What is the general ideology of this board?

What is the general ideology of this board?

In a small summary without using words like communism, in general.

For example Holla Forums in general can be described as some really close minded emotional people who want to create a society that everyone is forced to follow that close minded role and hate any form of deviancy, which sooner or later means they are going to fight with each other for who is the less "degenera.te". In other words full fascism.

What does this board stand for? Because i hear about communism, then about anarchism and anarchism alone sounds incredibly stupid because without a set number of rules at least humans will fuck shit up sooner or later. And discrimination and fascism will still exist because anyone different will be discriminated against for simply being different since humans are retarded and will always fear the different

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Damn that's a good joke.



I definitely don't speak for this board and I know I'm in a minority here but I'm a national-syndicalist.

if you didn't post with a nazbol flag I am far more sympathetic to national-syndicalism

Broadly its about 50/50 Libertarian/Authoritarian, maybe 60% lib.

There's a bunch of ML's a couple third way people and then there's also a bunch of ancoms and some nihilists and couple individualists

That's about as general as you can be but it doesn't really tell you much

You sound politically illiterate


There are rules.

That is why i said without definitions

2 lazy to read

this board is generally comprised of individuals who desperately need to check my flair, including you OP

You're supposed to link a book.

Philosophical knife-fightings.

Anarchy does not mean no rules or no organisations, its like everyone chooses his ideology solely on their slogans.

Platformism, Anarcho-Syndicalism, Communalism is a thing, not everyone is a stirnerfag.

Radical post-left intersectional inclusive social democracy

That's a lot of words for Nazi'

pls no.

Not a hivemind. If you want to know what we're about, just lurk for a while.

Were are a collective, it even says in the title. Here's a poll of leftypol's beliefs;

Isn't national syndicalist more of a socialist nazi

It was one of the weird mishmash beginnings of early fash

I think the only view that actually everyone here share is our opposition to private property.

It's impossible for us to have a general ideology, the only thing everyone on here agree with (or should agree) it's that capitalism is really, really bad and should be replaced with something else.

We mainly argue amongst ourselves about how how to reach communism and what is best socialism.
We're not very cohesive, but we try to maintain solidarity despite our differences, since we all oppose capitalism



This board is consisted by a bunch of petty-bourg college kids that larp about worker emancipation while having worked exactly 0 days in their life

most of them haven't read any theory, not even the basics like capital. also, if you stick around long enough you'll realize that 50% of the posts are shitty b8

Nice projection bro

how ironic

The liberation and empowerment of black people.

Here's some jpegs explaining the general idea of Socialism, fam.

Pretty much the opposite of Holla Forums so no idpol autism like people caring about gender, skin color sexuality, people are free to be who they are, it is their choice.

And purely against capitalism as in the dangerous slope that leads to huge companies abusing people for their own profit while giving only scraps back, the work is done by the workers and they all share the success and profits, not some higher up