot of EU foreign interventions are now done without the US, more European countries recognise Palestine. I think it's going to become way more obvious with Trump at the head of the USA enacting Russian-friendly policies (which is something most EU member states fear).
So tell me, how does the Eu destruction help? because US is moving more towards fascism, UK is going to become a tax haven shithole where the rich get richer and live there while the poor are fucked even more and Russia remains a strong fascist country with Putin.
If you believe EU getting power at this point is bad you are an idiot
How retarded are you, son?
The EU might not be perfect but the world is fucked since they are the last real big resistance against fascism
I don't believe it's bad, but I don't believe it's good either. Believing it's good is swallowing the pill of the new Pan-European ideology
The Pan-Europeanism is just the sauce masking the delectable flavor of rule by bankers and liberal elites. I'd be all aboard with a European superstate, the problem is everything else.
Neoliberalism is fascism you fucking moron.
They are inadvertently fuelling fascism with their retarded policies and provocations against the nation-state.
says the nazbol.
In fact, here is the real imperial machine of the EU in africa, the franc zone, a legacy of the french colonial empire.
The EU is a neo-liberal institution. But this is a neo-liberal world, and you can't escape hegemony. Destroying the EU does not create something better, it just clears the way for something worse. In the power vacuum of a post-EU Europe, the neolib administrators will come in and you can look forward to going the way of the brits. Towards a world where states cease to have any power (which is a BAD thing because they're the only institution which people have at least some say in) and became bootlickers to the techno-reason of capital.
Democracy in the EU was a far off dream, but it was something.
Tbh Africa's situation is quite similar to that of South America (especially 30+ years ago): the backyard of a superpower, with no real independence, constant unstability, pillaged resources, etc. Except they speak French and English instead of Spanish.
Supporting the EU is a waste of political energy. International communist parties are what we need, not bourgeois "democracy." The EU is enabling fascism throughout Europe and for that reason alone it should not be protected.
But Germany will be the first big lapdog to turn its back on the USA and drop the Russian sanctions.
Inb4 accelerationist retards screaming "HAVING REACTIONARY POPULISTS IN POWER IS A GOOD THING!!!"
The EU gives power to those people by destroying the future of entire generations on a regular basis through austerity (or the indirect threat of austerity/fiscal reform.) The "lesser of two evils" argument is fucking stupid.
That would have been the case 20 years ago, but I'm not sure it still is today, or will be in 5-6 years. Remember when the USA invaded Iraq in 2003, France and Germany were firmly against. Quite a change from 1991.
Maybe NATO will eventually disappear, too.
Beats status quo warhawks masquerading as the left.
All the burgers in here who don't understand that EU is the only way to be independant from Russia and USA.
But Europe's future is under Russia. If Trump leads the way for the US to gtfo, Germany will be delighted. They can be the workshop making Mercedes for the Russians and they'll share Eastern Europe.
Really? Didn't you just start allowing HFCS into Europe despite the overwhelming health concerns?
Russia hasn't got the economic power to impose its will on any part of Europe. Ukraine is a prime example of that.
Russia isn't the USSR anymore.
Ok Putin.
It is supposed to happen if the Europe-USA free trade agreement happen, which is unlikely with the civil resistance to it all accross europe and Trump.
Trump is the final pavement of EU independance, I hope. Lastly, Euro diplomacy started to look at China as a new ally if USA were to leave us.
Are you mad? The EU could never invade Russia, but Russia could never invade the EU. Russia are robust with what they have but several EU members are amongst the biggest arms dealers on the planet.
I personally can't wait till the euro army becomes a thing. I hope they have a foreign legion so I can join.
It won't be russian tanks rolling across the borders, ofc.
Just that in the interest of international cooperation in a multipolar world and so on, a few adjustments and economic rationalizations will have to be made.
In effect bringing the living standards and social models of the EU closer to China and Russia as they gain clout around the world while Europe loses it.
Daimler and Suez will get colossal new contracts, oil money will buy castles in Provence instead of London flats, and all will be well.
The fact that the Russian elite is hobnobbing with EU bureaucrats in Davos is more worrying actually. The envelopes from Kremlin are no longer going to communist parties, but lobbyists in Brussels.
You are making some seriously flawed assumption about how politics works friend. Unless Trump steps in those agreements will happen. Capital demands it.
I don't see where's the problem, tbh.
This. The most important difference between Trump and Clinton this 2016 elections wasn't whether one was progressive or the other grabbed pussies or whatever memes we saw on Facebook, but rather their stances on foreign policy.
Clinton would have continued the anti-Russia fight, whereas Trump is going to get Russia under America's umbrella against China.
It only makes sense that the other big competitor of the US, the European Union would preemptively close ties with China as a potential future ally.
Plus, Russia stands in the way of European expansion. There's the Kaliningrad oblast, right in the middle of Europe.
You can bet we're going to get "educated" by pro-EU media on Karelia and the Ukrainian lands in southern Russia. A potential independence of that region would complete a "European ring" around the Black Sea, provided that Turkey (already candidate), Ukraine and Georgia (on their way to be candidates, as recognized by the EU) join the Union.
Military budgets are increasing in pretty much all European countries.
Capital is not some kind of unified alien class. It has special interest too. I don't think big farmer of europe will support that in any way.
Also, the civil resistance is pretty big, and as CETA showed us, even a little government could stop a free trade agreement.
They literally cannot even get a majority of their member states to pay for their own militaries.
This will never happen.
in other hand, turkey cannot join europe if Erdogan is in office, I think the coup d'état in july was to get him out and integrate turkey into europe.
I don't really have a problem with Europe and Russia having closer ties, but I wish they would both get rid of their ruling classes. I doubt we will ever see people like Lenin again, just idiot politicians and shitbag businessmen.
leave this board and go for a long walk off a short pier
It's a very strange positive feedback loop.
I really do not understand these people.
I think europe will go farther left on the next european legislative election. Far right usually don't even take place in those elections, and left is growing everywhere, not to mention Italy and belgium (in fact only southern belgium) who will go full far left during their next election.
Also Trump will never be president.
This could have perfectly be a reason for that. I think we should not rule out the possiblity of a mild civil war, similar to that in Ukraine, in Turkey starting in the next 6 months or so. After that, a potential integration in the EU alongside Ukraine.
Actually the FN won in France in those elections in 2014.
Shiet meant to mention
Evidence? Also EU """elections""" don't count since it isn't a democratic body (even by bourgeois standards.)
What I mean is that a majority in the EU parliamant cannot integrate far right movement, they are there only to shitpost.
In what the European Parliamant isn't democratic ? Also the chief of the european commission is the head of the euro group who has the most MEP, he is somewhat democratically elected.
The moment Turkey joins will be the moment the EU breaks up, it's way more radical than Trump.
Oh, my bad. I thought this was another reddit refugees bitching about Trump thread.
Turkey cannot join with Erdogan, Everyone even in the european commission understood that.
And you say that based on…?
Remember some people in France used to think the same way when the UK joined the EU.
The Neonazis wouldn't be there if the EU weren't ruining the European economy for the working classes of non-eastern Europe.
The mood in all EU members is way worse than France vs UK.
De Gaulle vetoed UK entry two times, every national government will be facing mass protests to veto, I doubt even Germany has the clout to pull that off. I'm not even that sure they want it.
What Neo-nazis are you talking about? As far as I can tell they're all pro-European in some way, just not pro-EU.
Getting pretty tired of seeing this shit. Some things just are not going to happen and the electoral success of some politician has fuck-all to do with it.
Please stop, parties like the FN and Golden Dawn are Russian shills and get millions of funding from Russian banks, they wouldn't have a platform otherwise.
I never said that.
All the money in the world can't make people buy into awful ideas. The people want change and the center-left isn't giving it to them. The left is too weak so the people are resorting to extremist right-wing bullshit parties. It has nothing to do with Russia and everything to do with the failure of neoliberalism. THIS IS ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT. Stop pretending otherwise.
Based on what are you saying that?
Interestingly enough, with the USA going pro-Russia, and with Le Pen's support for the American government, this pretty much transforms the anti-EU parties into (indirect) pro-USA parties.
In other words, one of the (future) most visible points of EU-USA growing antagonism.
Sentiment here in europe (not the writer of the message you quote)
Shit my flag.
Momentum are coming for that toothbrush, bucko.
Are you comparing Trump supporters with Euroskeptics? Because they've got nothing to do with each other. Plus, accusing liberals of being to blame for Trump's victory is stupid as well. The young, meme-exposed, college-attending electorate that supposedly should have been the most antagonistic to SJWs is precisely the electorate that voted the most for Clinton.
I'm "here in Europe", but I honestly don't see such an anti-Turkish sentiment.
You know someone who is for the adhesion of turkey into europe ? It's like a non issue, no one speak about that as a serious thing to happen
If turkey joins then a whole bunch of moderates are going to want out. If France leaves it's all over for the EU.
Rope yourself liberal scum.
nigger please the russian donations have had minimal effects.
heck look at the baltic countries and their nationalist and populist equidalents wich are both succesfull and anti-russian/putin